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Minutes for January 10, 2011

The Faculty Senate of Eastern Kentucky University met on Monday, January 10, 2011, in the South Ballroom of the Keen Johnson Building. Senator Taylor called the fourth meeting of the academic year to order at approximately 3:30 p.m.

The following members of the Senate were absent:

F. Awang* A. Back L. DeBolt
G. Gorbett* J. Hensley J. Lowry*^
C. Park* A. Poffenberger*^ L. Rincker*^
D. Smith*^ L. Wray  

*Indicates prior notification of absence to the Faculty Senate Secretary
^ ALT Rob Weise attended for J. Lowry
^ ALT Socorro Zaragoza attended for A. Poffenberger
^ ALT Cheryl Friend attended for L. Rincker
^ ALT Laurel Morton attended for D. Smith

Visitors to the Senate: Carol Gabbard, Education; Shannon Means, Office of Exec VP, Admin.; Randy Peffer, Madison County Schools; Bill Phillips, COE; Jerry Pogatshnik, Graduate Education & Research


The December 6 minutes were approved with the following correction.

On page 3 in the last paragraph of the Executive Committee report, change references made to the Rules Committee to the Rights and Responsibilities Committee.


Senator Whitlock thanked faculty for their flexibility in dealing with the inclement weather situation during final exams.

The legislature met last week to organize and to elect leadership; and their work will continue beginning the first week of February. One of the most significant issues in this legislature will be how the General Assembly deals with the maintenance of effort issue which must be fulfilled before postsecondary and elementary secondary education can claim any funds from the EduBucks program.

Senator Tim Shaughnessy was not re-appointed to the Senate Education Committee. Therefore, that may have some impact on the proposed legislation he had been pursuing, such as the time to-degree proposal.

Senator Jared Carpenter was appointed to the Senate Education Committee, the Senate Appropriations and Revenue Committee, and he is the chair of the Education Sub Committee of the Senate Appropriations and Revenue Committee on Education.

Rita Smart was appointed to the House Education Committee and she serves as the House Education Committee's liaison to the Budget Sub Committee on Postsecondary Education in the Senate Appropriations and Revenue Committee.

At last Friday's meeting, the Strategic Planning Council approved the proposed key performance indicators. Senator Whitlock plans to share that information with the Board of Regents on January 26. The Board and the university community will be given an opportunity to provide feedback and input.

The Council on Postsecondary Education is in the process of developing a strategic agenda for Postsecondary Education in Kentucky; and it appears that this document will focus heavily on students' success, regional stewardship and economic development.

On January 24, the Governor has invited each institutional president, Board chair and vice chair to lunch to discuss his higher education agenda for this legislative session, among other things.

In February, Senator Whitlock has been invited to be the president member of the SACS re affirmation team at Texas Southern University in Houston. Since that visit is scheduled during the week of February 7th, he will have to miss the next Senate meeting.


Budget Committee Election. Senator Thieme was nominated and approved by acclamation to fill the vacancy on the Budget Committee.

Promotion & Tenure Policy Discussion. The revised Promotion and Tenure draft was shared with the senators for discussion and feedback. The senators were urged to share that information with their colleagues. Any concerns or questions should be sent to the Rights & Responsibilities Committee. (see also: Summary of Changes & Comparison of Current & Proposed)

Senator McKenney moved to have the AAUP review the draft policy and provide feedback on any areas that might be problematic or contrary to AAUP policy, seconded by Senator Day. Motion carried.

Senator Taylor announced that, at his suggestion, the Rights & Responsibilities Committee will bring the P&T changes forward in increments for approval.

Report from Council on Academic Affairs - Senator Vice

Program Revisions - Reducing Hours Required to Graduate

  1. Construction Management B.S.
    Decrease the number of credit hours from 128 to 120. Add MAT 117.
    Add FIN 310 as an alternative to ACC 201

    Program Revisions

  1. Graduate School Theses and Dissertations
  2. Graduate School Admission Requirements ­Transcripts
  3. Graduate School Admission Requirements ­Application Form
  4. Master of Arts in Education ­Elementary Education
    Revise course requirements, and exam/exit requirements to meet KY EPSB requirements for the Kentucky Teacher Leader Endorsement.
  5. Master of Arts in Education ­Middle Grade Education
    Revise admission requirements, course requirements, and exam/exit requirements to meet KY EPSB requirements for the Kentucky Teacher Leader Endorsement.
  6. Master of Arts in Education ­Reading/Writing
    Revise General Information, admission requirements, and course requirements to meet KY EPSB requirements for the Kentucky Teacher Leader Endorsement.
  7. Master of Arts in Education ­Library Science
    Revise General Information, admission requirements, and course requirements to meet KY EPSB requirements for the Kentucky Teacher Leader Endorsement
  8. Master of Arts in Education ­Secondary Education
    Revise admission requirements, course requirements, and exam/exit requirements to meet KY EPSB requirements for the Kentucky Teacher Leader Endorsement.
  9. Master of Arts in Education ­Gifted Education
    Revise admission requirements, course requirements,and exam/exit requirements to meet KY EPSB requirements for the Kentucky Teacher Leader Endorsement.
  10. Master of Arts in Education ­Instructional Leadership
    Revise admission requirements and course requirements within program to comply with EPSB requirements.
  11. Teacher Leader Endorsement
    Update courses in the program per EPSB's recommendation.
  12. Master of Arts in Education ­Special Education
    Revise admission requirements for each option; Revise course requirements to meet KY EPSB requirements for Kentucky Teacher Leader Endorsement.
  13. Sociology B.A.
    Drop SOC 460 and 461 from program listing. Reduce the total number of sociology credits needed for a degree from 36 to 30. Reduce the number of upper division elective credit hours required by sociology majors from 15 to 12. Increase the Free Electives from 35 to 41.
  14. Art/Studio Options B.F.A.
    Make editorial changes, drop courses ARH 594 and 595,and add new course ARH 464
  15. Art B.A.
    1. Separate Art Ed. and Liberal Art Options to create a 120 credit hour Liberal Art Option; 2. Change ART 360,460 to AED 360,460; 3. Add ART 560; 4. Drop ARH 594 and 595; 5. Add ARH 464.
  16. Minor in Art History
    Add the list of courses available in the minor.
  17. Computer Science B.S.
    Update changes in course offerings in departmental and supporting courses; Prepare Computer Forensics and Security option for Accreditation.
  18. Minor in Computer Science
    Update Minor with current course offerings.
  19. Associate of General Studies (A.G.S.): Computer Networking Systems Concentration
    Establish a Concentration in Computer Networking for the Associate of General Studies degree program.
  20. Associate of General Studies (A.G.S.): Electricity & Electronics Concentration
    Establish a Concentration in Electricity and Electronics for the Associate of General Studies degree program.
  21. Associate of General Studies (A.G.S.): Journalism Concentration
    Create a Journalism area of concentration for the university's Associate of General Studies degree. Request students take COM 200 or 200W under Block VII in general education.
  22. Broadcasting & Electronic Media B.A.
    Revise hours required within Options, Major Requirements, and revise course requirements within the program.
  23. Communication Studies B.A.
    Restructure the Communication Studies curriculum and to reduce the required hours for the major from 48 to 45.
  24. Journalism B.A.
    Allow JOU majors to have a minor in Broadcasting and Electronic Media.
  25. Master of Business Administration
    Change the Program Requirements by taking the "Exit Requirement" out of electives area and use as subtitle on its own. Add Exit Requirement statement to both Options under Program Requirements. Change the text in Exit Requirements indicating "comprehensive exam" is now "Knowledge Test Exit Exam (KTEE)" and some other wordage.
  26. Business and Marketing Education/Teaching B.S.
    Remove two hours of free electives from the B.S. in Business and Marketing Education/Teaching major requirements. Eliminate statement "Professional Skills Seminar" from College Requirements. Alphabetize courses in requirements where needed.

Action Items:

  1. Requirements for Readmission, Revision
  2. Middle College, Memorandum of Agreement between Eastern Kentucky University and Madison County Schools

Information Items:

The Council approved the following items in the November CAA meeting:

  1. Declaring a Program of Study, Change of Major
  2. Academic Integrity, Policy Revision

Senator Vice moved approval of item 1, seconded by Senator Richardson. Motion carried.

Senator Vice moved approval of items 2-27, seconded by Senator Day. Motion carried.

Senator Vice moved approval of item 28, seconded by Senator Day. Motion carried.

Senator Vice moved approval of item 29, seconded by Senator Biggin. Motion carried.

Items 30-31 were introduced as informational items and will come back to the Senate for action at a later date.



Senator Taylor thanked Senator Noblitt for assuming the chair's duties during his absence in December.

Thanks to the $465 million dollars in proceeds received from a bond issued by the Commonwealth of Kentucky and purchased by private investors, the KTRS pension funds are now in good shape.

As it's mid-year, it's time for Senate committees to begin reporting on their charges to the Executive Committee and the Senate.

Senator Taylor remarked that as of yet, the Financial Planning Council has neither discussed a salary increase or prepared for the annual one to six percent cut from the state budget. Therefore, he has requested Karen Neubauer, Chair of FPC, to include on the next FPC agenda a salary increase for faculty and staff in one of three forms: a percentage increase, a percentage and flat increase, or a flat increase across the board. She has responded that it will be on the next agenda, as well as the impact a salary increase would have on strategic funding.

EKU Dining plans to have a dining focus group on January 25th at 3pm in the Powell conference room and needs 8-15 faculty and staff members to participate. Anyone interested in participating should contact Senator Taylor.


The next Board meeting will be on Wednesday, January 26.


Senator Vice thanked the faculty for participating last semester in the Early Alert and "Use It or Lose It" process and encouraged them to participate in the process this semester.

On the topic of student success, Senator Vice shared a list of recommendations for best practices from a 2010 SREB study.

In an update on Senate Bill I, Senator Vice shared the following. With the aid of a $200,000 grant from CPE, EKU's Teaching and Learning Center is establishing interdisciplinary, faculty learning communities, aimed at:

  1. aligning student learning outcomes in introductory courses with Kentucky Core Content Standards.
  2. and ensuring teacher education programs are preparing new teachers to enter K-12 classrooms.

Regional stewardship efforts include the following:

  1. numerous activities with education extension agents who are housed in the College of Education
  2. math transition program to remediate students in high school
  3. NSF Grant to construct a comprehensive strategic plan for a Biological Field Station

During March 28-April 1, 2011, EKU will hold a "Celebration of Scholarship and Research Week."

The Teaching and Learning Center will sponsor a professional learning community focusing on scholarship. The group will meet from 8:30am-9:30am in the Faculty Lounge of the Keen Johnson Building on the following Fridays: January 14 & 28, February 11 & 25, and March 18.

Senator Vice will meet with the General Education Committee on January 27th to discuss House Bill 160 and the Eastern Experience.

Faculty are invited to lunch on Wednesday following each Senate meeting to continue discussion from the Senate or open new topics to discuss. This month's luncheon will be Wednesday, January 12 at 11:45am outside the Faculty Dining Room. Please sign in with either cashier.


The Financial Planning Council met in December and discussed two main issues: tuition models and the faculty/staff scholarship program. The Council is reviewing a tuition model that would set tuition at a fixed rate for incoming students as long as they enroll in at least fifteen-semester hours per semester. On faculty/staff scholarships, there are concerns that the program is growing very rapidly. So the Council is reviewing the costs and discussing measures such as setting a minimum GPA and limiting non-academic continuing education courses to one a semester. Fixed cost items will be reviewed this month.

The Strategic Planning Council has developed 38 key performance indicators. These should be posted on the Institutional Effectiveness website by next Monday. Please review the KPIs and provide feedback.


Academic Quality Committee. Senator Shordike reported on the findings of the faculty survey which asked for feedback on the committee charges and shared the committee's recommendations based on those findings.

Senator Shordike moved the following, seconded by Senator Nelson.

Under item 2 (Investigate ways to improve advising; propose and vet policy if appropriate.)

The Academic Quality of the Faculty Senate recommends that a pan University Committee, with representation from all interested parties including the Advising office, the Committee of Chairs, faculty, students, and others, be formed to address problems and inconsistencies with advising and propose an overall, general University policy regarding advising.

Senator Day made a friendly amendment to add the words "assessed and" after "Advising workload must be"under item 2, bullet point 3 in the committee's full report.

Senator Frisbie moved to amend the main motion to ask the Provost to create the pan university committee, seconded by Senator Johnson. The motion to amend carried.

The main motion in its amended state was approved.

The AQC was charged with investigating the possibility of moving the reporting date of mid-term grades to the seventh week of the semester and moving the last day to drop to the eighth week of the semester. In addition they were also charged to investigate requiring 100 and 200 level classes to have some graded work returned to students by the fourth week of school. Senator Shordike announced that the committee plans to formulate a motion to include both of these issues at the next Senate meeting.

On exploring the option of posting faculty syllabi on the web, the committee recommended that course syllabi may be posted on departmental or faculty websites at the discretion of the department and faculty. Senator Taylor suggested that the committee consider the library's digital repository as a means for posting syllabi and to bring recommendations to the next Executive Committee meeting.

Committee on Committees. Senator Butler reported that the committee is preparing the annual survey of faculty for self nominations to university committees and should have that distributed by February or March.

New Senator Orientation. Senator Rainey announced that any new senators may contact her to receive a Faculty Senate notebook.

Rights and Responsibilities Committee. Senator J. Palmer reminded that the committee is seeking comments, suggestions or concerns about the proposed promotion and tenure policy.


Senator Vice moved to adjourn at approximately 5:00 p.m.

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