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Minutes for May 7, 2012 (Organizational Meeting)

The Faculty Senate of Eastern Kentucky University met on Monday, May 7, 2012, in the South Ballroom of the Keen Johnson Building. Senator Noblitt called the organizational meeting of the academic year to order at approximately 5:40 p.m.


Senate Chair Election.  Senator Pressley was nominated at April's meeting.  Senator Pressley was unanimously elected to serve as chair for the 2012-2013 academic year.

At this point, Senator Noblitt officially turned the meeting over to Senator Pressley.

Senate Vice-Chair Election.  Senator Palmer was nominated at April's meeting.  Senator Palmer was unanimously elected to serve as vice-chair for the 2012-2013 academic year. 

Committee Elections

  • Elections & University Nominations Committee (1 vacancy)
    (former Elections Committee and Committee on Committees combined)
    Senators Bob Johnson and Ismail El-Amouri were nominated.  Senator Johnson was elected.
  • Academic Quality Committee (3 vacancies)
    Senators Gill Hunter, Louisa Summers and Bob Karolich were nominated and accepted by acclamation.
  • Budget Committee (3 vacancies)
    Senators Mathew Cropper, Anne Kipp, and William Hatcher were nominated and accepted by acclamation.
  • Executive Committee (6 vacancies)
    Senators Ida Slusher, Kirk Jones, Paula Kopacz, Richard Day, Shirley O’Brien, and Ryan Sharp were nominated and accepted by acclamation.
  • Rights & Responsibilities Committee (2 vacancies)
    Senators Helyne Frederick and Karen Maloley were nominated and accepted by acclamation.
  • Rules Committee (3 vacancies)
    Senators Shirley O’Brien, Allyn White, and Stephanie Adams were nominated and accepted by acclamation.
  • Welfare Committee (3 vacancies)
    Senators Amanda Lewis, Teri Nowak, and Ismail El-Amouri were nominated and accepted by acclamation.
  • COSFL (1 rep & 2 alternates needed)
    Senators Louisa Summers, Barnardo Scarambone, and April Brumfield were nominated. Senator Summers was elected to serve as the COSFL representative, with Senators Scarambone and Brumfield elected to serve as alternates.


The meeting adjourned at approximately 6:15 p.m.

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