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Minutes for May 1, 2023 (Organizational Meeting)

The Faculty Senate of Eastern Kentucky University met remotely on Monday, May 1, 2023, via Zoom. Chair Crosby called the organizational meeting to order at approximately 5:45 p.m. 

The following members were absent: P. Calie, V. Chandra, B. Clark*^, M. Emanuel*, D. Fifer, J. Hensley, M. Henton, J. Keller, M. Manning, J. Mayer, J. McCardle, S. McGuffin*, J. Palmer, J. Price, L. Rowe, A. Sexten, E. Stevenson*, C. Streetman

* Denotes prior noticiation of absence
^ ALT Matt Sabin attended for B. Clark


Senate Chair Election.  Senator Kay was nominated at the April meeting and elected today to serve as chair for the 2023-2024 academic year. 
(YES = 36 votes | NO = 0 votes | ABSTAIN = 0 votes) (See also: Individual Votes)

Immediately following the Senate Chair election, Senator Kay officially began her duties as the new chair.

Senate Vice-Chair Election.  Senators Blair and Brent were nominated at the April meeting.  Senator Blair was elected to serve as vice chair for the 2023-2024 academic year.  (Blair = 24 votes | Brent = 14 votes) (See also: Individual Votes)

Committee Elections

  • Academic Quality Committee (3 vacancies)

    Senators Buck, Cogdill, and Hasan self-nominated. Senator Jones moved to close nominations and accept by acclamation, seconded by Senator Howell.

  • Board of Governors (2 vacancies)

    Senators Grabeel and Hartch self-nominated. Senator Crosby moved to close nominations and accept by acclamation, seconded by Senator Buck.

  • Budget Committee (3 vacancies)

    Senators Feltus, Howell and Lauk self-nominated.  Senator Walz moved to close nominations and accept by acclamation, seconded by Senator Moore.)

  • Elections & University Nominations Committee (1 vacancy)

    Senators Abdelhay, Brooks, and Cogdill self-nominated. Senator Dieckmann moved to close nominations, seconded by Senator Moore.  Senator Brooks was elected to fill the vacancy.

    (Abdelhay = 10 votes | Brooks = 14 votes | Cogdill = 13 votes) (See also: Individual Votes)

  • Executive Committee (2 vacancies)

    Senator Crosby nominated Senator Brent and Senators Dieckmann and Lauk self-nominated. Senator Bishop-Ross moved to close nominations, seconded by Senator Rico-Godoy.  

    (Brent = 20 votes | Dieckmann = 20 votes | Lauk = 32 votes) (See also: Individual Votes)

    As there was a tie for the second vacancy, a run-off election was held.
    (Brent = 22 votes | Dieckmann = 13 votes) (See also: Individual Votes)

    Senators Brent and Lauk were elected to fill the vacancies.

  • Faculty Rights & Responsibilities Committee (3 vacancies)

    Senator Crosby nominated Senator Streetman and Senators Ginn and Rico-Godoy self-nominated. Senator Buck moved to close nominations and accept by acclamation, seconded by Senator Dieckmann.

    Senator Crosby later withdrew Senator Streetman’s name as he already serves on two Senate Committees. Senators Moore and Walz self-nominated for the vacancy. Senator Dieckmann moved to close nominations, seconded by Senator Rico-Godoy.

    (Moore = 13 votes | Walz = 20 votes) (See also: Individual Votes)

    Senators Ginn, Rico-Godoy, and Walz were elected to fill the vacancies.

  • Faculty Welfare Committee (2 vacancies)

    Senators Dodd, Moore and Walz self-nominated. Senator Bishop-Ross moved to close nominations, seconded by Senator Merrick.

    (Dodd = 7 votes | Moore = 14 votes | Walz = 15 votes) (See Also: Individual Votes

    Senators Moore and Walz were elected to fill the vacancies.

  • Information Technology Committee (3 vacancies)

    Senators Abdelhay, Easterling, and Ginn self-nominated. Senator Jones moved to close nominations and accept by acclamation, seconded by Senator Walz.  

  • Rules Committee (3 vacancies)

    Senator Abdelhay nominated Senator Rowe and Senators Bishop-Ross and Dieckmann self-nominated. Senator Crosby moved to close nominations and accept by acclamation, seconded by Senator Walz.

  • COSFL (1 rep & 2 alternates needed)

    Senator Feltus self-nominated to serve as the COSFL representative and Senators Cogdill and Spira self-nominated to serve as alternates. Senator Dieckmann moved to close nominations and accept by acclamation, seconded by Senator Jones.


Senator Crosby moved to adjourn at appoximately 6:30 p.m., seconded by Senator Rico-Godoy.

click here for printable version of minutes

(See also: Polling Results by Senators)

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