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Minutes for May 3, 1999 (Regular & Organizational)

The Faculty Senate of Eastern Kentucky University met on Monday, May 3, 1999 in the South Room of the Keen Johnson Building.  Senate Chair Karen Janssen called the last meeting of the academic year to order at 3:30 p.m.

The following members of the Senate were absent:

S. Butler D. Smith G. Denham*
D. Quillen C. Lewis J. Levine
J. Culross* R. Powers* M. LeVan
R. Thompson E. Caldwell* M. Patrick*
J. Greene-Baker N. MacKinnon*  

*denotes prior notification of absence to the Faculty Senate Secretary

Visitors to the Senate were: Julie Brown, Medical Services Technology; Doug Burnham, Anthropology, Sociology & Social Work; Karen Carey, Institutional Research; Gary Cordner, Law Enforcement; Brenda Damon, Administration, Counseling & Educational Studies; Virginia Falkenberg, Psychology; Ordelle Hill, English; Sandy Hunter, Emergency Medical Care; Dawn Jackson, Health Information; Alice Jones, Geography and Planning; Reid Luhman, Anthropology, Sociology & Social Work; Nancy McKenney, Libraries; Donna Masters, Grants & Contracts; Tom Myers, Student Affairs; Rebecca Newsom, Medical Services Technology; Jane Rainey, Government; Joy Renfro, Medical Services Technology; Jaleh Rezaie, Mathematics, Statistics & Computer Science; Robert Rogow, College of Business and Technology; Pam Schlomann, Baccalaureate Nursing; Guenter Schuster, Biological Sciences; Karen Spears, Art; Aaron Thompson, Anthropology, Sociology & Social Work; and Ka-Wing Wong, Mathematics, Statistics & Computer Science


Senator Janssen called for additions or corrections to the minutes of April 5, 1999. There being none, the minutes were approved as distributed.


President Kustra reported on several matters of faculty concern. He recently received a communication from Dr. Gordon Davies, president of the Council on Postsecondary Education (CPE), stating that according to SB 11, which was enacted by the 1998 Kentucky General Assembly, all public postsecondary institutions are to report to the CPE their efforts to develop a system of post-tenure review. The CPE is also charged to conduct a status review of those efforts and report their findings to the Interim Committee on Education. Dr. Kustra mentioned that Eastern is well on its way to establishing a system of post-tenure review. The Post-tenure Review Committee which the Faculty Senate approved in March has already met once. The president concluded his remarks by mentioning that he had just met EKU's Foundation Professors to listen to their ideas and concerns about the direction in which Eastern is moving. He continued by stating that he felt his first year at Eastern has been "a very good year" but not without a few bumps in the road. He is looking forward to working with all campus constituencies this coming year in a spirit of cooperation.


Senator Janssen spent considerable time thanking a great many persons on campus who provided her with help during her second and last year as chair of the Faculty Senate. She specifically mentioned the extraordinary support she received from the Executive Committee (Rita Davis, John Flanagan, John Harley, Phyllis Murray, Allan Banks, and Barbara Sowders), Vice President Russell Enzie who served on the committee for one and a half years, and Senate standing and ad hoc committees. She also thanked the media, in particular the Eastern Progress, for devoting more coverage to Senate activities than in previous years. In addition, she mentioned the great assistance provided by parliamentarian Dr. Paul Blanchard and the secretary of the Senate, Mr. Charles Hay and his student assistant, Shawn Stamper. Senator Janssen, also thanked her Department Chair, Dr. Marty Diebold, who did not complain about the amount of time she spent on Senate affairs.

Senator Janssen concluded by saying that: "I hold one person responsible for increasing the challenges of chairing this Senate. Even though the complexities of this role were so greatly enhanced by his coming to EKU, I truly believe that Faculty Senate, Faculty-at-Large, and the entire EKU academic community have benefitted by Senator Kustra's support of faculty. This year we have debated important issues and passed a number of motions, because we knew that the university's administration would seriously consider any and all recommendations from the Faculty Senate. For the support and assistance you have given me and your support of faculty, I thank you, Bob Kustra."

Senator Janssen reported that the Executive Committee met on April 19, 1999, with all members present and Sue Strong, Connie Callahan, and Doug Burnham as guests for the first part of the meeting. The Executive Committee discussed two items that should be considered as priorities for the next academic year. Next year's Budget Committee should meet early and often with President Kustra and other administrators for exchanges of information throughout the budgeting process. Second, the Executive Committee has heard from faculty for several years about the need for the university to take a firm stand in writing against discrimination based on sexual orientation.


Senator Flanagan "moved that the university amend its non-discrimination clause to include the phrase 'sexual orientation' In all appropriate locations in university documents." Senator Banks seconded the motion. Senator Rink moved to postpone discussion on this motion until the fall so that senators could get an opportunity to discuss this issue more fully with their colleagues. On advise from the parliamentarian, the Chair ruled that since the Senate had no advanced information about the motion and it is now on the floor, the motion will be considered at the September meeting of the Faculty Senate.


Senator Merita Thompson briefly reported on the recent meeting of the Board of Regents. Aside from information which appeared in the media, the Regents spent considerable time in an open dialogue discussing the ramifications and implications of reorganization. Other pertinent issues discussed at the meeting included retention and the freshman year-experience, appropriations for connecting Eastern to Kentucky Commonwealth Virtual University, the institution of several exciting new academic initiatives such as a Center for Teaching Excellence and Learning and an Institute of Kentucky History and Politics, and faculty and staff dependent children scholarships. Senator Thompson also mentioned that the Board is planning a summer retreat in which, with assistance from a consulting firm, it will evaluate itself and the president.


Committee on Committees: Senator Taylor reported that the committee completed nominations for 1999-2000 committee assignments. The list of nominations will be forwarded to the president.

MOTION - Senator Taylor moved "that the Senate approve the following nominations to the Faculty Club Board of Governors: one-year-appointments: David Hufford and Joel Roitman, two-year-appointments: Ann Chapman and Dorie Combs, and three-year-appointments: Betsy Kurzinger and Margaret Willingham." Senator Harley seconded the motion, which was approved.

Committee on the Rules: Senator McCord reported that the committee had been extremely active during the academic year. The recently approved Senate Rules will be submitted to the Faculty-at-Large for their consideration at the Faculty Convocation in August. If approved, the rules will be published and distributed to Senate members at the September meeting.

MOTION - Senator McCord moved "approval of changes to the Internal Procedures of the Faculty Senate." Senator Barely seconded the motion, which was approved.

Committee on the Budget: Senator Rink reported that the committee recently distributed to the Senate a summary of the University 1998-1999 budget. While the committee failed to meet with President Kustra, it did meet with Mr. James Clark, Vice President for Governmental Relations and Planning, to discuss the budget process among various levels at the institution. At the request of the Senate Chair the committee examined what the steps are for formulating the annual budget at Eastern and how the faculty can provide added input into the budget process. A preliminary report was submitted to the Senate Chair stating that it was difficult to see any clear path for the flow of information into the budget process by faculty through a chain of command.

Committee on Faculty Rights and Responsibilities: Senator Rink reported that the committee considered a number of issues during the year which included sexual orientation, equal benefits for domestic partners, creation of a faculty workload model, tuition waivers and /or reduction of tuition at EKU for family members, and appeals procedures at Eastern. He offered several motions.

MOTION 1 - Senator Rink moved "that the Chair of the Faculty Senate appoint an ad hoc committee of five members to study, as well as make recommendations on, the issue of equal benefits for all domestic partnerships for faculty and staff at Eastern Kentucky University, and that this ad hoc committee return with a report to the Faculty Senate by late Fall of 1999." Senator Dunston seconded the motion. Senator Murray moved to postpone discussion of the motion until the Senate addresses the earlier issue (motion by Senator Flanagan) which was postponed until the September Senate meeting. Senator Banks seconded the motion, which was approved.

MOTION 2 - Senator Rink moved "that the Chair of the Faculty Senate appoint an ad hoc committee of five members to study as well as make recommendations on the issue of tuition waivers and/or reduction of tuition for dependents of faculty at Eastern Kentucky University, and that this ad hoc committee return with a report to the Faculty Senate by late Fall of 1999." Senator Steinbach seconded the motion. Senator Halbrooks wondered what the definition of dependent was. Senator Rink responded that the committee will define terms. Senator raised a question as to how this motion will impact the recently approved Board of Regents dependent tuition policy. Senator Goodwin moved to postpone the motion. Senator Merita Thompson seconded the motion, which was defeated by a standing vote of 21 to 22. Senator Taylor called the question and the original motion was approved.


Ad Hoc Committee on Teaching by Contract Staff and Classified Personnel: Senator Harley moved the following motion:

  • "That the University change/amend its policy on teaching by contract staff and classified personnel as listed on page 104 of the Faculty/Staff Handbook (1998-2000)
  • From: 2. Receive approval of their immediate supervisor and the appropriate department chair, college dean, and vice president.
  • To: 2. Receive approval of their immediate supervisor (if teaching is done during official University work hours) and the appropriate department chair, college dean, and vice president.
  • Delete all of number 3.
  • From: 4. Teach only during those time periods that do not conflict with their normal work schedules or assigned duties if receiving supplemental pay. For example, those person whose normal work schedule is from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. could not teach and receive supplemental pay until after 4:30 p.m. In cases where no supplemental pay is given, the immediate supervisor may approve teaching during normal working hours.
  • Delete all of number 4.
  • To: 3. Teach no more than one class (3 hrs.) during the normal working hours during each semester (fall, spring, intercession, summer).

Senator Flanagan seconded the motion, which was approved.

Report from the Council on Academic Affairs: Senator Davis moved approval of proposals from the Council on Academic Affairs. The Senate approved the following proposals:

  • New degree program from the Department of Medical Services Technology: Bachelor of Science in Medical Practice Management;
  • New options (Insurance and Financial Planning) in the Bachelor of Science in Insurance and Risk Management degree program;
  • New degree program from the Department of Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer Sciences: Master of Science in Applied Computing (Business Computing, Industrial Computing, and Software Engineering);
  • From the Division of Grants and Contracts: revisions to the Policy and Procedure Guidelines for Protecting Human Subjects in Research.


Senator Davis moved that the Senate adjourn.  It adjourned at 4:22 p.m.

May 3, 1999

After a ten-minute recess to allow the new senators to be seated, Senate Chair Janssen called to order the organizational meeting of the 1999-2000 Faculty Senate. The new members of the Senate are: Julie Brown, Medical Services Technology; Gary Cordner, Law Enforcement; A. G. Dunston, History; Virginia Falkenberg, Psychology; Ordelle Hill, English; Milton Hodge, Military Science; Dawn Jackson, Health Information; Alice Jones, Geography and Planning; Nancy McKenney, Libraries; Phyllis Murray, Health Education; Jane Rainey, Government; Pam Schlomann, Baccalaureate Nursing; Guenter Schuster, Biological Sciences; Karen Spears, Art; Jessica Stephens, English; John Taylor, Mass Communications; and Margaret Willingham, Libraries.

The following members of the Senate were absent:

S. Butler D. Smith G. Denham*
D. Quillen C. Lewis J. Levine
J. Culross* R. Powers* M. LeVan
R. Thompson E. Caldwell* M. Patrick*
J. Greene-Baker N. MacKinnon*  

* Indicates prior notification to the Senate Secretary

Remarks from the President: Senator Kustra

President Kustra welcomed the new Senators. He told them that they would be involved in many important activities over the next year and that he appreciated their time and dedication to the institution.

Remarks from the Executive Committee: Senator Janssen

Senator Janssen welcomed the new members and called their attention to the dates for the 1999-2000 Senate meetings to be held in the South Room of the Keen Johnson Building.


Election of the Senate Chair.  Three person were nominated for the position of Faculty Senate Chair at the April meeting of the Senate. Those nominated were: Senators Harley, Miller, and Murray. The results of the first ballot were: Senator Murray 19 votes, Senator Miller 18 votes, and Senator Harley 15 votes. In the next ballot the results were: Senator Murray 28 votes and Senator Miller 23 votes. Thus, Senator Murray was elected Faculty Senate Chair for the 1999-2000 academic year.

Election of the Senate Secretary.  Chair Janssen announced that Mr. Charles Hay will be relinquishing his position as Secretary to the Faculty Senate. Senator Flanagan nominated Charles Hay to serve as Faculty Senate Secretary for the 2000 calendar year. Senator Johnson seconded the motion. Mr. Hay was elected with the stipulation that his successor will be selected as soon as possible and assume the position as Secretary to the Faculty Senate on January 1, 2000.


Executive Committee ( 1 opening) - Senators Janssen and Miller were nominated. Senator Janssen was elected.

Committee on the Budget (2 openings) - Senators Rahimzadeh, A. Jones, and Schlomann were nominated. Senators Rahimzadeh and A. Jones were elected.

Committee on Committees (2 openings) - Senators Jackson, Dilka, Taylor, Willingham, and Falkenberg were nominated. Senators Taylor and Willingham were elected.

Committee on Elections (2 openings) - Senators Jackson and Brown were nominated and elected.

Committee on Rules (1 opening) - Senator Dilka was nominated and elected.

Committee on Faculty Rights and Responsibilities (1 opening) - Senators Thomas, Dunston, Schlomann, and Goodwin were nominated. Senator Dunston was elected.

COSFL Representative and 2 Alternates - Senators Janssen, Harley, and Falkenberg were nominated. Senator Harley received the highest votes and thus will be the COSFL Representative and Senators Janssen and Falkenberg will serve as alternates.


Senator Davis moved that the Senate adjourn. It adjourned at 5:39 p.m.

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