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Minutes for September 14, 1998

The Faculty Senate of Eastern Kentucky University met on Monday, September 14, 1998 in the South Room of the Keen Johnson Building. Senate Chair Karen Janssen called the first meeting of the 1998-1999 academic year to order at 3:30 p.m.

The following members of the Senate were absent:

E. Baldwin* M. Fleming* D. Quillen
M. Chambers* R. Huebner* R. Rogow
G. Cordner* N. Mackinnon* L. Tyson
P. Dean C. Melton-Freeman* D. Feltner*
T. Myers    

*denotes prior notification of absence to the Faculty Senate Secretary

Visitors to the Senate were: David Dailey, Technology; Ed Davis, Technology; Marlow Marchant, Technology; Larry Sexton, Administration, Counseling, and Educational Studies; Brenda Ahearn, Eastern Progress; and Alysea Bramlage, Eastern Progress

Approval of the Minutes

Senator Janssen called for additions or corrections to the minutes of May 4, 1998. There being none, the minutes were approved as distributed. 


President Kustra reported on a recent meeting of the Council on Postsecondary Education (CPE) he attended in Frankfort. After some debate, which centered on questions of accountability, the CPE approved guidelines for the distribution of money for university endowed professorships and research chairs. Of the allotted $110 million for the program, regional universities will receive $10 million to share and match. Dr. Kustra also mentioned that Eastern was approved by the CHE to establish one program of distinction--the College of Law Enforcement's Justice and Safety program.

President Kustra stated that he has been very busy trying to meet various on-and-off- campus university constituencies. He will be attending all Faculty Senate meetings and hopes that the Senate, faculty, and staff will approve changing Senate rules so that a true Faculty Senate can be established. Dr. Kustra noted that , if passed, he would call a meeting of the Faculty-At-Large. If the motions are passed by the Faculty-At-Large, he would submit them to the Board of Regents.

In his travels around Eastern's service region, President Kustra expressed concern about how Eastern can meet the needs of a growing body of place-bound, non-traditional students who cannot travel to the main campus. Serious long range planning is needed to respond to these students' needs. Dr. Kustra mentioned that an agreement between Eastern and the CPE has been made to allow Eastern to offer courses at London and Somerset Community College. A new facility at Corbin is being planned, and other Kentucky public universities will also have access to the Corbin campus.

President Kustra was most impressed by a recent speech by CPE executive director Dr. Gordon Davies on the new challenges and directions Kentucky postsecondary education will be facing in the future. Dr. Davies contends that education is entering a new era in which territorialism and duplication of programs will be greatly curtailed. He foresees a need to develop a rationalized system of funding based on performance budgeting in which institutional budgets are tied to student retention, graduation, and enrollment. There will be new forms of institutional accountability that are not hampered by excessive state regulatory procedures. Dr. Kustra also stated that Dr. Davies feels that there is a need for universities to engage in radical restructuring of teacher education programs. President Kustra pointed out that he is firmly committed to working with the CPE and is positive that Eastern will be able to meet the challenges of the new era in higher education.

In response to several questions, Dr. Kustra mentioned that the days of regionalism may be waning. Strategic private and public educational institution partnerships such as the Prestonsburg Community College and Sullivan College relationship will be more prevalent in a statewide marketplace. Dr. Kustra also foresees the development of a more sophisticated and rationalized system of funding.


Senator Janssen reported that the Executive Committee met on Monday, August 24, 1998, with all members present. The Committee discussed the inequities in the Kentucky Teachers Retirement System. This issue will be referred to COSFL once further information is gathered. The Committee appointed John Zahrt and Chris Laird to the Patent and Copyright Committee and Joseph Beck and Donald Batch to the Withdrawal Committee.

Discussion at the committee meeting focused primarily on possible changes to the organizational rules of the Faculty Senate. The Executive Committee is in agreement with the recommendations for changes. Senators Janssen, Murray, and Sowders of the Executive Committee met with the Committee on Rules to discuss the need and method for securing the proposed changes.

Senator Janssen mentioned the current status of the search for a new Vice President for Academic Affairs and faculty involvement in the preparation for President Kustra's installation on October 2. The Vice President for Academic Affairs Search Committee is composed of thirteen members, of which seven members are full time faculty. The Search Committee is starting the process of reading applications.

Senator Janssen reported that the Faculty Senate spends $4,000 or more per year in printing costs. The Executive Committee will welcome suggestions on how printing costs might be decreased without decreasing the exchange of information. One way to increase communications is through the Faculty Senate Web pages. She asked Senators to click on Academics on the EKU's main home page and look for the Faculty Senate icon.


In the absence of Senator Fleming, Senator Miller presented her report. The EKU Board of Regents met for a retreat on July 17 and 18. This meeting was held off campus with an unstructured agenda, allowing opportunity for board members to discuss topics of interest in an unstructured manner.

A significant amount of time was spent discussing the student campus experience, including dormitories and opportunities for improving campus life. The need for a wellness center for students, staff, and faculty was discussed with general assent that this was a needed improvement to the campus. President Kustra reviewed items arising from a meeting he had with student representatives, including Student Regent Adam Back and other campus leaders. Items that arose out of the Presidential Search Criteria were reviewed, as well as material from the annual meeting of the Association of Governing Boards. The meeting was constructive and informative with general assent that the format was a good one and should be continued at future retreats. In was agreed that the Board needed additional information during the decision-making process and that a time would be set aside during each regular meeting to take a longer look at one aspect of campus life.

The faculty and staff concerns about health insurance were again discussed with a commitment made by President Kustra to have his staff review the decisions again and come back with a recommendation for the July business meeting.

The regular summer business meeting of the Board was held on July 30. The location of the meeting was moved from the Coates Building to the Jaggers Room in the Powell Student Center in order to provide a more comfortable environment with room for interested observers. President Kustra announced that the University would make an additional contribution to health insurance and would reopen the enrollment period. In addition to conducting the usual business for this meeting, the Board heard a special presentation by Jeanette Crockett, Dean of Student Life. She discussed the status of the dormitories on campus, the need for improvements in the living environment, and possible steps the University can take in the future.

Although Senator Fleming is on sabbatical leave this Fall, she can be reached on a daily basis through her EKU email address.


Senator Janssen reported for Senator Sowders, who was unable to attend the COSFL meeting. Early in the summer COSFL met in Frankfort with CPE staff and Merl Hackbart, a member of CPE. The meeting focused on Strategic Planning. CPE staff asked faculty representatives how CPE should proceed in working with universities in the planning process. When CPE staff members met with EKU's Institutional Planning Committee later in the summer, Senator Janssen stated that she saw evidence that suggestions of COSFL members were being used.


Mr. Back reported that the Student Senate was currently focusing on two issues: a technology fee for on-and-off campus users and the development of a 24-hour computer lab (this issue will be debated at an upcoming meeting of the Student Senate) and a campus-wide cleanup on October 7. Mr. Back encouraged any interested faculty to attend Student Senate meetings, which are held every Tuesday at 5 p.m. in the Jaggers Room of the Powell Student Center.


Committee on Elections: Senator McAdam - The Committee met on September 11 and elected Senator McAdam as chair.

Committee on Committees: Senator Taylor, who was elected chair, reported that four faculty members from the College of Allied Health and Nursing who held university committee assignments and have since left the University will need to be replaced. Nominations will be sent to Vice President Enzie. The Committee would like to limit university committee appointments to no more than two committees per person.

Committee on the Rules: Senator McCord was elected chair. He moved approval that the administrative voting membership of the Faculty Senate be changed:


B. Membership of the Senate

  1. The membership of the Senate shall consist of administrative faculty members and elected members. The administrative members shall be:
    1. President of the University
    2. Vice-President of the University
    3. Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs and Research
    4. Dean of the Graduate School
    5. Director of Libraries
    6. Dean of Academic Support and Undergraduate Studies
    7. Faculty Regent
    8. Deans of each of the academic colleges


B. Membership of the Senate

  1. The membership of the Senate shall consist of representatives of the administrative faculty and elected faculty members. The administrative members shall be:
    1. President of the University
    2. Vice President of Academic Affairs
    3. One Academic Dean to be elected by the Deans of the Academic Colleges, Dean of Undergraduate Studies, Dean of the Graduate School, and Director of Libraries
    4. Faculty Regent

Senator Flanagan seconded the motion, which was approved after brief discussion.

Senator McCord then moved approval of a series of five motions:

Motion 1: Section B.2.b be deleted from the Senate rules. Section B.2.b reads: Number of Elected Members - The elected membership of the Senate shall be at least three times and no more than four times the number of administrative members. The Secretary of the Senate shall bring to the attention of the Senate an imbalance in this ratio. Imbalance in this membership requirement may be allowed to exist for one year, during which time the Chair of the Senate shall appoint a committee to seek a resolution to the imbalance problem.

Motion 2: Section B.2.j be deleted from the Senate rules. Section B.2.j reads: The Chair of the Faculty-At-Large shall inform the Faculty-At-Large of the results of the election and shall designate the time and place for the first meeting of the Faculty Senate.

Motion 3: Section C.1 shall be deleted from the Senate rules. Section C.1 reads: 1. The President of the Senate (a.) The President of the University shall be the President of the Senate, (b.) The President may preside at any meeting of the Senate which he or she attends, (c.) The President shall cooperate with the Chair of the Senate in determining the agenda of the Senate.

Motion 4: Section C.2.b be changed to the following:


b. The Chair of the Senate shall preside at meetings of the Senate except those meetings chaired by the President. In the absence of the Chair of the Senate and the President, a member of the Executive Committee appointed by the Chair of the Senate shall preside.


b. The Chair of the Senate shall preside at meetings of the Senate. In the absence of the Chair of the Senate, a member of the Executive Committee appointed by the Chair of the Senate shall preside.

Motion 5: Section IX. Amendments be corrected to read as follows:


Amendments to this organization may be proposed by the Faculty Senate by a two-thirds majority of the members present or by petition of 10 percent of the Faculty-At-Large. Proposed amendments shall be presented to the Chair of the Faculty-At-Large, who will cause copies of the proposed amendments to be distributed to the Faculty-At-Large. Proposed amendments approved by two-thirds majority of those present shall be submitted to the Board of Regents through the President of the University and shall become effective on ratification by the Board of Regents.


Amendments to this organization may be proposed by the Faculty Senate by a two-thirds majority of the members present or by petition of 10 percent of the Faculty-At-Large. Proposed amendments shall be presented to the Faculty-At-Large, who will cause copies of the proposed amendments to be distributed to the Faculty-At-Large. Proposed amendments approved by two-thirds majority of those present at a meeting of the Faculty-At-Large shall be submitted to the Board of Regents through the President of the University and shall become effective on ratification by the Board of Regents.

Senator Caldwell seconded the motions, which were approved.

Committee on the Budget: Senator Rink - No report given.

Committee on Faculty Rights and Responsibilities: Senator Rink - No report given.


Ad Hoc Committee on Post-Tenure Review: Senator Murray reported that the Ad Hoc Committee on Post-Tenure Review met on September 1 with the purpose of establishing date(s) and time(s) for faculty forms. The date for the forums will be Wednesday, September 30, from 11:30 to 1:00 and 3:30 to 5:00 in the Kennamer Room of the Powell Student Center. The Committee invites all interested faculty to attend one of the forums. If one is unable to attend due to scheduling conflicts, a mailserve has been established. Additionally, the Committee felt it was important to make the draft document available to all faculty. The document has been printed in the Faculty Bulletin, and it has been placed on the main EKU home page. Instructions for accessing the mailserve are printed at the end of the document.


Motion.  Senator Rink moved that the Faculty Senate accept the responsibility for approving, by majority vote of the Faculty Senate, nominations to the Board of Governors of the Faculty Club from nominations submitted by the Committee on Committees. Senator Kilgore seconded the motion, which was approved.

Election of Committee on Rules.  Senator Gale nominated Senator Virgin to fill a vacancy on the Committee on Rules. She was elected.


Motion. Senator Anderson moved on behalf of all Eastern faculty and staff that the Faculty Senate express gratitude to President Kustra for increasing monies for insurance premiums without decreasing health benefits for the entire university community. Senator Butler seconded the motion, which was approved.

Report from the Council on Academic Affairs: Senator Enzie

Senator Enzie moved approval of the proposal from the Council on Academic Affairs for a new degree program (Bachelor of Science in Printing Management) from the College of Applied Arts and Technology. Senator Kilgore seconded the motion, which was approved.

Senator Enzie moved approval of the following proposals from the College of Education, which the Council on Academic Affairs has approved. Senator Flanagan seconded the motion, which was approved.

  • Proposed name change in the Master of Arts in Education in Elementary School Counseling degree program TO Master of Arts in Education in School Counseling
  • Proposed name change in the Standard Guidance and Rank I Certification: Standard Elementary School Counseling and Standard Secondary School Counseling TO Standard Guidance and Rank I Certification: School Counseling
  • Proposed to suspend option within the Master of Arts in Education in School Counseling degree program: Secondary School Counseling
  • Proposed name change in the Master of Arts in Community Counseling degree TO Master of Arts in Mental Health Counseling
  • Senator Enzie moved approval of the following proposals from the College of Natural and Mathematical Sciences which the Council on Academic Affairs has approved. Senator Batch seconded the motion, which was approved.
  • Proposed new option within the Bachelor of Science in Biology degree program:  Botany
  • Proposed name change in the Bachelor of Science in Environmental Resources degree program TO Bachelor of Science in Environmental Studies
  • Proposed new options within the Bachelor of Science in Environmental Studies degree program:  Environmental Technology, Land Resources, Natural History
  • Proposed new option within the Bachelor of Science in Forensic Science degree program: Forensic Chemistry, Forensic Biology
  • Proposed new option within the Bachelor of Science in Computer Science: Computer Science (General),  Computer Technology


Senator Enzie moved that the Senate adjourn.  It adjourned at 4:31 p.m.

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