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Minutes for April 5, 2004

The Faculty Senate of Eastern Kentucky University met on Monday, April 5, 2004 in the South Room of the Keen Johnson Building. Senator Johnson called the eighth meeting of the academic year to order at 3:30 p.m.

The following members of the Senate were absent:

L. Collins* C. Cooper* J. Harley
R. James D. Jones L. Kelley
M. Marchant M. McNew R. Messerich*
L. Patterson J. Payne K. Rahimzadeh*
F. Sharp F. Souther  

*denotes prior notification of absence to the Faculty Senate Secretary

Visitors to the Senate were: Paul Blanchard, Government Relations; Byron Bond, Continuing Education & Outreach; Sue Cain, Academic Testing; Jim Conneely, Student Affairs; Julie George, Library; Cassandra Kirby, The Eastern Progress; Diane Leggett, Family & Consumer Sciences; Diana McGregor, Academic Advising; Kristina O'Brien, SGA; John Shafer, Athletics; William St. Pierre, Continuing Education & Outreach; Aaron Thompson, Enrollment Management; Virginia Underwood, Equal Opportunities; and Elizabeth Wachtel, Academic Affairs


The March 1, 2004 minutes were approved as written.


Frankfort still hasn't approved a final state budget. At present, the only things known are that there will be no new state appropriations; there have been two-mid year budget cuts; and there are a number of fixed costs that must be fulfilled. Personnel costs, both faculty and staff, comprise slightly more than 70% of EKU's overall budget which leaves very little room for flexibility to either reallocate or renegotiate funds. Senator Glasser reiterated her commitment to maintain quality of faculty and academic programs as well as quality to our students both in and out of the classroom. Furthermore, she remains committed to honor personnel which, to date, has meant no layoffs. In addition she remains committed, to the extent possible, to maintain health insurance benefits and to provide a cost of living adjustment for employees. At the Board of Regents meeting on April 22, Senator Glasser will be submitting budget guidelines with a recommendation for tuition, fees, and residence hall rates for the next year. While an increase in all fees is unavoidable, EKU will still be among the least expensive institutions in Kentucky.

Senator Glasser plans to meet with the University community on Friday, April 23 to share her budget recommendations. Further details will be forthcoming.

In preparation for next year's expected budget shortfall, Senator Glasser plans to form either a Budget Task Force or a Budget Advisory Committee which will be charged with the task of determining the true cost of educating a student at EKU.

Senator Glasser recently toured four cities on a three-day tour to meet with Alumni in Orlando, Tampa, Fort Myers and Sarasota, Florida. For the past two years Senator Glasser has been diligently trying to reconnect with EKU alumni in an effort to stress the importance and necessity of alumni contributions to the University. This becomes increasingly important in tight budget times, and will hopefully prove fruitful once the national campaign is announced.

The annual Alumni Recognition Dinner will be held on Saturday, April 24. This year's Outstanding Alum will be Lieutenant Governor Stephen Pence. This year's Outstanding Faculty recipients will be Marianne McAdam, in the Department of Exercise & Sports Science and Allen Engle in the Department of Management, Marketing & Administrative Communication.

Congratulations to Jessica Frazier and her colleagues for their excellent work organizing the National American Association of Accountants Conference which was held in Lexington at the Hyatt this past week.

On a sad note, two significant members of EKU's family passed away this past week, Dr. John Rowlett, former Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dr. Dean Cannon, Professor in the Department of Communications. EKU's annual memorial service will be on April 14 at 4:00 p.m. at the Meditation Chapel to honor all those who have passed away during the past year.

The Honor's Day Assembly will be on Sunday, April 18 at 1:00 p.m. in the Student Services Building Auditorium. Senator Glasser thanked Lee Van Orsdel for organizing the event.

The last theater production of the year, "How the Other Half Loves ," will be performed from Wednesday, April 14 through Saturday, April 17.

The Associate Provost for Graduate Education and Research search process is in the final stages and hopefully an appointment will be announced soon.

Several noteworthy faculty highlights since the last meeting include:

  1. Anne Gossage and Sandra Hill had papers accepted for presentation at the Modern Languages Association Convention in Philadelphia this coming December.
  2. Helen Bennett will be attending an NEH Summer Institute in Cambridge, England. The Institute will focus on Interdisciplinary Studies of Medieval Anglo-Saxon Culture.
  3. Anne Gossage will be attending an NEH Summer Institute in Staunton, Va., and London, England and she will be working with scholars as well as actors and directors of the Shenandoah Shakespeare Company and Shakespeare's Globe.
  4. John Gregory, Assistant Manager of WEKU-FM, and his wife, Cameron Lawrence, received the prestigious Peabody Award for their radio documentary, "Sisters in Pain."


Senator Johnson reported that the Executive Committee met on March 22, 2004. Senator Dunston was in attendance to present the committee's work on a shared governance survey which will eventually be distributed to all faculty online.

William St. Pierre was in attendance to present an informational report on a distance learning proposal.

The committee discussed and approved listing a Promotion and Tenure Appeals motion on the Senate's agenda. After further consideration, the committee decided to postpone the motion until a later date.

The committee discussed the issue of an evaluation process for coordinators. It was agreed that Senator Johnson would pursue the matter with the Provost.

COSFL Report : Senator Siegel

Senator Siegel reported that the next COSFL meeting would be on April 17, 2004.


Senator Cook continues to visit with departments to discuss three main issues: 1) general education, 2) Promotion and Tenure, and 3) intellectual property documents.

The salary equity appeals process is proceeding with approximately 12 to 14 appeals.

The Faculty Welfare Committee shared with Senator Cook a 14-page document on how to make the salary equity process more effective.

The Provost has been working with the Student Senate to consider ways to improve academic advising for students. As a result, sample curriculum guides will be placed on the web for all majors in the near future.


There will be a forum for SGA candidates this evening from 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. in the Student Services Building.

The Campus Safety Walk will be on Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. Students, faculty and staff are encouraged to participate.

There will be a candlelight vigil on Thursday at 7:30 p.m. in the Ravine.

This weekend will be First Weekend.

The SGA elections will be held on April 13. Voting will be online and/or in the Powell Building from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Spring Fest is scheduled for April 14.

The spring concert with Diamond Rio is scheduled for April 19th at 8:00 p.m. Tickets will be $12 for full time students and $20 for the general public.

The Student Government Association's Inauguration Banquet will be on April 22.


Budget Committee.  Senator Siegel reported that the committee met on March 25 with John Shafer, Athletics Director, in attendance to discuss the Athletics budget. The Athletics budget is approximately $5.8 million of which 57% is from EKU support and 43% is from student fees of $90 per semester per student and other monies. Athletics received a budget cut of $110,000. The cuts were in money raised, which will be offset by increasing revenue and looking for more in-kind arrangements. Mr. Shafer also noted that EKU's football team will be playing Vanderbilt next season, which is expected to bring in $250,000 in proceeds from the sale of 2,000 tickets. This will generate new revenue.

The second annual budget forum is scheduled for Tuesday, April 6 in Library 108 from 1:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.

The last meeting of the semester is scheduled for April 22. The special guest will be Jim Keith, Director of ITDS.

Rules Committee. Senator M. Yoder reported that the committee met on March 19 to set the format for the internal procedures. The document should be ready to present to the Executive Committee at their last meeting of the year.

Rights and Responsibilities Committee. Senator Dunston distributed a copy of the committee's report on the issue of shared governance along with a motion to be presented under New Business.

Elections Committee. Senator DeBolt announced that Senator Schlomann was re-elected as the faculty representative on the Board of Regents. This year 261 faculty participated in the online election.

Senator DeBolt asked the senators whose terms are expiring to notify the chair and secretary of their replacements.

Committee on Committees. Senator G. Yoder reported that the Institutional Research Office is preparing the online self-nomination form which will be distributed to all faculty in the near future.

Faculty Welfare Committee. Senator G. Yoder reported that the committee met three times in March. One of the committee's actions was to write a letter to the Provost with four suggestions on how to make the salary equity process more effective.

Senator G. Yoder distributed a motion on merit pay which will be discussed under New Business.


Council on Academic Affairs. Senator Cook presented the following items:

  1. Credit-by-Examination Policy Revision Proposal (information item only)
  2. Non-Degree Student Enrollment Policy (Informational Item Only)
  3. Health Information Technology (AS) - Suspended
  4. Design and Merchandising Minor - Name Change

Senator Cook moved approval of number three, seconded by Senator Flanagan. The motion was approved by the Senate.

Senator Cook moved approval of item four, seconded by Senator Farrar. The motion was approved by the Senate.

Posthumous Degree for Kelli Smoot. Senator Sexton moved approval, seconded by Senator Siegel, of the Posthumous Degree for Kelli Smoot. The motion was approved by the Senate.

Distance Learning Proposal. Byron Bond and William St. Pierre presented an informational report on a new distance learning proposal.

Senate Chair Nominations. Senator A. Jones nominated Senator Siegel for Senate Chair. As there were no further nominations, Senator Dunston moved that nominations cease, seconded by Senator Smith. All were in favor of closing further nominations.

Rights and Responsibilities Motion. Senator Dunston moved, seconded by Senator Smith, to approve the following motion:

The Committee moves that since members of the Faculty Senate represent the faculty leadership of Eastern Kentucky University (EKU), this body, through the efforts of the Faculty Rights and Responsibilities Committee, with the help of the EKU Chapter of the American Association of University Professors (AAUP), and the Office of Institutional Research (IR), undertake a Survey to evaluate the state of shared governance at EKU.

The majority of the Senate were in agreement and the motion passed.

Welfare Committee Motion. Senator G. Yoder moved approval of the following motion, seconded by Senator A. Jones:

The Faculty Senate Welfare Committee moves that Section I C. under "University Merit Pay Guidelines for Academic Units" of the EKU Faculty Handbook be amended to read:

1. The current practice which combines a standard award with a merit award and which bases both on performance shall continue. The standard award is a percentage of one's annual salary awarded across the board to all faculty/staff who meet minimum performance standards. The merit award varies from individual to individual and is dependent upon the extent to which an individual exceeds minimum performance standards. University merit dollars are to be divided proportionately among departments based on the number of full-time faculty in each department. Individuals who exceed minimum performance standards to an equivalent extent receive merit awards in equal dollar amounts.

Senator Johnson ruled the motion substantive and deferred a vote to the May meeting. After further clarification discussions, Senator G. Yoder stated that he would have an amendment to the motion by the May meeting.


Senator Gossage suggested that outgoing Senators remind their replacements that they are expected to be at the organizational meeting in May.


Senator Cook moved to adjourn at approximately 5:15 p.m.

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