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Minutes for September 8, 2003

The Faculty Senate of Eastern Kentucky University met on Monday, September 8, 2003 in the South Room of the Keen Johnson Building. Senator Johnson called the first meeting of the academic year to order at 3:30 p.m.

The following members of the Senate were absent:

L. Collins J. Glasser* S. Fister*
A. Gossage J. Harley C. Jackson
D. Jackson D. Jones L. Kay
L. Kelley S. Konkel* M. Marchant
B. Matthews N. McKenney* M. McNew
R. Messerich L. Patterson J. Payne
K. Rahimzadeh*    

*denotes prior notification of absence to the Faculty Senate Secretary

Visitors to the Senate were: Ken Johnston, Finance; Cassondra Kirby, The Eastern Progress; Gary Kuhnhenn, Arts & Sciences; Sandra Moore, University Diversity; Kristina O'Brien, Student Government Association; John Shafer, Athletics; Aaron Thompson, Enrollment Management; Virginia Underwood, Equal Opportunity Office; John Wade, Arts & Sciences; and Doug Whitlock, Administrative Affairs


The May 5, 2003 regular and organizational minutes were approved as written.

REPORT FROM THE PRESIDENT: Virginia Underwood reported for Senator Glasser

Enrollment is up by 9.6%, the residence halls are full, and 1800 freshmen joined the President at her house for a barbecue the night before classes started. This was the largest turnout ever.

Search committees have been appointed for the Dean of Arts and Sciences, chaired by Gary Cordner, and for the Dean of Graduate Studies and Research, chaired by Malcolm Frisbee.

If state budget revenues projections do not improve significantly there could be another mid-year cut in higher education. Senator Glasser has asked the vice presidents to begin preparing for this potential cut.

Senator Glasser also wished to express her concern that neither gubernatorial candidate is currently speaking about support for higher education. This situation is not particularly well received in the higher education community. Senator Glasser will continue to speak with business leaders as well as legislators about the importance of keeping support for higher education reform alive and funded.

Next week Senator Glasser will be traveling to Washington, DC to meet with the Chronicle of Higher Education, US News and World Report to share EKU's story and successes.


Senator Johnson reported that the Executive Committee met on August 25, 2003. The following University committee appointments were made: Senator Hubbard, General Education Committee, Senator D. Jackson, Residency Appeals Committee; Senator Konkel, Withdrawals Committee and Senator Flanagan, Arlington Representative.

The following Executive Committee members will be responsible for reporting standing committee progress at each Executive Committee meeting.

  • Budget Committee: Senator Johnson
  • Rules Committee: Senator Hubbard
  • Rights and Responsibilities Committee: (new member, when elected)
  • Elections Committee: Senator Flanagan
  • Committee on Committees: Senator Jackson
  • Faculty Welfare Committee: Senator Collins
  • Ad Hoc Committees: Senator Konkel

A motion for a university Ombudsman was discussed and referred back to the Rights and Responsibilities Committee for further review.

The final report on Plus/Minus Grading was distributed to the committee members and will be discussed at the next Executive Committee meeting. The final report will be presented at the Senate meeting in October.

Senator G. Yoder was present to discuss a motion on salary inequity adjustments submitted by the Faculty Welfare Committee. The Faculty Welfare Committee made suggested changes and submitted an updated motion which will be presented later in this meeting.

Senator Johnson reminded the senators about the upcoming Faculty Senate dinner on September 30 at Arlington.

Senator Johnson reminded the senators that there will be an election in the spring semester for a new faculty regent. This is a three-year appointment.


Senator Schlomann reported that the Board of Regents has met twice since the last Senate meeting. They met in June to finalize the budget and again on Saturday, September 6. Additionally, in May the Regents attended an "Institute for Effective Governance" seminar.

The theme for the "Institute for Effective Governance" was "Working Together to Sustain Our Momentum: Public and Political Support for Postsecondary Reform." Governor Patton talked about how he had become known as the "higher education governor". Originally, higher education was not on his platform. It became part of his platform because people educated and lobbied him during the campaign. Most of his speech centered on encouraging the university regents and presidents to educate the candidates on higher education.

The next Institute for Effective Governance will be on September 21-22; both gubernatorial candidates will be present. Senator Schlomann stressed the importance for faculty to contact the candidates to make sure they see the importance of education for the betterment of the entire Commonwealth.


Senator Siegel explained the meaning of COSFL to the new senators and announced that COSFL information is available on the web at

COSFL met on July 14 at the Council on Postsecondary Education in Frankfort. The joint AAUP/COSFL mini-conference is scheduled for Saturday October 18 in Frankfort from 10:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. Scheduled speakers include Dr. Jane Buck, National AAUP President and Dr. Tom Layzell, CPE President.

Tom Layzell and his staff will begin working on the 2004-2006 budget process shortly and will make a budget recommendation to CPE in November.

CPE is currently studying how to match funding to the reform agenda given the limitations of the present fiscal environment.

COSFL's next meeting will be later this month. If there are any issues or concerns that should be addressed at that meeting, please let Senator Siegel know.


Senator Cook announced that a committee has been appointed to steer the process of changing Banner to be social security number transparent.

Senator Cook reported that there will be $50,000 available for faculty development this year. Anyone with suggestions on how to distribute the funds should contact him.


SGA's fall festival is scheduled for Wednesday, September 24 from 9:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. in the Powell Plaza and courtyard.

SGA will be sponsoring a reception for family weekend on October 4 in the Powell Lobby from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.


Budget Committee. Senator Siegel reported that the Committee met on September 4.

The committee will sponsor a campus-wide open forum on budget issues with Provost Cook and Finance Vice President Johnston sometime in late February 2004. Last year, over 70 people attended the budget forum.

The committee will continue to meet monthly and will resume the study on major budget areas on an alternate monthly basis. Other issues will be discussed in the interim month. Any suggestions for additional agenda items may be forwarded to the committee members.

Rules Committee. Senator M. Yoder reported that the Rules Committee met via e-mail and via phone and Senator M. Yoder was selected as chair. The committee is working on several items which includes reviewing the procedures for the Faculty Regent election, finishing up the internal procedures, and researching the idea of a vice chair for the Senate.

Rights and Responsibilities Committee. Senator Johnson indicated that the committee will meet briefly after the Senate meeting to elect a chair.

Elections Committee. Senator Everett announced that Senator DeBolt was elected to serve as chair.

Committee on Committees. Senator G. Yoder announced that Senator Wolf was elected to serve as chair.

Faculty Welfare Committee. Senator G. Yoder reported that the committee has met three times this semester and formulated a motion on faculty salary adjustments which will be presented later in the meeting today.


Enrollment Report. Senator Johnson requested Dr. Aaron Thompson to report on the current enrollment.

Dr. Thompson reported that presently there are 15,681 students enrolled.. While the total is still changing, compared to the same time last year enrollment was 14,783 which indicates about a 6% increase overall.

At present, there are 2,582 new freshman (9.78% increase), 1,047 new transfers (10.2% increase), and 2,324 graduates students (5.93% increase).

In 2000 EKU had a matriculation rate of 46.53%. This rate has increased to 61.33% this year. Three years ago students who needed developmental remediation were at 65%. That figure has now decreased to 45%.

Last year students were contacted and asked why they chose to attend EKU: 41% chose EKU because of campus location, and 39% chose EKU because of the programs offered. Forty-one percent of those questioned indicated they had family members who attended EKU; 85% were residents of Kentucky; and 74% indicated that EKU was their primary university choice.

Last year non-returning students were contacted and asked why they did not return: 25% stated financial reasons, 17% stated a lack of goals, 14% stated family reasons and 11% were on active military duty. These students were also asked what EKU could have done to improve their college-going experience: 59% stated that EKU could have done nothing else, 9% stated better living conditions, 9% stated better communications with the faculty and staff, 5% stated better parking facilities, 4% stated party atmosphere. Overall, most of the students who were contacted had a positive experience here at EKU-- even those that didn't return. The number one positive experience was the attitude of the professors.


Committee Elections.

  • Budget Committee. One position available to replace John Wade. Two individuals were nominated: Senator Fenton and Senator Ware. Senator Fenton was elected with a vote of 27-12.
  • Committee on Committees. One position available. Two individuals were nominated: Senator Dean and Senator Newsome. Senator Newsome was elected with a vote of 20-19.
  • Executive Committee. One opening available. Two individuals were nominated: Senator Carmean and Senator Hyndman. Senator Carmean respectfully declined nomination and Senator Hyndman was selected.
  • Rights & Responsibilities Committee. Two openings available. Two individuals were nominated and elected by acclamation: Senator Coyer and Senator Kristofik.

Council on Academic Affairs Report. Senator Cook presented the proposed Foundation Professor procedures. Senator Reed moved approval of the procedures, seconded by Senator Coyer.

Senator Schlomann moved to postpone discussion to the October meeting so that a member of the committee could be present to answer questions. The motion was seconded by Senator Flanagan. The Senate were in favor of postponing discussions to the October meeting.

Salary Adjustments Motion. Senator G. Yoder moved approval of the proposed motion, seconded by Senator Reed. Senator Johnson ruled the motion substantive and deferred discussion to the October meeting.


Senator Cook moved to adjourn at approximately 5:00 p.m.

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