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Minutes for May 7, 2007 (Organizational Meeting)

The Faculty Senate of Eastern Kentucky University met on Monday, May 7, 2007, in the South Room of the Keen Johnson Building for the 2007-2008 Organizational Meeting. Senator Eakin called the meeting to order at approximately 5:40 p.m.


Senate Chair. Senator Eakin, who was nominated at the April meeting, was elected as Chair.

Senate Vice Chair. Senator Ware, who was nominated at the April meeting, was elected as Vice-Chair.

Elections Committee (4 replacements). The following were nominated and accepted by acclamation: Senators Resor, Randles, May, and Underwood.

Budget Committee (3 replacements). The following were nominated: Senators Ciocca, Chapman, Milde, and Blades. The elected representatives were: Senators Ciocca, Chapman, and Milde.

Rights & Responsibilities Committee (1 replacement). The following were nominated: Senators Wray and Carter. The elected representative was: Senator Carter.

Rules Committee (1 replacement). The following were nominated: Senators Blades and Reed. The elected representative was: Senator Reed.

Welfare Committee (3 replacements). The following were nominated: Senators Collins, Johnson, Ciocca, and Foote. The elected representatives were: Senators Collins, Foote, and Johnson.

Executive Committee (2 replacements). The following were nominated and accepted by acclamation: Senators Collins and Shadur.

Committee on Committees (2 replacements). The following were nominated: Senators Deters, Bentley, Blades, and Foote. The elected representatives were: Senators Deters and Foote.

COSFL Representative (1 rep & 2 alts).  Senator McKenney was elected as the COSFL representative with Senators Ware and Winslow elected as the alternates.


Senator Piercey moved to adjourn at approximately 6:15 p.m.

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