Minutes for September 11, 2006
The Faculty Senate of Eastern Kentucky University met on Monday, September 11, 2006 in the South Room of the Keen Johnson Building. Senator Eakin called the first meeting of the academic year to order at approximately 3:30 p.m.
The following members of the Senate were absent:
D. Clay | E. Hunter | C. Neumann* |
C. Ruppel | J. Whitler* |
*denotes prior notification of absence to the Faculty Senate Secretary
Visitors to the Senate were: Jim Conneely, Student Affairs; David Fifer, SGA; Debbie Newsom, Finance; Megan Purcell, Special Education; Virginia Underwood, Chief of Staff; and Marc Whitt, Public Relations & Marketing.
The May 2006 regular and organizational minutes were approved as amended.
Under the Faculty Regent's report in the regular minutes, change the statement "The Board asked for a delay in order for the Senate to complete their survey" to "At the Senate's request, the Board agreed to a delay in order for the Senate to complete their survey".
Parliamentarian Miller reminded the Senators of the following procedures to follow:
The rules of the Senate requires that if a member wishes to speak, he/she must stand to be recognized by the Chair and remain standing to address the Senate when recognized.
A member may speak only twice to the same motion, and be recognized the second time only after all others who wish to speak have been recognized. Furthermore, a member who made the motion and has spoken twice may be called on to clarify the motion but not, in that instance, to advocate or speak in further support.
If a member moves to amend the main motion, then all members may speak twice to the amendment even though they've already spoken on the main motion. If the motion is continued to the next meeting, a member having already spoken twice to that motion, may speak twice again.
All remarks in debate are to be made to the chair and not to individual members or visitors.
A "call for the question" does not stop debate. It is only a request by that one member to the chair to move the meeting along. Before voting after someone calls for the question, the chair must ask if anyone else wishes to speak. However, if debate has gone on so long that someone wishes to end debate, the proper motion is "I move the previous question" which must be seconded and voted on and approved with a two thirds vote in order to actually pass.
Senator Glasser reminded everyone about the Faculty Senate dinner at 6 p.m. at Arlington this evening.
Senator Glasser shared the following updates in her written report to the Senate:
The SACS Compliance Report has been submitted to the SACS and the SACS off-site review team. Senator Glasser thanked everyone for their support during this process. The next steps in the reaffirmation process include submitting our Quality Enhancement Plan on February 27, 2007, and the on-site review scheduled for April 10, 11, and 12, 2006.
Fall enrollment is down slightly from this time last year with 15,500 students. Credit-hour enrollment, however, is running even with last year, with credit-hour enrollment especially strong at the Corbin and Manchester campuses and in on-line courses. Graduate enrollment will continue to be a focus. Senator Glasser has asked the Financial Aid Task Force to make recommendations for improvement to ensure that the University is more competitive in the recruitment and retention of graduate students.
The New Lancaster Higher Education Center, a partnership between EKU and Bluegrass Community and Technical College, has opened. Eight classes are being offered this fall, and thirty students are enrolled in five EKU classes, taking a total of 90 credit hours.
The official grand opening of the new Business and Technology Center is scheduled for Saturday, September 9, 2006. Governor Fletcher, Representative Moberly and Senator Worley will be attending the opening.
The search for the permanent Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs began this summer with the appointment of a search committee. The committee will begin reviewing applications on September 25, with the goal of having finalists for on-campus interviews by the end of the semester.
The capital campaign continues to make good progress with the total now at almost 14.8 million dollars. The phonathon and annual fund efforts will be getting underway in the next few weeks. Student callers are being trained and several new annual fund efforts are planned for this fall. Plans are also underway for a significant number of regional alumni and friends events this fall.
Homecoming 2006 is scheduled for October 13th and 14th.
The budget process is starting to get underway for next fiscal year, 2007-08. Senator Glasser has renewed her charge to the Budget Advisory Council and included in its membership this year two academic department chairs. Given the desire to have more time to explore departmental budgetary needs, the tentative calendar for this process includes intense focus and work by the Budget Advisory Council. A recommendation for tuition and general budget guidelines, such as fixed cost increases and other initiative funding, is expected to be submitted by the end of this semester.
The first regularly scheduled Board of Regents meeting of the 2006-07 fiscal year will be on September 9. Three new Regents will be sworn-in on Saturday: Mr. Craig Turner, Mr. Steven Fulkerson, our staff Regent, and Mr. David Fifer, our student Regent.
Promotion & Tenure Recommendations in Handbook Language.
Senator May moved previous question, seconded by Senator Collins, to accept the promotion and tenure recommendations in Handbook Language. As such, a two-third vote of approval is needed for the motion to pass. With a vote of 36 to 22, the motion failed.
Senator Dieckmann introduced three new amendments from the floor concerning the Promotion and Tenure recommendations in handbook language.
Senator Dieckmann moved approval of motion one, seconded by Senator Flanagan.
Senator Kristofik suggested the following friendly amendment, which Senator Dieckmann accepted:
To strike from III B 1 (p. 17) the following statement:
"Two full-time, tenured faculty shall represent each department." (see full context below)
III: College Procedures
B. Guidelines developed by the college shall provide for independence of decision making for the committee and the dean, while ensuring that candidates receive full consideration at every point.
1. The committee shall consist of no fewer than six voting members and shall be constituted so as to insure fair representation in regard to diversity and departments. These representatives shall hold a minimum rank of Associate Professor (or its equivalent in programs where such rank does not obtain, i.e. Model Lab, Interpreter Training Program, etc.).
Senator Hesse moved, seconded by Senator Sanchez, to rule the amended motion substantive and postpone discussion until the October meeting. The motion to postpone carried.
Senator Dieckmann moved to approve motion 2, seconded by Senator Ciocca.
Senator J. Chapman suggested a friendly amendment, accepted by Senator Dieckmann, to change the wording of the motion to the following:
To strike III C 1 a (p. 18) from the document:
III: College Procedures
C. Each college shall establish clear definitions and delineations of the responsibilities of the committee and the college dean in writing and filed in the Office of the Provost and Vice-President for Academic Affairs:
- The college committees shall have the following responsibilities:
- To ensure that a chair and a recording secretary are provided for in accordance with college policies and procedures.
Senator Hesse moved to rule the amended motion 2 substantive and postpone further discussion to the October meeting, seconded by Senator Kristofik. The motion to postpone carried.
Senator Dieckmann moved, seconded by Senator McKenney, to approve motion 3. Senator Hesse moved to rule the motion substantive and postpone discussion until the October meeting, seconded by Senator Johnson. The motion to postpone carried.
Senator Bailey moved, seconded by Kristofik, to change the language on the promotion and tenure handbook language document on pg. 15, item 2.D.1.a from:
To conduct all reviews in an ethical manner: maintaining confidentiality and recording written minutes of meetings and proceedings.
To the following:
To conduct all reviews in an ethical manner: basing decisions on relevant information, maintaining confidentiality, and recording written minutes of meetings and proceedings.
If approved, the same change would need to be reflected on page 18 item C.1.B. and on page 21 item B.
The majority of the Senate were in agreement and the motion carried.
Senator Eakin stated that the four motions (3 postponed and 1 approved) in their amended states would be e-mailed to Senators to allow for departmental discussions prior to the October Senate meeting.
Senate Secretary Election. Senator Johnson moved, seconded by Senator Kristofik, to elect Pauletta King as Senate secretary. The motion carried.
Posthumous Degree for Kimberly Rose Freeman. Senator Collins moved, seconded by Senator Robles, to approve a posthumous degree for Kimberly Rose Freeman. Motion carried.
Council on Academic Affairs. Item 1 (Masters of Arts in Teaching adding Interdisciplinary Early Childhood Education option) was moved and seconded at the May meeting with the vote postponed to the September meeting. The majority of the Senate were in agreement and the motion to approve carried.
Senator Chapman moved approval of item 2 (Clinical Laboratory Technology changing from A.S. Degree to A.A.S. Degree), seconded by Senator Randles. Motion carried.
Senator Chapman stated that item 3 (Pre-college curriculum requirements) was listed as an informational item only.
Senator Eakin asked for a moment of silence in memory of those lost in the tragedy of September 11 five years ago and the recent tragedy at the Bluegrass Airport.
Senator Eakin announced that all committee charges have been distributed. He asked all standing committees to meet soon, elect chairs and notify the Senate chair and secretary of those appointments.
The Board of Regents met June 12, 2006. This was preceded by meetings of various Board committees. The meeting began with the swearing in of a new member, Teresa Banks of Frankfort, who replaces Penny Greer.
At the various meetings, reports were presented about the capital campaign and advancement endeavors, construction projects, SACS reaffirmation process, Strategic Plan, President Glasser's evaluation and other items. The Executive Commission, which was responsible for conducting President Glasser's evaluation, issued a statement at the end of its meeting. A copy of the statement is included for the minutes.
The action agenda of the Board included personnel items, requested curriculum changes, the Academic Integrity policy, the smoke-free zone policy, and the 2006-2007 budget. All agenda items were approved.
The Board also met on September 9. The day included committee meetings, the grand opening of the Business and Technology Center, and the Eastern-Western football game. The action agenda of the Board meeting included the items passed by the Faculty-at-Large at the Fall, 2006 Convocation. Some changes in parking regulations (including increased fines for parking lanes and handicapped spots; use of wheel boots; changes in the Parking Appeals Committee structure) was also considered. The Senate items were all approved at that meeting.
Later in September, members of the Board will attend the state-wide Fall Trustee Conference.
Senator Ware reported that COSFL hasn't met yet. There will be a Trustees meeting held on Sunday.
Senator Ware mentioned she would like to set up a COSFL Blackboard site for EKU Senators to share the COSFL mailings she receives. Please let her know if this would be beneficial.
In his written report, Senator J. Chapman indicated the following issues need to be addressed this year.
The Promotion and Tenure recommendations need to be approved. This will serve as a solid base from which to work to improve promotion and tenure procedures. There are additional changes and improvements that could be made, but getting the foundation in place by 2008-09 is a step in the right direction.
There has been continuing concern expressed regarding faculty workload. We soon will have an evaluation of how we distributed full-time faculty effort last year and that will provide a starting point for us to have a meaningful discussion on this issue.
New computers have been distributed to faculty. There will be workshops throughout the year to faculty members get the most from these new computers; please take advantage of the opportunities.
Senator J. Chapman added his thanks to all who have worked so hard to put together the SACS compliance document.
Mr. Fifer reported that SGA, in conjunction with the Office of University Programs and (specifically the Teaching and Learning Center) and the Libraries, have entered into a partnership with the New York Times to provide free copies of the New York Times to the campus community at various locations across campus. By moving a certain number of papers daily, the New York Times in turn will provide us with thousands of dollars of programming and educational materials; and they will also assist faculty in incorporating the current events and the headlines of the New York Times into the classrooms. Contact Dr. Charlie Sweet in the Teaching and Learning Center for additional information about this project.
Budget Committee. Senator Eakin reported that Senator Taylor has been elected chair of the committee.
Ad Hoc Committee on New Senator Orientation. Senator Robles was elected chair of the committee. New Senator Orientation has been scheduled for Monday, September 18 at 3:30 p.m. in the Faculty Club Lounge.
The topic of discussion was "Should the 'For the Good of the Order' Discussions Continue".
Senator Reed stated that these discussions allow for more flexibility and provide a chance to discuss issues that may not have motions attached to them.
Senator Johnson suggested that ideas for topics could be given to the chair and then brought to the Executive Committee for discussion. However, it might be nice to have one or two meetings during the year for open-ended discussions.
Senator Rainey indicated that the idea of fixed topics is helpful so that departmental feedback can be solicited prior to the Senate meeting, but that one or two meetings during the year for open ended discussions might be beneficial.
Senator Chapman moved to adjourn at approximately 5:00 p.m.
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