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Minutes for May 3, 2021 (Organizational Meeting)

The Faculty Senate of Eastern Kentucky University met remotely on Monday, May 3, 2021, via Zoom. Senate Chair Ciocca called the organizational meeting to order at approximately 4:50 p.m.

The following members were absent: M. Henton, D. Bussan, P. Calie, R. Dasari, S. Dutton, J. LaPlante, C. Neumann, A. Schilling, T. Smit, E. Sokolowski, L. Squicciarini, A. White, B. Woodruff, E. Zuccaro


Senate Chair Election.  Senator Crosby was nominated at the April meeting and elected today to serve as chair for the 2021-2022 academic year. Senator Winslow moved to suspend the rules and accept by acclamation, seconded by Senator Bishop-Ross. Motion carried unanimously.

At the conclusion of the chair’s election, Dr. Ciocca officially turned the meeting over to Chair Crosby.

Senate Vice-Chair Election.  Senator Kay was nominated at the April meeting and elected today to serve as vice chair for the 2021-2022 academic year. Senator Winslow moved to suspend the rules and accept by acclamation, seconded by Senator Nachtwey. Motion carried unanimously.

Committee Elections

  • Elections & University Nominations Committee (4 vacancies)

    Senators Lawson, Meiners, Spira and Zuccaro were nominated.

    Senator Jones moved to suspend the rules and accept by acclamation, seconded by Senator Burns. Motion carried unanimously.

  • Academic Quality Committee (3 vacancies)

    Senators Brent, Blair, Price, and Sands were nominated.

    Senators Brent, Price and Sands were elected to fill the vacancies.
    (Brent = 27 votes Blair = 26 votes | Price= 32 votes | Sands = 30 votes) (See Also: Individual Votes)

  • Board of Governors (2 vacancies)

    Senators Jarvis and Kelley self-nominated.

    Senator Burns moved to suspend the rules, and accept by acclamation, seconded by Senator Walz. Motion carried unanimously.

  • Budget Committee (3 vacancies)

    Senators Grabeel, Price, and Sexten self-nominated.

    Senator McGuffin moved to suspend the rules and accept by acclamation, seconded by Senator Burns. Motion carried unanimously.

  • Executive Committee (4 vacancies)

    Senators Grabeel, Jones, McGuffin, and Spira were nominated.

    Senator Johnson moved to suspend the rules and accept by acclamation, seconded by Senator Sexten. Motion carried unanimously.

  • Faculty Rights & Responsibilities (4 vacancies)

    Senators Brent, Hughes, Nachtwey, and Underwood self-nominated.

    Senator Walz moved to suspend the rules and accept by acclamation, seconded by Senator Woodruff. Motion carried unanimously.

  • Faculty Welfare Committee (3 vacancies)

    Senators Blair, Manning, Streetman, and Zuccaro were nominated.

    Senators Blair, Manning, and Zuccaro were elected to fill the vacancies.
    (Blair = 35 votes | Manning = 27 votes | Streetman = 22 votes | Zuccaro= 30 votes) (See Also: Individual Votes

  • Information Technology Committee (1 vacancy)

    Senators Couvillon and Nachtwey were nominated.

    Senator Nachtwey was elected to fill the vacancy.
    (Couvillon = 7 votes | Nachtwey = 30 votes) (See Also: Individual Votes)  

  • Rules Committee (3 vacancies)

    Senators Manning, Sands, and Streetman self-nominated.

    Senator Grabeel moved to suspend the rules and accept by acclamation, seconded by Senator Walz. Motion carried unanimously.

  • COSFL (1 rep & 2 alternates needed)

    Senators Burns, McGuffin, and Streetman self-nominated.

    Senator Burns was elected to serve as the COSFL representative with Senators McGuffin and Streetman  serving as alternates.
    (Burns = 31 votes | McGuffin = 4 votes | Streetman = 4 votes) (See Also: Individual Votes)


The meeting adjourned at approximately 5:30 p.m.

click here for printable version of minutes

(See also: Polling Results by Senators)

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