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Special Rules of Order

(These Special Rules of Order are an expansion to section VIII. Special Rules of Order and Standing Rules in the Faculty Handbook - This revision was approved by FS_05-02-16)

  1. When recommendations from the Council on Academic Affairs are to be considered by the Faculty Senate, a summary sheet shall be prepared, but complete information shall be available in the office of the Vice-President for Academic Affairs.
  2. When recommendations from Committees of the Faculty-at-Large are to be considered by the Faculty Senate, those recommendations shall be written and submitted in full.
  3. Resource persons able to comment on matters introduced by the Council on Academic Affairs or by Committees of the Faculty-at-Large shall be invited to attend the Senate meetings at which those matters are to be considered.
  4. Items submitted for inclusion on the Senate agenda shall reach the Chair or a member of the Executive Committee of the Senate at least two weeks before a scheduled meeting of the Senate. A substantive matter not so submitted, but presented on the floor of the Senate, shall be placed on the agenda for action at the next Senate meeting.
  5. The minutes of each meeting, along with all agendas and materials presented to and acted upon by the Senate, shall be sent to the University Archives for permanent storage immediately following their approval at the next meeting of the Senate. The materials and other documents shall be available for public inspection in accordance with KRS 61.835.
  6. Senators who expect to be absent from a meeting of the Senate shall notify the Secretary of the Senate. The Secretary shall list in the minutes of each meeting the names of Senators absent from the meeting with an asterisk beside the names of those Senators who notified the Secretary of their absence beforehand.
  7. Nominations of members for Standing Committees of the Senate shall be made from the floor.
  8. The administrative member of the Senate elected to the Budget Committee shall not serve successive terms on that committee.
  9. When any committee of the Faculty Senate adopts formal procedural rules governing its conduct, the committee chair shall immediately notify the Rules Committee in writing, in order that the rule(s) may be examined for consistency with the Senate Rules and/or for being the possible basis for a generalized rule governing all Senate Committees.
  10. When the Senate deems it necessary to establish an ad hoc committee, the Chair shall appoint members to serve on the committee and shall designate one of the appointees to serve as the committee chair.
  11. The annual reports of all standing and ad hoc committees shall be published in the minutes of the Senate meeting at which they are submitted.
  12. The Chair of the Senate is an ex officio delegate to COSFL. Another delegate and two alternates shall be elected annually from among the elected members of the incoming Senate during its organizational meeting in May. Either alternate may serve at any COSFL meeting in the absence of a regular delegate.
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