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Standing Rules

(These Standing Rules are an expansion to section VIII. Special Rules of Order and Standing Rules in the Faculty Handbook - This revision was approved by FS_05-02-16)

  1. At the organizational meeting in May, the Chair of the Senate shall inform the members of the Senate of:
    1. The web location of an electronic copy of a compendium of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised, which governs the conduct of the meetings of the Faculty Senate.
    2. The web location of an electronic copy of a copy of the Organization of the Faculty and the Special Rules of Order and Standing Rules of the Faculty Senate.
    3. The web location of an electronic copy of a list of the current standing committees and ad hoc committees.
    4. The location of Faculty Senate files, indexes, and minutes.
    5. The web location of the Legislative Research Commission Kentucky Open Meetings and Open Records Laws Statutes and Q&A.
  2. The Secretary of the Senate shall prepare a seating chart of the Senate each fall, and members of the Senate shall be assigned permanent seats alphabetically.
  3. The hour of regular Senate meetings shall be 3:30 p.m. and meetings of the Senate shall adjourn by 5:30 p.m.
  4. By August 1 of each year, the regular schedule of all Senate meetings for the academic year will be posted on the Senate web site and will include dates and locations of all meetings.
  5. Committee meetings
    1. By September 1 in the fall semester and January 31 in the spring semester, each standing and ad hoc committee shall set a schedule of regular meetings for the semester. An ad hoc committee formed at other times during the year shall set a schedule of regular meetings at its first meeting. The dates, times, and locations of committee meetings shall be sent to the Secretary of the Senate and posted on the Senate web site. All meetings shall be held at places which are accessible to the public.
    2. Committee chairs/secretaries are encouraged to post notices of all regular meetings on EKU Today.
    3. Special (called) meetings of any standing or ad hoc committee may be called as provided below:
      1. The chair or a majority of the members of the committee may call a special meeting.
      2. The committee chair/secretary shall provide notice of the special meeting to the Senate Secretary for posting on the Senate website. The notice shall consist of the date, time, and place of the special meeting and the agenda. Discussions and action at the meeting shall be limited to items listed in the notice.
      3. As soon as possible, but no later than 24 hours prior to the special meeting, the Secretary of the Senate shall send the notice of special meeting to all media organizations that have on file with the university attorney a written request for notice of special meetings. 
      4. As soon as possible, but no later than 24 hours prior to the special meeting, written notice of the meeting shall also be posted in a conspicuous place in the building where the special meeting will take place and in Keen Johnson.
      5. The minutes of each committee regular meeting and special meeting shall include an accurate record of votes and actions. The minutes will be approved at the next meeting of the committee and shall be submitted to the Secretary of the Senate immediately following that meeting.

(See Committee Checklist to make sure your committee is following current practice. Also see the Guide for Posting & Emailing Notice of Special Meetings)

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