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Minutes for February 2, 1998

The Faculty Senate of Eastern Kentucky University met on Monday, February 2, 1998 in the South Room of the Keen Johnson Building. Senate Chair Karen Janssen called the fifth meeting of the academic year to order at 3:30 p.m.

The following members of the Senate were absent:

R. Baugh A. Chapman* L. Corn*
B. Gallichio S. Hoover* R. Huebner*
K. Johnson C. Lewis J. Wells*
M. Willingham*    

*denotes prior notification of absence to the Faculty Senate Secretary

Visitors to the Senate were: Dr. and Mrs. Robert Kustra and numerous other visitors

Approval of the Minutes

Senator Janssen called for additions or corrections to the minutes. There being none, the minutes were approved as distributed.

Report from the President: Senator Funderburk

President Funderburk reported on recent activities of the Council on Postsecondary Education (CPE) and several pieces of proposed legislation currently in front of the Kentucky General Assembly. The Board of Regents at its January meeting approved the submission of two proposals: Law Enforcement and Occupational Therapy for the CPE's Regional University Trust Fund Programs of Distinction. Eastern is currently fine tuning the proposals before they will be submitted to the CPE. The CPE is looking for a consultant to help them with Programs of Distinction.

In Kentucky General Assembly business, Dr. Funderburk mentioned that Senator Philpot has submitted a post-tenure review bill for consideration. A proposal, submitted by Senator Shaughnessy, calls for a Commonwealth Merit Scholarship Program, which is modeled after programs in several states, through which Kentucky students who have financial need and demonstrated merit will receive scholarships. The state Budget Bill has been submitted by Governor Patton. The governor accepted all of the CPE budget recommendations and added to them in the area of student financial aid.

Report of the Executive Committee: Senator Janssen

Senator Janssen reported that the Executive Committee met on February 2, 1998. All members were present except for Senator Enzie who was attending a meeting in Frankfort.

A major topic of discussion was the effect of overheated buildings on faculty and students. The consensus of the committee seemed to be that buildings with windows that open in all rooms are not as bad, but buildings with interior rooms are suffocating unless it is very cold outside. It was reported that many offices are using fans in the winter. Concerns were voiced about the cost of running fans and heating buildings with all of the windows and doors open.

Suspension of Senate Rules

Senator Janssen moved to suspend the rules so that Dr. Robert Kustra, one of the finalists for the Eastern presidency, could speak to the Senate. Senator Gale seconded the motion which was approved.

Message from Dr. Robert Kustra

Senator Janssen introduced Dr. Robert Kustra to the Senate. Dr. Kustra has taught on six different college campuses and served in the Illinois House of Representatives and Senate. He is currently an Adjunct Professor at Northwestern University, Chair of the Illinois Board of Higher Education, and Lt. Governor of Illinois.

Kustra, the first to visit the campus of the four finalists for the Eastern presidency, spent considerable time reviewing his academic and political experience and how it might help EKU. In 1994 Dr. Kustra spearheaded a major streamlining and restructuring of the governance of Illinois higher education. The 1994 reform replaced a centralized system of governance and moved decision-making back to individual campuses.

Dr. Kustra outlined several major issues that face higher education in the future. He does not anticipate major changes at Eastern but wants to work closely with governmental leaders and campus constituencies in goal setting, accountability, assessment, and long-range planning. Public higher education must continue to be competitive in the face of rising competition from proprietary educational enterprises. Kustra believes that public universities strength will continue to be in liberal arts education and teaching. He strongly emphasized his desire to create better learning conditions for students and the need to be flexible and willing to respond in an environment of rapid change.

Dr. Kustra answered numerous questions on such diverse issues as technology and the virtual university, role of faculty in governance, wellness program, university mission priorities, tenure and post-tenure review, funding philosophy, diversity, and students with disabilities.

In summary, Dr. Kustra stated that teaching is his first love and Eastern's major mission, but research adds to good teaching. His administration will be open and practice shared governance. Technology can and must improve student access to learning, and he sees it as an important tool in developing a community of learners. He hopes through creative student and facilities programming that Eastern's "suitcase" reputation can be modified. Kustra stated that he would have the a responsibility to convince the people that the university is doing its work effectively and efficiently.

Report of the Faculty Regent: Senator Freed

No report given.

Report from the COSFL Representative: Senator Sowders

No report given.

Report from the Student Senate: Mr. Mike Lynch

No report given.

Reports from Standing Committees

Committee on Elections: Senator Miller reported in place of Senator Chapman on the upcoming Faculty Regents election. The Elections Committee has scheduled two forums--February 10 and 11--for regent candidates to present their cases for election. The five candidates are: Allen Engle, Management and Marketing; Mary Fleming, Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer Science; Victor Kappeler, Police Studies; Bruce MacLaren, Earth Sciences; and Aaron Thompson, Anthropology, Sociology, and Social Work. Ballots will be mailed to all faculty eligible to vote on February 12. Ballots are to be returned by February 20. Runoff balloting, if necessary, will be scheduled later.


Report from the Council on Academic Affairs: Senator Enzie moved approval of the all of the following proposals from the Council on Academic Affairs. Senator Gale seconded the motion which was approved.

  • Change in Policy on Credit by Examination from Department of Baccalaureate and Graduate Nursing in College of Allied Health and Nursing.
  • New certificate programs from the Department of Foreign Languages and Humanities in French Conversation and Culture, German Conversation and Culture, Japanese Conversation and Culture, and Spanish Conversation and Culture in College of Arts and Humanities.
  • Name change in the certificate and endorsement programs in Curriculum for Early Elementary School Principal (K-4), Curriculum for Middle Grade School Principal (5-8), and Curriculum for Secondary School Principal (9-12) TO Certificate for Instructional Leadership - School Principal, All Grades from Administration, Counseling, and Educational Studies in College of Education.
  • New minor in American Sign Language Studies from Special Education in College of Education.
  • New certification program in Special Education option in Early Childhood (IECE - SEEC)--Teaching (for Interdisciplinary Early Childhood Education Teacher Certification - Birth to Five) Post-Degree Initial Certification (non-degree) program from Special Education in College of Education.
  • New certification program in Special Education option in Early Childhood (IECE - SEEC)--Teaching (for Interdisciplinary Early Childhood Education Teacher Certification - Birth to Five) Post-Degree Alternate Certification (non-degree) program from Special Education in College of Education.
  • Option name changes in the Master of Arts in Education in Special Education Trainable Mentally Handicapped (Teaching) TO Moderate and Severe Disabilities (Teaching) Special Education Early Childhood (Non-Teaching) TO Interdisciplinary Early Childhood Education (Non-Teaching) from Special Education in College of Education.
  • Option name change in the Bachelor of Science in Fire and Safety Engineering Technology Fire and Arson Investigation TO Fire, Arson, and Explosion Investigation from Loss Prevention and Safety in College of Law Enforcement.


Senator Enzie moved that the Senate adjourn. It adjourned at 4:43 p.m.


Charles C. Hay III
Faculty Senate Secretary

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