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Minutes for April 6, 1998

The Faculty Senate of Eastern Kentucky University met on Monday, April 6, 1998 in the South Room of the Keen Johnson Building. Senate Chair Karen Janssen called the seventh meeting of the academic year to order at 3:30 p.m.

The following members of the Senate were absent:

S. Butler M. Chambers* A. Chapman*
G. Cordner R. Davis W. Farrar
R. Huebner J. Kilgore J. Levine*
C. Lewis P. Murray* M. Myers*
A. Patrick D. Smith* G. Steinbach*
J. Wells* V. Wisenbaker  

*denotes prior notification of absence to the Faculty Senate Secretary

Visitors to the Senate were: Dr. Robert Kustra, president-elect of Eastern Kentucky University

Approval of the Minutes

Senator Janssen called for additions or corrections to the minutes of March 2, 1998. Senator Sowders mentioned that on page six "Paul" should be changed to "Paula." There being no further corrections, the minutes were approved as amended.

Statement from President-Elect Kustra

President-elect Robert Kustra briefly reported on the progress of his transition to the presidency at Eastern. He thanked everyone for their great hospitality shown him and Mrs. Kustra during their visits to the campus. He plans to make several more trips to the campus before assuming the presidency on July 1.

Report from the President: Senator Funderburk

President Funderburk reported on recent activities of the Kentucky General Assembly which affect higher education. The budget bill passed with only minor modifications, the Commonwealth Scholarship bill passed, as did a change in the Kentucky Teachers Retirement System. The collective bargaining bill did not pass. During the next few weeks, work will be completed on EKU's internal budget. President Funderburk pointed out that there are several significant items such as the Year 2000 problem, matching funds for the Programs of Distinction and Facilities Trust fund, a large increase in health insurance cost, and continuation of new scholarship funding that present a challenge to the budget.

Report of the Executive Committee: Senator Janssen

Senator Janssen reported that the Executive Committee met on March 23. The Committee discussed the status of the work of Ad Hoc Committees. The Committee on Post-Tenure Review will be giving a progress report, but not a final report this semester. Information for the Committee on College Credit for Work Experiences has been received. Since that committee is just beginning, it will not be asked to give a final report in May of 1998. All other ad hoc committees are expected to give final reports at the May meeting.

A reception for orientation of new Faculty Senators will be held at 3:30 p.m. on April 27 in Walnut Hall of the Keen Johnson Building. Please encourage new senators to attend. Besides general information regarding the role of the Senate, Chairs of Standing Committees will advertise for new members. Candidates for Chair of the Faculty Senate will have an opportunity to introduce themselves to the new senators.

Report of the Faculty Regent: Senator Freed and Fleming

Senator Janssen asked that Senator Freed come forward. On behalf of EKU's faculty members, Senator Janssen presented a plaque to Senator Freed in recognition of his six years of very commendable service as Faculty Regent. Senator Mary Fleming, the new Faculty Regent, was introduced. She had no report.

Report from the COSFL Representative: Senator Sowders

COSFL met at the University of Kentucky on March 7 to get updates on several legislative matters. After discussing the revised Shaughnessy scholarship bill, COSFL went on record in support of the bill. Following discussion on the collective bargaining bill, which applies to all public employees, COSFL decided to take no position right now since not all representatives felt that the issue had been discussed enough on their campuses for them to take a stand one way or the other. Merl Hackbart, the faculty representative on the Council on Postsecondary Education, then reported on several issues still being discussed by them.

Following these discussions, Richard Freed requested a moment of silence in memory of Klaus Heberle, who had been a member of COSFL. Finally, Loys Mather, COSFL president, commended Richard Freed "for his leadership in COSFL and for helping focus the group's attention on statewide issues."

Report from the Student Senate: Mr. Mike Lynch

Mr. Lynch mentioned a series of Student Senate bills recently passed that has been sent on to the administration. He also stated that Student Senate elections would be held within the week.

Reports from Standing Committees

Committee on Elections: Senator Miller reported for Senator Chapman. The Committee certified the run-off balloting for the Faculty Regent election on March 24. From a total of 356 ballots cast, Mary Fleming, Department of Mathematics/Statistics/and Computer Science, received 248 votes (69.7%) and Allen Engle, Department of Management and Marketing, received 108 votes (30.3%). Mary Fleming was duly elected.

After thanking various administrative offices that assisted the Committee in conducting the election, Senator Miller mentioned two areas of possible improvement that the Committee would like the Senate to address: 1. Invalid ballots, which were of three violation-types-- (1) no name and signature on the outer envelope, which made the ballot secret and anonymous; (2) ballots returned too late; and (3) qualified but confused faculty who voted for more than one candidate at a time. 2. Getting ballots to all qualified voters. There were some strange omissions in the mail-out, but since they did not follow a pattern, the only suggestion is for the Committee next time to establish a complete list of qualified voters well ahead of time.

Committee on Committees: Senator Taylor - No report given.

Committee on Rules: Senator MacLaren - No report given.

Committee on the Budget: Senator Rink - No report given.

Committee on Faculty Rights and Responsibilities: Senator Rink - No report given.

Reports from Ad Hoc Committees

Post-Tenure Review Committee: Senator Gale reported for Senator Murray. The Post-Tenure Review Committee was established to evaluate EKU's faculty evaluation process and determine if current practice would satisfy State Senator Tim Philpot's proposal for a legislated post-tenure review process. After reviewing the faculty evaluation process as outlined in the Faculty/Staff Handbook and post-tenure review policies already established in universities throughout the country, the committee agreed that EKU's current process does not satisfy the common conception of post-tenure review nor would it bear scrutiny if compared to the elements in Philpot's proposal. Philpot withdrew his proposal during the legislative session and agreed to accept a substitute resolution. The resolution strongly encourages Kentucky's universities to develop a comprehensive, periodic post-tenure review system that meets the unique needs of the individual institutions and their subcomponents (colleges and departments within colleges). Elements of the process should reflect faculty and administrative input; indicators of quality teaching, service, and scholarship; identification of resources to support faculty development and improvement; a mechanism for feedback; and communication to the Board of Regents regarding the progress being made in the development of a review system. The resolution also encourages the Council on Postsecondary Education to review the progress being made in each university in developing the review system by September 1, 1999. Although not specifically stated, but inherent in the resolution, is that a process of punitive measures be identified in the review system in the event that satisfactory faculty development or improvement is not made within a designated time frame. Using the recommendations in the resolution, the committee has begun the task of writing a proposal for a post-tenure review policy for EKU. It is the committee's intent to create a workable framework for the university while allowing individual colleges and their departments to tailor the process to fit their needs. Faculty input will be invited after the proposal has been written. The proposal should not be viewed as a policy; it is a starting place to address the issue.

Senator Gale mentioned that the committee is currently reviewing a series of statements including AAUP philosophy and principles and ten or twelve universities' proposals for post-tenure review. From this information the committee will be developing a philosophical statement and a set of principles which will be sent forward to the Faculty Senate. The committee would like to be disbanded once these statements and principles have been developed and proposes that the Senate establish a new committee to develop procedures and processes. The committee also recommends that a series of hearings among the faculty be held this fall to review the principles and statements.


Nominations for Chair of the Faculty Senate: Senator Funderburk called for nominations for Faculty Senate Chair for the 1998-1999 academic year. Senator Miller nominated Senator MacLaren, Senator Anderson nominated Senator Janssen, and Senator MacLaren nominated Senator Miller.

Report from the Council on Academic Affairs: Senator Enzie moved approval of all of the following proposals from the Council on Academic Affairs. Senator Robinette seconded the motion which was approved.

From the College of Education, Department of Curriculum and Instruction. Proposed to suspend options within a degree program: (1) Master of Arts in Education in Elementary Education [General Elementary Education] and (2) Master of Arts in Education in Secondary Education [Chemistry, Earth Science, General Science, Physics, Political Science, Psychology, and Reading].

From the College of Education, Department of Curriculum and Instruction. Proposed new option within a degree program: (1) Master of Arts in Education in Secondary Education [Physical Science].

From the College of Education, Department of Curriculum and Instruction. Proposed option name changes in the Master of Arts in Education in Secondary Education degree program: (1) Home Economics Education TO Family and Consumer Science Education; (2) Geography TO Social Studies: Geography; (3) History TO Social Studies: History, (4) Mathematics TO Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer Science; (5) Computer Science TO Mathematics: Computer Science; (6) Industrial Education TO Technology Education.

From the College of Education, Department of Curriculum and Instruction. Proposed name change in the Certification for Fifth Year Rank II Program in Elementary, Early Elementary, and Middle Grade Education TO Certification for Fifth Year Rank II Program in Elementary Education and Certification for Fifth Year Rank II Program in Middle Grade Education.


Senator McAdam mentioned about the upcoming Cultural Festival on campus. Senator Rink called the Senate's attention to promotional literature of a future EKU Women's sponsored event, the play "Rent." He objected to a section of the literature which presented a warning about the adult content of the play. Senator Janssen will mention Senator Rink's objection to representatives of EKU Women.


Senator Enzie moved that the Senate adjourn. It adjourned at 4:06 p.m.


Charles C. Hay III
Faculty Senate Secretary

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