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Minutes for September 8, 1997

The Faculty Senate of Eastern Kentucky University met on Monday, September 8, 1997 in the South Room of the Keen Johnson Building. Senate Chair Karen Janssen called the first meeting of the academic year to order at 3:30 p.m.

The following members of the Senate were absent:

A. Banks* D. Batch* J. Beck*
S. Butler* J. Culross* P. Dean
G. Denham W. Farrar D. Gale
K. Henson* J. Kilgore* P. Murray*
R. Powers T. Ricks* G. Ritchinson
A. Schick* R. Thompson L. Tyson*
J. Willett    

*denotes prior notification of absence to the Faculty Senate Secretary

Visitors to the Senate were: Dr. Jerry Austin, Administration, Counseling, and Educational Studies; Ms. Margaret Baxter, Model Laboratory School; Ms. Nancy Daniel, Model Laboratory School; Mr. Mike Lynch, Student Government Association; and Ms. Julie Clay, Eastern Progress

Approval of the Minutes

Senator Janssen called for additions or corrections to the minutes. There being none, the minutes were approved as distributed.

Report from the President: Senator Funderburk

President Funderburk reported about a recent meeting of the new Council on Postsecondary Education. Based on that meeting, Dr. Funderburk feels that the council will be pursuing a faster track than originally anticipated. This could mean that there will not be time for adequate faculty involvement in the implementation of the new postsecondary legislation. There will be a Governor's Conference on Trusteeship meeting in Louisville on September 21 and 22. The new council's staff is composed exactly of the same staff as the old Council on Higher Education. Dr. Funderburk pointed out that there are currently 727 students on academic scholarships as compared to 520 students last year.

Report of the Executive Committee: Senator Janssen

The Executive Committee met on August 25, 1997. The committee discussed the new child care facility on campus and the role the Faculty Senate might play in increasing child care on campus. The need to replace standing committee members, Marilee Gabbard and Mary Halley, was discussed. A suggestion was made to change the rules regarding the date of the May Faculty Senate meeting, because the first Monday in May falls on the first day of the final examination week period. The Committee on Rules will be asked to investigate the effect of the University's new calendar on Faculty Senate meeting dates.

Senator Janssen reported that the Presidential Search Committee was in the process of being formed. The committee will have representation from faculty, chairs, deans, staff, students, and alumni.

Another item of discussion was the problem of faculty senators who are unable to attend senate meetings due to teaching schedule conflicts. When a conflict arises, it is the responsibility of the faculty senator to see that a replacement senator from the department is elected for the semester. The Faculty Senate secretary should be notified about the change.

At the conclusion of Senator Janssen's report, Senator Bright moved that an ad hoc committee be appointed to review the progress of child care services. Senator Rink seconded the motion, which was approved.

Report of the Faculty Regent: Senator Freed

Senator Freed reported that the search for a new president is now underway. An eleven-person search committee has been named. The committee consists of the following members: representing the faculty are Merita Thompson and Karen Janssen; the chairs--Mary Fleming; the deans--Dan Robinette; the staff--Mary Williams; the retired staff--Joe Schwendeman; the students--Melody Mason; the alumni--George Ridings; and the Board of Regents--Alice Rhodes, Richard Freed, and Jim Gilbert, chair of the board and of the hiring committee. Senator Freed feels that the committee is an excellent one, and he expects the search to be conducted in a very competent and professional manner. He also mentioned that the consulting firm retained by the Board of Regents has already begun its activities on campus.

Senator Freed stated that he will keep the faculty informed as fully as possible throughout the search process. He will also make every effort to ensure that faculty have as much input as is possible. Senator Freed said the focus will be on selecting the best candidate who shows the most promise of leading EKU into a new era of academic excellence and continued fiscal well-being.

In concluding, Senator Freed noted that many rumors concerning the presidential search have circulated during the past few months. He emphasized that beyond selecting a search firm and the recent selection of the search committee, no decisions or actions have or could have taken place.

Report from the COSFL Representative: Senator Freed

Reporting for Senator Sowders, Senator Freed mentioned that Merle Hackbart from the University of Kentucky had been selected as the faculty representative for the new Council on Postsecondary Education. He feels that Dr. Hackbart will be an excellent representative for all campus constituencies.

Report from the Student Senate: Mr. Mike Lynch

Mr. Lynch reported that the Student Association recently adopted a written policy stating that the Association is an alcohol-free organization. The EKU Student Association is the only university student government body in Kentucky that has such a policy. Mr. Lynch mentioned that one of the Association's goals this year is to try to improve the safety of access to the Lancaster Avenue parking lot.

Reports from Standing Committees

Committee on Elections: Senator Chapman was elected as chair of the committee.

Committee on Committees: Senator Taylor was elected as chair of the committee.

Committee on Rules: Senator McCord reported that Senator MacLaren was elected as chair of the committee.

Committee on the Budget: Reporting for Senator Beck, Senator Rink stated that he was elected as chair of the committee. The committee agreed to review the 1997-1998 university budget and report back to the Senate as soon as possible.

Committee on Faculty Rights and Responsibilities: Senator Steinbach reported that Senator Rink was elected chair of the committee. Senator Rink then reported that Senator Steinbach had provided the committee with a report pertaining to faculty member's rights, responsibilities, and as to possible directions the committee may take. Senator Steinbach also shared a letter that he had sent to the previous chair of the committee in which he listed certain policies that all faculty should have the right to know. He also requested that these policies be made accessible on the EKU's homepage.

Unfinished Business

Senator Janssen brought to the Senate the motion submitted by Senator Lee-Riffe and seconded by Senator Wallace at the May 5, 1997, Senate meeting concerning the appointment of a committee on the Model Laboratory School admissions policy (that the Executive Committee of the Senate appoint a committee to review the current admissions policy [at all levels] at the Model Laboratory School. If problems stemming from the present admissions policy are discovered, the committee should recommend a new admissions policy). Senator Corn mentioned that the Model School site-based council in July had appointed a committee to review the school's admissions policy and some changes have been recommended. Senator Anderson asked if the Model School admissions policy has to go through the same procedure for approval as an academic department does? Senator Corn outlined several of the planned Model School admission policy changes. Senator Hunter raised a question about ethnic makeup of the Model School. The motion was not approved.

Election of Standing Committee vacancies

Committee on Elections.  Senator Smith was nominated by Senator McAdam and Senator Rosenberg was nominated by Senator Rink. Senator Smith was elected.

Committee on Rules.  Senator Chambers was nominated by Senator Caldwell. Senator Chambers was elected.

New Business

Report from the Council on Academic Affairs: Senator Enzie moved approval of a Master of Arts degree program in Education in Instructional Leadership in the Department of Administration, Counseling, and Educational Studies. Senator Falkenberg seconded the motion, which was approved. Senator Enzie moved approval of a Bachelor of Science degree program in Interpreter Training in the Department of Special Education. Senator Hunter seconded the motion, which was approved.


Senator Enzie moved that the Senate adjourn. It adjourned at 4:12 p.m.
Charles C. Hay III
Faculty Senate Secretary

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