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Minutes for December 13, 1999

The Faculty Senate of Eastern Kentucky University met in special session on Monday, December 13, 1999 in the South Room of the Keen Johnson Building. Senate Chair Phyllis Murray called the meeting to order at 3:30 p.m.

The quorum of senators were present.


Senator Murray announced that, due to the retirement of Mr. Charles Hay as Senate Secretary, there was a need for a replacement for him. She invited names of any current senator who would like to be nominated for secretary. She stated that Provost Marsden's office will supply secretarial support for the Senate Secretary.


Senator Flanagan moved the adoption as a package the following eleven actions concerning Phase II of the reorganization of Academic Affairs. Senator M. Thompson seconded the motion. The motion passed with several dissenting votes.


  • Department of Recreation and Park Administration to Department of Leisure.
  • Department of Physical Education to Department of Exercise and Sport Science.
  • College of Law Enforcement to the College of Justice and Safety.
  • Department of Police Studies to Department of Criminal Justice and Police Studies.


  • Department of Health Information and Health Education into a new Department of Health.
  • Department of Medical Services Technology to Program in Medical Assisting Practice and merger of this program with programs in Clinical Laboratory Science and Environmental Health into the formation of a single department to be named by the combined faculty by February 15, 2000.


  • Interior Design from Family and Consumer Sciences to the Department of Art.


  • Merging of Speech Communication faculty with Department of Mass Communication faculty and renaming department the Department of Communication and locating new department in College of Business and Technology.
  • Establishing a separate Department of Theatre.


  • Move Aviation Program from Chair of Department of Geography and Planning to the Department of Technology.


  • Continuing a Centrally Organized Office of Graduate Programs operation with a separate administration.


Senator Marsden thanked everyone who was involved in the academic affairs reorganization process. He hoped that as a results of the reorganization efforts the institution has developed a process which allows open consultation on important academic issues. In conclusion, Dr. Marsden thanked all persons involved in commencement and the honors breakfast which preceded commencement. He felt it was a successful endeavor of bringing the academic and public communities together.

Senator M. Thompson raised a question about a recent memo from the Provost's Office which concerned a time frame of appointments and evaluation of academic administrators. Senator Marsden mentioned that the purpose is to establish a formal process for the appointment of academic administrators, especially developing a regular recurring evaluation process. He stated that while the memo did not specify how the evaluation process (who is involved, what groups of individuals will be involved, and what source of information which will be provided) is to operate, it is clearly intended to be for a five year period. This will be codified in the Faculty/Staff Handbook. In response to Senator M. Thompson's concern of what role the faculty will play in the evaluation process, Senator Marsden stated that there will be faculty and staff input into the reappointment or non-reappointment of all academic administrators.


Senator Marsden moved that the Senate adjourn.  It adjourned at 3:50 p.m.

Charles C. Hay III
Faculty Senate Secretary  

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