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Minutes for September 14, 2009

The Faculty Senate of Eastern Kentucky University met on Monday, September 14, 2009, in the South Ballroom of the Keen Johnson Building. Senator Ware called the first meeting of the academic year to order at approximately 3:30 p.m.

The following members of the Senate were absent:

A. Back S. Ballard L. Bosley*
M. Hesse K. Krampe* A. Nix*
T. Randles R. Richardson*^ C. Smith*

*Indicates prior notification of absence to the Faculty Senate Secretary
^ ALT Tony Adams attending for R. Richardson

Visitors to the Senate: Sandra Moore, University Diversity; Jerry Pogatshnik, Graduate Education & Research; and Sherry Robinson, Provost Office


The May 4, 2009 regular and organizational minutes were approved as written.


Parliamentarian Miller reminded the senators of the following parliamentary procedures:

Faculty Senate Special Rules of Order

  1. Stand to be recognized and when recognized, state name
  2. A senator may speak two times to a motion until all who wish to speak have spoken and then the chair may call on that senator a third time if a filibuster is not underway. If an amendment is made to the motion, that senator may speak two more times to the amendment, but not the main motion.
  3. When a senator has the floor please address the chair. Do not directly address any other senator or visitor or call upon anyone else to speak; that is the prerogative of the chair.Items submitted for inclusion on the Senate agenda should reach the chair or a member of the Executive Committee two weeks before a scheduled meeting of the Senate. A substantive matter not so submitted but presented on the floor of the Senate shall be placed on the agenda for action at the next Senate meeting. The chair will rule on whether or not an item is substantive.

Roberts Rules of Order

  1. With rare exception, motions that come before the Senate require a second. Discussion does not begin until a second is given. In making a motion during the meeting if not previously sent to the Executive Committee, have it written out in advance. This makes it possible to state the motion and then send it up to the chair for precise re-statement before the vote.
  2. Sometimes one motion may contain several issues. Move to divide the motion and, if approved, then the items will be voted on separately.
  3. Sometimes there is lengthy discussion which leads to either unresolved issues or matters that need to be taken back to the departments for further discussion. The appropriate action is to move to postpone the motion to a definite time, usually the next meeting. Do not move to table the motion. That's a ploy to kill it.
  4. Often a senator will call for the question if someone has been speaking at length to a particular motion. That does not stop debate. It's merely is a signal to the chair to speed things along. The chair must ask the body if anyone else wishes to speak. However, there is a motion to stop debate called "move the previous question". Such a motion requires a second and two thirds of the Senate vote.
  5. If a senator thinks the chair or another member of the Senate is not following proper procedure or is in violation of a rule, call for a point of order. The chair will ask what the point of order is and will then rule with or without consulting the parliamentarian. If the senator raising the objection is still unsatisfied, the Senate will vote on it.


Senator Whitlock thanked the members of the Senate who participated in his evaluation process.

Senator Whitlock proudly announced that Eastern has been recognized in the Chronicle of Higher Education, the Carnegie Foundation, Forbes.Com, U.S. News and World Report, and G.I. Jobs Magazine. Out of 5,000+ institutions in the country, Eastern is one of only three institutions to receive recognition by all five of the aforementioned.

Senator Whitlock has decided that the time frame for the Interim Provost will be for one year only; and a committee will be formed soon to begin the search for a permanent Provost. Senator Whitlock has asked the Senate Committee on Committees to nominate two faculty members from each of the five colleges and two members of the professional library staff. Once the recommendations are forwarded on to him, he will choose one member from each of the six areas to serve on the committee. In addition, one member each will also be selected from the following areas: Chairs Association, the Deans, academic support units, institutional support units, and the study body. The search committee will be comprised of eleven members with faculty having a slight majority.

EKU's College of Business and Technology, the Kentucky Highlands Investment Corporation and the Center for Rural Development in Somerset have successfully collaborated for the ninth year on entrepreneurship awards in four different categories.

Senator Whitlock announced that the Council on Postsecondary Education recently approved the Associate of Arts Degree for General Studies.

Last Thursday, the Council on Postsecondary Education met in Bowling Green. The majority of the discussion was about the licensing of out-of-state institutions to teach in Kentucky. This can be problematic if those institutions are governed by a different regional accrediting body than the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. The Council on Postsecondary Education is considering implementing a SACS-like accreditation process for those out-of-state institutions.

At the same meeting, Eastern's funding of $228,000 for regional stewardship efforts was approved for next year.

The annual Governor's Trusteeship Conference was held last Friday. Katie Haycock with Education Trust talked about student achievement in elementary and secondary education and student achievement and performance in higher education. EKU folks who attended the conference thought it would be a wonderful professional development opportunity to invite Dr. Haycock to campus for a more in-depth presentation.

At the first Fireside Chat of the semester, Senator Whitlock spoke at length about doctoral programs on campus. In December 2007, the Commission on Colleges approved Eastern for the level of accreditation which could conceivably allow us to offer up to three doctoral programs. The only program approved to date is the doctorate program in Educational Leadership. Kentucky statute, as it is currently written, states that comprehensive institutions have the authority to offer doctoral programs in education and related fields only. So what areas are covered under "related fields"? There are currently four or five doctoral program proposals being developed on campus. Senator Whitlock stressed that all program proposals will be carefully and strategically reviewed by all concerned parties, including Faculty Senate, before a decision is reached as to which two proposals will move forward.

In the next few days the campus community will receive a letter from the President of the Council on Postsecondary Education regarding Senate Bill I. The Council on Postsecondary Education and the Kentucky Department of Education have been charged with specific responsibilities in the implementation of that legislation, especially the section that deals with better aligning elementary/secondary layout outcomes with college expectations.

In connection with that, Senator Vice spent a good part of the day at Northern Kentucky University where most of the focus was on the math piece of this new re-alignment process. Dr. Robert Thomas, and others, have been working with the school systems in our service region on the implementation of a math transition program. MAT 095 curriculum will be taught at the high schools in the senior year for those who's math ACT scores indicate that they are going to require remediation. Then if students score high enough on the KYOTE test, they would not have to be remediated in college.

Senator Whitlock stated that nothing further is known about the budget. However, it does appear that one of the top priorities for funding, if new money becomes available, is in the area of new buildings.

Professor Yoon from Kwanewoon University in Seoul is visiting campus today. Kwanewoon University is very interested in partnering with Eastern and having their junior year students attend here.


Election for Academic Quality Committee. Senator Ware announced that the election will be deferred to the October meeting until after the Board has had an opportunity to review and approve the motion that was approved by the Senate and passed by the Faculty-at-Large at the August 2009 convocation.

Volunteer for the University Residency Appeals Committee. Senator Ware asked that anyone interested in serving as the Senate representative on this committee should contact her.

Report from Council on Academic Affairs - Senator Vice

Program Revisions from 128 to 120 hours

  1. Sociology B.A.
  2. Economics B.A.
  3. Geology B.S.
  4. Paralegal Program
  5. Philosophy B.A.
  6. Psychology B.S.
  7. Medical Practice Management B.S.
  8. Nursing Post-RN (RN-BSN)
  9. Clinical Laboratory Sciences B.S.
  10. Sport Management B.S.
  11. Apparel Design and Merchandising B.S.
  12. General Dietetics B.S. decrease overall program hours to 120-121
  13. Physical Education B.S. decrease the overall program hours to 120-126
  14. Athletic Training B.S. add new course, drop HEA 450 from support and drop all free electives to bring overall program hours down to 120
  15. Nursing Pre-RN B.S.N. decrease overall program requirements from 128 to 120-121
  16. Computer Information Systems B.B.A.
    Add PSY 200 or 200W or SOC 131 for Supporting Courses and change CCT 300 to CCT 300W in the Business Core of the BBA in Accounting.
    Drop CIS 250 and CIS 436 from the CIS electives, add CIS 240 as a supporting course, and adjust non business free electives and change total required program hours from 128 to 120.
  17. Geography B.A. ­ Reduce hours required to graduate from 128 to 120 and remove 33 CSC 104 from supporting course requirements.

New Program

  1. School Safety Endorsement

Program Suspensions:

  1. MAT Elementary Option
  2. Medical Assisting Technology A.A.S.
  3. Medical Practice Management B.S
  4. Medical Coding Certificate

Program Revisions:

  1. African/African American Studies ­ addition of the writing intensive course AFA 201W
  2. Chemistry Minor ­ revise courses in program to reflect recent changes of course numberings in the lab courses.
  3. Chemistry B.A. - revise courses in program to reflect recent changes of course numberings in the lab courses.
  4. Forensic Science B.S. - revise courses in program to reflect recent changes of course numberings in the lab courses.
  5. Elementary Education (P-5) Teaching B.S. ­ add ELE 446S and ELE 492S
  6. Special Education/Teaching B.S. Learning and Behavior Disorders ­ add ELE 446S and 492S to the Program Core and Education requirements
  7. Deaf and Hard of Hearing (P-12) with Elementary Education (P-5) Teaching B.S. ­ Add ELE 446S and 492S to the Program Core and Education requirements.
  8. Elementary Education Teaching B.S. ­ revise the program to ensure that all candidates are provided instruction in all content areas they will be expected to teach in grades P-5 and add a special education course to enhance their skills in working with students with disabilities. Eliminate the following options (AKA emphasis areas): arts and humanities, English and Communications, foreign language, kindergarten, mathematics, science, social science. Supporting Courses are enhanced and a specified multidisciplinary content is identified.
  9. Accounting B.B.A. ­ Add PSY 200 or 200W or SOC 131 for Supporting Courses and change CCT 300 to CCT 300W in the Business Core.
  10. Finance B.B.A. - Add PSY 200 or 200W or SOC 131 for Supporting Courses and change CCT 300 to CCT 300W in the Business Core.
  11. Insurance B.B.A. - Add PSY 200 or 200W or SOC 131 for Supporting Courses and change CCT 300 to CCT 300W in the Business Core.
  12. General Business B.B.A. - Add PSY 200 or 200W or SOC 131 for Supporting Courses and change CCT 300 to CCT 300W in the Business Core.
  13. Management B.B.A. - Add PSY 200 or 200W or SOC 131 for Supporting Courses and change CCT 300 to CCT 300W in the Business Core.
  14. Marketing B.B.A. - Add PSY 200 or 200W or SOC 131 for Supporting Courses and change CCT 300 to CCT 300W in the Business Core.
  15. Insurance B.B.A. and B.S. ­ add PSY 200 or 200W or SOC 131 for BBA Supporting courses; change CCT 300 to CCT 300W in BBA Core and BS Insurance Core and change "C-" to "C" in Enrollment in Upper Division EKU Business Courses.
  16. Insurance B.S. - Change CCT 300 to CCT 300W in the Business Core of the BS in Insurance.
  17. Computer Information Systems Minor ­ add CIS 240 as part of the minor requirements.
  18. Minor in Business ­ Change CCT 300 to CCT 300W in the required courses.
  19. Minor in Managerial Communication - change CCT 300 to CCT 300W in the required courses.
  20. Minor in Office Administration - change CCT 300 to CCT 300W in the required courses.
  21. Industrial Technology B.S. ­ Change "C-" to "C" and change CCT 300 to CCT 300W in Supporting Course Requirements of the Industrial Distribution Option and in the statement "Industrial Technology majors may apply INT 310 in lieu of CCT 300 toward the minor in Business" to "Industrial Technology majors may apply INT 310 in lieu of CCT 300W toward the Minor in Business."
  22. Teacher Education Programs ­ make SED 401S an option in all teaching programs.
  23. Fire and Safety Engineering B.S. ­ remove FSE 300 and add FSE 300W in program Requirements
  24. Broadcasting and Electronic Media B.A. ­ change supporting course requirements in PUB B.A. to include PUB 320 or JOU 320 and PUB 412 or JOU 412 and drop COM 320 A-I. Modify the Broadcasting and Electronic Media Core courses by adding "or COM 200W."
  25. Communication Studies B.A. ­ modify the Major Requirement courses by adding "or 99 CMS 205W."
  26. Minor in Dispute Resolution ­ modify the Requirements by adding "or CMS 205W."
  27. Minor in Communication Studies ­ modify the Requirements by adding "or CMS 205W."
  28. Journalism B.A. ­ modify the Major Requirements courses by adding "or COM 200W."
  29. Public Relations B.A. ­ modify the Major Requirements courses by adding "or COM 107 200W."
  30. Minor in Journalism ­ modify the Requirements by adding "or COM 200W."
  31. Minor in Public Relations ­ modify the Requirements by adding "or COM 200W"

Senator Vice moved approval of items 1 - 17, seconded by Senator Collins. Motion carried.

Senator Vice moved approval of item 18, seconded by Senator Schmelzer. Motion carried.

Senator Vice moved approval of items 19-22, seconded by Senator Shordike. Motion carried.

Senator Vice moved approval of items 23-53, seconded by Senator Harrel. Motion carried.



The Executive Committee completed it's survey of the faculty and the administrative evaluation of the president in accordance with its charge in the Faculty Handbook. The report was presented to the Board of Regents in June and accepted.

Efforts are underway to streamline the Senate meetings. CAA items will now be distributed in memo form only in the Senate packets. The curriculum forms and all other documentation will be distributed in a separate PDF file, which may accessed if there are questions or concerns on any of the items.

Senator Ware met recently with Associate Vice President Mona Isaacs regarding technology issues. If there are specific technology-related issues, please share those with Senator Ware and she will forward on to ITDS. AVP Isaacs is interested in forming a work group to discuss how technology is used in jobs on campus. Anyone interested in serving on this committee should contact Senator Ware.
President Whitlock and Provost Vice request that faculty share feedback on specific ways to eliminate drudgery.

Parking has become a problem, specifically with all of the construction work. Senator Johnson serves on the University Parking Committee and has been very proactive in asking the committee to devise solutions and suggestions. The Senate Faculty Welfare Committee is also reviewing the issue.

Dr. Sherry Robinson met with the Executive Committee and provided an update on the progress that her office is making on policies and on updating the faculty handbook. This is a huge job and the Executive Committee is supportive of her efforts.

The October 5th Senate meeting will be held in Quads A & B in the Perkins building.

The first Thursday of each month has been designated "Faculty First" at the Paddy Wagon from 4:30pm - 6:30pm. During this time period, there will be faculty discounts on food and beverages. So plan to come out and socialize at the first "Faculty First" on October 1st.


The Board convened in Manchester on June 8th for the grand opening of EKU's new Stivers Building and its regular quarterly meeting.

The Board worked on two pieces of unfinished business. The first was to conclude its second year review of President Whitlock. The Board was delighted that the Senate Executive Committee and the outside consultant both offered very glowing assessments of the President's performance.

On the basis of input from many EKU stakeholder groups, analyses by the Senate Executive Committee and the outside consultant, and its own observations and analysis, the Board offered President Whitlock a two-year extension of his contract. His contract now runs through July 2013.

The other piece of unfinished business was the finalizing of the University's budget for the 2009 2010 academic year. This year the University has a budget of $288 million, representing an increase of $14.5 million over last year's approved budget. (Our actual budget has decreased by about $6 million over three reductions since January 2008.) In 2009-2010, state appropriations will account for 37% of unrestricted revenues, while tuition and class fees will account for 51%. The budget includes a $2.9 million reserve to meet an anticipated further reduction of state appropriations that may materialize in mid year.

In other business, the Board approved 39 curriculum items. Among these was the new associate of general studies program. The Board approved policies that set the required number of upper division hours to 42, articulate criteria for achieving graduate faculty status, and modify the procedures for carrying out evaluation of first year, tenure track faculty members. The Board approved a new policy governing scheduling of university facilities which will use a new software system and coordinate the request/approval process. The proposed policy governing use of university bulletin boards which arose in SGA was also approved. Academic Affairs asked for, and was granted, approval to reallocate $1,184,585 in one-time funds into a pool to be used to hire temporary faculty. This money is the residual of one-time monies that were allocated to Academic Affairs in 2006. Their use now to hire temporary faculty eases short-term staffing needs, but, it is recognized by Academic Affairs and the Board, that use of these monies in this way creates a structural imbalance in the Academic Affairs budget which will need to be met in some other fashion next year.

Thirteen retiring faculty members were approved for faculty emeritus status.

The Board will welcome three new members to its ranks at its next meeting: Afsi Siahkoohi, SGA President; Nancy Collins, and attorney from Hazard; and David Sloan, an attorney from Fort Mitchell.

Six members of EKU's Board and several members of EKU's upper administration participated in the Governor's Conference on Postsecondary Education Trusteeship on Friday, September 11th in Bowling Green.

The Board will next convene for a regular quarterly meeting on September 19th following a groundbreaking ceremony for the Noel Studio in the library.


Senator McKenney reported that COSFL met in conjunction with the Governor's Conference on Postsecondary Education Trusteeship, on September 11th in Bowling Green.

COSFL officers for the coming year are Peggy Pittman-Munke, Murray State, President; Mixon Ware, EKU, Vice President; Nancy McKenney, EKU, Secretary; and Molly Kerby, WKU, Treasurer.

COSFL President Peggy Pittman-Munke invited CPE staff members because it is critical that COSFL contribute to the Governor's Higher Education Work Group. Financial sustainability, one of the work group's original goals, is off the table because of the economy. Transferability and student financial aid are now the two principal areas of focus, and faculty can contribute to both of these. President Pittman-Munke expressed concern that no faculty were invited to participate in the higher education work group until she talked to Mike Seelig at CPE and he brought COSFL in. It seems that the original Higher Education Work Group was envisioned as a business and community leaders' group. The work group came to a standstill for the past 6 months and has only recently been reactivated. A student representative and a college president representative have now been put on the work group, and the COSFL president will attend those meetings in order to represent faculty.

Three names have been forwarded to the Governor for consideration for the faculty representative position on CPE. Those nominees are: Peggy Pittman-Munke, Rick Feldhof, and Nancy McKenney.

COSFL will meet on Friday October 2nd; location still to be determined.


Senator Vice announced that one of her goals for the coming year is to continue the open communication and transparent decision making. There are four new initiatives which will hopefully help to achieve this.

  1. Creation of the Academic Affairs Update which is an electronic newsletter that will be distributed twice a month.
  2. An opportunity to have lunch with the Provost on the Wednesday immediately following the Senate meeting in the Faculty Dining Room in the Powell Building. This will provide an opportunity for questions and further discussion on issues brought before the Senate. Sign in at the cashier as a guest of the Provost.
  3. The creation of the Academic Quality Committee by the Senate and the faculty-at-large will serve to facilitate communication and make the decisions based on curriculum and other items clear and more transparent. To help further that goal, a representative for that committee has been appointed to serve on the Council on Academic Affairs.
  4. The reorganization of Enrollment Management which has been divided into two parts. The first part is the pre matriculation part which is housed under Enrollment and is comprised of Marketing, Recruiting, Admissions, and Financial Aid. Linda Fossen is the new Assistant Vice President and Dean of Enrollment. The second part is the post-matriculation part which is housed under the Associate Provost's office and is comprised of the Registrar's Office, the Office of Advising and Retention, and the Office of Academic Testing and Development. The Student Success Advisory Council will oversee both parts under the leadership of Academic Affairs and the leadership of Student Affairs as well as a faculty representative. This year's faculty representative is Dr. Roger Cleveland from the Department of Educational Leadership and Policy.

In response to President Whitlock's directive to consider "student success" one of the three strategic priorities for EKU, the academic deans have determined that student success will be their major focus for the 2009-2010 academic year.

The Early Alert Reporting System (EARS) seems to have been a success this semester. Special thanks to the Office of Advising and Retention and the Registrar for helping to make EARS possible.

EKU is piloting college readiness programs with partnering school districts. The process guarantees that high school students who take a math transition course and pass the KYOTE (Kentucky Online Test) will be guaranteed placement into an appropriate college-level course at EKU.

EKU is improving technology for students by replacing the CARES report system with a new, intuitive software called Degree Works. Registrar Tina Davis and her staff will be giving demonstrations to each college on the new software in the near future.

Sarah Levy from the CPE is interning with the Provost's office this year. She will be at the CAA meeting on Thursday and plans to attend the next Senate meeting in October.

Ms. Siahkoohi reported that the Board of Student Body Presidents met recently.

Ms. Siahkoohi will be in charge of this year's Rally for Higher Education which is held in February in Frankfort. More information will be shared later on this event.

The Student Government Association retreat is scheduled for Sunday at noon in the Student Services Building.

Ms. Siahkoohi is scheduled to meet with Mark Jozefowicz on Thursday to discuss the issues involved with creating a shuttle route off-campus to the Argyle area.

Country artist Luke Bryan will be performing at the fall concert.


Budget Committee. Senator Johnson reported that the committee met earlier this afternoon and he was elected chair.

Rules Committee. Senator McKenney reported that the committee met via email and she was elected chair.

Welfare Committee. Senator Ciocca reported that the committee met on August 28th. Senator Ciocca was elected chair at that meeting; and the committee prepared for the September 1st University Benefits Committee meeting. (atts: Benefits Expo Flyer, Dependant Care Info, Benny Card Info)

Key points of the September 1st meeting include:

  • New Dental Plans
    New EKU provided plan and a buy-up plan overview was presented. The standard single plan will be free to all EKU employees, just like the single standard Health plan. Delta Dental is still the carrier and the plans are still fully insured. The benefits have been enhanced with respect the old dental plans while the premiums have been lowered because EKU is providing the single Standard rate.
  • Vision
    Rate increased by 20%, justified by Anthem's loss ratio. This is at or below the increase of other companies based on a comparison with three other providers.
  • Medical Plans
    Medical premiums will not change.

Senator Ciocca encouraged faculty to sign up for a Benny pre-paid MasterCard in order to have immediate access to their flexible spending accounts. He also reminded everyone that money contributed to flexible spending accounts is taken from pre-tax dollars, which is an additional savings. He also informed the senators that daycare expenses are now covered under flexible spending accounts.

Strategic Planning Council. Senator Taylor reported that the Council met on Friday, April 29th. Senator Johnson was invited to discuss the issues raised by Senate concerning administrative costs and their impact on strategic issues and initiatives.

Discussion was held regarding the distribution of faculty professional development funds.

The 2007-08 Progress Report has been prepared by E.J. Keeley and members of the University Assessment Committee and was presented to SPC for discussion and approval.

Preliminary discussion began on the 2011-2015 planning process.

University Financial Planning Council. Senator Ware reported that the Financial Planning Council met throughout the summer. The next meeting will be next week.


Senator Vice moved to adjourn at approximately 5:05 p.m.

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