Minutes for May 3, 2010
The Faculty Senate of Eastern Kentucky University met on Monday, May 3, 2010, in the South Ballroom of the Keen Johnson Building. Senator Ware called the ninth meeting of the academic year to order at approximately 3:30 p.m.
The following members of the Senate were absent:
F. Awang* | A. Back | L. Bosley* |
L. Collins* | S. Harrel | M. Hesse |
K. Krampe* | M. Martin | M. McAdam |
K. Minor | R. Mott | G. Pradhan* |
S. Pressley | G. Purdue* | A. Shordike*^ |
B. Staddon | J. Vice* | D. Whitlock* |
*Indicates prior notification of absence to the Faculty Senate Secretary
^ SUB Elaine Fehringer attended for A. Shordike
Visitors to the Senate: Caleb Armbrust, SGA; Bob Brubaker, Psychology; Gregory Corbett, SSEM; Tina Davis, Registrar; Andrew Holcomb, SGA; Robert Mahaney, AFIS; Bill Phillips, Education; Matt Pianalto, Philosophy & Religion; Sherry Robinson, Provost Office; Danny Roush, ASLIE; Tom Schneid, SSEU; Judy Short, Baccalaureate & Graduate Nursing; Jing Wang, Physics & Astronomy; Mary Whitaker, Baccalaureate & Graduate Nursing; Deborah Whitehouse, Health Sciences
Senator Ware announced that Senators Whitlock and Vice will not be at today's meeting because of a flight delay in their return from Brazil.
Senator Ware expressed her appreciation to Senator Whitlock for providing refreshments for the senators during the past year.
The April 5, 2010 minutes were approved as written.
Senator Whitlock shared the following in his written report to the Senate.
Senator Whitlock expressed his appreciation to the Senate for the work completed during the past year. However there is much work left to do. One of the most instructive things about the budget survey presented at the last Senate meeting was the overwhelming support for improved compensation. This issue has risen to the top of the priority considerations of the Strategic Planning Council and the Financial Planning Council. The campus community is well aware of the fiscal and political restraints in the current budget cycle in regard to compensation. With public school teachers facing what will effectively be a cut of two days' salary, there would be little understanding of raises in higher education.
The fact also remains that future ability to improve compensation is going to depend on several factors the ratio of net to gross tuition must be improved, discretionary revenue must be entrepreneurially generated, and there must be more efficient and effective reallocation of existing resources to address compensation improvements. Efforts have already begun to address these matters, but success will require a more concerted and dedicated effort by all concerned.
There were other points in the survey that are instructive and indicate areas where better communication is needed on sources of funds and the long-term strategic importance of actions taken. For example, while it is true that general fund dollars have been used for property acquisitions, these were not recurring dollars that could be used for recurring expenses such as salaries. As some of these properties are rented, this is an effective way to turn one-time dollars into recurring income.
Senator Whitlock expressed concern with the mindset of some that there have been decreases in the number of faculty on this campus. The facts are otherwise. University-wide faculty lines have increased modestly, but steadily over the past several years. True, some departments have lost lines, but the gains of others have more than offset them. These reallocation decisions are based on enrollment generated needs. Senator Whitlock recognizes the concern over increases in staff lines. Many of these have been soft money funded (grants and contracts), and he agrees that staff lines need to be reduced - through attrition - in some of the educational and general funded areas.
Later today, the report from the Council on Academic Affairs includes proposals for the Doctor of Nursing Practice and the Ed.D. in Counseling. The Ed.D. in Educational Leadership is already in place and EKU's current SACSCOC Level Five provides for up to three doctoral programs. There seems to be concern that if these two proposals are both implemented then others cannot be considered. Please be aware that Dr. Michael Johnson, EKU's point of contact with SACSCOC, has indicated that to move from Level Five to Level Six distinction the fourth program just needs to be submitted for review. So please do not be overly concerned with the Level Five or Six distinctions. Rather, decisions should be made strategically for the University, based on the educational needs of students and the professions and on the capacity of the University to properly mount a program. Both of the programs being presented were approved at the joint meeting of the Strategic Planning Council and Financial Planning Council.
The SPC and the FPC have finished their collaborative work on the 2010-2011 budget and Senator Whitlock has approved their recommendations. The budget is now being built based on those recommendations and on the assumption that there will be a 1.5% budget reduction and a 5% increase in undergraduate, resident tuition. The "use it or lose it" policy approved by the Senate at its last meeting is being implemented. There will also be a drop fee in place next year. Its intention is to cause fewer students to shop courses with the intention of dropping some during the semester.
A plan of action is also being developed for the University should the state not have a budget by July 1. While it is doubtful this will become a reality, it is best to be prepared.
NSSE Report. Senator Ware shared a copy of the NSSE (National Survey of Student Engagement) report as an informational item. Senator Ware emphasized that our students rate faculty very highly in this report.
Posthumous Degree for Ryan Middleton. Senator Biggin moved approval, seconded by Senator Day, to award a Posthumous Degree for Ryan Middleton, a Communications Disorders major in the College of Education. Motion carried.
Faculty Handbook. Senator Schmelzer moved approval of the 2009-10 and 2010-11 Faculty Handbook, seconded by Senator J. Palmer. Motion carried.
Report from Council on Academic Affairs - Dr. Janna Vice
Doctor of Nursing Practice (D.N.P.) - Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) in Counselor Education & Supervision
- Minor in Personal Finance
- Fire Protection Administration B.S.
- Fire, Protection, and Safety Engineering Technology B.S.
- Fire, Arson, and Explosion Investigation B.S.
- Occupational Safety B.S.
- Certificate in Emergency Management
- Certificate in Homeland Security
- Minor in Emergency Management
PROGRAM SUSPENSION - Fire and Safety Engineering Technology B.S.
PROGRAM REVISIONS - Minor in Fire and Safety Engineering Technology
-Modify the minor to reflect course prefix changes within the Fire and Safety Curriculum - Post-Master of Science in Nursing Certificate
-Revise Post-Master's Admission Certificate - Post-Master of Science in Nursing Certificate
-Revise General Information in Catalog text - Master of Science Nursing (M.S.N.) Program
-Revise number 4 of Advanced Nursing practice outcomes to meet updated - Master of Science Nursing (M.S.N.) Program Progression Plan
-Revise Progression Plan Policy - Social Work Minor
-Revise course requirements within the Minor - Wildlife Management B.S.
-Add BIO 382W as option to BIO 382 in list of major requirements - Music B.M.
-Add the following courses to the degree: MUS 161, 162, 261, 262 - Clinical Psychology M.S.
-Substitute the S version of PSY 857 to fulfill requirements for the M.S. in Clinical
Psychology - Associate Degree in General Studies (A.G.S.)
-Add new Psychology Concentration to the program - Master of Arts in Education (MAEd) Library Science
-Revise the program to change LIB 769 to LIB 801 - Rank I Library Science
-Revise the program to change LIB 769 to LIB 801 - English B.A.
-Removal of a block of "diversity" courses from the creative writing and technical writing emphases. The courses include ENG 360, 361, 362, 363, 364, 365 and 366; removal of a three-hour theatre requirement from the creative writing and technical writing emphases
The Council reviewed the following items in the April 5, 2010, CAA meeting:. - Clarification for Credit/Non-Credit Coursework, Catalog Revision
- Progressive Admissions Plan
- General Studies B.A. Degree, Catalog Revision
- Baccalaureate Degree Requirements, Catalog Revision
The Council reviewed the following items in the April 15, 2010, CAA meeting and will take action on them in the May meeting. - Associate Degree in General Studies (A.G.S.), Catalog Revision
-Add new language for Optional Departmental Concentration and University Requirement - Safety, Security, Emergency Management M.S., Ergonomics - New Option
- Safety, Security, Emergency Management M.S., Ergonomics - New Certificate
Senator Ware announced that she invited representatives from each of the colleges who wished to speak about upcoming doctoral proposals, prior to the discussion on items #1 and #2. The College of Business and Technology and the College of Justice and Safety declined the invitation to speak at this time, but the other three colleges have representatives present to discuss upcoming proposals.
Dean Gale, College of Health Sciences, discussed the proposal for the Doctor of Nursing Practice. He reminded that the Nursing profession is moving toward this degree and eliminating the masters degree; so it is necessary for this proposal to be approved in order for their program to continue. Earlier this year the Governor approved legislation to allow the regional comprehensives to offer the Doctor of Nursing Practice.
Dean Phillips, College of Education, discussed the proposal for the Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) in Counselor Education & Supervision. No additional resources are needed to start the doctoral program. One additional full time faculty member has already been hired for this program; however, if the proposal isn't approved, she will teach in the masters program. Senator Wilson asked if schools are advertising for doctoral-level counselors to provide service. Dean Phillips answered that a doctoral degree isn't required but it would be beneficial. Dean Phillips further stated that as the legislation is currently written, only doctoral degrees in the area of education can be offered at the comprehensives.
Bob Brubaker, Chair of Psychology in the College of Arts & Sciences, discussed the upcoming proposal for a Doctor of Psychology degree in the area of Clinical Psychology. There is student demand for the program, specifically from current graduates of the clinical masters program. The American Psychological Association mandates doctoral degrees as the entry level for Clinical Psychologists. So in some states, and Kentucky happens to be one of them, special accommodations have been approved for masters-level people to practice; but clearly the field is pushing in the direction of doctoral level training. The proposal should be brought to the Senate soon.
Senator Howell shared that Occupational Therapy also has a doctoral proposal which should be coming to the Senate soon.
Senator Wade moved approval of item #1 (Doctor of Nursing Practice), seconded by Senator Taylor. Motion carried.
Senator Wade moved approval of item #2 (Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) in Counselor Education & Supervision), seconded by Senator Taylor. The motion failed for lack of support.
Senator Wade moved approval of item #3, seconded by Senator Taylor. Senator Ware asked to go on record as voting against the motion. The majority were in favor and the motion carried.
Senator Wade moved approval of items #4-11, seconded by Senator Matthews. Motion carried.
Senator Wade moved approval of items #12-24, seconded by Senator Taylor. Motion carried.
Senator Wade moved approval of item #25, seconded by Senator Taylor. Motion carried.
Senator Wade moved approval of item #26, seconded by Senator Noblitt. Motion carried.
Senator Wade moved approval of item #27, seconded by Senator Johnson. Motion carried.
Senator Wade moved approval of item #28, seconded by Senator Frisbie. Motion carried.
Items #29-31 were presented as informational items only.
Senator Ware thanked everyone for their service on Senate during the past year.
Senator Ware congratulated Dr. Janna Vice on her new appointment as Provost.
Senator Ware thanked Secretary Pauletta King and Parliamentarian Bob Miller for their support, assistance, and patience during her tenure as chair.
Parliamentarian Miller presented Senator Ware with a gavel as a token of appreciation for her service as Senate chair for the past two years.
The Board received a number of updates at its quarterly meeting. On the financial side, VP Newsom reported that the university is on track in spending and revenue relative to its 2009-10 budget. There is an anticipated overspending in the area of student financial aid of approximately $2-2.5 M. This problem began last year when $4.5 M was overspent in this budget line. Corrective measures were put in place for this year, and those measures are reducing the budget imbalance in this line, although the imbalance cannot be eliminated in one year since EKU must honor continuing commitments made to students last year. This line is being monitored and EKU remains within the scope of its overall budget. This assessment was corroborated in a report made by VP Conneely, who also reported that Enrollment Management is creating a five-year strategic plan via its Enrollment Management Advisory Committee. That plan will set a goal of increasing university enrollment to 18,000 within five years. Enrollment Management is also reviewing data on financial aid expenditures to determine which programs are less effective in terms of recruitment and retention, with the goal of reallocating financial aid monies into the more effective programs.
James Street reported on four large capital projects that are under way on campus. Both the Performing Arts Center and Phase I of the New Science Building are approximately 67% complete, with project completion dates in Summer 2011. The Noel Studio for Academic creativity is approximately 75% finished and should become operational in August of this year. Walters Hall is on schedule to reopen in August. Combined, the projects represent over $110 M worth of construction and renovation, creating over 300,000 square feet of new space and greatly enhancing space in a large dormitory and the library.
The Board took a number of actions, including several personnel related actions. President Whitlock's contract was extended for one year (until July 2014), which keeps him at the maximum 4-year period allowed for presidential contracts. The Board feels that President Whitlock is doing an outstanding job leading this institution. There is sentiment on the Board that President Whitlock's performance deserves to be recognized with increased compensation. However, the Board honors the President's position that increasing his salary at this point is not appropriate until economic conditions allow for similar recognition of the contributions of other members of the EKU team faculty and staff.
Pat Costello (Mathematics & Statistics) was approved for Foundation Professor. Emeritus Faculty status was approved for Dorothy Carter (Foreign Languages & Humanities), David Elias (English & Theatre), Rebecca King (Foreign Languages & Humanities), Theodor Langenbruch (Foreign Languages & Humanities), Bruce MacLaren (History), Barbara Ramey (Biological Science), Doug Rogers (Communications), Julien Bolling (Special Education), Joanna Dickey (Curriculum & Instruction), Martin Diebold (Special Education), Brenda Foley (Associate Degree Nursing), Ella Hunter (Baccalaureate & Graduate Nursing), and Susan Willis (Family & Consumer Sciences).
The Board approved 32 program revisions and one new program (Certificate in Financial Literacy) that came through the Senate and CAA. It also approved revisions to the Policy on Policies and the creation of the Authorization for Regulations Policy, both of which had been recommended by the Senate. The Board also approved a Green Purchasing Policy which establishes that "green purchasing" is a value of the university and suggests options that should be considered when making purchases for the university. The Board approved an On-Line Learning Model for Distance Education that was presented by Provost Vice. The full model will be presented to the Board in June.
In financially related actions, the Board approved a contract with a new external auditing firm, Crowe Horwarth, which takes over from Deloitte and Touche.
The Board meeting occurred before the Legislature and Governor agreed to a state biennial budget, and before the CPE's meeting to establish tuition ceilings for the state institutions. Therefore, the Board authorized its Executive Committee to act on its behalf in setting new tuition rates to the maximum allowed by the CPE. There was strong indication that the maximum authorized by the CPE would be in the 4-6% range. Later that same week, CPE authorized the comprehensive universities to increase tuitions by up to 5%, so EKU's base tuition rate will go up by 5%. EKU will change its charges for online course work to a per credit basis (regardless of whether or not the student is otherwise full- or part-time), and that charge will be 130% of the base tuition rate. Also, the Board approved a 5% increase in residence hall rates (rates were not increased last year), a 2% increase in meal plan rates, and an additional $12 recreation fee for students taking 5 or more credits.
In order to simplify the property and other relationships among EKU, the EKU Foundation, and the Arlington Association, the EKU Board, with the blessing of the EKU Foundation Board, transferred the Arlington house and about 15 acres to the Foundation (the Foundation already held the rest of the Arlington property). The Arlington Board is looking at changes to the Arlington bylaws that are necessitated by this transfer and some other changes that will enable Arlington to operate in a more businesslike fashion. In terms of service to members, these changes should not be perceptible.
The EKU Board will next convene for a regular quarterly meeting on June 7th.
COSFL will meet in September in conjunction with the Governor's conference on trusteeship.
REPORT FROM THE PROVOST: Senator Wade reported for Senator Vice
The luncheon with the Provost for this Wednesday is canceled. However, Senator Vice has stated that she plans to continue the lunches again next year.
Mr. Armbrust announced that next year the Student Government Association would like to encourage more faculty/staff interaction. SGA plans to work closely with the Office of First Year Programs to help new freshman transition more smoothly from high school to college life.
Mr. Holcomb announced that SGA plans to work on additional green initiatives at the University. One program being considered is a bike rental service.
The Strategic Planning and Financial Planning Councils held two joint meetings in April. Financial priorities, budget, and implications were discussed in light of goals discussed to date by the SPC. Proposed tuition increases, housing and student fees, and strategic request for funds were discussed. Of particular note are the following:
- Two doctoral proposals will be presented to the Faculty Senate for a vote on May 3.
- The councils are committed to establishing a compensation pool for staff and faculty to meet needs in economic times such as those we are in at the present time.
Faculty development funds were approved for $600 effective Fall 2010, and the motion approved by the senate for a rollover of said funds was also approved.
Academic Quality Committee. Senator Shordike reported that the Committee met regularly during the 2009/2010 academic year. Co-Chairs attended all CAA and General Studies Workgroup meetings, and a representative served on the Final Examination Policy Draft Committee. Relevant information from these meetings was brought to the committee for review.
The Committee reviewed and gave language recommendations regarding House Bill 160 and, in response to House Bill 160, drafted a "Resolution Regarding Legislative Mandates Affecting Numbers of Hours and Course Requirements for General Education and Degree Programs" which was passed by the Senate in January.
Budget Committee. Senator Johnson reported that the committee still needs to develop the guidelines for the disbursement of the faculty development funds and that will be the first priority for the fall semester.
This year the committee brought forward the faculty development funds and the roll over proposition which has come to fruition through the Financial Planning Council and Strategic Planning Council. Also this year, the chair of the Senate Budget Committee became a member on the Financial Planning Council.
Rights & Responsibilities Committee. Senator J. Palmer reported on two main issues.
- The recently approved Policy on Policies states that "University policies should be reviewed on a periodic basis (a five-year cycle is recommended) to ensure the currency and accuracy of the policies." Therefore about half of the policies are overdue for review. In the coming months the committee members will be sending requests for review to the interpreting authorities for the policies that appear most outdated or most in need of review.
- The University Promotion and Tenure Policy will be modified. The modification will include streamlining the policy as well as changes in the reconsideration and appeal procedures and the use of "collegiality" as a criterion. The policy may also recommend the use of "public engagement" as a criterion. At the request of the Provost's office, a member of the R&R Committee and the Executive Committee attended an RPT Institute workshop on the latter criterion to learn more about this. A draft revision of the P & T policy will be sent to the Rights and Responsibilities Committee early in the Summer.
Rules Committee. Senator McKenney reported that the Committee's principal charge for 2009/2010 was to re-examine term limits for faculty senators. Formerly there had been no term limits, but in the fall of 2006 a new policy went into effect limiting senators to two consecutive 3-year terms, with the possibility of further re-election after at least a one year hiatus. The committee reviewed practices at EKU's benchmarks and other Kentucky Universities and surveyed EKU faculty senators. The survey results showed that 52% of the senators preferred the current term limits and therefore no further action was required.
The Rules Committee also reviewed the Senate's Internal Procedures and the By-Laws of the Faculty Senate (in the Faculty Handbook, Part VII) and did not see any changes to recommend for 2009/2010.
Two issues to be reviewed next year are 1) faculty regent process and 2) consideration of allowing nominations from the floor for Senate Vice Chair at the May meeting.
Welfare Committee. Senator Ciocca reported that several items were discussed at the joint meeting with the University Benefits committee on April 26th.
Over the last 2 years (Benefits years 2008 and 2009) there has been an upward trend of approximately 13% of all claims (medical and prescriptions). Further, at the current rates and benefits, the extrapolated trends of costs and claims pointed to a gap of approximately $2,000,000 between premiums and expenditures.
The Benefits committee was asked to consider several plan to help reduce costs. Two options were at the forefront.
- OPTION B2 - This option will reduce cost at the expense of a slight increase in the monthly premium and in a decrease of the benefits, namely in the deductible and maximum out-of-pocket expenses and an increase in the cost for Tier 3 prescriptions.
- OPTION B4 - This option kept most benefits the same, with a slight increase in the cost of emergency room treatment and a slight increase in monthly premium.
The vote was close and by a margin of only 1 vote the Benefits Committee recommended Option B2. This issue will be reviewed again at the next Benefits meeting on August 18th.
Senator Wade moved to adjourn at approximately 5:15 p.m.
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