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Minutes for March 17, 2014

The Faculty Senate of Eastern Kentucky University met on Monday, March 17, 2014, in the South Ballroom of the Keen Johnson Building. Senator Pressley called the sixth meeting of the academic year to order at approximately 3:30 p.m.

The following members of the Senate were absent:

P. Coen* I. El-Amouri H. Frederick*
L. Heath* S. Hunt K. Jones*
P. Kopacz* J. Lair*^ A. Lewis*
D. Miller* T. Nowak* E. Presley*
C. Sommer* A. Thieme*  

*Indicates prior notification of absence to the Faculty Senate Secretary
^ ALT Garett Yoder attended for J. Lair

Visitors to the Senate: Aimee Davis, Student; Tina Davis, Registrar’s Office; Sara Moulder, Student, Kira Pyles, Student; Sherry Robinson, Provost Office; Jack Rutherford, Exercise & Sport Science; Ashley Smith, Student; Dustin Wygant, Psychology


The February 10, 2014 minutes were approved as written.


The winter weather has been difficult this year and has caused several delays and/or cancellations. For those that may be wondering, the process for determining whether to delay or cancel is as follows:

  • Provost Vice and Vice President Barry Poynter consult on the travelling conditions on campus and the surrounding areas. (VP Poynter gathers information from others across campus, and also contacts Marc Whitt who tracks information on all the weather databases and stays informed on decisions made by other schools.)
  • A recommendation is made to the president
  • The president makes the final decision to cancel or delay.

The 2014-16 Foundation Professors are Dr. Richard Crosby, Department of Music, and Dr. Kenneth Tunnell, Department of Criminal Justice. Congratulations to them both.

The University and the Madison County school district are working closely to align calendars so that spring break week occurs simultaneously. If this isn’t possible, one compromise might be to have an alternating schedule where our calendar is adjusted for one year but not the following year. No decisions have been made yet and feedback from the campus community is highly encouraged.

Under new business on today’s agenda, a posthumous degree is proposed for Mrs. Shirley Alexander.  President Benson voiced his support for awarding the posthumous degree to her husband at the May commencement ceremony. Mrs. Alexander came back to school at age 70 to work on a Masters degree, and she completed all the coursework required except for the thesis.

The legislature continues to meet. The House passed out its budget which was pretty close to what the Governor recommended back in early January. There is still a 2 ½ percent budget cut in the proposed budget. As of right now, the $66 million to fund the new science building Phase II is still listed in 

President Benson has relayed through the vice presidents that all areas should plan for a 1% hold back for now. Fortunately, EKU has a little bit of latitude because of the reallocation process the University went through last year. So this will not derail plans for salary equity or delay some of the new hires that are already in the pipeline.

Each dean has submitted the chair/college's recommendations. The IPEP Review Group is completing its independent review of each department. The next step is for the Review Group to compare the two reviews for each department to arrive at a recommendation. The goal is to have this process completed by April 1.

Based on feedback received from faculty, President Benson has added another Dean, John Wade, to the Strategic Planning Council. He has also extended an invitation for another faculty member to join the Council but confirmation of that appointment is not available yet.

Congratulations to our team for making it to the NCAA Tournament. On Friday at 4:15pm, EKU will play Kansas in Saint Louis, Missouri. For those unable to travel to the game, it will be broadcast on TBS. Classes will continue as scheduled.

Congratulations to Coach Neubauer. In his 9-year tenure as coach at EKU, he has graduated 90% of those players who have exhausted their eligibility; and all six seniors on the team this year are on track to graduate in May.

As outlined to the Board last Tuesday, several capital improvements are currently being planned and will be implemented in the coming weeks and months. Among them are: new signage around campus, the razing of Combs Hall, new way finding and street signs, lights for both softball and baseball fields, and various improvements to the Alumni Coliseum (including new lights to be installed in April).

Our student government leaders have determined that a complete makeover of the Powell Student Union is the project they would like to focus on (as opposed to the expansion of the Recreation Center) and plans are underway to determine the cost, timeline, and proposed revenue stream to cover this undertaking.

Options are still being considered for improving our housing inventory as well as looking at various alternatives for improved faculty offices and teaching spaces. If our agency bonding is approved, plans will move forward on the new parking structure, although the final location of this deck is yet to be determined.

The ad hoc Campus Improvement committee has been finalized and will be meeting shortly to discuss these and many other issues. If you have input/feedback for this group, please contact the committee members.

President Benson met with the Faculty Senate Budget Committee last month to discuss the advantages/disadvantages of EKU moving up to play at the Football Bowl Subdivision level with the possibility of a new conference affiliation. It was suggested by this group that a campus-wide forum be held during which the facts and numbers are spelled out in a clear detail. The campus-wide forum which initially scheduled for March 20th will be postponed until early April. A notice will be sent out soon with the new date. All interested faculty and staff are invited to attend. 


Policy 4.4.14 - Laboratory Safety.  Senator Pogatshnik moved to approve Policy 4.4.14, seconded by Senator Elliott.

Senator Reed provided a handout of recommendations and suggested that the drafting team consider those for inclusion in the policy before a vote is taken. Based on her suggestion, Senator Pogatshnik withdrew the motion. 

Senator Pressley suggested that Senator Reed work with the drafting team on the proposed recommendations. The policy will be brought back before the Senate in April. 

Policy 4.7.3 - Faculty Workload.  Senator Pressley announced that an open forum to discuss Policy 4.7.3 is scheduled for Tuesday, March 18 at 3:30pm in Walnut Hall.  Please encourage faculty to attend so that their concerns can be addressed.

Policy 9.6.1. - Tobacco-Free Campus.  Senator Pressley introduced Policy 9.6.1 as an informational item only and opened the floor for discussion.  Jack Rutherford, a member of the drafting team, was in attendance to answer questions.  Senator Pressley stated that the policy will be on the April agenda for action.

Posthumous Degrees. Senator Frazer moved to approve posthumous degrees for Benjamin Fish and Shirley Alexander, seconded by Senator Polin.  Motion carried.

Report from Council on Academic Affairs - Senator Vice

New Programs

College of  Arts & Sciences

  1. Department of Psychology (approved by CAA in 2010) - PsyD in Clinical Psychology

Program Revisions

College of  Arts & Sciences

  1. Department of Foreign Languages and Humanities -Certificate in German Conversation and Culture 
    Revise course requirements to include FCC 210 as a required course and remove GER 240 and 340.
  2. Department of Geography and Geology - University Certificate in Geographic Information Systems
    To remove two courses from and add one course to introductory geoscience laboratory requirement, add one course to electives.
  3. Department of Geography and Geology - Minor in Geographic Information Systems
    To change the numbering of three courses in the minor.
  4. Department of Geography and Geology - Geography B.A.
    Remove the following supporting course requirements from the B.A. Geography program: GLY 102, 107, or 108; SOC 232; ECO 120 or ECO 230.
    Add the following supporting course requirements to the B.A. Geography program: STA 270 and STA 270L.
    Add GEP 409 as ACCT option.
    Change the number of free electives for the B.A. Geography program from 38 to 37 hours
  5. Department of Geography and Geology - Geology B.S.
    To add option to ACCT requirement in B.S. Geology degree program.
    To remove GLY 172, 302, 304, and 305 from introductory
    To remove BIO support course requirement.
  6. Department of Geography and Geology - Minor in Geology
    To remove five courses from introductory sequence and add GLY 104 to introductory sequence.
  7. Department of Psychology - University Certificate in Certificate Autism Spectrum Disorders
    To add PSY 838 (Practicum in Clinical Psychology) to the Autism Spectrum Disorders Certificate.

College of  Business & Technology

  1. Department of Agriculture - Agriculture B.S.
    Move one supporting course to Agribusiness concentration, add courses to other concentrations. Change the required Economics course.
  2. Department of Agriculture - Horticulture B.S.
    Condense concentrations through the combination of course material. Move one supporting course to Agribusiness concentration, add courses to other concentrations. Change the required Economics course.
  3. Department of Applied Engineering & Technology - Construction Management B.S.
    Combine CON 323 (3) and 423 (3) into a new course CON 325 (5); to delete OSH 379 (3) as a program requirement; to revise CON 499 making it a 4 credit hour course; to add AEM 310W as an alternate to CCT 201; and to add a 3 credit hour elective
  4. Department of Applied Engineering & Technology - Minor in Aviation (Flight)
    1. Drop old catalog course numbers AVN 194A, 220A, 205A and 206A.; 2. Add AVN 192A, 193A, 221A, and 222A; 3. Drop the statement: “No more than 12 hours of core courses taken for the aviation (administration option) major may be counted toward the minor in aviation (flight)."; 4. Correct typo by changing GEO 215 to GEO 315.
  5. Department of Communication - Journalism B.A.
    Changes to Journalism major: 1) Reduce electives to nine credit hours; 2) Require students to take three credits of JOU 302 Journalism Practicum as opposed to only one; 3) Require students to take one credit of JOU349 (co-op) outside the department
  6. Department of Accounting, Finance & Information Systems - Business Administration B.B.A.
    Change the prefix INS to RMI in catalog
  7. Department of Accounting, Finance & Information Systems - Risk Management and Insurance B.B.A.
    Add FIN 324 Principles of Investment to the Risk Management and Insurance B.B.A. program electives. Change the Prefix INS to RMI in the catalog.
  8. Department of Accounting, Finance & Information Systems - Risk Management and Insurance B.S.
    Add FIN 324 Principles of Investment to the Risk Management and Insurance B.B.A. program electives. Change the Prefix INS to RMI in the catalog.
  9. Department of Accounting, Finance & Information Systems - Minor in Personal Finance
    Change the prefix INS to RMI in catalog.
  10. Department of Accounting, Finance & Information Systems - Minor in Risk Management and Insurance
    Change the Prefix INS to RMI in the catalog

College of  Education

  1. Department of Curriculum and Instruction - Library Science M.A.Ed.
    1. Drop the “with Teacher Leader Endorsement” language from the name of the degree.; 2. Update program requirements to meet revised EPSB admission requirements for initial certification; 3. Update program curriculum to align with AASL standards;
    4. Remove course lists from endorsements and direct students to the respective department website where this information is maintained.
  2. Department of Educational Leadership & Policy Studies - Student Personnel Services in Higher Education M.A.
    Add Working with College Students as a required course for Master of Arts in Student Personnel in Higher Education program.

College of  Health Sciences

  1. Department of Recreation & Park Administration - Recreation & Park Administration B.S. 
    A. 1. Specific action requested: Natural Resources & Recreation Management: To add REC 180 (1); to remove REC 250, PHI 385, GEO 302 and 325 and BIO 317 classes; add REC 590 and WLD 317 as the required “select from” courses.
    2. Recreation Management and Programming: To remove REC 250 and replace with REC 290; and add REC 516 and REC 590 as the required “select from” courses.
    3. Tourism & Resort Recreation: To remove EHS 230; add REC 516, 530 and 590 as the required “select from” courses.
    A. 2. Proposed Effective Academic Term: (Fall 2014)
    A. 3. Effective date of suspended programs for currently enrolled students: NA.

College of  Justice & Safety

  1. School of Justice and Safety - Corrections and Juvenile Justice Studies B.S. 
    To make changes to the courses allowable for the University ACCT requirement. 2) To allow CRJ 490W to be used as a COR elective.
  2. School of Safety, Security, and Emergency Management - Homeland Security Concentration (to A.G.S. Degree)
    Revise course requirements for the AGS, Security Management Concentration.
  3. School of Safety, Security, and Emergency Management - Security Management Concentration (to A.G.S. Degree)
    Revise course requirements for the AGS, Homeland Security Concentration.
  4. School of Safety, Security, and Emergency Management - Minor in Emergency Management
    Revise course requirements for the Minor in Emergency Management.
  5. School of Safety, Security, and Emergency Management - Minor in Homeland Security
    Revise course requirements for the Minor in Homeland Security.
  6. School of Safety, Security, and Emergency Management - Minor in Security Management
    Revise course requirements for the Minor in Security Management.
  7. School of Safety, Security, and Emergency Management - University Certificate in Emergency Management
    Revise course requirements for the Certificate in Emergency Management.
  8. School of Safety, Security, and Emergency Management - University Certificate in Intelligence & Security Operations
    Suspend the Certificate in Intelligence & Security Operations.
  9. School of Safety, Security, and Emergency Management - University Certificate in Security Management
    Revise course requirements for the Certificate in Security Management.
  10. School of Safety, Security, and Emergency Management - University Certificate in Homeland Security
    Revise course requirements for the Certificate in Homeland Security.

University Programs

  1. Women & Gender Studies minor and certificate 
    To revise the Catalog program requirements for the WGS minor and certificate.
  2. General Studies B.A.
    To revise the Professional Track of the B.A. in General Studies

Informational Items

  1. Office of e-Campus Learning - New programs approved for EKU Online Programs
    The Council of Deans approved several programs to be delivered online beginning Fall 2014; these are:  1) RN to BSN; 2) Master's of Applied Engineering Option:  Construction Management; 3) Mastern's of Arts in Education Options:  Literacy, Gifted Education, Middle Grades Education, Special Education (Interdisciplinary Early Childhood Education and Deaf and Hard of Hearing)
  2. Graduate School - Proposed Policy:  Conditional Admission for International Students
  3. Office of the Provost - The Council of Deans approved the PSY-D degree to move forward to the CPE in the pre-approval stage for new programs.
  4. Office of the Registrar - Dual Credit Admissions Criteria

Discussion Items

  1. Office of the Provost - Winter Intersession
    Consideration for the creation of Winter Intersession between Fall and Spring terms (handout is provided in curriculum packet)

Senator Vice moved approval of items 1, seconded by Senator Scarambone. Motion carried.

Senator Vice moved approval of items 2-33, seconded by Senator Day. Motion carried.

Items 34-38 were presented for discussion only.



The Faculty Senate Executive Committee met on Monday, February 17th to set the agenda for the March Faculty Senate meeting.

Dr. Sherry Robinson was in attendance to provide an update on policies.

Policy 4.6.7 Annual Review of Tenured Faculty & Post Tenure Review. A campus-wide forum was held on Monday, February 17th to allow faculty an opportunity to express their concerns.

After additional discussion at the Executive Committee meeting, the members were in agreement that the drafting team should further review the policy. The committee members suggested that the policy be separated into two policies--one for annual review and the other for post-tenure review—and that the annual review policy should be geared more toward professional development. It was also suggested that post-tenure review should be linked with the Termination of Faculty policy, which is currently being developed. Dr. Robinson asked Senators Kopacz and Palmer to join the Annual Review drafting team.

All Senators are reminded that nominations for Senate Chair and Vice Chair will be accepted at the April Senate meeting. The slate of candidates will be presented at the May organizational meeting so that Senators may cast their votes. The University Nominations and Elections Committee will provide a timeline for the elections process.

The General Education Committee last met on Thursday, February 13th. Several items were approved, however, the approval of moving HUM 124, 226, 228, 300 & 300W from Element 3 A/B to Elements 3A and 3B was the most significant change. This change will give students more choices for humanities courses in Element 3.

The Strategic Planning Steering Council last met on Friday, February 28th. The committee will be reaching out to the campus over the next several months to obtain feedback from various input groups on campus (faculty, chairs, deans, staff, students, alumni, etc.) The next meeting will be on Monday, March 24th.

Right before spring break, Senators Pressley and Thieme along with Professor Noblitt and David McFadden wrote a letter to each of the representatives to let them know how much a 2 ½ percent cut would affect our institution.


Senator Thieme shared the following in her written report to Senate.

On Friday, February 21, AAUP hosted a Q&A with the Board. Craig Turner (Chair), Amy Thieme (Faculty Regent), and Steven Fulkerson (Staff Regent) represented the Board at this event. The event was well attended by faculty.

The Board’s annual retreat was Tuesday, February 25th at the Thomas D. Clark Center for Kentucky History in downtown Frankfort. The agenda for the day centered on updates from the President’s Council and on meetings with legislators for the purpose of sharing with them the importance of funding projects at EKU. For an overview of the day, please click on the following link: The retreat was purely informational only; no decisions or actions were taken. The next Board meeting is April 14, 2014.

Friday, February 28, Faculty Regents from across the state participated in a conference call to discuss issues pertaining to the governor’s budget. Dr. Renee Fister (Murray), Dr. Patty Minter (WKU), and Senator Thieme were the Faculty Regents able to meet. Information was provided about the higher education discussions at the state level.  While it is not promising in regards to the 2.5% budget cuts, capital projects, and/or the KERS monies (that relate to some of us), there are actions that can be taken to be heard in Frankfort. Possible actions discussed included 1) sending letters to legislators, and 2) placing phone calls to legislators from faculty at each of the institutions to emphasize the challenges these cuts create along with the need for capital improvements. Also discussed was the idea to send individual letters from the faculty and staff leadership at each of the regional universities.

Senator Thieme urged faculty to write a personal letter, or to write letters from departments to all the representatives stating why it is important that EKU’s initiatives should be funded and that the budget should not be reduced. The link to the KY Legislative Home Page is:

REPORT FROM COSFL:  Senator Scarambone

COSFL met at 1pm on Friday, March 7.

A large part of the meeting was devoted to the CPE report which consisted of a PowerPoint presentation and a handout of the 2014-16 Biennial Budget Request. The 2014-16 budget calls for a 2.5% cut for higher education.

In reviewing all of the information presented, everything seems to point toward less and less state appropriations in future years. If the reductions continue, there will not be any state funds and public institutions will be 100% self-funded in 10-15 years. This is impacting all states, not just Kentucky. To prevent that from happening, something needs to be done now. Higher education is seen as a private good – a luxury that is not essential. This is a nationwide trend and to reverse the trend, there needs to be a better way to market higher education.

COSFL will next meet in April. CPE President Bob King will be a guest at the meeting. 


Many thanks to Associate Dean Tom Otieno for his excellent presentation “Practical Strategies for Faculty Development and Success.” and to the many faculty, chairs, deans, and others who attended the presentation on Wednesday, February 19, 10:30 a.m., in Walnut Hall.

Thanks, also, to all those in Academic Affairs who attended Dr. Dee Fink’s workshops. The feedback from his day with us on February 21 has been very positive. In fact, we plan to bring him back to campus for a follow-up visit within the next few months. Additional information and resources from Dr. Fink can be found on his website:

On Monday, February 17, 2:30-3:30 p.m., the Office of the Provost and the Faculty Senate hosted an open, campus-wide discussion regarding the Policy 4.6.7P: Tenured Faculty Annual Reports and Post-Tenure Review. Hearing the faculty’s questions and concerns was very helpful. As a result, the Executive Committee has been asked to delay the vote on the proposed revision until the Drafting Team can reconvene and address the questions and concerns that were raised. 

On Tuesday, March 18 at 3:30pm, there will be an open forum to discuss Policy 4.7.3 Faculty Workload in Walnut Hall, Keen Johnson. Please encourage faculty to attend.

The Faculty IPEP process is proceeding well and as planned. The goal is to identify pay adjustments by April 1. The pay will be retroactive to January 1, 2014. The Faculty IPEP documents and the FAQ regarding the Faculty IPEP are available on the webpage at

Senator Gill Hunter joined Provost Vice in a conference call on February 19 with UK’s vice provost for undergraduate studies, Dr. Randolph Hollingsworth, who is responsible for assessing the quality of UK’s winter session.

We are preparing to increase the focus on Adults in our Service Region, via the Regional Campuses. Programs for adult learners will include the successful programs currently offered, but will also provide a completer degree with relevant options. The Regional Campuses’ role will become increasingly that of rural transfer and service centers, providing academic coaches and advisors. Faculty/departments who desire to launch a program for adult learners in our Service Region that would provide knowledge and skills to enhance the students’ success where they live should discuss the program with their respective dean and associate dean.

Gallup’s National Pole of Provost/Chief Academic Officers was released in January 2014. To view the report visit:
styles/ large/public/media/Logos/IHE_ProvostsSurvey-

Please join the Provost for lunch on Wednesday, March 5, 12-1:00 p.m., Fresh Food Company, Powell.


Academic Quality Committee. Senator Hunter shared a handout which states the committee’s support for offering a winter term as long as all the faculty concerns are addressed. Those concerns are also listed on the handout.

The AQC will be meeting with the Provost soon to start working through some of those answers to the questions raised. The committee has also suggested that an ad hoc committee may need to be formed comprised of folks who can help manage the winter term budget and folks who are interested in teaching those courses.

The AQC has also agreed to work with the Provost on the issues of the academic calendar and 16-weeks versus 17-weeks.

Elections & University Nominations Committee.  Senator Johnson announced that nominations for Senate Chair and Vice Chair will be on the April agenda.

The first letter has been distributed to department chairs asking for replacement names for departing senators. The new senators will need to attend the organizational meeting in May.

Information Technology Committee. Senator Kilgore reported that the Blackboard forum was held and it was very informative. Two of the key topics were communications through Blackboard and dealing with multimedia type presentations.


Senator Vice moved to adjourn at approximately 5:15 p.m.

click here for printable version of minutes

You will need to have the Adobe Acrobat Reader plug-in installed on your computer in order to view and print a hard copy of the minutes.

Department of Anthropology, Sociology, & Social Work - Social Work B.S.W. 
To include two new elective courses: SWK 365 Crisis Intervention and SWK 344, Stress Management & Self-Care, in the program description.
Department of Anthropology, Sociology, & Social Work - Social Work B.S.W. 
To include two new elective courses: SWK 365 Crisis Intervention and SWK 344, Stress Management & Self-Care, in the program description.

College of  Business & Technology

  1. Department of Management, Marketing & International Business - Marketing (B.B.A.)
    To - replace the MKT 380 seminar with MKT 456 stand-alone class, and replace CIS 370 with CIS ting Research & Analytics concentration of the BBA in Marketing
  2. Department of American Sign Language & Interpreter Education - American Sign Language (ASL) Studies (Minor)
    To revise requirements for the ASL Studies Minor.
  3. Department of Curriculum & Instruction - Elementary Education (P-5) Teaching (B.S.)
    To move EDF 319 and 319W to Supporting course requirements; move MAE 301 from Multidisciplinary Content Supporting courses to section that begins “and 3 hours from one of the following areas: Math…”

College of  Business & Technology

  1. Department of Management, Marketing & International Business - Marketing (B.B.A.)
    To - replace the MKT 380 seminar with MKT 456 stand-alone class, and replace CIS 370 with CIS ting Research & Analytics concentration of the BBA in Marketing
  2. Department of American Sign Language & Interpreter Education - American Sign Language (ASL) Studies (Minor)
    To revise requirements for the ASL Studies Minor.
  3. Department of Curriculum & Instruction - Elementary Education (P-5) Teaching (B.S.)
    To move EDF 319 and 319W to Supporting course requirements; move MAE 301 from Multidisciplinary Content Supporting courses to section that begins “and 3 hours from one of the following areas: Math…”

University Programs

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