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Minutes for November 4, 2013

The Faculty Senate of Eastern Kentucky University met on Monday, November 4, 2013, in the South Ballroom of the Keen Johnson Building. Senator Palmer called the third meeting of the academic year to order at approximately 3:30 p.m.

The following members of the Senate were absent:

S. Adams* S. Barracca* L. Heath
S. Lippman* J. Lowry*^ E. McClees*
D. Miller* S. Pressley* M. Roberts
R. Sharp* C. Sommer* A. Thieme*
W. Zhuang*    

*Indicates prior notification of absence to the Faculty Senate Secretary
^ ALT Rob Weise attended for J. Lowry

Visitors to the Senate: Sarah Carpenter, SGA; Sandra Moore, Diversity; Becca Palmer-Sisselberger, Registrar’s Office; Norman Powell, Educational Leadership & Policy Studies; Barry Poynter, Financial Affairs; Sherry Robinson, Provost Office; Elizabeth Wachtel, Enrollment Management


The October 7, 2013 minutes were approved as written.


Along with 40 other community, government, higher education, and private sector leaders, President Benson has been invited to participate in SOAR (Shaping Our Appalachian Region), a group convened by Governor Steve Beshear and Congressman Hal Rogers. The group first met last Monday at Hazard Community College with subsequent gatherings scheduled over the next two months. There will be a public meeting held in Pikeville on December 9th. If any faculty members have specific suggestions as to what this group should discuss or might consider, please email President Benson directly.

Two work groups are continuing their efforts to provide input into the faculty/staff salaries process. It is anticipated that both groups will submit their information on salary inequities to the President’s Council by December 1, 2013.

EKU's request of $65 million from the state to fund Science Building Phase II has been augmented by an additional $25 million to allow for renovation of the Moore Building for classrooms and faculty offices.

This Tuesday, Dr. Lowe and President Benson will be presenting initial renderings of a Model School replacement facility, together with a new College of Education building. Estimates of the cost for both replacements are approximately $50 million.

The first new residence hall on campus in over 40 years has been well received by students. President Benson indicated that the administration will soon begin aggressively seeking financial options to start replacing more of the aging housing inventory on campus for students.

Recent graduation success rate data from the NCAA was released and EKU student-athletes did exceptionally well. According to the NCAA's Graduation Success Rate (GSR), Eastern

Kentucky graduated 81 percent of its student-athletes who entered college in 2003-2006 on scholarship.

This past Saturday, President Benson attended the Ohio Valley Conference men's and women's cross country championships at Morehead State. Both teams won and Coach Rick Erdmann won his 20th and 27th OVC Coach of the Year award, respectively.

A campus-wide forum will be held on November 19th to report on the Administration's responses to those suggestions made to the Presidential Suggestion Box as well outlining how the resources from the reallocation have been made and what is planned for the future.


Policy 4.3.14 on Military Activation and Course Completion. Senator Hunter moved approval of Policy 4.3.14, seconded by Senator Spock.

Senator Pianalto moved to amend Policy 4.3.14 as stated below, seconded by Senator Hale.

FIRST AMENDMENT: Change the policy statement on page one of Policy 4.3.14 to the following and include a definition of “sponsored dependent” on page two:

“A student who is called to active duty or whose spouse, legal guardian, or sponsored dependent is called to active duty may be unable to complete courses in which they enrolled. If military activation affects the ability of a student to complete a course, the University provides several options, including withdrawal from the course and/or University or taking an incomplete and completing the course(s) following completion of active duty.”

“A student who volunteers for military service during a semester makes the decision to join the military instead of being a student, and does so while the semester is in progress, (instead of completing the semester and then joining), is not eligible for Military Withdraw, Military Incomplete, or to receive a grade early in the semester. The spouse or sponsored dependent of a student who volunteers for military service and cannot complete a semester will not be eligible for Military Withdraw, Military Incomplete, or to receive a grade early in the semester.”

Definition: Sponsored Dependent - An individual who shared primary residence with benefit eligible EKU employee and has lived with EKU employee at least twelve months prior to effective date of coverage, is at least the age of majority, is not a relative and is not employed by the EKU employee.

The above amendment was approved for inclusion in Policy 4.3.14.

Senator Elliott moved to amend Policy 4.3.14 to change the definition for “Active Duty” to delete the word “army” as noted below, seconded by Senator Frazer.

Active Duty orders are Federal Title 10 orders in which the Active Duty/Army Reserve/National Guard student is ordered to training or mobilized for deployment in support of the Global War on Terror or any contingency operations in service to the United States. Title 10 orders require the student to move and can affect the military spouse and their ability to continue in the classroom. Active Duty may also refer to National Guard soldiers activated only under State Title 32 orders for emergency preparedness operations.

Motion to amend Policy 4.3.14 as noted above carried.

Senator Elliott moved to amend Policy 4.3.14 as stated below, seconded by Senator Day.

THIRD AMENDMENT: Change the procedures on page two under “Procedures, option 2, item 7” to:

Upon completion of coursework, the instructor or department chair will submit a change of grade form.

Motion to amend Policy 4.3.14, as note above, carried. Senator Kopacz moved to further amend to specify that the department chair could submit the grade change if the instructor of record were no longer at EKU, seconded by Senator Elliott. The amendment carried. The revised statement now reads as follows:

REVISED THIRD AMENDMENT: Upon completion of coursework, the instructor will submit a change of grade form. Or, if the instructor is no longer with EKU, the department chair will submit the form.

Senator Elliott moved to amend Policy 4.3.14 as stated below, seconded by Senator Montgomery:

FOURTH AMENDMENT: Change the procedures on page two under Option 2, item 6 to:

The student has two (2) years from the date of military discharge completion of their current activation to complete an “IM” grade. The student, upon completion of active military duty, must follow up with the faculty member. If the faculty member is no longer with the University or is on leave from the University, the student should contact the Department Chair for determining how to fulfill the Incomplete Grade Contract. If the student does not make contact within 2 years of leaving the University, the “IM” turns to a “W.”

Motion to amend Policy 4.3.14, as noted above, carried. Later in the meeting Senator Montgomery stated that a better term to use would be “mobilization” and therefore he moved to change “their current activation” to “mobilization”, seconded by Senator Hunter. Motion carried. The revised amendment now reads:

REVISED FOURTH AMENDMENT: The student has two (2) years from the date of military discharge completion of mobilization to complete an “IM” grade. The student, upon completion of active military duty, must follow up with the faculty member. If the faculty member is no longer with the University or is on leave from the University, the student should contact the Department Chair for determining how to fulfill the Incomplete Grade Contract. If the student does not make contact within 2 years of leaving the University, the “IM” turns to a “W.”

(NOTE: It was suggested that anywhere in the policy that says “military discharge”, “current activation”, or “active military duty” should be changed to “mobilization".

Senator Elliott moved to amend Policy 4.3.14 on page one under “Policy Statement” to the following, seconded by Senator Frazer.

FIFTH AMENDMENT: To further change the first amendment approved earlier to the following:

“A student who is called to active duty or whose spouse, legal guardian, or sponsored dependent is called to active duty may be unable to complete courses in which they enrolled. If military activation affects the ability of a student to complete a course, the University provides several options, including withdrawal from the course and/or University or taking an incomplete and completing the course(s) following completion of active duty.”

“A student who volunteers for military service during a semester makes the decision to join the military instead of being a student, and does so while the semester is in progress, (instead of completing the semester and then joining), is not may be eligible for Military Withdraw, Military Incomplete, or to receive a grade early in the semester. The spouse or sponsored dependent of a student who volunteers for military service and cannot complete a semester will not may be eligible for Military Withdraw, Military Incomplete, or to receive a grade early in the semester.”

Senator Elliott withdrew the above amendment and the second agreed.

Senator Hunter moved to amend Policy as stated below, seconded by Senator Hale.

SIXTH AMENDMENT: To further change the first amendment approved earlier to the following:

“A student who is called to active duty or whose spouse, legal guardian, or sponsored dependent is called to active duty may be unable to complete courses in which they enrolled. If military activation affects the ability of a student to complete a course, the University provides several options, including withdrawal from the course and/or University or taking an incomplete and completing the course(s) following completion of active duty.”

“A student who volunteers for military service during a semester makes the decision to join the military instead of being a student, and does so while the semester is in progress, (instead of completing the semester and then joining), is not eligible for Military Withdraw, Military Incomplete, or to receive a grade early in the semester. The spouse or sponsored dependent of a student who volunteers for military service and cannot complete a semester will not may be eligible for Military Withdraw, Military Incomplete, or to receive a grade early in the semester.”

The motion to amend failed with a vote of 27-17.

The main motion, as amended, was approved by the Senate.


Report from Council on Academic Affairs - Senator Vice

Program Suspensions

College of Education

  1. Special Education/Non-Teaching (B.S.)
    To suspend the B.S. Special Education Non-Teaching Degree program.
  2. Special Education - Teacher Leader Track Option A, Deaf and Hard of Hearing Advanced
    To suspend the Master of Arts in Education Special Education - Teacher Leader Track Option A, Advanced Study Deaf and Hard of Hearing

Program Revisions

College of Health Sciences

  1. Recreation and Park Administration (M.S.)
    To add REC 720, Trends and Issues in Therapeutic Recreation, to the graduate Curriculum.

College of  Arts & Sciences

  1. Anthropology (B.A.)
    To include ANT 395 as an option for the ACCT requirement
  2. Religion (Minor)
    To add a required 3 credit hours to the Religion minor from a category of courses focusing on theoretical approaches to the study of religion that includes as options REL 302, Theories of Religion, and PHE 240, Philosophy of Religion.  This revises the format of the description of Religion Minor.

New Programs

College of  Justice & Safety

  1. Social Justice Studies (B.S.)
    To create a Social Justice Studies Baccalaureate degree program within the College of Justice and Safety

Discussion Item

  1. Consideration of a 3-week January term beginning January 2015
    and proposed academic calendar with January Term added.

Senator Vice moved approval of items 1-6, seconded by Senator Corley.  Motion carried.

Item 7 was presented as an information item only.



Senator Pressley shared the following in her written report to Senate.

The Faculty Senate Executive Committee met on Monday, October 28th to set the agenda for the November Faculty Senate meeting.

Dr. Sherry Robinson gave the following policy updates:

  • Drafting teams are continuing to work on the Post Tenure Review (4.6.7), and Faculty Workload (4.7.3) policies. The Financial Exigency policy drafting team is also underway.
  • Dr. Robinson is working with the Rights and Responsibilities Committee of Faculty Senate, and the Lectureship Policy (4.6.10) drafting team to reach a consensus on the issue of notification of non-renewal for lecturers. While some progress has been made, there are still some areas for concern on both sides of the issue. The Provost Council recommended re-examining the issue through conversations with departments (chairs and faculty), particularly those departments who use lectureships. This effort is ongoing and will be discussed at the next Provost Council meeting on November 6th.

The Executive Committee discussed the idea of inviting Mark Sandy, Athletics Director, to the Faculty Senate to explain the outlook on athletics for EKU. Mr. Sandy has agreed to present to Faculty Senate on Monday, December 2nd.

Senator Jacqueline Kohl is serving as the Part Time Faculty Representative for the 2013-14 academic year.

In a brief verbal report to the Board of Regents on October 28, 2013, Senator Pressley explained that the faculty at EKU are especially concerned about salary equity issues, program review, and the current discussions on policies such as Termination of Faculty, Faculty Workload, and Post Tenure Review. She also explained that this combination of events, along with the current economic climate, has caused unrest and anguish among some faculty members and departments who feel the need to protect their programs and positions.


Senator Thieme shared the following in her written report to Senate.

The Board met on Monday, October 28, 2013. At President Benson’s request, the Board meetings will be hosted by different colleges throughout the year; the College of Justice & Safety hosted this meeting in the Stratton Building.

  • Sarah Carpenter, Student Body President, was sworn in as the Student Regent.
  • A motion was made to move the election of officers to serve on the Board’s sub-committees to the January Board meeting; the motion was approved. The chair of the Board expects the Governor to have appointed the two newest members of the Board by the January meeting.
  • The Board approved a revision to its by-laws - allowing for the use of a consent agenda (a type of agenda that places several items on a list to be adopted all at once). This was approved.
  • Several reports were given to the Board. The report format is different this year; new this year are the additional reports from faculty, staff, and students.
    • Craig Turner (chair of the Board) said he is confident the Governor will appoint two new Board members by the January Board meeting (Gary Abney’s term ended; Anita Johnson resigned due to time constraints). He welcomed President Benson. Mr. Turner acknowledged the development team for the outstanding Donor Gala Friday evening of Homecoming.
    • Sarah Carpenter (SGA President) highlighted SGA’s projects for the year: 1) Creating “Fan Fridays” in which EKU will celebrate the Power of Maroon Fridays throughout the year; 2) Work with shuttle services to create a fixed route for evening shuttle service, and 3) develop plans for a new/improved Student Center. Additionally, SGA goals include more campus involvement in SGA, rebranding, enhancing relationship with faculty & staff, bringing a food kiosk to CB&T’s building, and changing the mission statement for SGA.
    • Dr. Sheila Pressley (chair of Faculty Senate) highlighted faculty concerns regarding salary equity issues, program review criteria, and the merit process. While thanking the President for the salary increases, she explained that the increases would not address the salary equity issues; however, she informed the Board that a faculty-equity compensation group was in the process of developing recommendations to the President regarding this issue. The group is made up of representatives from each college. Dr. Pressley also expressed to the Board support for President Benson.
    • Leah Banks (staff council president) informed the Board that Staff Council has four goals this year: 1) to get staff representation in all areas, 2) to support a tobacco-free campus, 3) provide speakers for staff development, and 4) work on salary equity issues for staff.
    • President Benson reported that he was glad to be at Eastern; he acknowledged the dedication and commitment of SGA (and in particular, Sarah Carpenter), faculty, staff, and administration. President Benson thought Homecoming was very successful and acknowledged the team that worked to put together the events. The President presented a brief summary of his time spent that morning partnering with other colleges to develop initiatives that would help residents of Eastern Kentucky transition from working in the coal mining industry to other industries. He is working with the SOAR project (Serving Our Appalachian Region) to find ways to do this. Lastly, the President affirmed his commitment to hold a campus-wide forum at least once a semester to discuss plans for EKU’s future.
    • Dr. Libby Wachtel (Acting VP for Enrollment Management, Marketing & University Relations) reported on fall 2013 enrollment numbers and retention rates for different populations of students. Six, five, and four year graduation rates have increased; first-time freshmen retention rates have increased; undergraduate enrollment has decreased by .07% while graduate enrollment has increased by 3.7%. There is an increase of 3.4% in Black or African American student enrollment and an increase of 6.9% in Hispanic student enrollment. New freshmen student enrollment is up 5.3%; new transfers are down 10.4%; new graduate student enrollment is up 20.8%. The average high school GPA for new first-time freshmen is 3.20 (up .1); the average ACT composite new first-time freshmen score is 21.8 (up .1). Dr. Wachtel also reported that there will be an approximate 4.5% decline in Kentucky high school students graduating from high school in 2013-14; therefore, the 2014 freshmen class at EKU might be lower. Some areas of potential growth include low income high ability populations; international students; out of state transfers; online programs; degree completers, graduate school/professional masters; and increased retention of current students.
  • Following the individual reports, the College of Justice & Safety presented a 20-minute film to the Board that highlighted the accomplishments and achievements of the College, its faculty, and students.
  • Eight action items from the morning business meetings were presented to the Board for approval. All action items were unanimously approved (except for the two compensation items: the Faculty Regent has to abstain from voting on issues pertaining to faculty compensation).


Dr. Rose Perrine and Mrs. Stacey Street have completed a lengthy application for 2014 CHEA Award for Outstanding Institutional Practice in Student Learning Outcomes. Because this application is a point of pride for EKU, Provost Vice shared a summary of the application.

Provost Vice shared a copy of Institutional Effectiveness’ Assurance of Learning Day – Executive Summary Report from September 27. The 3rd Annual Assurance of Learning Day will be on Friday, September 19, 2014.

Below is additional data on the four-week progress reports:

  • Faculty Response
    • 82.0% of all CRNs were reported and 82.8% of 0-200 level CRNs reported
    • 86.0% of instructors reported and 85.2% of 0-200 level course instructors reported
  • Tutoring services received 1,883 referrals from instructors, with over 300 of those being for student assistance in mathematics. The follow up to those referrals:
    • Our Tutoring Coordinator received a spreadsheet of all of the students who received referrals.
    • Tutoring filtered the referrals by alert types into separate spreadsheets and sent the names to the tutoring centers.
    • The tutoring centers then invited those students to the tutoring centers and provided the hours the centers are open.
    • Biology, Chemistry, and Math had the largest number of referrals and respondents.

On October 21, Matt Pellish from the Education Advisory Board spoke to about 60 EKU faculty and staff regarding “Creating a Principled and Sustainable Enrollment Strategy.” Provost Vice shared a copy of his presentation with the senators. Based on the Education Advisory Board's research, the following five groups are potential student populations for increasing a sustainable enrollment.

Student Groups How EKU Is or Will Serve These Students
Low-income, high ability students Provide increased access to high school students via Dual Credit.
English Language Learners

Partner with an international recruiting firm to reach more students in more countries.

Provide improved facilities for E.L.L.I.

Niche Master's programs Identify our niche in special graduate programs for career advancement.
Community College Transfers Market our new Colonel Connection allowing KCTCS students to enroll concurrently at the community college and EKU.
Adult Degree Completers Provide a competency-based degree to adult learners in our Service Region via our Regional Campuses designed for their career advancement.

Provost Vice shared information on a conceptual design for a potential degree completer.

Provost Vice will be unable to host lunch this week. Please plan to join her for lunch on December 4.


SGA is working on the following initiatives this year:

The Residence Life Council is working on:

  1. Getting parking meters at the residential halls.
  2. Providing 24 hour visitation in some of the dorms
  3. Instituting a laundry fee for residential students

The Student Activities Council has scheduled the following upcoming events:

  1. Hunger and Homeless Awareness Week – November 18-22
  2. Movie Night in O’Donnell Hall in the Whitlock Building – November 22
  3. Comedy Night – December 2
  4. Cocoa, Candy Canes, and Finals Tips – December 3-5, 11am-2pm, Powell Corner
  5. Midnight Breakfast – December 6

Student Senate initiatives include:

  1. Passing a $5 green fee each semester for the entire student body
  2. Holding a Safety Walk – November 12, 7pm
  3. Distributing IT appropriations tomorrow
  4. Reassigning the Appropriations Chair to serve as the Registered Student Organizations Chair to allow for better communication.
  5. Revising the RSO policy

The Executive Cabinet is working on the following:

  1. Starting an evening shuttle fixed route.
  2. Launching an Eastern Fan Friday on November 15.
  3. Getting a new or renovated student center
  4. Getting a C-3 Kiosk in the Business and Technology Center
  5. Revising Colonel Cash to allow for off-campus use


Academic Quality Committee. Senator Hunter will serve as chair for the academic year.

Information Technology Committee. Senator Kilgore reported that IT has been receptive to the idea of including student photos in Blackboard, but they’re unsure how to proceed at this time.

In an email, Senator Kilgore shared questions that the Blue Ribbon Banner Committee will be addressing. Please review those questions and share feedback with Senator Kilgore.

On Friday, November 15th there will be an open forum with the IT professionals on campus to answer questions from faculty. Location and time will be announced soon.

Faculty Welfare Committee. Senator Lewis reported that the committee met on October 4, 2013. The first charge given to the committee was to gather feedback from faculty on specific merit pay issues. To do this, the committee created a survey draft and worked with the Office of Institutional Research to administer the survey. The survey went to all 550 people eligible for merit pay consideration. The survey was open from October 21, 2013 to October 27, 2013 and had a response rate of approximately 72%.

The members of the committee were asked to join the faculty advisory group initiated by President Benson to review faculty salary equity issues and to form recommendations. The aggregate survey results were shared with the faculty advisory group during a meeting on October 29, 2013.

The committee would like to thank everyone who completed the survey and the Office of Institutional Research for assisting during the project.

The next Faculty Welfare Committee meeting is scheduled on October 31, 2013.

Ad Hoc Committee on Scheduling Legislative Forum. Senator Day reported that the Faculty Senate Legislative Forum is scheduled for Monday, November 18, 3-4:30pm. The venue will be the main stage at the EKU Center for the Arts. This year’s topic will be “What’s new with Higher Education Budgeting for Kentucky”.


Senator Vice moved to adjourn at approximately 5:40 p.m.

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