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Minutes for December 2, 2013

The Faculty Senate of Eastern Kentucky University met on Monday, December 2, 2013, in the South Ballroom of the Keen Johnson Building. Senator Pressley called the fourth meeting of the academic year to order at approximately 3:30 p.m.

The following members of the Senate were absent:

V. Chandra* H. Frederick L. Heath
C. Hughes* B. Karolich K. Keltner-Previs*^
J. Kohl* P. Kopacz* K. Maloley*
S. O'Brien* T. Reed* M. Roberts
R. Sharp* T. Spigelman W. Zhuang

*Indicates prior notification of absence to the Faculty Senate Secretary
^ ALT John Fitch attended for K. Keltner-Previs

Visitors to the Senate: Becca Palmer-Sisselberger, Registrar’s Office; Norman Powell, Educational Leadership & Policy Studies; Sherry Robinson, Provost Office


The November 4, 2013 minutes were approved as written.


President Benson read a letter from Mrs. Tammy Nanny at the Kenlake State Resort Park in Western Kentucky.  In her letter Mrs. Nanny complimented EKU’s football players for their courteousness and professionalism during their stay at the resort.

Thanks to all those faculty and staff who have provided input as preparations are made for next week’s SOAR summit in Pikeville.  A campus-wide meeting was held last week with over 50 in attendance.  At the summit next week, Senator Benson will be participating in a panel discussion – along with Wayne Andrews of Morehead State – to discuss adult learning and what our respective institutions are doing to address these needs.

Combs Hall will be demolished at the end of Spring Semester 2014.  This is part of an overall housing replacement/renovation plan which will aggressively address the acute need to improve the residence hall inventory.

Also, plans are underway to create an Honors Quad as well as a plan to relocate those faculty and staff currently housed in Case Annex.  In addition, exploratory work is beginning on where a multi-level parking deck might be located on campus.  This deck would be based on hourly spots and would be self-funded. 

Funding for the Science Building Phase Two project continues to be a priority.  Meetings with legislative leadership have already occurred and initial support for the project has been expressed from both the CPE and the Governor’s Office.  The original request of $66 million has been increased to $90 million so the Moore Building can be gutted and repurposed as a classroom/office facility.

The respective groups addressing issues of faculty and staff issues are preparing recommendations to submit to President Benson.  He received documentation from the Faculty Compensation Advisory Group this morning.  The plan is to have everything in place so that salary equity adjustments can be in place by March 1, 2014.  Thanks to all who have provided their input and perspective.

President Benson had the opportunity to attend the Cross Country National Championship in Terre Haute, IN, on November 23, 2013.  Our men’s team placed 15th overall and defeated such noted programs at Notre Dame, Stanford, North Carolina, Michigan, Princeton, and Columbia.  This is the highest placement for any EKU team competing at the national level in any Division One sport.

A campus-wide forum was held on November 19th to report on the Administration’s responses to those suggestions made to the Presidential Suggestion Box.


Report on Athletics.  Mark Sandy, Director of Athletics, was in attendance to give a presentation on Exploring the FBS (Football Bowl Sub-Division).  EKU is currently a member in the FCS (Football Conference Sub-Division) and the presentation explored the possibility of moving to the FBS and the differences between the two divisions.

Policy 9.6.1. - Tobacco-Free Campus.  Senator Pressley introduced the policy as an informational item and encouraged Senators to share the information with their colleagues.  The policy will be posted online for the 30-day comment period by mid-December.  Be sure to post any comments or concerns once the policy becomes available online. (Additional attachment:  timeline)

Below are some of the concerns expressed by the Senators:

  1. How will this affect off-campus EKU housing?
  2. How will the policy be reinforced?
  3. How might this affect the surrounding community?

Policy 4.6.7 – Annual Review of Tenured Faculty and Post-Tenure Review.  Senator Pressley introduced the policy as an informational item and encouraged the senators to share with their colleagues.  A joint forum with the Provost and Faculty Senate will be scheduled early in the spring semester for a campus-wide discussion on the draft policy.  Senator Pressley has agreed to serve as facilitator.  (Additional attachments:  calendar, Annual Eval & PTR, FAQs)

Report from Council on Academic Affairs - Senator Vice

Program Revisions

College of  Arts & Sciences

  1. Department of Anthropology, Sociology, & Social Work - Social Work B.S.W. 
    To include two new elective courses: SWK 365 Crisis Intervention and SWK 344, Stress Management & Self-Care, in the program description.
  2. Department of Computer Science - Minor in Informatics
    Modify the Informatics minor by making CSC 314 a required part of the minor and making CSC 307 as part of the “two of” courses.
  3. Department of Psychology - Animal Studies (B.S.)
    Revise Psychology major to include Senior Exit Course in Psychology as a requirement for graduation.

College of  Business & Technology

  1. Department of Management, Marketing & International Business - Marketing (B.B.A.)
    To - replace the MKT 380 seminar with MKT 456 stand-alone class, and replace CIS 370 with CIS ting Research & Analytics concentration of the BBA in Marketing
  2. Department of American Sign Language & Interpreter Education - American Sign Language (ASL) Studies (Minor)
    To revise requirements for the ASL Studies Minor.
  3. Department of Curriculum & Instruction - Elementary Education (P-5) Teaching (B.S.)
    To move EDF 319 and 319W to Supporting course requirements; move MAE 301 from Multidisciplinary Content Supporting courses to section that begins “and 3 hours from one of the following areas: Math…”

College of  Health Sciences

  1. Department of Recreation & Park Administration - Recreation & Park Administration (B.S.) 
    To move EMC 105 (1), Survey of Medical Terminology, from the Therapeutic Recreation course section to the Therapeutic Recreation Concentration.

University Programs

  1. Appalachian Studies - Appalachian Studies Minor 
    To revise the program to require APP 200 and remove APP 460.

New Program

University Programs

  1. Appalachian Studies - Appalachian Studies Certificate
    To (A) add Certificate in Appalachian Studies; (B) text changes in program description

Discussion Item

Office of the Provost
  1. January Term
    Consideration of a 3-week January term beginning January 2015

Senator Vice moved approval of items 1-8, seconded by Senator Frazer. Motion carried.

Senator Vice moved approval of item 9, seconded by Senator Corley. Motion carried.

Item 10 was presented for information only but should return for action within the next month or so.



The Faculty Senate Executive Committee met on Monday, November 18th to set the agenda for the December Faculty Senate meeting.

Dr. Sherry Robinson gave a policy update on the Annual Review and Post Tenure Review Policy (4.6.7). The comments and questions from the Executive Committee included the following:

  • For more clarity, include the FAQs in the introduction of the policy.
  • Would the university/college consider generating a report to the faculty using information from Digital Measures (DM)? The report would show the faculty members’ contributions to teaching, scholarship and service and provide a basis for rewarding merit or other pay.
  • A commitment from EKU to provide a central process for reporting annual dates (i.e. DM) would be a way to gain participation from everyone.
  • The need for flexibility at the department level must be strongly emphasized.

Dr. Robinson will share these comments with the drafting team at its next meeting so that they can be considered for inclusion in the policy. Members of the drafting team along with Faculty Senate will host a forum to discuss the policy in mid to late January (2014). A date, time and location will be determined before the end of this semester.

The Executive Committee (EC) reviewed a draft document from the Faculty Compensation Advisory Group on Faculty Compensation Internal Equity. The feedback from the EC was shared with the Faculty Compensation Advisory Group (FCAG) and President Benson. Based on the recommendations received, the FCAG decided to adopt an approach to address the most acute disparities, and the most egregious inequities in each department. This will involve reviewing compensation data both within ranks and across ranks. The FCAG last met on Monday, November 25th to determine next steps, and is expected to provide its recommendations to President Benson by December 1st. The recommendations will include adopting a group of compensation principles, and considering a list of factors to evaluate compensation data. The FCAG also recommends that the process of rewarding equity compensation be conducted with input from the Department Chairs, Deans and other faculty from a different college. With the President’s approval of the committee’s recommendations, the co-chairs of the FCAG will meet with the Deans Council on December 4th. The next meeting of the FCAG on December 11th will be used to incorporate feedback from the Deans Council.

Senator Richard Day led the effort to organize the 2nd Annual Legislative Forum this year. The Executive Committee wishes to thank Senator Day for all of his work in arranging the forum. A special thanks also goes to Senator Benson (President), Senator Janna Vice (Provost), and Mr. David McFadden (Government Relations) for their support. This year’s theme was, What’s New with Higher Education Budgeting in Kentucky? The panelists for the forum included the following: Bob King - CPE President, Aaron Thompson - CPE Senior Vice President, Representative Rita Smart, Representative Jonathan Shell, Representative Arnold Simpson, and Senator Jared Carpenter. Thanks to everyone for making this a successful event!.


On Friday, February 21, Dr. Dee Fink will hold a workshop for faculty on effective course design. Further details will follow closer to the date.

In the October report, there were three faculty-related policies listed which are being developed for review and adoption this year:

  • Annual Report of Tenured Faculty and Post-Tenure Review Policy
  • Termination of Faculty Policy
  • Faculty Workload Regulation

Now that the draft of the Annual Report of Tenured Faculty and Post-Tenure Review Policy has been submitted for review by the drafting team, the Provost Office will be hosting a campus-wide forum to provide all faculty an opportunity to participate in an open discussion about the policy.

Forums will also be offered for the other faculty-related policies, currently being drafted.  The purpose of each policy is to ensure that expectations, processes, and practices are understood and appropriate.  The conversations will help the drafting teams refine the policies as needed.

Please join the Provost for lunch, Wednesday, December 4, 12-1:00 p.m., Fresh Food Company, Powell, if schedules allow.


Academic Quality Committee. Senator Hunter asked the senators and their colleagues to provide feedback via email to on the following two questions.

  1. What are the academic implications for including a January term and changing to a 16-week calendar.
  2. Should stand-alone, online courses be required to go through Quality Matters?

Information Technology Committee. Senator Kilgore reported the following:

  • The IT forum was a success.  Lots of professionals were in attendance to answer questions
  •  IT is working on a solution to include student photos on Blackboard
  • Anyone with Wi-Fi hotspot problems should report those issues

Faculty Welfare Committee. Senator Lewis reported that the committee has been working closely with the compensation advisory group.

Ad Hoc Committee on Scheduling Legislative Forum. Senator Day thanked everyone who helped with the Legislative Forum. 

A video of the forum is available at:


Senator Vice moved to adjourn at approximately 5:30 p.m.

click here for printable version of minutes

You will need to have the Adobe Acrobat Reader plug-in installed on your computer in order to view and print a hard copy of the minutes.

Department of Anthropology, Sociology, & Social Work - Social Work B.S.W. 
To include two new elective courses: SWK 365 Crisis Intervention and SWK 344, Stress Management & Self-Care, in the program description.
Department of Anthropology, Sociology, & Social Work - Social Work B.S.W. 
To include two new elective courses: SWK 365 Crisis Intervention and SWK 344, Stress Management & Self-Care, in the program description.

College of  Business & Technology

  1. Department of Management, Marketing & International Business - Marketing (B.B.A.)
    To - replace the MKT 380 seminar with MKT 456 stand-alone class, and replace CIS 370 with CIS ting Research & Analytics concentration of the BBA in Marketing
  2. Department of American Sign Language & Interpreter Education - American Sign Language (ASL) Studies (Minor)
    To revise requirements for the ASL Studies Minor.
  3. Department of Curriculum & Instruction - Elementary Education (P-5) Teaching (B.S.)
    To move EDF 319 and 319W to Supporting course requirements; move MAE 301 from Multidisciplinary Content Supporting courses to section that begins “and 3 hours from one of the following areas: Math…”

College of  Business & Technology

  1. Department of Management, Marketing & International Business - Marketing (B.B.A.)
    To - replace the MKT 380 seminar with MKT 456 stand-alone class, and replace CIS 370 with CIS ting Research & Analytics concentration of the BBA in Marketing
  2. Department of American Sign Language & Interpreter Education - American Sign Language (ASL) Studies (Minor)
    To revise requirements for the ASL Studies Minor.
  3. Department of Curriculum & Instruction - Elementary Education (P-5) Teaching (B.S.)
    To move EDF 319 and 319W to Supporting course requirements; move MAE 301 from Multidisciplinary Content Supporting courses to section that begins “and 3 hours from one of the following areas: Math…”

University Programs

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