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Minutes for May 4, 2015

The Faculty Senate of Eastern Kentucky University met on Monday, May 4, 2015 in the South Ballroom of the Keen Johnson Building. Senator Day called the eighth meeting of the academic year to order at approximately 3:30 p.m.

The following members were absent:

D. Allen* M. Bradley* V. Chandra*^
D. Embury*^ H. Frederick*^ L. Higgins
E. McClees D. Miller* E. Morrett*
J. Palmer B. Scarambone*^ C. Snider
B. Stinnett* S. Szabo D. Travis*

Indicates prior notification of absence to the Faculty Senate Secretary
^ ALT Tony Adams attended for V. Chandra
^ SUB Jennifer Christensen attended for D. Embury
^ ALT Erin Eliassen attended for H. Frederick
^ ALT Zach Marshall attended for B. Scarambone


The April 6, 2015 minutes were approved as written.


A University-wide outdoor commencement ceremony will be held Friday, May 15 at 7 p.m. at Roy Kidd Stadium. Lt. Governor “Crit” Luallen will receive an honorary Doctor of Laws degree and address the graduates. EKU’s Aviation Program will lead a fly-over during the ceremony and the evening will be capped by a fireworks display. In addition, each academic college will host its own convocation, either Friday or Saturday.

This year President Benson has met monthly with the Executive Committee as another avenue to hear and address faculty concerns, and he plans to continue that practice next year. He thanked the Executive Committee and all of the senators for their service.

Congratulations to Katy Scott, the newly elected president of the Student Government Association.

Senator Benson also shared the following campus highlights:

  • Pam Parry Speaks at Eisenhower Presidential Library
    Dr. Pam Parry, Department of Communication, spoke at the Eisenhower Public Library on our 34th president. Her book on the subject was published last fall. 
  • Todd Hartch’s Book on Latin American Christianity Earns Second Honor
    An EKU history professor’s book “The Rebirth of Latin American Christianity” was recently recognized on a list of 15 outstanding books for 2014 for missionary studies.
  • “University Business” Magazine Touts EKU GURUs as “Model of Excellence’ in Student Success
  • EKU’s Mock Trial Team Places 11th in National Championship Tournament
  • Second EKU Student Receives Gilman International Scholarship
    It was recently announced that senior anthropology major Eric King had earned a prestigious Gilman International Scholarship.
  • EKU Wins Category of National Game Day Recycling Challenge
    EKU captured first place in the Game Day Basketball Waste Generation category within the national RecycleMania Tournament by diverting nearly 53 percent of all waste when the Colonels hosted Tennessee Tech in McBrayer Arena on Feb. 28.
  • New Coach Leading Basketball Colonels
    Dan McHale will lead the basketball program next year. He previously served as former assistant coach at the University of Louisville and, most recently, the University of Minnesota.
  • Phase Two of IPEP
    Phase II of the Internal Pay Equity Program (IPEP) has been budgeted and will take effect July 1, 2015. Below is a summary of what has been done in the past two years for EKU personnel in terms of salary increases:
    3.7 million 2.5% across-the-board increase Fall 2013
    500K Step-in-Grade Program Spring 2014
    1 million IPEP Phase I (29% of total need) Spring 2014
    1.3 million IPEP Phase II (67% of total need) Summer 2015

    The total including the upcoming IPEP Phase II will be $6.5 million, not including benefits. If one adds a benefits factor of approximately 46% (estimated average), that’s an additional $3 million for a total of $9.5 million invested in employees in the past two years.


Policy 4.6.17 – Annual Review of Tenured Faculty.  Senator Turner moved to approve Policy 4.6.17, seconded by Senator O’Brien. Motion carried.

Policy 4.8.1 – Evaluation of Academic Administrators.  Senator Pogatshnik moved to approve Policy 4.8.1, seconded by Senator Givens.

(first amendment) - APPROVED
Senator Givens moved to amend Policy 4.8.1 to include the word “annual” in the title, seconded by Senator Pianalto. Motion for the first amendment carried.

(second amendment) - FAILED
On behalf of the Rights and Responsibilities Committee, Senator Fitch moved the following change to the main motion.

Revise the wording on page 3, in the “Year Three Review Section,” line 3, to read:

“Each Department or College shall establish a Review Committee. The membership of the committee shall be determined by majority vote of the department faculty no later than September 30 in the year it is to function.”

Senator Elliott moved to amend the 2nd amendment, seconded by Senator Shi, to change “department faculty” to “department tenured faculty”. After group discussion and with the agreement of the second, Senator Elliott withdrew the amendment.

The second amendment failed for lack of support.

(third amendment) - FAILED
Senator Pogatshnik moved the following, seconded by Senator Lowry:

Revise the wording on page 3, in the “Year Three Review Section,” line 3, to read:

“Each Department/College may choose to establish a Review Committee. The membership of the committee shall be determined by majority vote of the Department/College faculty no later than September 30 in the year it is to function.”

The third amendment failed with a vote of 22-29.

(fourth amendment) - APPROVED
Senator Kopacz moved the following, seconded by Senator G. Hunter:

Revise the wording on page 3, in the “Year Three Review Section”, line 3, to read:

“Each Department/College shall establish a Review Committee. The membership of the committee shall be determined by majority vote of the full time Department/College faculty no later than September 30 in the year it is to function.”

Motion for the fourth amendment carried.

(fifth amendment) - FAILED
Senator Shi moved the following, seconded by Senator Howell:

Revise the wording on page 3, in the “Year Three Review Section,” line 3, to read:

Each Department shall establish a Review Committee. The membership of the committee shall be determined by majority vote of department faculty no later than September 30 in the year it is to function.

Each College may choose to establish a Review Committee. The membership of the committee shall be determined by majority vote of the full time faculty of college no later than September 30 in the year it is to function.

Senator Ciocca moved to amend the fifth amendment to change the wording “may choose to” in the second paragraph to “shall”. Motion failed for lack of support.

The fifth amendment failed for lack of support.

The main motion, twice amended, carried with a vote of 42-5. 

Policy 9.1.1 – Consumption and Serving of Alcoholic Beverages on Campus.  Senator Day announced that Policy 9.1.1 will be reviewed in depth next year. The policy is being considered at this time to remove the interim status only. Senator Pianalto moved approval of Policy 9.1.1, seconded by Senator Lowry. Motion carried.

Policy 8.3.8 – Return to Work Program.  Senator Slusher moved approval of Policy 8.3.8, seconded by Senator O’Brien. Motion carried.

Policy 8.2.6 – Faculty and Staff Tuition Waiver Program.  Senator Ciocca moved approval of Policy 8.2.6, seconded by Senator Adams. Motion carried.


Policy 4.6.7 – Tenured Faculty Member Review. Senator Day presented Policy 4.6.7 as a first read only. The policy will return for a second read in September.

Posthumous Degree for Sara Nestor. The Department of Baccalaureate and Graduate Nursing requested approval to award a posthumous degree for Sara Nestor. Motion carried.

Posthumous Degree for Kimberly D. Merritt. The Departmental of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies requested approval to award a posthumous degree for Kimberly D. Merritt. Motion carried.

Report from Council on Academic Affairs - Senator Vice

New Program
College of Business and Technology
Department of Applied Engineering and Technology

  1. Graduate Certificate in Construction Management-Short Term (Departmental) 
    Create a graduate certificate in Construction Management.

Department of Management, Marketing, and International Business

  1. Certificate in Corporate Communication-Short Term (Departmental)
    Establish a certificate in Corporate Communication
  2. Certificate in Marketing Research and Analytics-Short Term (Departmental)
    Establish a certificate in Marketing Research and Analytics.

College of Health Sciences
Department of Exercise and Sport Science

  1. Master of Science in Athletic Training
    Create new Master of Science in Athletic Training Program.

Program Revisions
College of Business and Technology
Department of Applied Engineering Management

  1. Bachelor of Science in Applied Engineering Management
    Drop AEM 338 and TEC 190 from Core Courses and replace with AEM 195 and 390 (both currently under AEM Electives). Add AEM 330 to the BS degree program core in AEM. Drop GCM 211.
  2. Bachelor of Science in Applied Engineering Management and Master of Science in AETM Option Accelerated 3+2 Dual Degree Program
    Drop AEM 338 and TEC 190 from Core Courses and replace with AEM 195 and 390 (both currently under AEM Electives). Add AEM 330 to the BS degree program core in AEM. Drop GCM 211 in AEM Electives. Drop QMB 200 in Supporting Course Requirements.

Department of Communication

  1. Minor in Communication Studies
    Change the course requirements to include CMS 495 and six hours of upper division CMS courses.
  2. Bachelor of Arts in Journalism
    Change journalism capstone course from JOU 325 to 401. Make BEM 295 a required course rather than an elective. Make JOU 425 and 450 electives rather than required courses. Add to electives list courses that are JOU courses currently in catalog but previously omitted. Adjust required hours in core and free electives to reflect an exact rather than range of hours.
  3. Bachelor of Arts in Public Relations
    Eliminate the Creative Public Relations and Management Public Relations Emphasis from the Public Relations curriculum. Increase the Core Courses from 45 to 48 hours. Add the following as Core Courses: CMS 301 or COM 420; PUB 412 or JOU 412; PUB 410 or 410S; PUB 425. Remove the following from Core Courses: Six hours from: COM 325 or 325S, 400, 415, 425, JOU 325, PUB 385 or 385S, PUB 400, 410S, 415S, 480, 499, or 520. Add the following as Electives: Six hours from: COM 325 or 325S, 390, 400, 415, 425, JOU 325, PUB 385 or 385S, 400, 415S, 480, 499, 520, or MGT 301.

College of Education
Center for the Preparation of Educational Professionals

  1. Admission to Professional Education
    1. Update the name of the office from CARES to Center for the Preparation of Educational Professionals (CPEP)
    2. Remove EDF 103 as a requirement for admission to teacher education.
    3. Note that a state criminal history background check approved by the College of Education must be completed prior to the first day of class for EDF 203.
    4. Remove the Interview requirement.

College Level

  1. Professional Education Requirements
    Update Professional Requirements for all colleges within the University.

Department of Counseling and Educational Psychology

  1. Master of Art in Clinical Mental Health Counseling
    Add the statement "A grade of B or higher is required in every course for degree completion for the M.A. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling program" to the program.
  2. Master of Art in Education in School Counseling
    Add the statement "A grade of B or higher is required in every course for degree completion for the M.A.Ed. in School Counseling" to the program.

Department of School of Clinical Educator Preparation

  1. Bachelor of Science in Education of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (P-12)
    Incorporate changes made to the elementary education program into the B.S. Education of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing program catalog display.
  2. Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education
    Revise the Elementary Education Program.
  3. Bachelor of Science in Special Education Teaching
    Update B.S. Special Education Teaching LBD Elementary (P-5) Option to reflect changes in Elementary Education program.
  4. Director of Special Education Professional Certification
    Remove EAD 801 from requirements and add EAD 849.
  5. Master of Art in Education in Communication Disorders
    1. Clarification of admission, exit requirements for the MAEd program in Communication Disorders.
    2. Clarification of grade requirements to remain in MAEd program in Communication Disorders.

Program Revision - ADDENDUM
College of Education
School of Clinical Educator Preparation

  1. Master of Arts in Teaching
    Redesign the MAT Program to align to new clinical regulations required by CAEP and EPSB.

College of Justice and Safety
School of Justice

  1. Master of Science in Adult, Juvenile & Community Corrections Leadership
    Change program name to MS Justice Policy and Leadership and create 3 concentrations in the program: Corrections Policy and Leadership, Juvenile Justice Policy and Leadership, Police Policy and Leadership.

School of Safety, Security and Emergency Management

  1. Master of Science in Safety, Security and Emergency Management
    Revise catalog text and make changes to certificates.

Program Suspensions
College of Education
Department of Counseling and Educational Psychology

  1. Individual Intellectual Assessment Endorsement
    Suspend the Individual Intellectual Assessment Endorsement program.

College of Health Sciences
College Level

  1. Interdisciplinary Minor in Gerontology
    Drop Interdisciplinary Minor in Gerontology.

College of Justice and Safety
School of Justice

  1. Certificate in Corrections/Juvenile Justice Leadership
    Suspend the College-level certificate in Corrections/Juvenile Justice Leadership.

Action Items
Graduate School

  1. Repeating Courses and Grade Calculation
    The requested change in intended to make the Graduate School policy consistent with the recent change to the undergraduate policy for grade calculations when courses are repeated.  The Graduate Council approved the proposed policy change on February 27.  Revised language is indicated in Attachment 1.
  2. English Proficiency Requirement
    The requested change increases the minimum overall score on the IELTS examination from 6.0 to 6.5 to make it consistent with the level of proficiency established by our current standards on the TOEFL and ELS programs.  It also clarifies applicants who may be exempted from the requirement, includes completion of EKU's ELS program in meeting the requirement, and removes outdated language on registering for the TOEFL examination.  The Graduate Council approved the proposed policy change on February 27.  Revised language is indicated in Attachment 2.

University Programs

  1. Catalog Language
    Revise language to include that wellness courses may be viewed in Degree Works, and students who enter the University with a baccalaureate degree are exempt from the writing intensive courses.

Information Item
College of Justice and Safety

  1. School of Safety, Security and Emergency Management
    Departmental name changes to Fire Protection and Paramedicine Sciences (FPPS) and Department of Safety and Security (DSS).

On behalf of CAA, Senator Vice moved the following items for approval:

  • New Programs: Items 1-4.  Motion carried.
  • Program Revisions:  Items 5-20 and addendum Item 28.  Motion carried.
  • Program Suspensions:  Items 21-23.  Motion carried.

Item 27 was listed for information only.



Senator Day thanked the faculty and administration, particularly the Arts and Sciences faculty, for their cooperation and patience in working to resolve several issues in the Elementary Redesign as well as the MAT program.

Phase II of IPEP is fundable and should be ready to disperse by July 1st. While the university does not have the capacity for another across-the-board raise at this time, there is hope that funds will become available in the not too distant future.

This month the Executive Committee received two requests to alter Faculty Senate operations:

  • David McFaddin asked consideration for creating a new Senator's position to represent the extended campuses. The Rights and Responsibilities Committee will be charged to review this request next fall and make appropriate recommendations.
  • The local AAUP chapter, represented by Doris Pierce and Louisa Summers, proposed that representatives to university committees be directly elected by faculty. While this may not be feasible, there may be room for improvement in the selection process. In the fall, the Elections & University Nominations Committee will be charged with reviewing the selection process and making recommendations.

The Executive Committee has completed work on the faculty review of the president's performance. The final report will be shared soon with the president and the Board of Regents.

Congratulations to Dr. Sherry Robinson, newly appointed Vice Provost. 


The Board met on April 20, 2015. Following are highlights from the regular quarterly meeting of the Board.

  • The five sub-committees of the BOR presented their business meeting reports to the Board.
  • The BOR heard reports from Craig Turner (chair of BOR), Kyle Nicholas (SGA president), Richard Day (chair of Faculty Senate), Leah Banks (president of Staff Council), and President Benson. 
  • All action Items from the morning business meetings were presented to the Board: All action items were unanimously approved. Senator Thieme highlighted a few of the items that were approved:
    • Meal plan increase of 3% for 2015-2016
    • Tuition increase of 2.5% for 2015-2016
    • Resident hall rate increase of 5% for 2015-2016
    • Increase Model Lab technology fee by an additional $50 for 2015-2016

The next meeting will be June 22, 2015.

Visit the following links for additional budgeting information for EKU:


Below are a few highlights from academic year 2014-2015:

  • Faculty, chairs, deans, and associate deans have participated in workshops to improve course design, to identify a new QEP topic, and to design a faculty professional-development plan.
  • Together, important policies have been reviewed/edited that guide the evaluation process. 
  • EKU has moved from a SACS-COC Level 5 to Level 6 with the approval of a fourth doctorate, the Psy.D. Degree. 
  • Faculty have participated in the Strategic Initiative Teams to develop action plans for the new Strategic Plan—particularly for the Academic Excellence Goal.
  • Hundreds of EKU faculty have been recognized for excellence.

The focus for 2015-2016 includes seeking involvement and input for the following:

  • Continued progress in refining processes and policies
  • Preparation for SACS-COC and selection of the next Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP)
  • Supplemental Instruction for underprepared students
  • Continued professional development for excellence in teaching and in administration
  • Identification of meaningful changes as “assurance-of-learning” outcomes are reviewed for each program
  • Increased emphasis on STEM-H
  • A deeper focus on high-impact-learning strategies required in ACCT (Applied Critical and Creative Thinking) for all majors.

Below are some important upcoming dates:

  • Luncheon for newly tenured and/or promoted EKU faculty
    Monday, May 11, 2015, at Noon in the Board of Regents Dining Room
  • Spring 2015 University Commencement - 7:00 p.m. Friday, May 15, 2015, Roy Kidd Stadium
  • Spring 2015 College Convocations
    Friday, May 15, 2015
    Alumni Coliseum
    9:30 a.m. - College of Arts & Sciences
    2:30 p.m. - College of Health Sciences
    EKU Center for the Arts
    11:00 a.m. - College of Business & Technology
    Saturday, May 16, 2015
    Alumni Coliseum 
    9:30 a.m. - College of Justice & Safety
    EKU Center for the Arts
    2:00 p.m. - College of Education
  • Kentucky Pedagogicon 2015 - May 22, 2015, EKU Noel Studio
  • Board of Regents’ Meeting - June 22, 2015
  • 2015 Fall Convocation - 8:30 a.m. Wednesday, August 19, 2015, in Brock Auditorium
  • Fall 2015 First Day of Classes - August 24, 2015
  • 2015 Assurance of Learning Day - Friday, September 25, 2015.


Below are a few issues that Student Government is either currently working on or will begin working on in the fall semester:

  • Making recommendations to the alcohol policy to allow alcohol in suites of the upperclassmen residence halls and in family residential facilities and also allowing student and faculty groups to include alcohol use in events scheduled in the Keen Johnson Building.
  • Scheduling monthly student forums to hear any concerns students may have in their college, department, etc.
  • Developing a proposal to move Colonel Path from its current location to South Second Street.
  • Proposing a mobile safety app
  • Developing a new SGA website


Acacemic Quality Committee. Senator G. Hunter stated that the committee distributed a survey to faculty asking for input on RAC numbers. The committee’s research shows:.

  • Approximately 10-15% of students (both the AQC faculty survey and Institutional Research student survey show this) obtain RAC #s without meeting with their advisor.
  • The university should limit access to RAC #s. The committee can envision a number of ways in which access might be limited and would like to encourage the university to consider appropriate access and IT to consider appropriate methods of limiting access.
  • It is a problem that double majors and students in the Honors program and other special cases have multiple advisors, each with access to RAC #s.
  • Administrative Assistants with access to Banner have access to every student’s RAC #.
  • Students attending classes exclusively on regional campuses obtain RAC #s without meeting with their assigned advisor.
  • Students change majors, and thus advisors during registration windows. They sometimes do this “unofficially,” telling an advisor they’re going to change and obtaining a RAC # whether they then consult with an advisor in their new major or not.
  • Students create their own informal system, seeking out advising with a friendly instructor, who may or may not be knowledgeable of the student’s program and scheduling needs.
  • It is possible that not all students need to be advised every semester – RAC #s may or may not be “best practice” in advising, considering efficiency and effectiveness.
  • It is possible that the quality of advising has decreased since the advising stipend was removed. The Committee suggests that the Senate’s Faculty Welfare committee might want to explore this relationship.
  • Students are surveyed through Institutional Research regarding their advising experience. While the data gained from that survey is available at, the information is not shared directly with faculty. Faculty may benefit from seeing comments students included in their survey responses.

Information Technology Committee.  Senator Kilgore shared the following:

  • Because of delays with the leasing company, new computer equipment is not expected before graduation.
  • Consequently, IT will not have any scheduled laptop exchanges before graduation. If laptops arrive before the end of next week, faculty will have an opportunity to exchange theirs if they wish. No one will be automatically ‘scheduled’.
  • Departments’ exchanges will be scheduled during the summer, with the understanding that many faculty may not be available. IT will provide an online registration form to facilitate the process and email notifications will be sent to faculty so they can auto enroll.
  • Faculty who are leaving campus for the summer may exchange units when they return in the fall.

Rights and Responsibilities Committee. Senator Whalen stated that the committee received three charges for the 2014-15 academic year. The following describes the progress made on the charges, as well as the work that remains to be done.

  1. Review and make recommendations regarding any requests from non-Senate campus groups or individuals requesting to establish a formal relationship with the Senate.
    At the April 6, 2015 Faculty Senate meeting, the committee made a motion to add the American Association of University Professors EKU Chapter President or designee as a non-voting member of the committee. The motion, which carried, will be presented to the faculty-at-large for a vote in August since this is a change to the Faculty Handbook.
  2. Continue oversight of all policies affecting faculty rights and responsibilities including, but not limited to, Dismissal of faculty, Post-tenure review, Professional Development, Clinical faculty.
    Committee members provided input and served on several policy drafting teams this year (if applicable, the committee member who served on the drafting team is in parentheses). The status of these policies is as follows:
    • 4.6.6, Evaluation of Full-Time Faculty Not Eligible for Tenure: approved by Faculty Senate and the Board of Regents.
    • 4.6.11, Clinical Faculty: approved by Faculty Senate and the Board of Regents.
    • 4.6.16, Dismissal of Faculty (Whalen): approved by Faculty Senate.
    • 4.6.17, Annual Review of Tenured Faculty (Turner): action item for May 4.
    • 4.8.1, Evaluation of Academic Administrators (Fitch): action item for May 4.
    • 4.6.7, Post-Tenure Review (Turner): first reading for May 4.
    • 8.1.4, Recruitment, Appointment, and Hiring of Staff (Whalen): draft in process.
  3. Consider the question: Does EKU need an ombudsperson, and if so, what are the essential elements of such a position?
    The committee’s preliminary research found numerous examples of ombudsman programs, and more work will need to be done to articulate essential elements of such a position. The website of the International Ombudsman Association ( will be helpful, as well as the programs at the University of Louisville ( and Western Kentucky University (
    To determine the need for an ombudsperson, the committee decided to begin with a survey on the status of shared governance at EKU. This will go out to all faculty on Tuesday, May 6, and remain open until Friday, May 15. The committee will analyze the data and report back to Faculty Senate. The committee has also begun looking at EKU faculty numbers, and will be gathering more data and input next year.

Faculty Welfare Committee.  Senator El-Amouri reported that the Faculty Welfare Committee was charged with gathering information on issues related to summer pay practices for different colleges (and different departments within colleges, if necessary). The Committee looked specifically at what constitutes an “under-enrolled” course and the recent practice of pro-rating salaries for different colleges at EKU and also how EKU deals with summer sessions (e.g. course enrollment minimum and salary compensation) in comparison with other similar institutions.


Senator Vice moved to adjourn at approximately 5:15 p.m.

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