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Minutes for November 3, 2014

The Faculty Senate of Eastern Kentucky University met on Monday, November 3, 2014, in the South Ballroom of the Keen Johnson Building. Senator Day called the third meeting of the academic year to order at approximately 3:30 p.m.

The following members of the Senate were absent:

D. Allen* R. Cleveland* C. Elliott*
D. Givens*^ S. Hunt R. Johnson
K. Jones J. Lowry*^ K. Maloley*
D. Miller* B. Scarambone* J. Thaxton
D. Travis*    

Indicates prior notification of absence to the Faculty Senate Secretary
^ ALT John Taylor attended for D. Givens
^ ALT John Bowes attended for J. Lowry


Senator Day welcomed visitors from the first cohort of the President's Leadership Action Academy to the Senate.  The members are as follows:

  • Kishore Acharya, Project Manager, Project Administration
  • Scott Arias, Instructor, Applied Engineering and Technology
  • Ryan Baggett, Associate Professor, College of Justice and Safety
  • Stephen Caudill, Interim Payroll Manager, Accounting and Financial Services.
  • Kellie Ellis, Assistant Professor and Clinic Director of the School of Clinical Education Prep., College of Education.
  • Katherine Fair, Lecturer and Coordinator, Mathematics.
  • Anthony Lamanna, Assistant Professor, Applied Engineering and Technology
  • Jason Marion, Assistant Professor, Environmental Health Services.
  • Salome Nnoromele, Professor, English and Director, African/African-American Studies Program
  • Tom Otieno, Professor and Associate Dean, Arts & Sciences
  • Jennifer Ott, Assistant Director, University Development and Alumni Relations
  • Karen Peavler, Director of Business Operations, EKU Center for the Arts
  • Bernardo Scarambone, Associate Professor, Music
  • Matt Schumacher, Student Success Data Analyst, Retention and Graduation
  • Caelin Scott, Training Administrator, 21st Century Community Learning
  • Jennifer Strauel, Interim Director, Human Resources
  • Jennifer Wies, Associate Professor, Anthropology
  • Ryan Wilson, Academic Advisor, Center for Advising and Recruitment in Educational Services, College of Education


The October 6 minutes were approved as written.


Below are highlights from recent events.

  • On Sunday evening, October 19, the EKU Board of Regents hosted a community reception in Hazard, followed the next day by a regularly scheduled Board meeting at the University Center of the Mountains. Following the meeting, a groundbreaking ceremony was held in Letcher County for the Lilley Cornett Woods Research Center. The research facility, expected to open by next summer, underscores the University's commitment to regional stewardship and is poised to become a nexus of multidisciplinary research that will draw scientists and students from universities across the nation.
  • On Tuesday, October 21, students, staff and faculty joined hands in numerous service projects to beautify the campus. They painted, they spread mulch, and they even planted a tree in front of the Keen Johnson Building. 
  • On Thursday, October 23, approximately 200 people attended a groundbreaking ceremony for Phase 2 of the New Science Building, which will house the Departments of Biological Sciences and Geography and Geology. 
  • The Inauguration ceremony is available at:

The Department of History has developed 23 career paths to facilitate a more holistic educational experience and build on the marketable skills of its graduates. These paths are designed to meld a broad liberal arts background with specific skill sets via a second major or minor in such fields as broadcasting and electronic media, journalism, public relations, advertising, paralegal sciences, economics, geography, communication studies, management, and globalization and international affairs, among others.

Dr. Roger Cleveland, associate professor of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies, was inducted recently into the Kentucky Civil Rights Hall of Fame.

Safety City, which is a joint effort of the Lexington Division of Police and EKU’s College of Justice & Safety, reopened on October 15. Lexington's Safety City provides educational safety programs for second-and third-grade students. The site, at 1160 Red Mile Place, includes a life-like roadway, traffic Signals, and buildings, including a police station. The curriculum includes road safety, traffic rules, seatbelt safety, stranger-danger safety and even internet safety.


Report from EKU FAR. Dr. Sheila Pressley was in attendance to discuss the responsibilities and the role of the EKU FAR.


Policy 4.6.11 – Clinical Faculty. Senator Fitch moved, seconded by Alternate Taylor, to amend the following sentence on page 4 from:

Beginning in 2015-2016, all clinical faculty will be notified no later than May 15 of non-reappointment for the following academic year.

Beginning in 2015-2016, all clinical faculty will be notified no later than March 1 of non-reappointment for the following academic year.

The first motion to amend carried.

Senator Whalen moved, seconded by Senator Chandra to amend the last sentence on page 1, paragraph 4, from:

“Workload for a clinical educator is calculated on a candidate to educator ratio reflective of state regulations and accreditation guidelines and equal to no more than a traditional 15 hour teaching load.”

“Workload for a clinical educator is calculated on a candidate to educator ratio reflective of state regulations and accreditation guidelines and equal to no more than a traditional 15 credit hour teaching load.”

The second motion to amend carried.

Senator S. Hunter moved, seconded by Senator Vice, to amend paragraph 5 on page one from:

The workload for clinical faculty in other fields shall be the equivalent of a 15 credit-hour teaching load.

The workload for clinical faculty in other fields shall be the equivalent of no more than 15 credit-hour teaching load.

The third motion to amend carried.

The main motion, as amended, carried.

Policy 4.6.15 – Foundation Professorships. Senator S. Hunter moved, seconded by Senator G. Hunter, to approve Policy 4.6.15. Motion carried.

Policy 1.4.1 – Non-Discrimination and Harassment. On behalf of the Executive Committee, Senator Day moved for approval of Policy 1.4.1. Motion carried.

Policy 1.4.1R – Non-Discrimination and Harassment Response Regulation. On behalf of the Executive Committee, Senator Day moved for approval of Policy 1.4.1R. Motion carried.

Policy 1.6.1 – Reporting. On behalf of the Executive Committee, Senator Day moved for approval of Policy 1.6.1. Motion carried.

Policy 1.6.2 – Non-Retaliation. On behalf of the Executive Committee, Senator Day moved for approval of Policy 1.6.2. Motion carried.


Policy 4.6.16 – Dismissal of Faculty. Senator Day introduced Policy 4.6.16 and encouraged the Senators to share and gather feedback from their colleagues. The policy will be on the December agenda for action. (SEE: feedback from forum)

Policy 1.5.1 – Financial Exigency. Senator Day introduced Policy 1.5.1 and encouraged the Senators to share and gather feedback from their colleagues. The policy will be on the December agenda for action. (SEE: feedback from forum)

Report from Council on Academic Affairs - Senator Vice

New program

College of Arts & Sciences
Department of Philosophy and Religion

  1. Minor in Applied Ethics
    Add a Minor in Applied Ethics to the Department of Philosophy and Religion curriculum offerings.

Program Revisions

College of Health Sciences
Department of Exercise and Sports Science

  1. Master of Science in Physical Education
    Change the exit requirement for two of the three Concentrations in the program:
    1. Sports Administration students will no longer take GRD 887b (MS Physical Education Written Comprehensive Exam). They will be required to successfully complete PHE 896 as fulfillment of exit requirements.
    2. Exercise and Wellness students will no longer take GRD 887b (MS Physical Education Written Comprehensive Exam). They will be required to successfully complete GRD 888d for fulfillment of exit requirements.

Department of Occupational Science & Occupational Therapy

  1. Masters of Science in Occupational Therapy
    1. OTS 845, OTS 846 and OTS 847 will become Capstone classes to meet the Exit Competency requirement for the MS in Occupational Therapy and will replace the Comprehensive Exam (GRD 887D) as the exit requirements for entry level master's students.
    2. OTS 898 and OTS 899 assigned credit hours in the catalog need to be changed from [0] to [6] to accurately reflect program requirements.

Information Item

University Programs

  1. Credit/No Credit Coursework
    Allow letter grade for EKU-approved study abroad courses for EKU students who receive pre-approval. (Undergraduate Catalog, p. 53).

On behalf of CAA, Senator Vice moved the following items for approval:

  • Item 1.  Motion carried.
  • Items 2-3.  Motion carried.

Item 4 was listed for information only.



At the October 27 Executive Committee meeting, FS Vice Chair Shirley O’Brien led a discussion on concerns related to the inefficiency of advising students when the schedule book is unavailable. Provost Vice noted that steps are being taken to have the information available sooner.

The Executive Committee expressed support for the new Professional Development model, which the Provost and a faculty work group have had in development for several months. Senator Vice will brief the Senate in her report.

The Colonels Comply workgroup has begun identifying the scope of work and creating a reporting structure. See the Higher Education Compliance Universe Risk Matrix to gain some perspective on the number and nature of issues the university is required to monitor. They range from the small to the large, but all are required by law. Check out the Colonels Comply webpage at to learn more.

At the Board meeting in October, Senator Day raised an issue with the Regents that has been raised before but never acted upon. The Student Government President (Student Regent) is elected in May, but SGA President Kyle Nicholas was not sworn in until October. This disenfranchises the students for nearly half of his term. There would seem to be two potential remedies. One would be lobbying the legislature to amend the requirement that the Student Regent must wait until the new fiscal year to take office. Much simpler would be moving the regular Regent’s meeting date from June to July. Surely our Regents are sufficiently committed to including student voice that any concerns over summer vacations could be worked out.

The Strategic Planning Steering Committee should finalize the draft strategic plan today. The goal is to post the plan for the campus community to provide feedback next week.

The Implementation Team has been reviewing graduation and retention data for the university.

Senator Day was honored to carry the university mace on behalf of the faculty during the recent inauguration of our 12th president.   


The Board of Regents held its quarterly meeting at Hazard Community & Technical College in Hazard, Kentucky. The Board met in Hazard in order to tour the Lilley Cornett Woods Research Center and to participate in the groundbreaking ceremony for the new research center and bunkhouse to be built at the site. To learn more about the Research Center visit

Below are highlights from the meeting.

  • The letter of acceptance of certification of election of president of student government association (2014-2015) was presented to the Board.
  • Kyle Nicholas was sworn in as the Student Regent.
  • The four sub-committees of the Board presented their business meeting reports to the Board.
  • The Board heard reports from Craig Turner, Kyle Nicholas, Richard Day, Leah Banks, and President Benson.
  • All Action Items from the morning business meetings were presented to the Board: All Action Items were unanimously approved.

The next Board meeting will be hosted by the College of Business & Technology on January 25, 2015.

Link to the 2014-2015 Operating Budget:

For additional budget information see:


Provost Vice announced that Academic Affairs is implementing a new program to enhance professional development opportunities for faculty, with particular attention to teaching.

With input and guidance from the Professional Development Workgroup, Faculty Senate Executive Committee, the TLC, and the Chairs’ Association, principles and goals have been adopted. These principles and goals provide guidance for each department to design a professional development plan—to be submitted to each dean by August 2015. (Two optional templates are provided as examples and a starting point.) The departmental/unit plans will call on each faculty member to submit an individual plan to the chair in Fall 2015 and in concert with the normal reporting dates of the department/unit.

A drafting team is in the process of revising the annual-review policy. That team will acknowledge this professional development program in the policy before the policy goes through another round of vetting.

Earlier today, Dean Ault announced his upcoming retirement at the end of June from the College of Justice and Safety.

On Friday, James Dantic, Director of Model, announced that he will be stepping down as director and assuming a new role in the College of Education to work with the clinical education program. Dr. Ann Burns will serve as Interim Director.

Please join Provost Vice for lunch on Wednesday, November 5, 12-1 p.m., Fresh Food Company, Powell, if schedules allow. Sign in at either register.


Budget Committee.  Senator Hatcher stated that the committee is looking for ways to be more proactive with communicating budget issues to the faculty.

Elections & University Nominations Committee.  Senator Brumfield reported that the committee drafted a letter to all chairs and program directors advertising for a new parliamentarian for Senate.

Information Technology Committee.  Senator Kilgore announced that several people indicated that they would like to have tablets available when new products are reviewed. He also noted that Apple products will continue to be part of the evaluation and process.

The request to upgrade the Wi-Fi system on campus has been approved and will be implemented over the Christmas break.

Several faculty expressed interest in receiving Drupal training. There can be individual trainings or group trainings on several Fridays. Contact Senator Kilgore to indicate which option is preferred.

Senator Kilgore talked to IT about Blackboard clickers. Most smart phones can support a clicker for Blackboard.

Rules Committee.  Senator Skubik-Peplaski announced that the committee will have a report to the Executive Committee soon on one of their charges.

Ad Hoc Committee on Legislative Forum.  Senator Hatcher announced that the forum is scheduled for Thursday, December 4 at 3:30pm in either the Black Box or the main stage at the Center for the Arts building. The topic this year will be on the value of higher education in the economy.


Senator Vice moved to adjourn at approximately 4:45 p.m.

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