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Minutes for March 6, 2017

The Faculty Senate of Eastern Kentucky University met on Monday, March 6, 2017 in the South Ballroom in the Keen Johnson Building. Senator O'Brien called the sixth meeting of the academic year to order at approximately 3:30 p.m.

The following members were absent:

D. Cunningham B. Mahaney H. Taylor
D. Wygant*^ B. Young*^  

Indicates prior notification of absence to the Faculty Senate Secretary
^ ALT Jerry Palmer attended for D. Wygant
^ ALT David Fifer attended for B. Young


Senator Skubik-Peplaski moved approval of the February 6, 2017 minutes, seconded by Senator Bradley. Motion carried. (YES = 55 votes NO = 2 votes ABSTAIN = 0 votes) (See Also: Individual Votes)


    Senator Benson shared a touching “Eastern Experience” story of EKU graduate Devella Teegarden’s struggle to earn a college degree and the success she has been able to obtain after achieving that goal. As a student at Eastern, she found “remarkable” professors who supported her ability to reach goals that she never thought possible.

    Last week, Provost Vice shared a positive report at the conclusion of the resent SACS-COC site team visit. Thanks to all who contributed to what promises to be another successful reaffirmation. As Dr. Vice noted, our 100 percent compliance with all the SACS-COC core standards and all federal standards is quite a feat.

    Our nationally prominent mock trial team has once again qualified for the American Mock Trial Association’s first level of nationals, to be held later this month in Memphis.

    In addition, it is encouraging to see various academic departments, spread across three academic colleges, come together for a noteworthy regional stewardship project. Faculty and students from the disciplines of sociology, animal studies, agriculture, wildlife management and aviation have pooled their time and talents to address the growing presence of free-roaming herds of horses in rural southeastern Kentucky. The work included a recent aerial survey from an EKU aircraft of herds in Breathitt County, and may expand to include additional counties in the months and years ahead.  


    Ombud Minute. The Ombud Minute will be a new feature on the Senate agenda. Ombud Beck announced that the discussion today would focus on confidentiality. Information shared with the Ombud will be held in confidence. As Eastern is a public institution, the ombud must maintain records on reported issues for statistical purposes; however, names and identifiable information will not be included. To learn more about what the Office of the Ombud does and how to report issues please visit for more information.

    Development Update. Nick Perlick, Vice President for Development and Alumni Relations, provided an update on fundraising as well as shared a copy of the 2016 EKU Foundation Report. Post meeting, he shared a list of development team members who are assigned to work closely with the colleges and departments.

    Performance-Based Funding. David McFaddin and Tanlee Wasson shared an informative presentation on performance-based funding.

    LMS Review Update. Senator O’Brien reminded that a LMS survey was distributed earlier today and she encouraged all faculty to complete and submit the survey by Friday before leaving for spring break. 


    Provost Search Update. Senator Corley stated that the search process is proceeding according to the established timeline. Currently the committee is viewing the individual applicants via electronic media; and the best consideration date is March 17. The committee will begin reviewing the resumes as a group after they’ve been individually coded on March 21. Visit for updates on the search process.

    SACSCOC Update. Vice Provost Robinson stated that the recommendations received from the on-site team are being addressed. The report is due on July 24. She reminded that the Commission will vote on our re-accreditation at their December annual meeting.

    Policy 4.6.# Evaluation of Library Faculty. Senator Elliott moved approval of Policy 4.6.#, seconded by Senator N. Powell. Motion carried. (YES = 57 votes | NO = 0 votes | ABSTAIN = 4 votes) (See Also: Individual Votes)


    University Parking Advisory Committee Update. Senator Howell shared the minutes from the last University Parking Advisory Committee meeting. He announced that the parking garage is set to come online in Fall 2017 and a handful of other parking lots are being expanded.

    Parking Services will soon become auxiliary which means they will be self-funded. Therefore, they are considering ways to generate revenue. One possible solution discussed was to increase the cost of parking permits on campus to as much as $150 for faculty, staff, and students. There were also discussions about offering premium parking for $400+ for prime spots on campus.

    Some advantages to Parking Services becoming self-funded include having more control over parking enforcement in commuter and faculty lots and having funds available for expanding and improving parking lots. An additional benefit for faculty and staff would be that permits could be paid out of pre-tax income.

    Vice President Poynter announced that there will probably be a 2 or 3 year transition before Parking Services fully moves to auxiliary. While the cost for parking permits will increase this year, it will not increase to the suggested amount yet.

    After lengthy discussion on the proposed parking permit increases, President Benson announced that a university-wide task force would be appointed to discuss the issue further and to gather feedback from faculty, staff, and students.

    Policy 4.1.11 – Awarding Incomplete Grades. Vice Provost Robinson presented revised policy 4.1.11 as a first read. (Pulled from Item #1 on CAA report below)
    Update on Policy 8.3.4 – Response to Bullying or Harmful Conduct. Vice Provost Robinson reminded that the Senate approved the policy at the end of last year. The policy was placed on hold last May after the Provost Council reviewed it and suggested a few changes. The Ombud recently reviewed it and made one additional change. The amended policy has now been approved by the Provost Council and is available online for the 14-day comment period which has been extended to March 24th because of spring break. If there are substantive problems noted in the comments received, the policy can be brought back to Senate if needed. 

    Report from Council on Academic Affairs. Dr. Sherry Robinson presented the following for approval.

    Policy Proposal - Information Item, First Read
    Policy Revision
    (presented under New Business above)

    1. Incomplete Grade Agreement - revise policy, forms, and catalog text f or Incomplete Grade Agreement.  Revisions include:
      • Change "contract" to "agreement" in policy and forms language
      • Require a due date for assignments
      • Revise signature lines and require signature of Dean of the College housing the course

    Curriculum Proposals - Program Suspensions

    College of Letters, Arts, and Social Sciences

    1. A.G.S. Concentration in Journalism

    College of Science
    Biological Sciences

    1. B.S. Biology Teaching

    Physics and Astronomy

    1. B.S. Physics Teaching

    Program Revisions

    College of Business and Technology
    Accounting, Finance, and Information Systems

    1. B.B.A. Rick Management and Insurance - Add RMI 472 to list of BBA electives.
    2. B.S. Risk Management and Insurance - Add RMI 472 to list of BS electives.

    Management, Marketing and International Business

    1. B.B.A. Management Entrepreneurship Concentration - Show CCT 270 as a requirement for Entrepreneurship concentration instead of a Business elective.

    College of Health Sciences
    Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy

    1. M.S. Transition – Transition to Master’s Program – Remove OTS 499 as an offered course; OTS 499 replaced by OTS 311, 312, 401; change existing transition to MS Pathway to a Post-Baccalaureate 2nd Degree Pathway.

    Honors Programs

    1. Honors Core Curriculum - Remove the Honors Core curriculum track as an option for Honors Program students.

    College of Letters, Arts, and Social Sciences
    Anthropology, Sociology, and Social Work

    1. B.S.W. in Social Work – add SOC 399 as a supporting course


    1. B.A. in Broadcasting and Electronic Media – revise course listings, revise core, and General/Broadcast News Concentrations, merge former Journalism program with BEM.
    2. B.A. Communication Studies – revise course listings and exit requirement.
    3. B.A. Public Relations – revise descriptions for exit requirements; add GSD 300 to replace BTS 300 and 400; revise course prefixes/numbers resulting from redesign of JOU and BEM programs.
    4. Minor in Broadcast News – Revise title to Minor in Multimedia News; Revise program description to reflect changes in communications course and prefix changes.
    5. Minor in Broadcasting and Electronic Media – Revise program description to reflect changes in communications course and prefix changes.
    6. Minor in Public Relations – Revise program description to reflect changes in communications course and prefix changes.


    1. B.S. Psychology – update capstone/ACCT options, revise course listings.

    College of Science
    Biological Sciences

    1. B.S. Biology – Add a Biology Teaching Concentration.


    1. B.A. Chemistry - Add CHE 385W (new course).
    2. B.A./M.S. Chemistry 3+2 program - Add CHE 385W (new course).
    3. B.S. Chemistry - Add CHE 385W (new course).
    4. B.S./M.S. Chemistry 3+2 program - Add CHE 385W (new course).


    1. B.A. Geography – Change Program title and degree type to B.S. in Geographic Information Science.

    Mathematics and Statistics

    1. B.S. Statistics - revise requirement list for clarity (STA 370 is now 470, STA 385 is now 485, STA 270 is now 4 credit hours).
    2. Minor in Mathematical Sciences - specify the STA classes that a student takes.
    3. Minor in Statistics - update the course list for the Minor in Statistics.

    Physics and Astronomy

    1. Physics B.S. - Require PHY 456 for General Physics majors and adjust the program to add Physics Teaching concentration.

    Senator Elliott moved approval of items 2-4, seconded by Senator Turner. Motion carried. (YES = 48 votes | NO = 0 votes | ABSTAIN = 3 votes) (See Also: Individual Votes)

    Senator Corley moved approval of items 5-27, seconded by Senator Swain. Motion carried. (YES = 55 votes | NO = 2 votes | ABSTAIN = 0 votes) (See Also: Individual Votes)

    Update on Ad Hoc Committee on Ombud Framework. Senator Zeigler stated that the committee met on Friday morning and Ann Cotton and Rick Mott were elected as co-chairs. Ombud Beck shared some information on charters and guidance documents from other institutions to use as models in developing a template for Eastern. The next meeting will be March 20.  



    All committee chairs are urged to submit approved minutes of their meetings to the Senate secretary for posting on the website so that the Senate will be in compliance with open meeting procedures.

    The Ad Hoc Ombud Framework Committee was formed. Volunteers were solicited from the Ombud Search Committee, Policy Drafting Team of Fall 2016, Faculty Senate and select administrative areas. The committee is comprised of the following: Leah Banks, Ann Cotton, Antoinette Davis, Dana Fohl/Mark Maier, Joslyn Glover, Michele Gremp, Sandy Hunter, Stephanie King, Brad Marcum, Rick Mott, and Sara Zeigler. Ombud Joan Beck will serve as ex-officio, unless the committee decides differently.

    Please mark calendars for the upcoming regular meetings for the Board of Regents: April 24th, June 21st, October 24th, 2017. All times and locations are to be determined.

    All standing committees should be working on their internal procedures so that there is a detailed listing of monthly activities on record in order to preserve and sustain the history needed for leadership in the Senate.

    Senator O’Brien announced that she would not seek re-election for Chair of the Senate next year because her services are needed more urgently in her department. Senator Givens moved that the Senate go on record for appreciation to Chair O’Brien and the exceptional job she has done in a most challenging year, seconded by Senator Fitch. Motion carried by voice vote.

    Senator Corley moved to extend the meeting time beyond 5:30pm so that agenda items could be completed, seconded by Senator Turner. Motion carried by voice vote. 

    REPORT FROM COSFL: Senator Kopacz

    COSFL will meet on Friday, April 7, at the CPE (room A) in Frankfort beginning at 1 p.m. President of CPE, Robert King, will address the group.

    Elections will be held. COSFL needs active leadership. It is a great opportunity for someone looking for leadership opportunities in higher education on a statewide basis.

    Anyone who wants more information or would like to share a ride should contact

    PROVOST REPORT: Senator Vice

    Senator Vice shared the following:

    • 4TH-Week Progress Report
      The University’s overall reporting rate for all CRNs is 76 percent for Spring 2017.
      (See Table 1 for highest participation rates among departments for Academic Year 2016-2017 and Table 2 for highest average participation rates among academic units from Fall 2013 to Spring 2017)

      To recognize departments with 100 percent CRNs reporting this academic year, each department will be invited to schedule a complimentary luncheon. Departments that have averaged 90 percent or above from 2013-2017 will also be provided a recognition luncheon.
    • Assurance of Learning: Engaging Faculty in Assessing Student Learning Outcomes
      Assurance of Learning Day for Fall 2017 is Friday, September 29.
    • Summer School and Winter Terms
      Compensation for full-time faculty each session (summer and winter) for a 3-credit hour course with adequate enrollment is $4,500. In order for compensation to be increased, enrollment must be increased.

      So how can enrollment be increased for Summer School and Winter Term?
      1. Encourage students to attend Summer School or Winter Term.
      2. Review course offerings for the summer. The analysis of summer offerings indicates that most courses the departments offer have “0” enrollments.
      3. Work with the Registrar and the tools available such as Degree Works and Ad Astra to determine the courses that students need, courses students are transferring back to EKU, etc.,.
    • Developing Excellence in Eastern’s Professors (DEEP) System
      The DEEP system provides ongoing, on-demand professional development opportunities to the campus. Located in Blackboard, the DEEP system guides faculty through a self-paced, four-level process: Learner, Practitioner, Advocate, and Scholar. (See also: pamphlet)
    • University Presentation Showcase
      The 16th annual University Presentation Showcase (UP Showcase), held on April 13 and 14, gives students and faculty the opportunity to share their work with the public.
    • Senate Bill 153 and Performance-Based Funding
      The following article is one writer’s interpretation that confirms Provost Vice’s concern.
      Article: New state bill would grade colleges and universities, by William Joy

      The Provost Office staff has met with each dean and chairs to review performance-based funding, the importance of growing enrollments, and program review. Each chair has been encouraged to discuss these topics with the departmental faculty.
    • Invitation to Lunch
      The following dates have been scheduled for the Faculty Senate committee chairs and interested faculty senators to join the Provost for lunch in the Powell Fresh Food Court:
      • Wednesday, April 5, noon – 1pm
      • Wednesday, April 26, noon – 1pm 


    Mr. Potter shared the following highlights from SGA.

    • Student Government Association
      • SGA Elections will be held on March 28. Ballots can be accessed by all EKU students on the EKU homepage.
      • Instead of hosting a student forum for the spring 2017 semester, SGA will be hosting Pop In With President Benson on April 11 from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm on Powell Corner.
      • SGA is selling Pride, History, and Tradition posters for $10 a piece or $25 for all three. Contact SGA Administrative Assistant, Jean Arthur, at to place an order.
      • SGA will be publishing a list of businesses that offer EKU students discounts after spring break. Contact with recommendations for businesses that offer discounts.
    • Student Senate
      • Student Senate is in the process of amending the SGA Constitution and Bylaws. Changes include increasing the number of student senators by changing representation from 600 students to 400 students per senator.
      • Funding is still available for student organizations seeking the Aramark grants for catering support. Applications can be picked up and submitted in the SGA office (Powell 132).
    • Student Activities Council
      • A campus-wide field day is being planned for April 8. All members of the EKU community are invited to participate.
      • Ben Rector will be performing at the Center for the Arts on April 13. Tickets are on sale now.
      • Midnight Breakfast is scheduled for Thursday, May 4 in the Powell building.
    • Student Court
      • Student Court is seeking EKU students to serve as court justices. Interested individuals should contact Chief Justice, Caleb Dunn, at


    Academic Quality Committee. Senator Howell reported that the committee continues to discuss the issue of instruction for athletes given their peculiar difficulties with scheduling courses around practices and games. At the last meeting, the committee discussed the issue with Bratzke Center Director Monika Banbel , FAR Sheila Pressley and Wardell Johnson who is one of the faculty who brought the issue forward.

    Within the last month the committee received a follow-up report on the RAC number issue raised a couple of years ago. The Registrar’s Office now restricts access to RAC numbers to academic advisors, department heads, program directors, a designated staff member in each academic department and the professional advisors on campus. There is also a sixth category for auxiliary organizations such as the Bratzke Center, Veterans Affairs agencies, etc. which has access. The AQC has some concerns with the sixth category. They feel that students might be better served if those areas help students with their schedule but that students should be required to see their academic advisor for final approval and to get their RAC numbers. This issue will be discussed further at the April committee meeting.

    Faculty Club Board of Governors. On behalf of the committee, Senator Ciocca moved approval of the revised constitution and bylaws. Motion carried. (YES = 40 votes NO = 2 votes ABSTAIN = 3 votes) (See Also: Individual Votes)

    Elections & University Nominations Committee. Senator Mason reported that the committee is in the process of coordinating university standing committee election procedures and Senate election procedures.

    Nominations will be solicited for senate chair and vice chair at the April meeting. She reminded that in order to be eligible to serve as Senate chair nominees must have tenure and have served at least one semester on Senate. This does include new senators if they’ve served prior to their new term.

    She urged the senators to remind departments to submit nominations for the part-time faculty representative position on senate. This is a two-year appointment.

    Rights and Responsibilities Committee. Senator Mason reported that the committee met on February 14. Senator Mason shared the following information items with the Executive Committee on February 20.

    • Inquiry into summer term faculty compensation
    • Consideration of Winter term tuition waiver for faculty
    • Creation of an All Faiths Calendar 

    Rules Committee. On behalf of the committee, Senator Turner presented a motion to create one senate representative position for lecturers/clinical faculty. The motion was presented as a first read.

    Senator Hunter moved to table the motion to allow for further research, seconded by Senator Corley. Motion to table carried. (YES = 36 votes NO = 2 votes ABSTAIN = 2 votes) (See Also: Individual Votes

    Faculty Welfare Committee. Senator Mullaney gave an overview of the committee’s progress of their charges for the year:

    In reference to the earlier discussion on parking, he urged the senators to shared solution-based feedback on the parking issue with him and/or co-chair Zhang and they will bring those forward for discussion at their next committee meeting in April.


    Athletics and Academics. Senator Carpenter shared the response received from Athletic Director Stephen Lochmueller on the committee’s resolution which was supported by Senate in May 2016.

    The committee will convene in the coming weeks to decide specifically on the path to move forward.


    Senator Vice moved to adjourn at approximately 6:05pm.

    click here for printable version of minutes  
    (See also:  Polling Results by Motions & by Senator)

    You will need to have the Adobe Acrobat Reader plug-in installed on your computer in order to view and print a hard copy of the minutes.

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