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Faculty-At-Large Motions for 2002

Approved by the Faculty-At-Large August 12, 2002.

  1. The President shall be reviewed by the faculty during the second and fourth year of service and every four years thereafter. The Board or the President may request more frequent reviews.
  2. All Faculty who are members of the Faculty-at-Large as designated in the "Organization of the Faculty of Eastern Kentucky University" [Faculty Handbook, page 101] shall be given the opportunity to complete the questionnaire as approved by the Executive Committee of the Faculty Senate. The completed questionnaires shall be transmitted to the Executive Committee of the Faculty Senate.
  3. Members of the Executive Committee of the Faculty Senate will be responsible for the tabulation of the responses and the transcription of all comments. A summary will be transmitted to the President and to the Board of Regents. The individual review forms will be confidential and will be destroyed.
  4. The questionnaire used to review the President shall solicit responses in the areas of leadership, management, communication, personal relations, fairness and an overall evaluation. Opportunity should be given to provide open-ended comments as well as more quantitative review. Signature on the actual questionnaire should be optional, however, signature on response envelopes may be necessary to ensure faculty status of respondents. Procedures for the distribution of questionnaires and verification of respondents should be the same as those used for the election of the Faculty Regent.
  1. Clarification to the Faculty Handbook: (passed by Senate 9/11/00)
    1. Under the Vice President of Academic Affairs evaluation section in the Faculty/Staff Handbook should read, "Chairs, deans and other academic support administrators working directly with the Vice President and all faculty would be given the opportunity to complete a questionnaire which shall be transmitted to the President".
    2. Under the deans evaluation section in the Faculty/Staff Handbook, should read, "Academic support administrators who work directly with the dean as well as all college faculty and college chairs will be given the opportunity to complete the questionnaire".
  2. Additions to Faculty Handbook (passed by Senate 2/05/01)
    1. Amend Part VII, Organization of the Faculty of Eastern Kentucky University, Section VII (The Faculty Senate) A.4.a (Policy Function). Add the following statement at Point #5:

      The Faculty Senate in conjunction with appropriate administrators shall receive, review and make recommendations concerning university restructuring/reorganization proposals, such as the addition or elimination of a college, department, center/institute or other academic unit. The Executive Committee of the Faculty Senate is the vehicle for placing such restructuring/reorganization proposals on the agenda of the Faculty Senate.

    2. Amend Part VII, Organization of the Faculty of Eastern Kentucky University, Section VII E. (Executive Committee) 1.b. Add this statement:

    Once a motion is acted upon by the Faculty Senate, the President acting on behalf of the University shall be requested to inform the Faculty Senate of the disposition of the motion within three months.

  3. Addition to Faculty Handbook (passed by Senate 12/03/01)
    Insert Part VII, Organization of the Faculty of Eastern Kentucky University, Section VII (Faculty Senate), E.7 Committee for Faculty Welfare (and renumber Ad Hoc Committee to E.8) and add the following under the Committee for Faculty Welfare:
    1. The Committee on Faculty Welfare shall consist of five members elected by the Senate from its elected members. Committee membership shall be for the duration of the elected senator’s current term. The Director of Human Resources shall serve as a non-voting member of the committee.
    2. The Committee shall elect a chair annually from among its membership.
    3. The purpose of the Committee for Faculty Welfare shall be to:
      1. Review and make recommendations to the Senate on matters including but not limited to, merit/pay policies, faculty salary inequities, health insurance benefits, market salary issues, compression, as well as other university benefit policies; and
      2. Provide a channel of communication between the Faculty Senate and the Administration on matters relating to faculty compensation and benefits.
    4. The Committee shall be available as an advisory agency to the President of the University and/or Provost of the University on those matters relating to compensation and benefits for the faculty at large. The Committee shall meet with the President and/or Provost at least once each semester to receive information about faculty compensation and benefits.
    5. The Chair of the Committee shall report to the Senate at least semiannually. After receiving its report, the Senate shall, at its discretion, provide suggestions, reactions, and comments to the Committee for subsequent Committee consideration.
  4. Addition to Faculty Handbook (passed by Senate 5/6/02)
    Add a new section V to the Faculty Handbook under Part III — Faculty Appointment, Promotion, and Tenure Policies; Evaluation of Academic Administrators [Faculty Handbook, page 42] with the following sections V and VI appropriately renumbered VI and VII.

    V. Administrative Review of the President by the Faculty

    1. The President shall be reviewed by the faculty during the second and fourth year of service and every four years thereafter. The Board or the President may request more frequent reviews.
    2. All Faculty who are members of the Faculty-at-Large as designated in the "Organization of the Faculty of Eastern Kentucky University" [Faculty Handbook, page 101] shall be given the opportunity to complete the questionnaire as approved by the Executive Committee of the Faculty Senate. The completed questionnaires shall be transmitted to the Executive Committee of the Faculty Senate.
    3. Members of the Executive Committee of the Faculty Senate will be responsible for the tabulation of the responses and the transcription of all comments. A summary will be transmitted to the President and to the Board of Regents. The individual review forms will be confidential and will be destroyed.
    4. The questionnaire used to review the President shall solicit responses in the areas of leadership, management, communication, personal relations, fairness and an overall evaluation. Opportunity should be given to provide open-ended comments as well as more quantitative review. Signature on the actual questionnaire should be optional, however, signature on response envelopes may be necessary to ensure faculty status of respondents. Procedures for the distribution of questionnaires and verification of respondents should be the same as those used for the election of the Faculty Regent.
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