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Faculty-At-Large Motions for 2015

The following items were approved by the Faculty-at-Large at the August 17, 2015 convocation.

  1. Motion - The American Association of University Professors EKU Chapter President, or designee, shall serve as a non-voting member of the committee.” (approved by Senate: 04-06-15)
  2. Motion - Remove statement in the Faculty Handbook, section VIII No. 10 which states:  "As a matter of courtesy, individuals who are not members of the Faculty Senate who attend a meeting of the Senate should register with the Secretary at the beginning of the meeting so the visitor's attendance can be noted in the minutes.  (Chair Richard Day suspended practice at the 09-08-14 meeting to bring Senate into compliance with state law which states "No condition other than those required for the maintenance of order shall apply to the attendance of any member of the public at any meeting of a public agency.  No person may be required to identify himself in order to attend any such meeting..."  [Kentucky Revised Statutes 61.840 Conditions for Attendance - Effective: June 25, 2013 History: Amended 2013 Ky. Acts Ch. 124, sec. 11, effective June 25, 2013, Created 1974 Ky. Acts Ch. 377, sec. 8] )

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