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Faculty-At-Large Motions for 2012

The following items were approved by the Faculty-at-Large at the August 15, 2012 convocation.

  1. Motion - Approve proposed changes to Promotion and Tenure policy (approved by Senate: 04-02-12)
  2. Motion - Create a new standing committee: Information Technolgoy Committee (approved by Senate: 05-07-12)
  3. Motion - Eliminate the New Senator Orientation Committee (approved by Senate: 05-07-12)
  4. Motion - Combine the Elections Committee and Committee on Committees to form a new Committee entitled Elections and University Nominations Committee (approved by Senate: 05-07-12)
  5. Motion - Change the Budget Committee section to state that the Budget Chair shall serve as a member of the University Financial Planning Council. (approved by Senate: 05-07-12)

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