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Faculty-At-Large Motions for Spring 2018

The following items were presented to Faculty-at-Large via email for consideration in April, 2018.  As less than 10% of the Faculty-at-Large petitioned for a face-to-face vote, the items below went into effect 30 business days after the information was distributed.

  1. Motion on Faculty Senate Alternates (as amended) - Part Seven, section VII, item B. 2. f) on alternates be changed in the following way.
    All voting members of the Senate are elected to represent the faculty in their departments. In order to ensure consistent and accurate representation, each department is also asked required to elect an alternate for a three-year term in addition to their regular Senator(s). Departments have the option to elect an alternate(s) for each representative Senator. Each election unit shall be entitled but not required to elect alternate delegates (as many as the unit deems feasible) to ensure voting rights of their faculty. The Alternates may attend for any Senator in their departments with more than one representative. Elected alternates will possess full voting rights and attend meetings when the elected Senator is unavailable. In situations where in which an alternate is either not elected or is unable to attend, a substitute may attend. Substitutes are allowed to speak to issues and report back to their departments, but substitutes do not have voting rights. The Senate Chair and/or Secretary should must be notified in advance no later than 10:00am on the day of the meeting whenever an alternate or a substitute will attend a Senate meeting in place of a Senator. (approved by Senate: 11-07-16)
  2. Motion - Change Faculty Handbook,  Part Seven, section IX on Amendments (approved by Senate: 11-07-16)
  3. Motion - Make the following change in the Faculty Handbook, Part Seven, Section VII. B. Membership of the Senate, 2) Elected Members, c), d (approved by Senate:  05-01-17)
  4. Clarification of Administrative Voting Rights (as amended) - Change Faculty Handbook, section B. Membership of the Senate to the following:
    1. The membership of the Senate shall consist of administrative faculty members and non-administrative elected faculty members. The non-administrative elected faculty members have full voting rights, while the administrative faculty members are non-voting members.
    The administrative members shall be the following:
    a) the President of the University;
    b) the Provost of the University;
    c) One Academic Dean to be elected by the Deans of the Academic Colleges, the Dean of Graduate School, and the Dean of Libraries; and
    d) the Faculty Regent.
    2. Elected Members
    a) Eligibility: Full-time faculty members as defined in Article II, Section B, all department chairs regardless of teaching load, and full-time faculty holding visiting rank shall be eligible for election to the Senate.
    b) Election Units: The election units for the selection of the elected membership of the Senate shall be the academic departments of the several colleges of the University. Additional election units shall consist of
    (1) the Library Faculty, who are not included in the faculties of a college, and
    (2) the Deans of the Academic Colleges, Dean of Graduate School, and Dean of Libraries (hereafter referred to as the Dean’s Unit). (approved by Senate:  11-06-17)
  5. Motion - Change Faculty Handbook, Part 7, section on Part-time Faculty Representative to add alternates. (approved by Senate:  12-04-17)
  6. Motion - Remove merit pay guidelines from the Faculty Handbook.  (approved by Senate:  02-05-18)
  7. Motion - Clarify voting eligibility on Executive Committee.  (approved by Senate:  02-05-18)

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