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Chair and Vice Chair Roles in Faculty Senate

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During the May Organizational Meeting of the New Senate  (top)

By tradition, the new Chair may preside over the following Organizational Meeting of the Senate.

Elections will be held to fill all vacancies in the Standing Senate Committees.

Nominations and elections of the COSFL representative and two alternates for COSFL are also required. These nominations must be made from members of the Faculty Senate. (There are three other COSFL representatives from Eastern Kentucky University: the Senate Chair, the Faculty Regent, and the AAUP President.)

After the May Senate Meetings  (top)

Meet with past Faculty Senate Chair and new Vice Chair to review responsibilities.

The new Chair should remind the new COSFL representatives to meet with the former COSFL representatives to determine how names are added to the COSFL Listserv.

The new Chair should notify each of the following that they can find a copy of the Senate Internal Procedures on the Senate website and copy the procedures as necessary for members of their committees.

  1. Conveners of all Senate Committees.
  2. All new members of the Executive Committee.
  3. New COSFL representatives. (Notify them of the link to the COSFL website on the Senate website.)
  4. The new Senate Chair responsibilities.

The President's office will invite the new Senate Chair to carry the Mace at May Graduation.

Work with the outgoing Chair of the Committee on Elections and University Nominations and the Secretary of the Senate to prepare an updated membership roster.

Send a request to the Provost to ask that the current Adjunct Senator be given the ability to email adjunct faculty.

Other committees on which the Senate Chair (and/or Vice Chair) is an ex officio member:

  • Senate Executive Committee (Senate Chair will also chair this committee)
  • Senate Committee on the Budget
  • Council on Academic Affairs (or Vice Chair may serve)
  • University Budget Committee (if called)
  • Provost Council
  • University Strategic Planning Committee
  • General Education Committee (Vice Chair)
  • Academic Quality Committee (Vice Chair serves as noted in Bylaws)

The Senate Chair will work with the incoming Vice Chair to decide how to share duties. Arrange to work together in a way that is comfortable and reflects the ratio of course releases given to both people. The Chair has two releases, the Vice Chair one, so the arrangement should give about one-third of the burden to the Vice Chair.

During the Summer  (top)

The outgoing Chair should have prepared a listing of dates of the Senate and Executive Committee meetings for the upcoming year. If this has not been done, the new Senate Chair will have to prepare a list.

In either case, the new Senate Chair will choose where the Executive Committee will meet. Circulate a copy of all dates and places to the members of the Executive Committee (or delegate to the Senate Secretary). Request that the Secretary post the dates on the Senate website and attach a copy to the September Agenda.

The Secretary will work with the Elections & University Nominations Committee to make an updated copy of the membership, and in late August, the Elections & University Nominations Committee will email it to each of the academic deans for verification of the names of any senators who will not be serving in the fall semester. Each of the departments involved should elect a replacement as soon as possible during the fall semester and submit the name to the Senate Chair; these changes should be forwarded to the Secretary as soon as they are known. When the amended roster is compiled, clearly indicate if replacements are temporary or permanent. If permanent, replace the names. Have as complete a copy as possible ready for the September Agenda and post it on the Senate website.

If any Senate committee members have been replaced, then there must be an election at the September meeting to fill the open position on the committee. Contact the Elections and University Nominations Committee to inform senators and ask for nominations of people who are able to serve. Send notice of elections with the Agenda materials if pressed for time. The nominations can be placed on the Senate Agenda as unfinished business. Note, however, that when a one-semester committee vacancy occurs, such as in the case of a senator's sabbatical, the person replacing the senator for the semester on the Senate shall fill the senator's position on the committee.

Contact the President and Provost to schedule dates and times for meetings; begin meeting regularly as needed. Meetings with the President may be with entire Executive Committee, as a vetting group for issues. Meetings with the Provost are as needed.

The Secretary will distribute the list of senators and Senate committee members with the Agenda material for the September meeting.

updated 03-06-23

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