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Executive Committee Internal Procedures

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The Executive Committee (XC) of the Faculty Senate consists of the Chair of the Senate (who serves as Chair of the Executive Committee), the Vice President for Academic Affairs/Provost, the Faculty Regent, and six members elected by the Senate from its elected membership. Committee membership shall be for the duration of the elected senator’s term.

The Executive Committee meets typically 1−2 weeks prior to each Faculty Senate meeting. The Executive Committee also meets with the President on a monthly basis. Should the need arise, the group may meet other times than the regularly scheduled monthly meeting in order to advise the President.

Members of the Executive Committee will be assigned liaison functions per Faculty Senate Bylaws. Liaisons are expected to share pertinent information about the committee work. If necessary, they will notify the Faculty Senate Chair of the need to invite Committee Chairs to Executive Committee meetings.

The Executive Committee serves as a leadership group that assists with informing faculty of pertinent issues. The group vets policy and assists with determining first reading of Agenda items prior to action.

The Executive Committee is the group that implements the evaluation of the President (Policy 4.8.1P).

Before Each Executive Committee Meeting  

Liaisons to the Senate Standing Committees, the Faculty Regent, and the COSFL representatives should notify the Chair of any impending reports and/or action items. 

updated 03-06-23

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