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Minutes for March 3, 1997

The Faculty Senate of Eastern Kentucky University met on Monday, March 3, 1997 in the South Room of the Keen Johnson Building. Acting Senate Chair Karen Janssen called the sixth meeting of the academic year to order at 3:30 p.m.

The following members of the Senate were absent:

C. Alcorn* M. Bright A. Chapman*
N. Davis P. Dean G. Denham
J. Frazier M. Gabbard* L. Gaines
G. Gow D. Greenwell* S. Hoover
L. Johnson* K. Jones* N. Lee-Riffe
E. Lin M. McAdam* B. Maclaren*
S. O'Brien* D. Quillen* T. Ricks*
R. Rink* V. Stubblefield* J. Willett*

*denotes prior notification of absence to the Faculty Senate Secretary

Visitors to the Senate were: Mr. James Clark, Planning and Budget, Ms. Linda Bozeman and Ms. Teresa Belluscio, Office of Services for Students with Disabilities


Senator Janssen made the following announcements: an elected member to the Faculty Senate is eligible to be reelected after serving two consecutive full terms without having to wait one year after the expiration of a second term; members of the AAUP in Kentucky are attempting to reestablish a statewide chapter of the AAUP. An afternoon meeting on this issue along with an evening dinner is scheduled for Friday, March 28, at UK; in April the Faculty Senate will be nominating candidates for Chair of the Faculty Senate. Any returning senators, as well as senators continuing to serve within their present term are eligible to be nominated. In the April Faculty Senate agenda materials, you will receive a list on the number of vacancies of Senate committees, and a request for you to list what committees on which you are willing to serve for the following year.

Approval of the Minutes

Senator Janssen called for additions or corrections to the minutes. There being none, the minutes were approved as distributed.

Report from the President: Senator Funderburk

President Funderburk reported that there have been no significant developments in postsecondary education reform in Kentucky since his last report. He did mention that the governor is planning to call a special session on higher education on May 5. Because of the special session the 1997-1998 university budget and employment contracts will not be prepared and issued until after the completion of the special session. Dr. Funderburk reminded faculty members to leave their summer address with department chairs.

Postsecondary education, especially the issues of funding and student financial assistance, has been receiving considerable attention at the federal level. Some of the items currently under consideration include the Hope scholarship (similar to the Georgia model), tax deductions for tuition and fees, and tax-free educational saving accounts.

President Funderburk reported on the current status of the campus child care recommendation that the Faculty Senate approved on September 11, 1995. Presently there are already three nursery programs on campus. Last week bids were sent out for the establishment of a fourth program. Once bids are received, a committee will review the bids.

Report of the Executive Committee: Senator Janssen

The Executive Committee met on February 10. Under old business, Senator Watkins reviewed the Budget Committee's report. The Executive Committee suggested including bar charts on some categories dealing with support and revenue. The Chair asked Dr. Enzie if more would be reported on child care at the next Senate meeting. The Chair was asked to confer with President Funderburk on this matter.

Under new business, a request was made to have before each Faculty Senate meeting an informal period for socializing in which coffee and soft drinks could be served. Since the Faculty Senate has no budget, the Chair stated that he would raise this request with President Funderburk.

Report of the Faculty Regent: Senator Freed

Senator Freed mentioned that he had an opportunity to sit in for Eastern's Board Chairperson James Gilbert at a recent meeting of the chairs of the Board of Regents and Trustees at Kentucky public universities.

Report from the COSFL Representative: Senator Lee-Riffe

In the absence of Senator Lee-Riffe Senator Freed reported that at the last COSFL meeting sentiment was expressed that the AAUP in Kentucky needs to be reinvigorated. He urged Eastern faculty to get involved with AAUP and encouraged them to attend the March 28 meeting at the University of Kentucky.

Senator Freed then discussed a statement developed by the Faculty Subcommittee of the Governor's Task Force on Higher Education on university governance. COSFL has been supportive of the statement and is urging approval by faculty senates and governing bodies at each public institution of higher education in Kentucky. For parliamentary purposes, Senator Freed moved to suspend the rules that interfere with the Senate's taking action on the motion to be proposed by Senator Freed. Senator Lewis seconded the motion, which was approved by a standing vote. Senator Freed moved that "faculty at Kentucky's public universities should have a formally established, ongoing voice in deliberations, of change and governance. To establish a permanent channel for faculty input in statewide discussions of higher education policy, we recommend that a faculty member be added to the Council on Higher Education." Senator Lewis seconded the motion. Senator Engle asked how faculty representation would be determined. Senator Freed replied that the faculty representative would be selected in the same manner as the student representative to the Council on Higher Education is selected. The motion was approved.

Report from the Student Senate: Ms. Melody Mason

Ms. Mason reported on a recent statewide meeting of Kentucky student government leaders. The conference focused on such issues as the virtual university, need for more campus technology, questions about teacher tenure, and campus resident life programs.

Reports from Standing Committees

Committee on Elections: Senator Brown-Davis - Departments are in the process of electing new senators. An orientation for new senators has been scheduled for April 29 in Walnut Hall between 3:30 and 4:30 p.m.

Committee on Committees: Senator Janssen - The committee would like to thank and recognize the Colleges in the University who have submitted a number of nominations for University Standing Committees. The Colleges with the most self- nomination forms are: Arts and Humanities, Education, and Social and Behavioral Sciences.

Committee on Rules: Senator Lewis - No report given.

Committee on the Budget: Senator Watkins presented a very thorough and detailed report and analysis of the University's 1996-1997 budget.

Committee on Faculty Rights and Responsibilities: Senator Kipp presented Ms. Linda Bozeman and Ms. Teresa Belluscio from the Office of Services for Students with Disabilities to discuss an upcoming workshop on how the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 impact postsecondary education. Nationally known speaker Jeanne Kincaid will offer the workshop on March 27 at the Perkins Building.


Senator Enzie moved that the Senate adjourn. It adjourned at 4:11 p.m.

Charles C. Hay III, Faculty Senate Secretary
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