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Minutes for April 7, 1997

The Faculty Senate of Eastern Kentucky University met on Monday, April 7, 1997 in the South Room of the Keen Johnson Building. Senate Chair Richard Rink called the seventh meeting of the academic year to order at 3:30 p.m.

The following members of the Senate were absent:

R. Baugh J. Biesinger L. Collins*
P. Dean V. Falkenberg W. Farrar*
J. Frazier L. Gaines G. Gow
D. Greenwell S. Jackson K. Jones*
M. Lewis* E. Lin T. Ricks*
E. Lin M. McAdam* B. Maclaren*
V. Stubblefield*    

*denotes prior notification of absence to the Faculty Senate Secretary

Visitors to the Senate were: Mr. James Keith, Director of Academic Computing and Telecommunications; Dr. Fred Kolloff, Director of Media Resources; Ms. Jamie Neal and Ms. Jacinta Feldman, Eastern Progress

Approval of the Minutes

Senator Rink called for additions or corrections to the minutes. There being none, the minutes were approved as distributed.

Report from the President: Senator Funderburk

President Funderburk devoted most of his report to the recently issued Governor's Task Force on Postsecondary Education report entitled Postsecondary Education in Kentucky: An Assessment. Governor Patton spent considerable time and effort in gathering information from a variety of sources in developing his plan to reform Kentucky higher education. The governor feels that postsecondary education reform is critical to increase economic opportunity, enhance the standard of living, and improve the quality of life for Kentuckians. Dr. Funderburk and six other Kentucky public university presidents have agreed to support the governor's plan which will be presented to the General Assembly on May 5. Within a week President Funderburk will be sending a letter to all Eastern graduates inside the state informing them of his support for Governor Patton's plan. The president will be working closely with members of the legislature during the May special session.

Dr. Funderburk presented a summary of the Task Force's report which is divided into three major components:

  1. Establish the Council on Postsecondary Education (CPE) with a Strategic Linkage to the Elected Leadership.
    1. Appoint membership by July 1, 1997.
    2. The Council will conduct a national search to find a President for the Council, a person who is a nationally respected education leader, advocate, and administrator.
    3. Create a Strategic Committee on Postsecondary Education (SCOPE) composed of the state's political leadership and representatives from the Council on Postsecondary Education.
    4. The Council will work with SCOPE to develop a Strategic Agenda for the future of postsecondary education in Kentucky and a budget plan to achieve the Strategic Agenda.
  2. Establish the Kentucky Community and Technical College System (KCTCS) to Serve as the Governing Board for the Kentucky Community Colleges and KY TECH.
    1. KCTCS will be responsible for planning and carrying out a statewide and regional strategy consistent with the Strategic Agenda adopted by the Council on Postsecondary Education.
    2. The KCTCS Board will be the governing board for the community colleges and KY TECH.
    3. KCTCS will hire a President to lead this system.
    4. The community colleges will remain as a distinct entity reporting to the KCTCS Board and will have a Chancellor.
    5. KY TECH will be removed from state government and will have its own Chancellor who will also report to the KCTCS Board.
  3. Create a Strategic Budget Process for Postsecondary Education.
    1. Immediately provide for equitable funding for all postsecondary education in fiscal year 1998.
    2. Provide appropriations in fiscal year 1998 to begin to fund a series of Strategic Investment and Incentive Funds such as: 1. A Research Challenge Fund 2. A Regional University Excellence Fund 3. A Technology Incentive Fund 4. A Physical Facility Fund 5. A Regional Postsecondary Access and Workforce Development Fund 6. A Student Financial Aid and Advancement Fund
    3. Provide that future appropriations to these Strategic Investment and Incentive Funds are consistent with the Strategic Agenda for postsecondary education.

President Funderburk responded to a variety of questions and comments concerning the implications for Eastern in the Task Force's report. Questions focused on such issues as the function of the position of President of the Council on Postsecondary Education, the future of associate degree programs, the extended campus programs, the need for more access to higher education in Kentucky, the status of distance learning, the implications of the Regional University Excellence Fund and the possibility of offering a terminal degree, the duplication of academic courses, the future of open admissions and the time it takes to graduate, and the nontraditional student. From his observations, Dr. Funderburk hopes the governor's plan will hopefully eliminate excessive bureaucracy and promote more efficiency and thus leave Eastern more time to devote to teaching, service, and research. Although Governor Patton's plan must withstand the scrutiny of the political process and its uncertainties, the president feels that the thrust of the plan meets for the most part the needs of the regional universities and should be supported.

Senator Lee-Riffe asked about the status of the child care center on campus. Senator R. Davis responded that she is chairing a committee which is currently reviewing three bids for the center. The committee will forward their recommendations to Vice Presidents Baldwin and Enzie. The child care center is anticipated to open this fall.

Report of the Executive Committee: Senator Rink

The Executive Committee met on March 24. Under old business, the committee discussed possible candidates for Faculty Senate chair.

Under new business, Senator Kipp reviewed what is being discussed by the Committee on Faculty Rights and Responsibilities. This committee has been requested to review the Faculty/Staff Handbook as well as EKU's non-discrimination clause regarding the issue of sexual orientation of individuals and couples as it relates to employment at EKU. The Executive Committee agreed with Senator Kipp that this committee continue its discussions and decide if the issue needs to be brought before the Faculty Senate.

The Chair stated that Mr. Jim Keith has agreed to report to the Faculty Senate. The Chair was also asked to make the following requests: 1) that President Funderburk report on any additional meetings he has had with the Task Force on Postsecondary Education since the last Senate meeting, and 2) contact Senator Falkenberg for a report on changes to telephone registration. The Chair also reviewed the survey on the present meeting area with the Executive Committee.

Report of the Faculty Regent: Senator Freed

Senator Freed reported that he was one of the faculty members who attended all public meetings of the Task Force on Postsecondary Education. Governor Patton has devoted considerable time to this issue and appears to be willing to listen and change. Copies of the Task Force report have been placed on reserve at the Library. Senator Freed expressed some concern about the Task Force report's failure to mention having a faculty voice on the Council on Postsecondary Education. Senator Freed, along with all Board of Regent and Trustee members who favor Governor Patton's plan, will meet in Frankfort next Friday to show their support for the plan.

Report from the COSFL Representative: Senator Lee-Riffe

Senator Lee-Riffe reported that there has been no meeting of COSFL since the last Senate meeting. Senator Janssen will represent EKU's Faculty Senate at the next COSFL meeting on April 12.

Report from the Student Senate: Ms. Melody Mason

Ms. Mason reported that most Kentucky public university student government leaders are supporting Governor Patton's postsecondary educational reform efforts. The Student Senate will be sponsoring a Parking Forum next week. The Student Association will be considering several pieces of legislation covering such issues as library hours, finals and dead week, and improving campus lighting, campus postal service, raising student fees to help the intramural program, and improvement of student access to computer labs.

Reports from Standing Committees

Committee on Elections: Senator Brown-Davis - No report given.

Committee on Committees: Senator Janssen reported that the committee's final report will be delivered to the Chair of the Faculty Senate later this week. The report nominates two faculty members for each opening on Standing University Committees. President Funderburk appoints the faculty members to the committees using the nominations from the Committee on Committees

Committee on Rules: Senator Lewis - No report given.

Committee on the Budget: Senator Watkins - No report given.

Committee on Faculty Rights and Responsibilities: Senator Kipp - No report given.

Special Reports

Report on Academic Computing & Telecommunications: Mr. James Keith reported on the current status of distance learning and the World Wide Web and Internet. He stated that faculty involvement has been crucial in the development of campus networking and the Internet. Mr. Keith discussed what ACTS has done for students on campus recently: expanded computers in the Powell Building, implemented custom calling features, and mentioned that touch tone registration has been exceedingly popular. In the area of providing new and expanded services to faculty Mr. Keith mentioned several items, including expansion of the modem pool, completed networking four buildings and three laboratories, currently wiring Foster and Campbell, plan on networking the library and Weaver this summer, added several new training labs for faculty/staff and students, and improvements to the World Wide Web. Future plans call for wiring residence halls, several administrative buildings, and Model School in July.

Dr. Fred Kolloff reported on recent activities in distance learning. In October 1995 KTLN opened on campus with ten classes. Currently fifty classes with 1,000 students in seven classrooms are devoted to KTLN instruction. Dr. Kolloff mentioned that recent technological advances such as combining the Web and distance education will profoundly affect higher education. He appreciates the creativity and support Eastern faculty has given to distance education.

New Business

Nominations for Senate Chair for the 1997-1998 Senate Year.  Senator O'Brien nominated Senator Janssen, Senator Wisenbaker nominated Senator LeVan, and Senator Engle nominated Senator Sowders.


Senator Enzie moved that the Senate adjourn. It adjourned at 4:35 p.m.

Charles C. Hay III, Faculty Senate Secretary
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