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Minutes for May 5, 1997

The Faculty Senate of Eastern Kentucky University met on Monday, May 5, 1997 in the South Room of the Keen Johnson Building. Senate Chair Richard Rink called the last meeting of the 1996-1997 academic year to order at 3:30 p.m.

The following members of the Senate were absent:

D. Batch J. Beck* L. Collins*
N. Davis P. Dean G. Denham
W. Farrar* H. Funderburk* C. Gabbard
L. Gaines D. Gale G. Gow
D. Greenwell J. Guilfoil D. Jackson
G. Kleine* E. Lin B. Maclaren
J. McCord* A. Patrick T. Ricks*
J. Taylor* V. Wisenbaker*  

*denotes prior notification of absence to the Faculty Senate Secretary

Visitors to the Senate were: Dr. Marietta Patrick, English; Dr. Martin Rosenberg, English; Mr. Mark Chambers, Music; Dr. Tom Knight, Agriculture; Dr. Cherilyn Nelson, Human Environmental Science; Mr. Jeffery Kilgore, Technology; Ms. Cedaliah Melton- Freeman, Associate Degree Nursing; Ms. Carolyn Yang, Associate Degree Nursing; Dr. Sheila Virgin, Baccalaureate Nursing; Ms. Mary Halley, Health Information; Mr. Sandy Hunter, Medical Services Technology; Ms. Joy Anderson, Occupational Therapy; Dr. Ruth Huebner, Occupational Therapy; Dr. Richard Powers, Management and Marketing; Ms. Lora Tyson, Curriculum and Instruction; Dr. John Thomas, Curriculum and Instruction; Dr. Rosolu Thompson, Police Studies; Dr. G. Alan Schick, Chemistry; Dr. Margaret Yoder, Mathematics; and Mr. Mike Lynch, Student Government Association


Senator Rink recognized those senators that have served the Faculty Senate for the past three years. Certificates of appreciation were at each retiring senator's desk.

Approval of the Minutes

Senator Rink called for additions or corrections to the minutes. There being none, the minutes were approved as distributed.

Report from the President: Senator Funderburk

President Funderburk was unable to report since he was attending hearings in Frankfort concerning Governor Patton's proposed postsecondary higher education reform plan. Senator Rink reported that Vice President Enzie recently told him that a contract has been awarded for the Child Care Center which is scheduled to open August 15.

Report of the Executive Committee: Senator Rink

Senator Rink reported that under old business the Executive Committee reviewed an interim report from the Ad Hoc Committee on Cost Savings. In addition, he gave a report to the committee on an April meeting of the Ad Hoc Committee on Grade Inflation which he attended. Under new business, the Executive Committee reviewed and approved the report from the Committee on Committees. Since that time, the report has been submitted to President Funderburk. In addition, Senator Janssen gave a report on the COSFL meeting of April 11.

Senator Rink thanked a variety of people for their good work and assistance during his term of office as chairperson. He then reviewed Faculty Senate activities for the academic year. An Ad Hoc Committee on Grade Inflation was established, which is currently actively working on collecting data. He mentioned that he has instructed the committee that they are responsible for defining the term "grade inflation," and determining scientifically if grade inflation exits or does not exist at EKU. He also has instructed the committee that in any formal report the committee might submit that the names of colleges, departments, and courses are to remain anonymous. Senator Rink also mentioned that there were a number of special reports on current topics of campus interest.

Report of the Faculty Regent: Senator Freed

Senator Freed reported that COSFL has been asked to present its case for having faculty representation on the proposed Council on Postsecondary Education to the joint Senate-House Education Committee meeting. He will also be appearing before the joint committee to reaffirm the support of EKU for Governor Patton's higher education reform proposal.

The Board of Regents met on March 28 to conduct routine business. Consideration of the 1997-98 university budget had to be put off until a decision has been made by the legislature on the governor's reform proposals. Should those proposals pass, there will be additional funds made available to each institution. Should the proposals not pass, the current budget calls for an increase of three percent over last year's 1996-97 budget, and that will be the basis for next year's university budget. The Board must meet before June 30 to pass a budget for the coming year.

After the Board meeting, members of the Board met with Allan Ostar of Academic Search Consultation Service to discuss the process for the selection of the next Eastern president. Senator Freed found Mr. Ostar to be knowledgeable and forthright and he, along with the Board, feels comfortable working with him. One of the things Mr. Ostar stated clearly was that the search process was entirely the responsibility of the Board itself. The search committee will be chosen by the Board itself, under the leadership of Board Chair Mr. Jim Gilbert. The precise make up of the committee is up to the Board. Senator Freed mentioned that the Board to date has done nothing more than select the Academic Search Consultation Service. The actual search process will get under way in the early fall. Senator Freed will be setting up special sessions to get input from the faculty and to inform the faculty of the progress of search activities. Senator Freed responded to several questions. Senator Engle suggested that someone from the Senate should investigate the composition of previous Eastern presidential search committees.

Senator Ritchison inquired about the planned clear cutting of trees in natural areas under Eastern's supervision. Senator Freed mentioned he had conferred with Dr. Jon Maki, Director of the Division of Natural Areas, about the matter. Senator Freed related that he has full confidence that the timber-cutting proposal will not harm the environment.

Senator Calkin asked about the current status of a prefiled bill in the Kentucky General Assembly from Senator Tim Philpot concerning the ending of academic tenure. Senator Freed doubted that the bill will be seriously considered in the upcoming legislative session since it is not part of Governor Patton's plan.

Special Recognition of Parliamentarian Martha S. Grise 

Senator Freed moved that Martha S. Grise be made parliamentarian emeritus of the Eastern Kentucky University Faculty Senate. Without a second the motion was approved unanimously by a standing vote. Dr. Grise was presented with a plaque in recognition of her outstanding service to the Faculty Senate.

Report from the COSFL Representative: Senator Lee-Riffe

Senator Janssen reported for Senator Lee-Riffe who was unable to attend the April 12 COSFL meeting. The purpose of the meeting was to address Governor Patton's recommendations for changes in Kentucky higher education. Mr. Merle Hackbark, Assistant to the Governor on the Postsecondary Task Force, presented an update and rationale for the Governor's position on governance of higher education. Points which were emphasized in discussion included that the details in governance will be the responsibility of the new governing board, and that membership of the governing board should be smaller and without special group representation.

The members of COSFL were united in clarifying that the faculty is not a special interest group. Furthermore, faculty need to be represented in the decision-making process of the board. Also discussed at the meeting were ways in which different universities conduct post-tenure evaluation. It was noteworthy that COSFL members from the University of Kentucky indicated that their faculty was split on the issue of the separation of the community colleges from UK.

Report from the Student Senate: Mr. Mike Lynch

Ms. Mason introduced the new president elect of the Student Government Association, Mr. Mike Lynch. She thanked the Senate for its interest in student government activities and the opportunity to report on student issues to the Faculty Senate.

Reports from Standing Committees

Committee on Elections: Senator Brown-Davis reported that many new senators were recently elected. The committee also worked on internal procedures, especially in the area of refinement of election procedures. Ballots were developed and placed on disk. These materials will be kept in the Special Collections and Archives of the library.

Committee on Committees: Senator Janssen Senator Janssen reported that the committee completed the final report that nominates faculty members to University Standing Committees. The report has been submitted to President Funderburk for use in appointing faculty members to committees.

Committee on Rules: Senator Lewis reported that in the current academic year the committee completed the revision of two Senate documents: the Senate Rules and the Senate's Internal Procedures. The Secretary of the Senate will keep reserve copies of these documents and computer disks from which they have been printed.

Committee on the Budget: Senator Watkins - No report given.

Committee on Faculty Rights and Responsibilities: Senator Kipp reported that the committee was asked to look at the need for a Code of Ethics in Teaching. After examining university publications, the committee decided that the ethical issues that should be included in such a code already exist and thus there is no need to have another statement. The committee also investigated the university's non-discrimination clause regarding the issue of sexual orientation of individuals and couples as it relates to employment at EKU. Preliminary work has been done in that area, and the committee recommends that next year's committee continue exploring this issue.

Reports from Special Committees

Interim report from the Ad Hoc Committee on Cost Savings: Senator Quillen reported that the committee's mission has broadened to include issues such as efficiency, morale, and non- monetary rewards. He mentioned that the committee desires input from all campus constituencies. The committee will have a final report by the Fall semester.

Interim report from the Ad Hoc Committee on Grade Inflation: Senator Jones reported that the committee has met three times since November, including one lengthy meeting with Karen Carey. The committee is currently reviewing literature searching for a standard definition of "Grade Inflation." Pending the results of this literature search, the committee has made an initial data request through the Office of Institutional Research for two data sets. The first data set is to include the percentage of As, Bs, Cs, Ds, Fs, and Ws reported by 100-level, 200-level, 300-level, 400-level, and overall for the years 1980 through 1996. The second data set is at the student level and is an attempt to control for a potentially changing student population over time. The second data set is to include information on 500 randomly chosen first-time, full-time freshmen for each year from 1980 through 1996. Each student record is to include ID#, age, sex, ACT scores, number of remedial courses, first semester grade point average (GPA), sophomore GPA, and graduation GPA. The committee expects to complete its work over the summer term and intends to report the results by early Fall.

New Business

Senator Janssen brought to the Senate the motion submitted by Senator Lee-Riffe and seconded by Senator Wallace at the May 5, 1997, Senate meeting concerning the appointment of a committee on the Model Laboratory School admissions policy (that the Executive Committee of the Senate appoint a committee to review the current admissions policy [at all levels] at the Model Laboratory School. If problems stemming from the present admissions policy are discovered, the committee should recommend a new admissions policy). Senator Corn mentioned that the Model School site-based council in July had appointed a committee to review the school's admissions policy and some changes have been recommended. Senator Anderson asked if the Model School admissions policy has to go through the same procedure for approval as an academic department does? Senator Corn outlined several of the planned Model School admission policy changes. Senator Hunter raised a question about ethnic makeup of the Model School. The motion was not approved.

Election of Standing Committee vacancies

Committee on Elections.  Senator Smith was nominated by Senator McAdam and Senator Rosenberg was nominated by Senator Rink. Senator Smith was elected.

Committee on Rules.  Senator Chambers was nominated by Senator Caldwell. Senator Chambers was elected.

New Business

Report from the Council on Academic Affairs: Senator Enzie moved approval of a Master of Arts degree program in Education in Instructional Leadership in the Department of Administration, Counseling, and Educational Studies. Senator Falkenberg seconded the motion, which was approved. Senator Enzie moved approval of a Bachelor of Science degree program in Interpreter Training in the Department of Special Education. Senator Hunter seconded the motion, which was approved.


Senator Enzie moved that the Senate adjourn. It adjourned at 4:12 p.m.

Charles C. Hay III
Faculty Senate Secretary

MAY 5, 1997

After a ten-minute recess to allow the new senators to be seated, Chair Rink called to order the organizational meeting of the 1997-1998 Faculty Senate. The new members of the Senate are: Marietta Patrick, English; Martin Rosenberg, English; Mark Chambers, Music; Tom Knight, Agriculture; Cherilyn Nelson, Human Environmental Science; Jeffery Kilgore, Technology; Cedaliah Melton-Freeman, Associate Degree Nursing; Carolyn Yang, Associate Degree Nursing; Sheila Virgin, Baccalaureate Nursing; Mary Halley, Health Information; Sandy Hunter, Medical Services Technology; Joy Anderson, Occupational Therapy; Ruth Huebner, Occupational Therapy; Oliver Feltus, Accounting; Richard Powers, Management and Marketing; Seth Gakpo, Economics and Finance; Lora Tyson, Curriculum and Instruction; John Thomas, Curriculum and Instruction; Carol Lewis, Model Laboratory School; Rosolu Thompson, Police Studies; G. Alan Schick, Chemistry; Margaret Yoder, Mathematics; and Marijo LeVan, Mathematics.

The following members of the Senate were absent:

D. Batch J. Beck* L. Collins*
L. Corn P. Dean G. Denham
W. Farrar* O. Feltus* H. Funderburk*
D. Gale B. Gallicchio S. Hoover
R. Huebner* G. Kleine* M. LeVan*
C. Lewis E. Lin J. McCord*
B. Maclaren A. Patrick T. Ricks*
J. Taylor* V. Wisenbaker*  

*denotes prior notification of absence to the Faculty Senate Secretary

Remarks from the Executive Committee: Senator Rink

Senator Rink welcomed the new members and called their attention to the dates for the 1997-1998 Senate meetings to be held in the South Room of the Keen Johnson Building.

New Business

Election of the Senate Chair.  Three persons were nominated for the position of Faculty Senate Chair at the April meeting of the Senate. Those nominated were Senators Janssen, LeVan, and Sowders. The results of the balloting were Senator Janssen 31 votes, Senator Sowders 18 votes, and Senator LeVan 3 votes. Thus, Senator Janssen was elected Faculty Senate Chair for the 1997- 1998 academic year.

Election of the Senate Secretary. Senator Freed nominated Charles Hay to serve as Faculty Senate secretary for the 1998 calendar year. Senator Janssen seconded the nomination. Mr. Hay was elected.

Election of Members to Standing Committees

Executive Committee (4 positions).  Senator Sowders was nominated and elected. Senator Murray was nominated and elected. Senator Flanagan was nominated and elected. Senator Banks was nominated and elected. Committee on the Budget (3 positions) Senator Anderson was nominated and elected. Senator Feltus was nominated and elected. Senator Rink was nominated and elected.

Committee on Elections (4 positions).  Senator Miller was nominated and elected. Senator Gabbard was nominated and elected. Senator Levine was nominated and elected. Senator McAdam was nominated and elected. Committee on Rules (3 positions) Senator Halley was nominated and elected. Senator Hunter was nominated and elected. Senator Melton-Freeman was nominated and elected.

Committee on Committees (4 positions).  Senator Virgin was nominated and elected. Senator Willingham was nominated and elected. Senator Huebner was nominated and elected. Senator Johnson was nominated and elected.

Committee on Faculty Rights and Responsibilities (5 positions).  Senator Steinbach was nominated and elected. Senator Rink was nominated and elected. Senator Levine was nominated and elected. Senator MacKinnon was nominated and elected. Senator Willett was nominated and elected.

COSFL Representative. Senator Sowders was nominated and elected.

COSFL Alternates (2 positions).  Senator Halbrooks was nominated and elected. Senator Nelson was nominated and elected.

Institutional Planning Committee.  Senator Murray was nominated and elected.


Senator Enzie moved that the Senate adjourn. It adjourned at 5:27 p.m.

Charles C. Hay III, Faculty Senate Secretary
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