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Minutes for November 4, 1996

The Faculty Senate of Eastern Kentucky University met on Monday, November 4, 1996 in the South Room of the Keen Johnson Building. Senate Chair Richard Rink called the third meeting of the academic year to order at 3:30 p.m.

The following members of the Senate were absent:

J. Biesinger* M. Brown-Davis* J. Culross*
P. Dean W. Farrar* L. Gaines
B. Gallichio G. Gow K. Henson*
S. Hoover* E. Lin M. McAdam
N. MacKinnon G. Masagatani* R. Miller
T. Myers* D. Quillen* T. Ricks*
G. Ritchison J. Schwendeman* V. Stubblefield*
J. Taylor G. Wallace* V. Wisenbaker*

*denotes prior notification of absence to the Faculty Senate Secretary

Visitors to the Senate were: Dr. Kenneth Nelson, Extended Programs, and Ms. Jennifer Almjeld, Eastern Progress

Approval of the Minutes

Senator Rink called for additions or corrections to the October 7 minutes. Senator S. Jones stated that she had notified the Senate Secretary prior to the meeting of her absence, but was not marked so in the minutes. Senator Janssen stated that the word "priority" should be changed to "priorities" on page four under Report of COSFL Representative. There being no further corrections, the minutes were approved as corrected.

Report from the President: Senator Funderburk

In response to Senator Rink's announcement, President Funderburk reported that the Student Senate recently passed a motion endorsing a Residence Hall Association proposal for changing the present parking plan for students, staff, and faculty. The motion has been submitted to Dr. Whitlock and now has been passed on to the Parking Appeals Committee for action. The President will wait and see what the Parking Appeals Committee recommends.

President Funderburk reported and commented on fifteen recommendations recently approved by the Commission on Higher Education Institutional Efficiency and Cooperation. The final report has been sent to the Council on Higher Education and the Governor's office. Copies of the Executive Summary of the report have been sent to Faculty Senators and a copy has been placed in the library. The recommendations have been divided into four broad headings and are as follows:

Coordinating Program Delivery

  1. The creation of a Commonwealth Open University.
  2. The creation of a Kentucky Electronic Library system.
  3. The establishment of incentives to encourage institutions to develop strong cooperative academic programs and to identify the most efficient distribution of academic degree programs.
  4. The provision of health services by appropriate institutions to the state's prison population through telemedicine.
  5. A review and rethinking of the program review and approval process.

Expanding Opportunities

  1. Further development of the Kentucky Information Highway and its use to meet the needs of higher education and other areas of state government.
  2. The establishment of a Kentucky Technology Initiative 2000 for support of industrial technology.
  3. The establishment of a network of technology academies for the improvement of academic skills in teaching and research.

Building Excellence

  1. The creation of a Commonwealth Trust Fund for Excellence to reward and recognize university initiatives which promote quality and excellence in the institutions.
  2. The creation of a scholarship pool to retain excellent academic students in Kentucky.
  3. The establishment of an Information Technology and Development Fund to provide institutions with the ability to build and test prototype solutions to common problems which require research, innovation, or emerging information technologies that could result in improved academic and administrative service delivery.
  4. Necessary changes be made in the funding model to reflect the recommendations of the Commission and the Task Force on Postsecondary Education.

Enhancing Management

  1. An efficiency survey of administrative functions be conducted by all institutions.
  2. The identification of areas of service to students by each institution which it intends to improve through more efficient administration.
  3. The identification of areas of administrative and academic activities by each institution which could be improved through interinstitutional cooperation.

President Funderburk mentioned that in his opinion recommendations one and two are the most important. Considerable debate centered on the creation of a Commonwealth Open University. Dr. Kenneth Nelson represented Eastern in negotiating the appropriate model for the proposed Commonwealth Open University. President Funderburk asked Dr. Nelson to report on the negotiations and what role faculty can play in the development of this recommendation.

Dr. Nelson reminded the Senate that Eastern has been delivering academic courses interactively since Fall 1995 and that more distance learning, satellite education, and innovative use of technology to deliver instruction is being planned for the future. He pointed out that two models emerged from the Commission's discussion. The University of Kentucky representatives argued for a centralized approach that involved considerable expense and several bureaucratic layers. The Commission ultimately accepted the home model or more decentralized approach which Indiana has developed that utilizes an individual institution's existing resources and unique programs. Dr. Nelson favored this less bureaucratic approach. He believes that faculty at the departmental level will have greater control over the design, development, and quality of curriculum using the home model. Faculty have an opportunity to become proactive as specific procedures are developed in the program. President Funderburk and Dr. Nelson responded to several questions which focused on issues about how decisions are made to determine what entity gets registration fees, how classes are scheduled, the possibility of multi-state course offerings, and how to assess the quality of education being provided by the rapidly emerging technology. Dr. Funderburk reiterated that we are all affected by the rapid pace of technology and that hopefully enough resources will be made available to implement the Commonwealth Open University effectively.

Dr. Funderburk asked Senator Marcia Myers, Director of Libraries, to provide specific information concerning the proposal of the Kentucky Electronic Library System, specifically recommendation # 2. In the spirit of interinstitutional cooperation and collaboration, Kentucky academic libraries are currently exploring ways and means to use technology to provide greater access to information and reduce costs. Dr. Myers mentioned that Eastern's library will be adding a new program, PACLINK, next year which will significantly increase access to world-wide information and will enable Eastern to move forward in the rapidly changing information environment.

Report of the Executive Committee: Senator Rink

Senator Rink reported that under old business he requested advice from the Committee on what colleges should be represented on the Ad Hoc Committee on Grade Inflation, as well as additional nominations for members of this committee. The Chair also commented on the last COSFL meeting in Bardstown where COSFL members reviewed position papers on higher education. These papers are to be submitted to the governor.

The Executive Committee also reviewed the final proposal on the "Commonwealth Open University" issued by the Commission on Higher Education Institutional Efficiency and Cooperation. The Executive Committee agreed that the content of this proposal is of sufficient importance to be reviewed by the full Faculty Senate. The Executive Committee requested that a two-page summary of recommendations be reproduced along with Appendices 1.0 and 2.0 and that these be submitted to the Faculty Senate as part of the November Faculty Senate material. The Chair will request that President Funderburk review this document during his report to the Faculty Senate.

Report of the Faculty Regent: Senator Freed

Senator Freed reported that the October 26 meeting of the Board of Regents was of a routine nature. The only item of note was that the Board approved the naming of the greenspace in front of the library for Dr. Joseph Schwendeman.

Report from the COSFL Representative: Senator Lee-Riffe

Senator Lee-Riffe reported on the recent COSFL meeting held at Bardstown. The status of a White Paper to the governor was discussed.

Report from the Student Senate: Ms. Melody Mason

Due to Ms. Mason's absence, no report was given.

Reports from Standing Committees

Committee on Elections: Senator Brown-Davis - No report given.

Committee on Committees: Senator Janssen - No report given.

Committee on Rules: Senator Lewis - No report given.

Committee on the Budget: Senator Watkins - No report given.

Committee on Faculty Rights and Responsibilities: Senator Kipp - No report given.

Unfinished Business

Senator Rink reported that members of the Ad Hoc Committee on Grade Inflation have been selected. They are Senator Kirk Jones, who will convene the committee's first meeting, College of Natural and Mathematical Sciences; Dr. Stephanie McSpirit-Alas, College of Social and Behavioral Science; Dr. Paula Kopacz, College of Arts and Humanities; Senator Ann Chapman, College of Education; and Dr. Richard Chen, College of Business.

New Business

Senator Lee-Riffe moved that the Student Senate appoint a student representative to the Ad Hoc Committee on Grade Inflation. Senator Frazier seconded the motion, which was approved.


Senator Enzie moved that the Senate adjourn. It adjourned at 4:19 p.m.

Charles C. Hay III, Faculty Senate Secretary
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