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Minutes for October 2, 2000

The Faculty Senate of Eastern Kentucky University met on Monday, October 2, 2000 in the South Room of the Keen Johnson Building. Senator Taylor called the second meeting of the academic year to order at 3:30 p.m.

The following members of the Senate were absent:

Brown Collins Eisenberg
Hodge Schlomann* Stephens*
Thompson* Vance* Wernegreen

*denotes prior notification of absence to the Faculty Senate Secretary

Visitors to the Senate were: Steve Byrn, Rita Davis, Elizabeth Wachtel, and Jennifer Rogers (The Eastern Progress)


Dr. Kustra announced that Ken Johnston has just been appointed as the new Vice President of Finance and Treasurer of the University. One of the first things on the agenda for Mr. Johnston and the President will be to meet on an individual basis with each of the colleges and the library staff to review EKU's funding situation and what things look like for the coming year.

EKU now has a sick leave bank policy. Employees will be given an opportunity to contribute a minimum of one day and a maximum of three days to the sick leave bank. Employees must have a sick leave balance of 10 days or more at the time of their contribution. A full set of guidelines for the Sick Leave Bank was mailed to faculty and staff during the summer. It may be helpful to send that information out again to make sure everyone is aware of the new policy.

Dr. Kustra mentioned that the administration would like to re-institute a policy similar to the former ERO policy. A discussion like this must have the full and complete input of the Faculty Senate.

Regarding the domestic partner benefits proposal which the Faculty Senate approved at the September meeting, we (the administration) think that it is important that we make some effort to cost this out, to determine the number of people that might be available to participate in that program, and to what extent it will affect our numbers as far as health insurance is concerned. The best thing to do is to bring the proposal back to you with that analysis at a future date before it is forwarded to the Board of Regents.

Dr. Kustra informed the Faculty Senate that Senator Lieberman had rented Arlington for the week to prepare for his debate in Danville on Thursday evening. At some point during his stay, he will make an unofficial visit to EKU's campus.


The Faculty Senate Executive Committee met on September 18. The committee discussed the possibility of establishing lecture and part-time lecture positions at EKU. We also are recommending ways to properly contextualize quantitative evaluation data and ways to enhance the qualitative evaluation data for teaching.

Senator Taylor thanked the Senate body for disseminating the draft about establishing minimum faculty wages. All the information and e-mails Senator Taylor received were supportive of the draft mentioned in the September report.

The Minimum Salary by Rank discussed for 2001-2002 is as follows:

  1. Professor $54,000 Terminal degree required, tenured & fifteen years
  2. Associate Professor $45,000 Terminal degree required & tenured
  3. Assistant Professor $36,800 Terminal degree required
  4. Instructor $27,100

On September 27, the annual faculty senate welcome back dinner was held at Arlington. Senator Taylor thanked Kathy Kustra for organizing the event, the EKU Foundation for sponsoring the event and Tracy Whitaker and EKU Catering for handling the event.

On September 28 the Meridian group presented their research results and recommendations in Keen Johnson Pearl Buchanan Theatre. It was an informative and impressive presentation on the perceptions of EKU. The consultant is now proposing an ad campaign for the university with the slogan "EKU - Get the Know How". For those of you who could not attend, the consultant said copies of the powerpoint presentation will be made available soon.

During the month of September, Senator Taylor met with Dr. Kustra and Dr. Marsden to discuss the possibility of re-establishing EKU's early retirement option. Under the previous administration this was used as an indiscriminate retrenchment tool that caused some departments to offer less courses and/or hire more part-time faculty. If ERO is re-established, Senator Taylor expressed that it should not be used as an indiscriminate retrenchment tool, and he further stated that he believes Dr. Kustra and Dr. Marsden are in agreement to this as well.

The Faculty Senate Executive Committee Members have been invited to attend a consultants presentation on strategic planning from 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. in the Perkins building on October 3, and they have also been invited to attend a meeting with CPE representative Jim Appleton on October 25.


EKU Degree Completion for Accomplished Professionals.  Senator Marsden made a motion to approve the EKU Degree Completion for Accomplished Professionals proposal. Eastern, like many other institutions in the country, have had a number of individuals who leave the institution before they complete their undergraduate degree, but who go forward to receive an advanced degree. Yet some of these individuals would like to receive their undergraduate degree and be an alumnus of EKU. This would be a university-wide policy which would be completely controlled at the departmental level. If the department does not recommend the individual for that degree then it does not occur. This was passed for consideration by the majority of the Faculty Senate.


Shared Faculty Positions/Appointments.  Senator Spears announced that the committee members on the Ad Hoc Committee on Shared Faculty Positions/Appointments are: Joy Anderson, Karen Spears, Steve Black, Keith Johnson, and Marda Stribling. The committee met last on September 19. The Ad Hoc Committee met with Drs. Marsden and Whitlock to get their impressions on how the shared faculty arrangement might work for EKU. The committee posed several questions covering both temporary and permanent arrangements. The committee has been researching such policies at Kentucky schools including existing policies at Midway College, Morehead State University, and the University of Kentucky. On September 29 the committee met again with Patty Costello of the Math Department,with Dr. Marsden and Dr. Whitlock both present again to give feedback particularly concerning KTRS regulations. The memo received by Senator Johnson from Steve Judy, Director of Member Benefits at KTRS was also discussed at length. The committee hopes to begin writing the document soon. We would like, if possible, to have this completed by the end of the semester. Another committee meeting is scheduled for October 13.


Creation of a Lecturer/Part-Time Lecturer Position. The Faculty Senate body approved a motion to create an ad hoc committee to review previous studies on the creation of a lecturer/part-time lecturer position at EKU. The Faculty Senate were in agreement that the committee should report back to the Faculty Senate by February 2001.

Faculty Evaluations. Senator Falkenberg moved to have the committee on Improvement of Instruction review the current practices for evaluation of teaching at EKU and to recommend ways to properly contextualize quantitative evaluation and ways in which we may enhance the qualitative evaluation of teaching. This motion was approved by the majority of the Faculty Senate.

Council on Academic Affairs Report. Senator Marsden gave a handout to the Senators which explained the rationale for the administrative decision not to support the Faculty Senate recommendation to place a moratorium on the use of IDEA forms for the purposes of merit pay, and tenure and promotion decisions starting for a period of three years beginning with the academic year 2000-2001 which was discussed at the September meeting.

Senator Marsden mentioned that the Student Government Association may present a fraternization policy to the Faculty Senate at some point in the near future. He stated that while the university does not currently have a written policy regarding consensual romantic relationships between faculty, staff and students, it is the University's position that the professional ethics governing such relationships are widely understood within the academy. More specifically, professional ethics would preclude a faculty or staff member from having a consensual romantic relationship with any student over whom they are in a position of authority by virtue of their specific teaching, research, or administrative assignments.

Senator Marsden introduced the proposed format for the Academic Affairs Program review. Discussion was postponed until the Executive Committee had a chance to review the document. Based on the decision of the Executive Committee, the Academic Affairs Program review may be listed for approval on the November agenda.

Senator Marsden introduced the ERO draft proposal. Senator Siegel moved to postpone discussion on the ERO draft proposal until the Executive Committee could review it at the October 23 meeting. The ERO draft proposal could then be listed on the November Faculty Senate agenda.


Committee on Elections: Senator McAdams stated that the part time faculty representative will be selected by the end of the week. Please remind part-time faculty to cast their vote.


Meridian Presentation: Senator Taylor invited comments on the Meridian presentation. Senator McGuire indicated that she would like to know what stage the new logo is in and, as part of their money we paid for the research, is it their obligation to actually do any of the marketing now that they've started on this logo.

Senator Taylor indicated that he had very little information on this. From what he has heard from the consultants, they are waiting for a budget from us to decide where to go with this. We could give them $0 and it stops right there or the administration can make their own proposal.

Senator Marsden stressed that any monies paid to the Meridian group was paid by the Foundation, not by EKU funds.

Senator Yoder indicated that in her department, the faculty discussed some of the material and felt that some of the things Meridian did were good and that the research had been done well and the presentation was good, but had only heard negative comments about the "get-the-know-how" logo. She further indicated that even some students she had talked with did not like the new logo.

Senator Taylor stated that he checked with some students, and the students thought it was great.

Senator McGuire said that when Meridian made the presentation, they said that the logo chosen was one of several suggestions that the administration showed support for. Is there any chance that we might can find out what the other slogans were? Furthermore, could we have the students vote on them?

Senator Taylor indicated that he would mention that possibility to Dr. Kustra when they talked next.

Evaluation Procedure for the President: Senator Siegel asked if there was any progress made on consulting with the chair of the Board of Regents about the evaluation of the President.

Senator Taylor indicated that he had some correspondence with the chair of the Board of Regents, and it seemed positive. However, the Board will not act with the consultant until March.


Senator Marsden moved to adjourn the meeting at approximately 5:10 p.m.

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