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Minutes for November 6, 2000

The Faculty Senate of Eastern Kentucky University met on Monday, November 6, 2000 in the South Room of the Keen Johnson Building. Senator Taylor called the third meeting of the academic year to order at 3:30 p.m.

The following members of the Senate were absent:

Dantic Elrod Fister
Flanagan* Harley Hodge
Jackson Kustra* Long
McKenney* Miranda Wernegreen

*denotes prior notification of absence to the Faculty Senate Secretary

Visitors to the Senate were: Dominick Hart, Gary Kuhnhenn, Ken Nelson, Elizabeth Wachtel, Ritchie Rednour, and Jennifer Rogers (The Eastern Progress)


Senator Goodwin moved to delay approval of the May 1 minutes until the next meeting and requested that the minutes be condensed like the September and October minutes. The motion was passed by the Faculty Senate.

The September minutes were approved with the following correction: top of page three, change the word "recommended" to "discussed" under the minimum salary discussion.

The October minutes were approved with the following correction: change the word "recommended" to "discussed" under the minimum salary discussion on page two.

REPORT FROM THE PRESIDENT: Dr. Marsden presented for Dr. Kustra

Senator Marsden provided the Faculty Senate with a hand out which lists the points of consensus among Presidents and Council Staff concerning the 2002-04 Funding Methodology. Senator Marsden referred to item I.d. on the handout which states:

"The benchmarking concept should be retained as a procedure for establishing base levels of funding for the institutions. However, the current model will be supplemented and strengthened. Institutions will have the opportunity to negotiate replacement of up to five institutions on their current lists. The benchmark method is one of several acceptable approaches to creating a starting point to determine the base; however, it should be augmented by addressing the differential costs related to new undergraduate and graduate enrollments.

Senator Marsden indicated that as early as next week, Eastern will be negotiating five replacement institutions which should provide benchmarks that will be more appropriate for our institution. This should make a considerable difference in terms of our base funding.


Senator Taylor introduced the new part-time faculty representative, Kathy Breeden, to the Faculty Senate.

Senator Taylor mentioned that Jim Applegate with the Council on Postsecondary Education visited Eastern Kentucky University and with the Executive Committee on Wednesday, October 25. One of the items Senator Taylor discussed with him was the possibility of permitting the use of the six credit hours provided to Eastern employees at any institution in Kentucky.


Academic Program Review Policy. Senator Marsden made a motion which was seconded by Senator Thompson to approve the policies governing the Academic Affairs Program review as outlined in the materials provided. The motion was passed by the majority of the Faculty Senate.

Early Retirement Option. Senator Freed made a motion which was seconded by Senator Johnson to have the Faculty Senate go on record as expressing an interest in the efforts to re-institute an ERO policy. The motion was passed by the Faculty Senate.


Posthumous Degree. Senator Marsden made a motion which was seconded by Senator Siegel to nominate Barry Wayne Ledbetter for a posthumous degree to be granted at the December 2000 EKU graduation. This motion was approved by the Faculty Senate.

Creation of an Ad Hoc Committee to Review Promotion & Tenure Policies and Guidelines. Senator Marsden made a motion which was seconded by Dean Wasicsko to form an Ad Hoc Committee to review the Promotion and Tenure policies and guidelines. This was approved by the Faculty Senate.

General Education Proposal. Gary Kuhnhenn was present to discuss the new general education proposal and to encourage faculty and departments to speak with him and the committee for their comments, discussion and consideration for the proposal. The proposal and contact information is available on the web at:

Report from the Faculty Regent: Senator Thompson reported that the Board had an all day meeting in which the following items were passed:

  • Policy on Post Tenure Review
  • EKU Degree Completion by Accomplished Professionals
  • International Baccalaureate Diploma

Senator Thompson stated that the Board voted to support the beginning stages of a capital campaign for EKU. In addition, the Board accepted the audit report for the year ending June 30, 2000. Furthermore, a status report was given to the Board on the Buck Report.

Senator Thompson announced that Mr. Ed Penson has been identified as the consultant who will conduct the presidential evaluation. The evaluation is planned for the latter part of March.

Senator Siegel asked the extent of the current budget short fall. Senator Marsden responded that President Kustra is in the process of scheduling a meeting with the Senate Budget Committee to discuss the budget issues.

Report from the COSFL Representative: Karen Janseen reported that COSFL met on Saturday October 14 at 10:00 a.m. in the Young Library at the University of Kentucky with a televised link with Western Kentucky University. The following members were elected: Dennis Hall, President (U of L); Carol Bredemyer, Vice President (NKU); David Ensign, Secretary (U of L); and Karen Janssen, Treasurer (EKU).

Report from the Student Government: Ritchie Rednour requested that a joint ad hoc committee be established to consider a fraternization policy on faculty/staff/student relationships. Senator Thompson moved to approve the creation of a joint ad hoc committee, seconded by Senator Falkenberg. The majority of the Faculty Senate were in favor, and the motion carried.


Committee on Elections: Senator McAdams requested the Faculty Senate to consider changing the part time representative appointment from one year to two. Senator Taylor suggested she submit a proposal to Senator Yoder, Chair of the Committee on Rules. The proposal would then be forwarded to the Executive Committee for discussion.

Ad Hoc Committee on Shared Faculty Positions: Senator Johnson indicated that the committee had met three times since the last Faculty Senate meeting. At the last meeting on November 3, they discussed the final draft document on Shared Faculty Positions.


Senator Marsden moved to adjourn the meeting at approximately 5:30 p.m.

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