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Minutes for May 7, 2018

The Faculty Senate of Eastern Kentucky University met on Monday, May 7, 2018 in the South Ballroom in the Keen Johnson Building. Senator Winslow called the ninth meeting of the academic year to order at approximately 3:30 p.m.

The following members were absent:

L. Calderon*^ A. Collier J. Gershtenson*^
D. Hayes J. Palmer S. Perez*
D. Quan*^ T. Randles M. Vandenberg*^
D. West*    

Indicates prior notification of absence to the Faculty Senate Secretary
^ ALT  Charles Elliott attended for L. Calderon
^ ALT  Matthew Howell attended for J. Gershtenson
^ ALT  Margaret Ndinguri attended for D. Quan
^ ALT  Mary Tortorici attended for M. Vandenberg


Senator Dyer moved approval of the April 16, 2018 minutes, seconded by Senator Slusher. Motion carried. (YES =  48 votes NO = 2 votes ABSTAIN = 2 votes) (See Also: Individual Votes)


Since the April 6th meeting of the Board of Regents, the Budget Implementation Team has been charged with putting in place the approved budget reduction strategies. As they begin their work, a clear direction from my office – and with support from the EKU Board of Regents—is that FY ‘19 savings from the stated goal of $25 million in reductions need to be reinvested back into academics. The first reinvestment into academic affairs will be made in the four tenured faculty positions within economics and one tenured position in theatre. The data justifies these positions both in terms of need for support course instruction for various degrees (particularly in economics) as well as general education requirements (especially in theatre).

Following discussion with our search firm consultant, we are prepared to relaunch the Provost Search. I wish to thank Dr. Deborah Whitehouse for her service as the Interim Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs during a most challenging time.

Dr. Shirley O’Brien and Dr. Matt Winslow have agreed to resume their roles as co-chairs of the Search Committee with the membership remaining intact (John Williamson of Model Lab School will serve on the Committee) and the proposed timeline as follows:

September 4, 2018 Best Consideration Date for Interested Candidates to Apply
September 11, 2018 Search Committee to Narrow Down Candidates for First Round Interviews
September 18-19, 2018 First Round of Skype Interviews with Search Committee
September 24-28, 2018 Finalists’ On-Campus Interviews
October 1-5, 2018 Name New Provost & Senior VP for Academics
November 15-30, 2018 Provost & Senior VP for Academics Target Start Date

Two significant capital projects should hopefully be completed by the start of the fall semester. The first is a faculty and staff dining room that will be completed in the northeast corner of Case Dining Hall and may possibly entail an outdoor dining space facing Burnham Hall. Also, the Faculty Center in Keen Johnson will be restored to its former grandeur at no cost to the university—paid for by private funds. In addition, the Center for Teaching and Learning will be moved to the third floor of the library. 

Summer total enrollment is up 8 percent from this time last year and the full-time undergraduate enrollment is up 9 percent. Also, a snap shot of fall enrollment shows an increase of 2 percent. 


Policy 4.1.3 – Academic Integrity. Senator Ciocca moved approval of Policy 4.1.3, seconded by Senator Swain.

Senator Fleischer moved the following amendment, second by Senator Corley. Motion carried. (YES = 45 votes | NO = 8 votes | ABSTAIN = 3 votes) (See Also: Individual Votes)

Under Step 1, Paragraph 2, Line 3, change to the following:
Prior to selecting either option, the faculty/staff member should must contact the AI office to determine if the student has a prior violation.

Senator Shannon moved approval of the following amendment, seconded by Senator Kopacz. Motion carried. (YES = 53 votes | NO = 1 vote | ABSTAIN = 0 votes) (See Also: Individual Votes)

Change all references in the document from Academic Integrity Office to Student Conduct and Community Standards Office.

The main motion, as amended, carried. (YES = 50 votes | NO = 2 votes | ABSTAIN = 2 votes) (See Also: Individual Votes)

Policy 4.7.2 – Sabbaticals. Senator Turner moved to approve revisions to Policy 4.7.2, seconded by Senator Marcum. Motion carried. (YES = 51 votes | NO = 3 votes | ABSTAIN = 2 votes) (See Also: Individual Votes)


Report from Council on Academic Affairs. Vice Provost Robinson presented the following materials.

New Program
College of Science

  1. Minor in Pre-Professional Health - Create a new minor for pre-professional students that are not in a science degree

Program Suspensions
College of Business and Technology

Department of Applied Engineering and Technology

  1. Construction Management 3+2

College of Justice and Safety
Department of Safety and Security

  1. Certificate in Fire and Emergency Services (Graduate Certificate)
  2. Certificate in Intelligence and National Security (Graduate Certificate)
  3. Certificate in School Safety (Graduate Certificate)

College of Science
Department of Mathematics and Statistics

  1. B.S. Mathematics and M.S. Mathematical Sciences 3+2 program

Program Revisions
College of Business and Technology

Department of Applied Engineering and Technology

  1. B.S. in Applied Engineering Management and M.S. in Applied Engineering and Technology Mgmt. 3+2 Dual Degree Program
    Rename the 3+2 BS degree program in Applied Engineering Management to Engineering Technology Management. Split the 3+2 BS degree program into two concentrations: (1) Manufacturing, and (2) Technology.

Department of Accounting, Finance, and Information Systems

  1. Accounting Certificate
    Add INF 104 as an alternative to CIS 212 in Supporting Course Requirements. Remove ACC 440b from the list of Major Requirements, reducing total required hours to 27. Change the level of accounting electives from 400-500 to 300-500, so that internships can be used to meet the requirements with map.
  2. Minor in Banking & Financial Services
    Replace FIN 310, Entrepreneurial Finance, with FIN 324, Principles of Investments

College of Health Sciences
Health Promotion and Administration – Public Health

  1. B.S. Public Health - Move HEA 315 from the core to Community Health concentration
    Remove HEA 375 from core requirements; Add HEA 420 to the core requirements;
    Remove HEA 202, 490, 498, & 595 from the Community Health concentration;
    Reduce the credit hours required for HEA 463 Internship from 6 hours to 3 hours for Community Health Concentration; Remove EHS 280 and POL 376 from supporting courses for Community Health concentration; Add STA 215, STA 270 or SOC 232 to supporting courses for Community Health concentration;
    Add HEA 350 to pre-professional concentration; Make changes to pre-professional supporting courses
  2. B.S. & MPH Public Health Accelerated 3+2 Dual Degree Program
    Move HEA 315 from the core to 3+2 Community Health concentration;
    Remove HEA 375 from core requirements; Add HEA 420 to the core requirements;
    Remove HEA 202, 490, 498, & 595 from the 3+2 Community Health concentration;
    Reduce the credit hours required for HEA 463 Internship from 6 hours to 3 hours for 3+2 Community Health concentration; Remove EHS 280 and POL 376 from supporting courses for 3+2 Community Health concentration; Add HEA 350 to 3+2 Community Health Concentration; Revise catalog language to update the informational only section about the MPH program; Make changes to pre-professional supporting courses
  3. Certificate in Public Health - Delete HEA 375 and 490 & EHS 280
  4. Minor in Public Health - Delete HEA 375 and 490 & EHS 280
  5. Master of Public Health - Add MPH 835 to core and increase core hours to 24. This will remove it from EHS and IH concentration required course list; Change EHS 835 to MPH 835 prefix.
    Remove MPH 800 from the core; Move HEA 856 elective course to Health Promotion concentration required course; Move EHS 730 elective course to Environmental Health Science concentration required course; Move EHS 860 elective to Industrial Hygiene concentration required course; Remove all other elective courses for all concentrations; Change name of Community Health Education concentration to Health Promotion; Remove two Health Promotion required courses; Add two new Health Promotion required courses; Change Community Health Education to Health Promotion in the General Information and education objectives; Revise Program Goal; Revise and update Education Objectives; Remove Application Deadlines and replace with reference to Graduate School Application Deadline website; Change “Practicum” heading in each concentration with “Applied Practice Experience”; Change “Research” heading in each concentration with “Integrated Learning Experience”; Add academic background expectations and remove prerequisites statements from concentrations; Remove Culminating Experience description; Add hours EHS and IH applied Practicum details.

College of Justice and Safety
Department of Homeland Security

  1. B.S. Homeland Security - Drop EES 250 “Basic Social Intelligence Skills” from the HLS Supporting Courses Section.

Department of Safety, Security, and Emergency Management

  1. Certificate in Emergency Management - Change the name of the graduate Certificate in Emergency Management to the Certificate in Emergency Management and Disaster Resilience. Drop one course and add one course to the certificate.
  2. Certificate in Homeland Security - Change the name of the graduate Certificate in Homeland Security to the Certificate in Corporate Security Operations. Drop two courses and add two courses to the certificate.

Department of Safety, Security, and Emergency Management Graduate Studies

  1. M.S. Safety, Security and Emergency Management
    Remove the Thesis Exit option; update admission requirements to match those of the Graduate School; Suspend Two Concentrations (Fire and Emergency Services and School Safety)

College of Letters, Arts and Social Sciences
Department of Communication

  1. Minor in Public Relations - Replace BEM 201 with BEM 203

Department of Government and Economics

  1. B.A. Globalization and International Affairs - Revise courses based on HIS & MAT course revisions

Department of History

  1. B.A./M.A. History 3+2 - Revise requirements based on previously dropped & new courses

Department of Psychology

  1. B.S. General Psychology - Remove PSY 413; replace PSY 413 with PSY 513 in Brain & Cognitive Science concentration

College of Science
Department of Biological Sciences

  1. Minor in Biology - Allow Wildlife majors to pursue a minor in Biology.

Department of Chemistry

  1. B.S. and M.S. Chemistry 3+2 program - Rearrange Bachelor of Science (B.S.) & Master of Science (M.S.) Chemistry Accelerated 3+2 Dual Degree Program to line up with the merged Bachelor of Science (B.S.) Chemistry program. (Note: Pending Graduate Council approval of additional edits.)
  2. Chemistry Minor - Add new courses to minor and clarify text for students interested in the minor for teaching certification.

Department of Computer Science

  1. M.S. in Applied Computing - Revise the Statistical Computing concentration; rename it Computational Data Science. Revise admission requirements and entire M.S. to meet CPE guidelines. Suspend concentration in Bioinformatics.

Department of Geosciences

  1. Earth Science Teaching minor - Update the courses required for minor and add statements about additional requirements required for students to be certified to teach earth science at the secondary level.

Department of Physics and Astronomy

  1. Physics Teaching Minor - Update the courses required for minor and add statement about required Praxis exam.
  2. Physics Minor - Add PHY 211 to the minor and adjust the other hours.

Information Item

Departmental Name Change
College of Letters, Arts, and Social Sciences

  1. Change name of Department of History to Department of History, Philosophy, and Religious Studies (Dean’s recommendation included)

Senator Fitch moved approval of item #1 (new program minor), seconded by Senator Turner. Motion carried. (YES = 47 votes | NO = 4 votes | ABSTAIN = 4 votes) (See Also: Individual Votes)

Senator Corley moved approval of items #2-6 (program suspensions), seconded by Senator Dyer. Motion carried. (YES = 42 votes | NO = 7 votes | ABSTAIN = 6 votes) (See Also: Individual Votes)

Senator Corley moved approval of items #7-23 & 25-29 (program revisions), seconded by Senator Dyer. Motion carried. (YES = 51 votes | NO = 2 votes | ABSTAIN = 2 votes) (See Also: Individual Votes)

Senator Corley moved approval of item #24 (conditional on Graduate Council approval) (program revision), seconded by Senator Dyer. Motion carried. (YES = 52 votes | NO = 1 vote | ABSTAIN = 1 vote) (See Also: Individual Votes)

Item 30 was presented for information only.

Resolution for College of Health Sciences Timeline. Senator Fitch moved approval of the following resolution, seconded by Senator Phillips. Motion carried. (YES = 36 votes | NO = 14 votes | ABSTAIN = 6 votes) (See Also: Individual Votes)

The Faculty Senate moves that:
We resolve that the College of Health Sciences develop a time line for each of the ASN nursing faculty to gain the required qualifications in order to teach in the BSN program and if these qualifications are achieved in an agreed upon time frame, reasonable effort will be made to offer the affected tenured faculty member another existing position within the institution for which the tenured faculty member is qualified by education and experience.  



The Faculty Committee on Dismissal (FCD) met on Friday, May 4. I submitted a report based on the actions taken by the Faculty Senate during the special meeting on April 16, including both the motion to reject the report from the Provost, Deans, and FCD, as well as the resolution that the May 4 meeting be an open one. It was an open meeting. The recommendations from this group included eliminating zero of the four tenured Economics faculty (they will move to the College of Business), eliminating four of the tenured faculty in ASN, and eliminating zero of the one tenured faculty line in Theatre. Recommendations from this group have been sent to President Benson.

As you have been notified, I will represent the Faculty Senate on the Implementation Teams, starting this week. The work of this group will be critical during the coming biennium. While most of the cuts approved by President Benson and the Board of Regents are unwelcome, I believe the Faculty Senate has an interest in some cuts being realized. In addition, we must adhere to the accepted cuts to meet the financial obligations as an institution. Updates will be provided to the Faculty Senate on this work in the year to come.

The search for a permanent Provost will start up in earnest early in the Fall semester. The current goal is to have a permanent Provost in place by the end of Fall semester.

Chair Winslow announced that 22 senators would be leaving Senate at the end of this meeting. He thanked everyone for their hard work this past year and especially noted Senators Kopacz and Slusher for their many years of service to Senate.

Ombud Quarterly Report. Ombud Joan Beck shared the first quarterly report of 2018. This quarter, the number of visitors to her office increased to an average of one per day which is a significant increase. Last quarter, people were more concerned with interpersonal relationships. Visitors this quarter seem more concerned about their ability to earn a living and all that that entails.

To learn more about the Office of the Ombud, please visit:


The EKU Board of Regents will hold its next quarterly meeting on Monday June 25th in the Perkins Building quad. Committee meetings will begin at 9 AM and the full Board meeting will begin around 10:30 AM.

Now that most of the smoke has cleared from the legislative session, and the governor has allowed late action in the General Assembly to proceed unimpeded, we have a better picture of the budgetary impact on the university going forward. The FY19 EKU General Fund appropriation is set at $60.8M – a decrease of nearly $3.6M from prior year spending levels. Some of the news is good and has slightly softened the immediate impact. But we also know that in two short years we are potentially looking at another $9 million hit for KTRS. The governor’s pension plan puts new teachers to go into a 401(a)-style plan rather than KTRS, thus taking the legs out from under KTRS (which requires a base of current workers to support benefits for retired workers) and requiring more support from participating institutions. Final KTRS numbers will not be available for a couple of months yet, but the overall impact to the EKU budget appears to be that there will be somewhere around a $5-6 million lighter burden to deal with immediately - but the $9M increase still looms in FY20.

The typical fiscal strategy in such a case is to meet those needs that assure quality in the short term, while conserving for an uncertain future. I believe the President will want to restore about a million dollars to academic affairs now, and place the balance in contingency for FY20. I support that kind of approach.

HB 592 ended the state’s tuition waiver program (originally proposed in HB 453), and in the process, the $2M expense borne directly by EKU. This week UK announced that, for the next three years, it would continue to support its faculty and staff who seek advanced educational opportunities. Kristi Middleton told the Herald-Leader that EKU currently has about 400 students from UK using tuition waivers, and that helps our budget. The EKU Implementation Team is looking at proposals and partnership agreements with other institutions that might support EKU faculty and staff in that same endeavor.

It is unclear if the Board will need to take any further budget action in June. Program suspensions have already been made by the Board and I do not anticipate that we will revisit any of those decisions – with the possible exception of School Psychology. What remains is for the President to take the input from the Provost, Deans, and Faculty Committee on Dismissal and work with the Implementation Team to assure that all needed course coverage is accomplished by top-ranked faculty. That meeting is set to occur later today. I anticipate the Provost, et. al., will necessarily affirm the need for four Economics faculty to cover the needed courses in CLASS and B&T, and one faculty member to cover Theatre in General Education. If that occurs under the president’s guidance, we may be in a position to avoid a direct politically-motivated assault on tenure at this time. (See: Regent Day’s remarks on Tenure [page 4] at the Rally for Higher Education held in front of the Keen Johnson Building on April 12th)

As you may be aware, I disagreed with many of my faculty colleagues and joined with other Board members in support of the total student experience at EKU, including keeping EKU athletics in Division I. This was consistent with our strategic objective: that while budget cuts may force us to be smaller, our programs will remain excellent.

Yesterday the Attorney General’s office opined that the Board of Regents violated Open Meetings law at its March 19th meeting. Chairman Craig Turner released the following statement in response.

The Eastern Kentucky University Board of Regents is now in receipt of the Opinion of the Attorney General as it relates to the Board’s meeting on March 19, 2018. The Board takes great exception with the ruling, and will consider all the options available to it under the law, including appeal.

As mentioned in the Board’s response to the complaint, the Board’s sole intention for the closed session was to maintain the privacy of the identified individuals impacted until the list of position eliminations was final and the terminations had been carried out in a more individualized, appropriate and considerate manner. General budget matters were not discussed, in direct contradiction to the Attorney General’s Opinion. Furthermore, no action was taken at the March 19 meeting. Even in these times of austere budgets and difficult cuts, we will continue to hold the privacy of our employees as a top priority. Those impacted are being eliminated through no fault of their own, and have played a key role in making EKU the quality institution that it is to both learn and thrive as a student, and to work as an employee. We sincerely thank those employees impacted for their dedication and service.

The Board will continue its diligent efforts, alongside the President and administration, in leading the University through these significant budget cuts, while keeping the decision of the Attorney General in mind, and while continuing its commitment to transparency.

According to news reports the only avenue for appeal would be by suing the Eastern Progress in Circuit Court.

While the idea of suing one’s own student newspaper is foreign to my way of thinking, a couple of factors mitigate those reservations. First, unlike high school publications, the Eastern Progress claims to be an “independent student newspaper” and not the Board’s paper in any sense. Second, this week the Progress knowingly revealed the protected identities of some faculty who had not yet been informed through official channels and according to university policy timelines, of their positions’ elimination. This is a shabby way to treat respected individuals, in my view, and something I would have preferred that neither the university nor any of its constituent entities would have found palatable or consistent with the campus spirit.

Since the feelings of affected faculty and staff have been ignored – all in the name of transparency – initiated by a Faculty Senate Executive Committee member who was ostensibly elected to protect and advance the interests of the faculty, allow me to shed a little more light on the situation.

  • On April 24th, University Counsel received an open records request from English Prof. Paula Kopacz (a member of the Faculty Senate Executive Committee) seeking the Budget Advisory Committees draft recommendations: supplementary tables.
  • The requested draft was a working document, set for release on or before May 15th, after all affected faculty and staff would have been properly notified - and Counsel could have denied the open records request. But in the spirit of transparency, a decision was made to share a redacted copy of the working document with Kopacz. Kopacz was warned in writing that revealing personally identifiable information would constitute an unwarranted invasion of privacy.
  • As the Progress would later report, “The version received from the open records request was a .PDF file that included redactions. The redactions, however, did not appear if the document was opened on a mobile device.” (See: article) Regrettably, instead of notifying the University Counsel’s office of the inadvertent disclosure of private information, the document was shared widely. 
  • The technical glitch revealed the redacted information, but the Progress knew what was and was not redacted, in advance of publication.
  • The distribution and publication had the effect of circumventing university policy, robbed affected faculty and staff or the protections they had a right to expect, and will likely create roadblocks for the administration when considering future collaborations with the Faculty Senate. It is hard for me to see how this benefits anyone. What it hurts most is future transparency.
  • Moreover, actions in forwarding the email constituted a blatant disregard for the rights and confidentiality of our colleagues, and may be a direct violation of University Policy 11.2.2P, Code of Ethics for Computers and Communications. (“Use of these devices and services may not interfere with the user’s responsibilities to the University.”; “Individuals must not use their access…to maliciously destroy or alter University…files.”; “Individuals with access to…sensitive institutional data must maintain the appropriate confidentiality, integrity, and security of that information.”) and Policy 1.2.1P, Code of Ethics (“University employees shall protect and conserve public property and shall not use it for purposes other than authorized activities”).

As for the particular arguments made by the OAG, since the matter may be headed for appeal, I am constrained from commenting further.

REPORT FROM PROVOST: Senator Whitehouse

Senator Whitehouse reminisced about her time at Eastern over the past 34 years.

Please mark calendars for the following dates:

  • May 11-12 – Spring Commencement (all Commencement ceremonies will be held in Alumni Coliseum)
    • College of Justice & Safety (May 11 at 9:00 a.m.)
    • College of Health Sciences (May 11 at 1:30 p.m.)
    • College of Business & Technology (May 11 at 6:30 p.m.)
    • College of Letters, Arts, & Social Sciences (May 12 at 9:30 a.m.)
    • College of Education & College of Science (May 12 at 1:30 p.m.)
  • May 15-16 – 2018 Faculty Scholars Institute
  • May 18 – Pedagogicon
  • May 17 – Pre-Conference Workshops
    • 9:30-11:00 a.m. – Effective Communication for Leaders Under Pressure, Joan Beck
    • 1-4 p.m. – Assignment Design and Assessment: Intentional Integration for Significant Student Outcome, Cindy Judd & Ryan Baggett, EKU Faculty Innovators
  • September 28 – Assurance of Learning Day (SAVE THE DATE)


Academic Quality Committee. Senator Polin reported that the Committee has successfully addressed the charges presented to it at the start of the academic year. The Committee has served as a channel of communication among the Faculty Senate, the faculty-at-large, and the Administration on academic matters and the formulation of academic policy; and it has been available as an advisory agency to the President of the University and to the Provost on academic matters.

Senator Polin shared the finalized version of the Student Success Initiatives Map.

The Committee is currently working to have the Map “housed” on the Student Success Center’s website and updated by the Student Success Center’s staff at least once a semester. The goal is for this to be a living document that is a repository for all University stakeholders; thus, it is important this Map find an appropriate place where it can be maintained.

The Committee would like to make a few recommendations based on the development of the Map. First, it was noticed that websites are inconsistent (e.g. terminology in addresses is different), outdated (e.g. some email addresses listed are employees no longer with the University), and incorrect (e.g. some initiatives such as the Chapel of Meditation are still listed as “open”). It would be beneficial for this to be reviewed and updated/corrected to ensure University stakeholders receive the correct information. Second, the Committee also recognized that faculty resources (e.g. professional development)—similarly to student resources—were plentiful and diffused across campus, making it difficult to understand all opportunities available. A second Map that focuses attention on faculty resources would be most helpful.

Budget Committee. Senator Ciocca reported that the committee met on April 25 to discuss the special Senate meeting on April 16 and the campus-wide message from the President’s Office on 03-25-18 about budget cuts by the various components of the University.

Senator Ciocca presented for approval the resolution regarding the Subsidy of Collegiate Athletics at EKU (see below). (Chair Winslow reminded that as the motion comes from committee a second is not required.) Motion carried. (YES = 39 votes | NO = 9 votes | ABSTAIN = 7 votes (See Also: Individual Votes)

Be it resolved 

That the $10.4M in funds to be used to maintain Collegiate Athletics be reduced insofar as to maintain the largest number possible of Staff and Faculty positions in Academic Affairs and Student Success, which are crucial to the Mission and the Vision of Eastern Kentucky University 

Be it resolved 
That when and only when all of the Academic Personnel have been reinstated, whichever remaining funds be then used for Collegiate Athletics and that any such expenditure, from now and forever, will only be allowed after funding for the Mission and the Vision of the university have been secured.

Elections & University Nominations Committee. Senator Mason reported that the committee completed the following charges:

  • Supervised nominations and elections of Faculty Senate chair, vice chair, Faculty Senate membership, and Faculty Senate committees.
  • Revised the internal procedures of the committee
  • Conducted elections for faculty to university standing committees (Graduate Council, General Education, Library, and Research) through amended process. The amended process passed at Faculty Senate on December 5, 2016 and includes a nomination ballot and election ballot. It also requires consultations with the Vice Provost as well as consultations with respective committee chairs prior to the election. The rationale for the changes in the process included, “…increased transparency…”, “…greater faculty involvement…”, “…expanding opportunities for faculty who seek service…”.

Results indicate an increase in faculty involvement in both the nomination and election process for faculty vacancies on university committees. (see chart below)

YEAR Response Rate Nominations
2018 33% (227/680*) 56 (115% increase)
2017 28% (145/514*) 26
2016 7.6% -
2015 13% -
2014 13.3% -

Considerations for next year’s committee include the following:

  • Provide input regarding the various definitions of Faculty-at-Large.
  • Supervise the election of the Faculty Regent (2019-2022), Spring 2019.

Information Technology Committee. Senator Baggett shared the IT Survey Overview.

Rules Committee. Senator Kay announced that faculty should have recently received an email with a link to some petitions regarding past Senate motions that were passed in recent semesters. As a reminder, historically the motions passed by Senate that required faculty-at-large approval would be presented to the faculty-at-large after the fall convocation. In an effort to streamline the process, last year that was changed so that it only needs to go before the faculty-at-large if at least 10% of the faculty sign a petition saying that it should move forward. So that’s the purpose of the email faculty recently received. Please explain that to your colleagues if they have questions.

Senator Kay presented for approval the Senate Internal procedures. (Chair Winslow reminded that motions coming from committee do not require a second). Motion carried. (YES = 54 votes | NO = 1 vote | ABSTAIN = 2 votes) (See Also: Individual Votes)

Senator Kay presented for approval the Faculty Handbook Section 7 revisions. Motion carried. (YES = 54 votes | NO = 1 vote | ABSTAIN = 1 vote) (See Also: Individual Votes)  


Senator Whitehouse moved to adjourn at approximately 5pm.

click here for printable version of minutes  
(See also:  Polling Results by Motions & by Senator)

You will need to have the Adobe Acrobat Reader plug-in installed on your computer in order to view and print a hard copy of the minutes.

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