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Minutes for December 4, 2017

The Faculty Senate of Eastern Kentucky University met on Monday, December 4, 2017 in the South Ballroom in the Keen Johnson Building. Senator Winslow called the fourth meeting of the academic year to order at approximately 3:30 p.m.

The following members were absent:

C. Ballinger* M. Benson* B. Clark*^
A. Collier B. Dyer*^ Z. Eser
S. Hoose* K. Leigers* B. Phillips
C. Pinion* D. Rothe B. Shannon*

Indicates prior notification of absence to the Faculty Senate Secretary
^ ALT Sherry Jones attending for B. Clark
^ ALT Chengyi Zhang attending for B. Dyer


Senator Mason moved approval of the November 6, 2017 minutes as written, seconded by Senator Turner. Motion carried. (YES =  51 votes NO = 0 votes ABSTAIN = 0 votes) (See Also: Individual Votes)


    Senator Benson was unable to attend today. He is attending the annual SACSCOC meetings in Dallas at which our reaffirmation vote for the University will take place. He shared the following in his written report to Senate.

    With the guidance and support of our faculty and staff, EKU students continue to distinguish themselves on the national stage.

    • One of our DACA students, Omar Salinas Chacon, was named Student of the Year at the recent National Collegiate Honors Council.
    • Earlier in the month, junior anthropology major Knate Bartosch became one of only two winners nationally of the 2017 Award for Academic Achievement Abroad, presented by the Forum on Education Abroad. Bartosch, accompanied by Dr. Benjamin Freed, spent last summer studying wild lemurs in Madagascar off the coast of east Africa. 
    • Our mock trial team captured the title in the Wolverine Classic Invitational at the University of Michigan. In addition to the team win, three of our students earned Outstanding Witness Awards. 

    Military veterans from Kentucky and elsewhere have long regarded Eastern as an outstanding option, and we continue to gain national acclaim for our policies, programs and services that help them achieve their educational dreams. Eastern is ranked 14th in the latest Military Times: Best Colleges survey, up from 17th a year ago. Best of all, we are the only school from Kentucky or any adjacent state to crack the top 20.

    Try to stop by the Veterans Memorial between the Powell and Wallace buildings and check out a new feature on its south wall: a sculpture that honors veterans who lost their lives because of their service, but not while in active service. The late Dr. Bob Topmiller, former EKU history professor, was among those honored posthumously during a moving dedication ceremony on Veterans Day.

    Finally, many of you have been following the work of the Model Lab School Task Force and have a keen interest in what might happen with this University treasure in the future. (See the FAQs document which was circulated shortly after the Board of Regents met at Model last month.) We remain committed to ensuring that the current Model student population is moved into the proposed Charter School and are pursuing a legislative solution to the current bill language. This is of paramount importance to us as we continue to investigate the charter option as a way to move Model forward and to secure a more sustainable future.


    Ombud Minute. Ombud Joan Beck shared a few techniques to help reduce misunderstandings and to help discuss disagreements and resolve conflicts.

    • Take a deep breath before starting a conversation. After a tense conversation allow time to change gears.
    • Put away assumptions and pre-conceptions and disarm yourself. Remember, a smile given is usually returned.
    • Lower your expectations of others.
    • When receiving a request at home or work, pause before reacting and consider the reason for the request and the cost of agreeing or disagreeing.

    DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals). Abbey Poffenberger was in attendance to discuss support of our DACA students. In addition, several DACA students displayed posters at the front of the room which shared their personal experiences.

    DACA was a policy under the Obama administration that began in August 2012 and it was rescinded in September 2017 by the Trump administration. The policy allowed minors who entered or remained in the country illegally to receive a renewable two-year period of deferred action and to be eligible for a work permit. More than 800,000 students nationwide receive DACA. Over 6,000 of those students are located in Kentucky.

    DACA students are enrolled in all colleges at EKU including the Honor’s program. In addition, these EKU students are also leaders in the Kentucky Dream Coalition as well as United We Dream. They would welcome the opportunity to share their experiences and their stories with you and your colleagues and when appropriate with your classes.

    Visit the Bobby Lee Verdugo Bilingual Peer Mentoring and Tutoring Center in McCreary to learn more.

    Student Government Association. Evan Singleton shared recent SGA highlights.

    • Last month the Student Senate passed a resolution of support for the initiative to freeze tuition for next year.
    • 24 academic departments submitted applications for IT funding and 14 of those were approved.
    • There is still approximately $2,000 remaining in the diversity grant fund. Faculty advisors for student organizations may apply for funding if they have upcoming diversity-related programming.
    • There is still approximately $7,800 in the Aramark grant so faculty advisors may apply for funding to cover food expenses for upcoming activities.
    • Mark calendars for the Rally for Higher Education in Frankfort on February 6.  


    Provost Search Update. Senator Winslow reminded the senators that the provost search has been temporarily placed on hold until next August. Interim Provost Whitehouse has graciously agreed to continue serving as Interim Provost for another year. The current committee members will continue to serve when the search begins anew in August. In addition, the search firm Myers McRae has agreed to continue as well.

    Several senators voiced concerns on postponing the search and encouraged search committee co-chairs Matthew Winslow and Shirley O’Brien to share those concerns with President Benson.

    Policy 4.3.8 - Posthumous Degrees. Senator Christensen moved approval of Policy 4.3.8, seconded by Senator Nowak. Motion carried. (YES = 49 votes | NO = 2 votes | ABSTAIN = 1 vote) (See Also: Individual Votes)

    Policy 4.2.10 - College Level Examination Program. Senator Christensen moved approval of Policy 4.2.10, seconded by Senator Corley. Motion carried. (YES = 49 votes | NO = 1 vote | ABSTAIN = 1 vote) (See Also: Individual Votes)

    Policy 4.7.10 - Faculty Responsibility for English Composition. Senator Turner moved approval of Policy 4.7.10, seconded by Senator Christensen. Motion carried. (YES = 48 votes | NO = 1 vote | ABSTAIN = 1 vote) (See Also: Individual Votes)


    Policy 4.3.15 – Pass-Fail Option. Senator Winslow introduced the policy for a first read. The policy will be on the February agenda for action.

    Policy 4.1.15 – Grade Appeals. Senator Winslow introduced the policy for a first read and announced that it would be on the February agenda for action.

    Regulation 4.8.3 – Assignment of Summer Teaching. Senator Winslow introduced the regulation as a first read and announced that it would be on the February agenda for action.

    Regulation 4.1.2 - Catalog. Senator Winslow introduced the regulation as a first read and announced that it would be on the February agenda for action.

    Volunteer Needed on University Committee. Senator Winslow asked for a volunteer to serve as faculty senate representative on the University Employee Recognition Committee. Senator Fleischer volunteered to serve.

    Rules Committee Motion on Part-Time Alternates. As the motion was presented from committee, a second was not required. Motion carried. (YES = 52 votes | NO = 0 votes | ABSTAIN = 1 vote) (See Also: Individual Votes)

    Report from Council on Academic Affairs. Provost Whitehouse presented the following materials.

    Program Revisions
    College of Education

    Educational Leadership and Counselor Education

    1. Eds Educationanl Administration and Supervision
      Align admission requirements to regulation admission language, Update exit requirement.
    2. M.A. in Student Personnel Services in Higher Education
      Add EAD 803 Leadership in Higher Education as a required course, Add EAD 816 Data Analytics in Higher Education as a required course, Revise POL 847 Strategic Planning and Grant Writing from an elective to a required course, Change the required core courses from 27 hours to 33 hours.
    3. MAEd in Instructional Leadership
      Remove school safety endorsement as concentration, Update curriculum and required hours in Teacher Leadership for Student Learning, Correct typographical error in hours required, Literacy and Math requirements are being updated to remove courses no longer offered and identify revised courses from the Department of Curriculum and Instruction, Update exit requirement.

    College of Health Sciences
    Exercise and Sport Sciences

    1. B.S. in Physical Education
      Change degree name to Bachelor of Science in Exercise & Sport Science, Change hours in the Support, changes to PHE prefixes, changes to Professional Education Requirements in the P-12 Teaching PE & Health Concentration as recommended by Teacher Education Committee.
    2. M.S. in Physical Education
      Change degree name to Master of Science in Exercise and Sport Science, change to remove 831, 852 and 865 from core, change to PHE prefixes.

    College of Letters, Arts, and Social Sciences
    Government and Economics

    1. B.A./M.P.A. Political Science 3 + 2 Program
      revise ACCT course requirement for Political Science majors to POL 400W, revise core courses and core hours requirement from 45 to 42 hours, revise area course options for additional 12 hours of POL courses, revise free elective hours from 38 to 41 hours.


    1. M.S. Clinical Psychology
      Remove PSY 827 from core and techniques courses. Replace PSY 840 with PSY 859 (new course). Revise experiential hours from 9 to 7 to accommodate course additions.
    2. Psy.D Clinical Psychology
      Replace PSY-840 with PSY-859. Add PSY-766, PSY-779, PSY-859, PSY-869, and PSY-950 as required courses in the Psy.D. curriculum.These changes increase the required number of core course hours from 60 to 72.

    Senator Whitehouse moved approval of items 1-8, seconded by Senator Christensen. Motion carried. (YES = 51 votes | NO = 0 votes | ABSTAIN = 1 vote) (See Also: Individual Votes)



    The Executive Committee is hard at work on President Benson’s 4-year evaluation. We have nearly finalized the questionnaire, using the 2-year evaluation questionnaire as a starting point, but also adding questions related to EKU’s Strategic Plan. We are also working with the Office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness, who will administer the questionnaire. We are exploring ways to ensure respondent anonymity and data confidentiality. We will send out an announcement in December about the upcoming questionnaire. We anticipate the questionnaire going out to faculty in early February. Our report is due to the Board of Regents by March 31. Our next meeting will be Monday, December 11th at 4:15pm in Coates 100, and is open to the public.

    The Executive Committee also discussed the issue of guest speakers at Senate meetings. The Executive Committee has decided to review each request to speak at Senate meetings, with an eye towards replacing in-person appearances with handouts, and strongly informing guest speakers that they have just 2-3 minutes to speak. One exception is the Ombud Minute which will continue as a permanent listing on the agenda until further notice.

    Chair Winslow called attention to a flyer which was distributed prior to the start of the meeting from Carol Sommer on an upcoming spring conference: Embracing Change: 21st Century Education Professionals.


    Early Saturday morning the U.S. Senate passed its version of the tax reform bill, which lowers the corporate tax rate from 35 percent to 20 percent. The measure would add a trillion dollars to the federal deficit over the next decade. The previously passed House version would add $1.4 trillion. Congressional leaders must now decide whether to form a conference committee to work out differences between the Senate and House versions, or simply vote to accept the Senate’s version before sending it to President Donald Trump, who is expected to sign whatever bill arrives on his desk.

    The Chronicle of Higher Education outlined provisions in the tax reform bills that stand to negatively impact higher education.

    While US businesses demand a greater percentage of citizens to be well-educated, the US Congress seems poised to ignore higher education’s strong impact on the economy and the workforce – and with the apparent support of the business community, which stands to benefit in the short term, but will likely struggle to find a sufficient number of highly skilled US workers in the long term.

    On Friday, the US House introduced a bill meant to overhaul the Higher Education Act of 1965 and undo some Obama administration priorities. A summary of the legislation includes a plan to simplify (and create a mobile app for) FAFSA, cap the amount graduate students may borrow, and end the Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program. The unilateral bill would ban free speech zones on campus and deny federal dollars to schools that do not recognize campus religious groups.

    The bill would require colleges to conduct annual sexual assault surveys but would allow schools to choose their own standard of evidence in Title IX cases. Rather than a “preponderance of evidence” schools could choose the higher “clear and convincing evidence” standard.  

    The proposed legislation includes a provision that would expand Pell Grant eligibility to “high-quality short-term, summer, and certificate programs.” Year-round Pell eligibility is probably a good thing for many of our students but the bill’s expansion to include short-term certificate programs is seen as an entrée into apprenticeships and career training as an alternative to traditional four-year degrees. 

    Meanwhile back in Kentucky, Chamber of Commerce President David Adkisson, - not an inconsequential supporter of better Kentucky schools in recent years - spoke to the Danville-Boyle County Chamber last week about the state Chamber’s legislative priorities. He described Kentucky’s political climate as two earthquakes, both happening on the same night, when Donald Trump was elected President and the Republicans took over the state House.

    The Chamber is calling for a “responsible” budget along with tax, and pension reform. Chamber members stand to benefit most from tax reform and the Chamber is generally quiet on new revenue with the exception of favoring a cigarette tax increase, for health reasons.

    With regard to the pension problem, Adkisson said, “We own it. We’ve got to dig out.” But the Chamber is clearly supporting structural changes that might well violate the state’s inviolable contract with state workers. About 500,000 of Kentucky’s 4.3 million residents are directly impacted by the pension system but the state has only set aside about $38 of every $100 promised. The money put in by teachers, school districts, county governments and others is there, he said. It’s the state that “held back” some of its portion. “It’s a sad story,” said Adkisson. 

    Still, the Chamber supports a solution somewhere between Governor Bevin’s PFM report and the Shared-Responsibility plan offered by Kentucky education groups.

    With each passing day the likelihood of Governor Bevin actually calling a special session on pension reform before Christmas dissipates. If a special session is called, Kentucky teachers plan to rally in Frankfort.

    PROVOST REPORT: Senator Whitehouse

    • Summer School
      Dr. Rusty Carpenter and the Summer School Workgroup have:
      • launched the Summer Session web presence, available at, with additional content drafted and going up in the coming days.
      • designed an initial marketing campaign to promote summer session opportunities to students in geographic areas near Richmond.
    • Inclement Weather Plan
      The University’s Inclement Weather Schedule can be found at
      Academic departments are encouraged to consider how faculty can continue short-term instruction through the use of technology, particularly when we experience several consecutive days of severe weather or other schedule interruptions. For resources and assistance, please see the Noel Studio’s Academic Continuity Plan (ACP) (, meet with your Faculty Innovators, and/or contact the Noel Studio for Academic Creativity.
    • Pedagogicon
      The Noel Studio for Academic Creativity will host the 2018 Pedagogicon on Friday, May 18, 2018. This year’s conference theme is “Student-Centered Teaching and Learning.” The Keynote Speaker will be Dr. Gregg Wentzell, Interim Director of the Center for Teaching Excellence at Miami University (Ohio) and Associate Director of the Lilly Conference on College Teaching.
      Please visit for more information about the conference and call for proposals. The proposal submission form is available at Proposals are due by February 1, 2018.
    • Professional Development Opportunity: DEEP Week
      Members of the EKU community are invited to a week-long series of professional development workshops scheduled to take place on January 29 – February 2, 2018 as part of the inaugural DEEP (Developing Excellence in Eastern’s Professors) Week. To learn more about and register for daily workshops, visit

    Please mark the following upcoming dates on your calendars:


    Academic Quality Committee. Senator Polin announced that the committee completed the Student Success Initiatives Map by the November 20th deadline. The information has been shared with the Executive Committee for their review, and it is anticipated that it will be shared with the Senate as an informational item in February.

    Chair Winslow thanked the committee for their excellent work and stated that this will be a valuable resource for both students and faculty.

    Budget Committee. Senator Ciocca reported that the committee met on November 28.

    The main agenda item was the presentation by Athletics to the Board of Regents. Athletics receives funding from the University and has actual income from ticket sales and from participation in the NCAA. The combined expenditures in spring (Salaries, Benefits and Operating Costs) in the period Spring 2016-Spring 2017 were $9,429,135. While it recognizes that Athletics is not treated as an Auxiliary of the University, it is concerned about the overall amount of funds dedicated to this area as well as the net loss of over $5 million per annum.

    The committee also discussed the “Map of Student Services” as generated by the Academic Quality Committee. This is a work in progress.

    Information Technology Committee. Senator Baggett announced that the committee is working closely with Dean Betina Gardner to develop the spring IT survey and plans to send that out to faculty the week after spring break.


    Ombud Framework. Senator Zeigler stated that the Ombud Charter agreement was distributed in the Senate packets for information. President Benson will officially sign the charter soon.

    Senator Zeigler and Chair Winslow thanked the committee for their hard work on this important university document.


    Senator Whitehouse moved to adjourn at approximately 4:30pm.

    click here for printable version of minutes  
    (See also:  Polling Results by Motions & by Senator)

    You will need to have the Adobe Acrobat Reader plug-in installed on your computer in order to view and print a hard copy of the minutes.

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