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Minutes for March 4, 2002

The Faculty Senate of Eastern Kentucky University met on Monday, March 4, 2002 in the South Room of the Keen Johnson Building. Senator Schlomann called the sixth meeting of the academic year to order at 3:30 p.m.

The following members of the Senate were absent:

M. Baxter* J. Dantic V. Falkenberg*
D. Jones T. Reed* C. Siegel*
J. Stephens*    

*denotes prior notification of absence to the Faculty Senate Secretary

Visitors to the Senate were: Gary Cordner, Justice & Safety; Ken Johnston, Finance; Erin Michalik, Academic Affairs Committee; Jennifer Rogers, Eastern Progress; Chip Smith, Athletics; Vern Snyder, Advancement; Aaron Thompson, Enrollment Management; Elizabeth Wachtel, Academic Affairs; James Wells, Correctional & Juvenile Justice Studies; Doug Whitlock, Administrative Affairs; and Alice Wilcoxson, ESSC


The February 4, 2002 minutes were approved as written.


President Glasser recently met with Senator Mitch McConnell and Congressman Hal Rogers to encourage them to continue their support for federal funding opportunities for Eastern Kentucky University.

Last week President Glasser was in Washington D.C., courtesy of Governor Paul Patton, to help officially open a Kentucky lobbyist office. Audrey Haynes has been appointed to serve in this capacity, and she will be working as a full time lobbyist for all Kentucky institutions. If there are any particular programs, contracts or grants, that should be shared with the federal delegation, please contact President Glasser, or Vice President Jim Clark and that information will be passed on to Ms. Haines.

President Glasser gave a status report on campus construction. The student services building is scheduled to be completed in June, and a dedication and ribbon cutting ceremony will be scheduled shortly after completion. In addition, the $7 million is still available to fund a student wellness building, and construction should begin in the near future. An architecture is currently working on a 3-phrase plan which will allow additions to be added as additional funding becomes available. Also, plans are currently being developed for the new business and technology center which was budgeted for $14 million dollars in the 2000-2002 biennium.

President Glasser originally quoted an April date to send the university strategic plan to the Board. However she has decided to postpone sending the plan to the Board until the September or October Board meeting. This will allow a greater opportunity for all faculty to review and provide input.

President Glasser announced that EKU has several radio and television spots currently airing in an effort to increase enrollment. Funds for the advertising were provided by the Foundation.

President Glasser thanked everyone for their cooperation, patience and understanding during the recent power outage on campus. She expressed her deep appreciation to the facility service staff who worked 72 hours straight to restore power. In addition, the President indicated that there is a great need to do some systemic repair work on our infrastructure and facilities in order to maintain the level of quality expected.

This coming Thursday, President Glasser will be in Frankfort to show support for the Governor's proposed 2002-2004 budget at the Senate Appropriations Committee meeting.

The Alcohol Task Force report has been received and as soon as the President has an opportunity to review it, the information will be shared with the EKU community.

The President stands firm in her resolve to find a way to issue at least a modest salary increase this year for faculty and staff.

The President reiterated her strong commitment to shared governance and encouraged faculty to share with her their ideas, thoughts and vision for the university.


Senator Schlomann reported that the committee met on February 11, 2002 to prepare today's agenda. At the meeting Senator Falkenberg announced that she would be unable to attend the March Senate meeting. It was the consensus of the Executive Committee to postpone discussion on the plus/minus grading motion until the April meeting so that Senator Falkenberg could be present. This was conveyed to the Senators in an e-mail prior to the meeting. This decision was shared with the Student Government who concurred.

The Executive Committee discussed a process for the Senate to review the President on a regular basis. A motion related to this will be presented at a later meeting.

The Committee briefly discussed questions and concerns that have risen concerning the structure of the Senate and its relationship to the University structure. Senator Schlomann has requested the Rules Committee to review the Senate structure and its relationship to the Faculty-at-Large. In addition, the Rules Committee has been requested to look at inconsistencies, gaps, and overlaps that may exist and to make recommendations for addressing structural problems.

Senator Schlomann recently received a progress report from the University Athletics Committee regarding the review of athletics which the Senate previously requested. The packet of information (The research questions, plans for addressing those questions and the Knight Foundation Commission's Recommended Standards for Intercollegiate Athletics Programs) has been distributed to the Senators via e-mail. In the cover letter, the committee welcomes suggestions, questions and comments concerning the proposed plan. The Committee also expressed some concerns regarding their completion of the study by April's meeting. Senator Schlomann informed the Committee that the present materials would be very acceptable as an progress report, with a final report in the fall and expressed appreciation for the good work they were doing.

Senator Schlomann encouraged the Senators to have their departments review and comment on the Strategic Planning draft which was recently distributed.

Senator Schlomann announced that the Alcohol Task Force has a draft of their proposal posted on the web and that they would welcome faculty feedback.

Senator Schlomann reminded the Senators that in order to facilitate, process and insure that everyone has an opportunity to be heard when discussing motions, a member may speak only twice to the same motion, and may speak a second time only after others have had the opportunity to do so.


Senator Marsden encouraged faculty, staff and students to participate in as many of the Inaugural activities as possible and reminded everyone that the actual Inauguration of President Joanne Glasser will be on Friday, March 8 at 3:30 p.m.

Senator Marsden reported that there were a total of 57 applications for promotion and tenure (30 for tenure and 27 for promotion). There were 29 out of 30 applications approved for tenure and 25 out of 27 applications approved for promotion. Upon appeal, one additional application was approved for promotion. The results have been forwarded to President Glasser for her consideration and that of the Board.

Senator Marsden announced that all contract employees recently received a communication from Gary Barksdale, Director of Human Resources, regarding payroll cycle changes effective July 1, 2002. Anyone with questions on this matter should contact Human Resources.

Senator Marsden announced that the 2002 Summer School schedule is now available on the web. Printed copies will be available around March 15.

Senator Marsden and President Glasser have received copies of the final report of the Online Curriculum Task Force and as soon as they have an opportunity to review it, copies will be made available to the EKU community.


Mr. Bertram announced the motion to reorganize the SGA to bring the services of the Residence Hall Association, the University's Centerboard, the First Weekend Committee, and the two branches of SGA under one umbrella in order to perform more efficiently and effectively.

A new motion is being considered in the Student Senate to begin live broadcasting of the student radio station, WXII, on campus.

SGA members recently participated in an open dialogue with the General Education Committee to learn more about the general education curriculum being proposed.

The Academic Affairs Committee has been looking at the quality of advising and the evaluation of such advising and they are currently developing recommendations.

The SGA community service project will be a reforestation project in a strip mining area in Eastern Kentucky. Students, faculty and the rest of the University community will be receiving information about it and are encouraged to participate.

There will be a student reception as part of the Inaugural activities for the President in the new Powell center on Wednesday at 3:30 p.m. Mr. Bertram extended an invitation to the Senators to attend.

Mr. Bertram indicated SGA's approval for Senator Falkenberg's motion on plus/minus grading and expressed their appreciation for having a voice in the process. SGA will host a dialogue on the plus/minus grading issue on Monday, April 1 at 3:00 p.m. in Walnut Hall prior to the Senate meeting at 3:30 p.m. Students, faculty and senate members are welcome to attend.


Rules Committee. Senator Yoder announced that the Rules Committee was contacted to consider a discrepancy in the third criteria listed for Faculty Regent in the internal procedures book which suggests that faculty who are directors of Centers would not be eligible to be Regent. This criteria is not listed in the Faculty Handbook. As the intent of the rule is to insure that the Faculty Regent be a teaching member, the Rules Committee proposes to temporarily disregard criteria three and to emphasize that the teaching work load of nominees be at least 50% of total work load (as defined in the Handbook). The committee will work on an amended version of the internal procedures for the future. Senator Flanagan moved to approve the proposed interpretation, second by Senator Yoder. The Senate agreed to the Rules Committee's interpretation.

Elections Committee. Senator C. Everett announced the names of the four candidates for Faculty Regent: Bob Barton, Sports Science; Richard Crosby, Music; and Malcolm Frisby, Earth Sciences; Pam Schlomann, Nursing.

Senator C. Everett indicated that ballots for the election should be available after Spring break.


Ad Hoc Committee on Lecturers/Part-Time Lecturers. The following motion was moved by C. Everett and seconded by Senator Fisher, and approved for discussion by the Senate at the February 4 meeting. Deliberations on the motion were postponed until the March meeting.

EKU should introduce a non tenured, renewable (indefinitely) rank with the following conditions/guidelines:
  1. This rank will not be considered tenurable regardless of years re-hired into rank.
  2. Non tenured renewable faculty should constitute no more than 15% of the total instruction within the institution and should be no more than 25% of the total instruction within any given department.
  3. The faculty member hired into the non tenured, renewable (indefinitely) rank would be hired into a fixed 9 month term with limitless renewals.
  4. Credential requirements could be less than those for tenure track faculty (MA/MS required, plus any additional credentials as required by individual departments).
  5. All appointments in the non tenured, renewable (indefinitely) rank should have a description of the specific professional duties required in the position.
  6. The performance of faculty members on non tenured, renewable (indefinitely) tracks should be regularly evaluated by the respective department with established criteria appropriate to their positions.
  7. Faculty in the non tenured, renewable (indefinitely) rank should be eligible for merit pay based on the specified duties of the position.
  8. Compensation for non tenured, renewable (indefinitely) rank faculty should include such essential fringe benefits as health insurance, life insurance and retirement contributions.
  9. Faculty in non tenured, renewable (indefinitely) rank who have been employed consecutively for 3 or more terms should receive at least a full term's notice of non-reappointment.
  10. Departments with faculty in non tenured, renewable (indefinitely) rank must pride the conditions necessary to perform the assigned duties in a professional manner, including such things as appropriate office space, necessary supplies, support services and equipment.
  11. Faculty in non tenured, renewable (indefinitely) rank should be included in the departmental and institutional structures of faculty governance.
  12. Faculty in non tenured, renewable (indefinitely) rank may be eligible for advising.
  13. Faculty in the non tenured, renewable (indefinitely) rank should be permitted to count some portion of their years in the non tenured position toward tenure when and if the faculty member applies for a full-time tenure track position.

After extensive discussion within the Senate, Senator Hart moved (seconded by Senator O'Connor) to send the report back to the committee to address concerns voiced by the Senate. The Senate was in support of the motion.

Ad Hoc Committee on Compensation & Benefits. At the February meeting, Senator Johnson moved approval of the motion below, seconded by Senator Miranda. The motion was approved by the Senate and discussions postponed until the March meeting.

Whereas: Higher Education is faced with increased pressure to be financially viable at a time when recessionary influences require creative solutions, and
Whereas: The current system of a 50/50 division of across the board/merit salary increases exacerbates faculty equity issues by not maintaining current base pay at market rates as reported by CUPA's National Faculty Salary Survey, and
Whereas: The merit increase system has been influenced by the University's ability to pay and as budget dollars become tighter the traditional merit reward system will undergo a thorough review,
We Move: The Faculty Senate of Eastern Kentucky University adopt these recommendations as a short-term approach to faculty compensation for a period of two years, 2002-2004.
  1. The University shall replace the current 50/50 division of the across the board/merit pay system with a general increase Cost of Living Allowance based on the National Consumer Price Index. Any remaining funds allocated for salary increases should then be used to address merit pay.
  2. The University shall provide a pool of money each year to address salary equity issues based on CUPA data.

After much discussion, the above motion was approved as written by the Senate.

B.S. Degree in Leadership: In the previous meeting Senator Marsden moved approval for a new BS Degree in Leadership, seconded by Senator Reynolds. Senator Fisher moved to postpone the vote on this motion until the March meeting so that a representative from Military Science could be present. Upon further discussion, Senator Rainey moved to send the proposal back to Military Science to consider a different title for the program. The Senate was in agreement to send the proposal back to the department.


Suspension of Rules: Senator Flanagan moved to suspend the rules regarding the time limit for the Senate meeting in order to discuss one additional curriculum item. The Senate was in agreement to temporarily suspend the rules.

Academic Affairs Curriculum Items. Senator Marsden moved approval to create a new program entitled Athletic Training in the College of Health Sciences, seconded by Senator Reynolds. The motion was approved by the Senate.

The remaining two items for CAA (program revision in Technical Agriculture and a new M.S. In Correctional/Juvenile Justice Studies) were postponed until the April meeting.


Senator Marsden moved to adjourn at 5:35 p.m.

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