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Minutes for October 1, 2001

The Faculty Senate of Eastern Kentucky University met on Monday, October 1, 2001 in the South Room of the Keen Johnson Building. Senator Schlomann called the second meeting of the academic year to order at 3:30 p.m.

The following members of the Senate were absent:

S. Black K. Breeden L. Collins*
R. Eisenberg M. Hodge D. Jones
S. Konkel* M. Miranda F. O'Connor*

*denotes prior notification of absence to the Faculty Senate Secretary

Visitors to the Senate were: Gary Barksdale, Human Resources; Nick Bertram, Student Senate; Richard Freed, English; Karen Janssen, Special Education; Jessica Leake, Eastern Progress; and Elizabeth Wachtel, Academic Affairs


The September 10, 2001 minutes were approved as written.


Dr. Hughes indicated that he has appointed the members of the Alcohol Task Force and that committee will meet in the next couple of weeks.

Dr. Hughes stated that most of the members on the Centennial Committee have been appointed.

Dr. Hughes has asked Doug Whitlock to develop a formal organization of retirees for faculty and staff.

Dr. Hughes announced that the liquor license for Arlington was approved and alcohol sales began on the golf course today and will begin in the dining area tomorrow.

Dr. Hughes thanked the Faculty Senate and the campus community for their support during his service at Eastern.


Senator Schlomann reported that the committee met on September 17 and reviewed the faculty workload recommendations; a motion will be presented later in this meeting.

Senator Schlomann indicated that Dr. Bankole Thompson presented a new application process to receive University monies for research. The committee commended the University Research Committee for their excellent work, made a few suggestions, and encouraged the University Research Committee to get further input from faculty before presenting the new process to the Faculty Senate.

Senator Schlomann sent an e-mail to all faculty, reminding them that the Senate's web page is the primary mechanism for informing faculty of the Senate's proceedings. Other memos will be sent to faculty as needed.

Senator Schlomann reminded the standing committees that they need to meet, elect a chair, and notify her of the selections as soon as possible.


Dr. Freed reported that COSFL met on September 22, 2001.

A motion was passed expressing concern about the search process, including minimal opportunity for meaningful involvement of faculty in the process, for the president at Murray State University.


Mr. Bertram reminded the Senators that the Blood Drive begins on campus on October 2 & 3.

Mr. Bertram announced that in an effort to get more faculty and staff involved in the Homecoming festivities, there would be a door decorating contest with the theme "there's no place like home."

Mr. Bertram mentioned that the plus/minus grading system is still being discussed by the Student Senate, and an opinion report will be coming to the Faculty Senate in the near future.

Mr. Bertram stated that there is a need to include diversity training as part of the new faculty/staff orientation. The Student Senate will be trying to move this forward and implement it soon.

Mr. Bertram announced that the Student Success Council met recently on the Ethnic Studies minor. Dr. Aaron Thompson is chairing this and will help identify the curriculum necessary to complete the minor.


Ad Hoc Committee on Compensation & Benefits: Senator Johnson made a motion that the Faculty Senate adopt the proposed plan from the Compensation & Benefits Committee in lieu of the salary equity motion that was passed at the April 2001 meeting. The proposal reads as follows: "The Faculty Senate recommends that individual faculty salaries for 2001 - 2002 be brought up to a minimum of 80% of the average salary (based on discipline and rank) as defined by the 2000-2001 CUPA (College and University Professional Association for Human Resources) National Faculty Salary Survey of our benchmark institutions." The motion was seconded by Senator Flanagan. The motion was approved by the Senate.


Foundation Professor Process Proposal. Senator Harley made a motion to table discussion indefinitely, seconded by Senator Flanagan. Motion to table indefinitely was passed by the Faculty Senate. After refinement of the policy, the Committee will bring it back to the Senate floor for action.

Faculty Workload Recommendations. Senator Schlomann reminded the Senate that last spring the Ad Hoc Committee on Faculty Workload presented an excellent report with four recommendations. The recommendations were never acted upon. Senator Banks moved to adopt the faculty workload recommendations, seconded by Senator Siegel.

Senator Yoder made a motion to amend #4 to: "Recommend that the policy regarding advising be examined." The Senate approved the amendment.

The main motion, in its amended state, was adopted by the Faculty Senate.

University Research Committee Motion. At the request of the University Research Committee, Senator Falkenberg moved to postpone discussion indefinitely, seconded by Senator Fisher. The Senate approved to postpone discussion indefinitely.


Report from the Provost: Senator Marsden passed out a tentative list of proposed academic priorities for 2001-2002. Senator Marsden is meeting with the colleges to discuss and refine the priorities. It will be posted on the Web after it is finalized and prioritized.

Senator Marsden also gave the Senators a copy of an executive summary of the Key Indicators of Progress toward Postsecondary Reform of Enrollment and Retention.

Intercollegiate Athletics Motion. Senator Fister made a motion for the Faculty Senate Executive Committee to form an Ad Hoc Committee to examine the role of intercollegiate athletics at Eastern Kentucky University and to what extent funds used for intercollegiate athletics impacts the quality of academic programs at EKU. The committee should report its findings and recommendations to the Senate no later than February. Senator Rainey seconded the motion. Senator Schlomann postponed discussion on the motion until the November 5 meeting.


Senator Schlomann reminded the Senate that newly elected President Glasser will meet in Walnut Hall with Senators and guests from 2:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. on November 5 before the regularly scheduled meeting.


Senator Marsden moved to adjourn at approximately 4:50 p.m.

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