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Minutes for December 3, 2001

The Faculty Senate of Eastern Kentucky University met on Monday, December 3, 2001 in the South Room of the Keen Johnson Building. Senator Schlomann called the fourth meeting of the academic year to order at 3:30 p.m.

The following members of the Senate were absent:

E. Fenton* J. Harley M. Hodge
D. Jackson N. McKenney*  

*denotes prior notification of absence to the Faculty Senate Secretary

Visitors to the Senate were: Nick Bertram, Student Government; Jim Clark, Government Relations; Rita Davis, Student Affairs; Skip Daugherty, Alumni Relations; Karen Janssen, COSFL; Ken Johnston, Finance; Erin Michalik, Academic Affairs Committee; Shirley O'Brien, Graduate Council; Jennifer Rogers, Eastern Progress; Chip Smith, Athletics; Vern Snyder, Advancement; Aaron Thompson, Enrollment Management; Elizabeth Wachtel, Academic Affairs; and Doug Whitlock, Administrative Affairs


The November 5, 2001 minutes were approved with the following correction:

(page 1, second paragraph in the President's report) President Glasser reiterated her interest in shared governance according to the AAUP Redbook guidelines and expressed her support for faculty input on issues that affect the University and faculty lives in general.


President Glasser has suggested that the Administrative Council of the Vice Presidents attend the Faculty Senate meetings in the future.

President Glasser stated that the Council on Postsecondary Education has given their budget recommendations for the next two years to the Governor. In summary, Dr. Davies has recommended a 4% operating budget increase for each year for the next two years, and on the capital side recommended approval for only one renovation project, the renovation to the Maddox/Donovan Annex for the Education Center, which is an estimated $11.6 million renovation cost. These recommendations will probably not be funded in total and there will probably be significant realities that will need to be confronted when the Governor actually makes his recommendations. More will be known on January 22, when the Governor makes his official recommendations. The Governor has up until this point held Education harmless from severe budget cuts.

State Budget Director, Jim Ramsey, was on campus recently and all of the deans, chairs and Faculty Senate leaders were invited to listen to him give a briefing on the state of the economy. He stated that thus far Education at all levels had been held harmless from severe budget cuts that the Governor has been forced to make. However, the Governor is now receiving increased political pressure to cut Education in the next round of cuts that will be made in the next coming weeks. (Nick Bertram, on behalf of the student government, and Mr. Rice, on behalf of the Board of Regents, have sent letters thanking the Governor for his continued support of higher education and asking for his continued support and consideration in the future.) Dr. Ramsey also talked about the financial uncertainty due to reduced revenues in the state, indicating that it might not be unrealistic to think about a 2% cut. EKU has already set aside 2% prophylactically last year through budget reallocations, and that coupled with the 1% contingency was already set aside, means that there is approximately a 3% leeway in finances with which we may have to deal. Even so, there may have to be some extremely conservative financial decisions made in the future in terms of planning and spending. President Glasser has asked the Vice Presidents to fill only those vacancies considered essential at least for the time being.

President Glasser will hold an open forum for the campus on January 16th, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. This will be an informal setting to keep the campus abreast of issues, to encourage dialog and to get input from faculty on these issues as we move forward in our strategic planning process.

The SAACS conference is coming up this weekend in New Orleans and EKU will be sending a strong team to attend. In addition to President Glasser, the following members are on the SAACS team: Virginia Falkenberg, Michael Marsden, Karen Carey, Gary Kuhnhenn, Pam Schlomann, Merita Thompson and Elizabeth Wachtel. The President indicated that she should be able to share at the February Senate meeting the new guidelines and regulations that will be required for the upcoming reaccreditation visit.

The next Board of Regents meeting is set for January 31 and will be held in Frankfort. There will be a reception afterwards, hosted by EKU, for all of our friends on both the house and the senate side.

The President has visited the Corbin and Danville Centers to see the wonderful work being done there as enrollment continues to grow in those centers and soon she will visit the Manchester site.

President Glasser has asked Institutional Advancement and the Admissions office to look at increased advertising and marketing efforts as a new means to get EKU's message out to prospective students and their families. She reported that both of the fall on-campus spotlights were extremely well attended. In addition, she reported that she recently attended a new students reception in Northern Kentucky, and will soon be attending a reception in Louisville for prospective students and their parents, as well as representatives from all of the colleges.

The President announced that Dr. Rita Davis has agreed to serve as Acting Vice President for Student Affairs, and Dr. Aaron Thompson has agreed to step up to Acting Associate Vice President for Enrollment Management.

Next week President Glasser will be meeting with Dr. Lee Todd, the new President of the University of Kentucky, as part of her outreach to all of the presidents in the state to look at new ways of forming partnerships and collaborations with our institution. She particularly wants to work with Dr. Schumaker from Louisville and Dr. Todd in an effort to integrate some of our mutual interests between the comprehensive and the research institutions that are in close geographic proximity to EKU. Furthermore, she has asked the Provost to work with the deans for suggested areas from their respective colleges in which they would most like to see future proposals for collaboration.

Last week the President attended a SCOPE meeting, which is a committee made up of the Legislature, the Executive Branch, and representatives from higher education in terms of university administration. Toward the end of the meeting, the issue of health insurance came sparking some very interesting and spirited conversation. In the discussion ensued the possibility of all universities participating in a state health insurance plan starting July 1. There are currently two categories- those institutions that are self-insured such as EKU and those institutions that participate in TIWA (which includes University of Louisville, University of Kentucky and Northern Kentucky).

President Glasser shared publicly that she would like the university to maintain the flexibility to stay self-insured. She has sent a letter to all of the presidents that are self-insured and will continue to work with the other presidents to maintain this flexibility in terms of insurance coverage and will keep you up-to-date on how those discussions proceed in the future.

The President wished everyone a happy holiday season and expressed her anticipation of a wonderful new year as part of the EKU family.


Senator Schlomann reported that the committee met on November 19. An agenda was set for today's meeting. The plus/minus grading system was discussed at length. The committee was hesitant to move to abolish a new policy without additional data. The possibility of adding A+ was discussed; again additional data was needed. The Committee will discuss the issue further at the next meeting after attempting to get more information.

Since the last Senate meeting, Senator Schlomann met with Vice President Johnston and the Provost and his staff to work on the salary equity proposal. Progress is being made and Senator Marsden remains hopeful that new contracts will be out prior to the end of this semester.

Senator Schlomann indicated that the Strategic Planning Committee is making progress. The committee is now working on refining drafts and showing linkages between strategic planning and budgeting. President Glasser will be formally launching discussions of the proposed plan in March. In the meantime, if anyone would like to see drafts of the plans, contact a member of the committee including Senators Flanagan, Rink and Schlomann.

Senator Schlomann indicated that she attended the presentation by Dr. James Ramsey, the state budget director. The message was that we need to start creatively thinking of how to continue to provide quality programs with less money. Senator Schlomann asked the Senators to try and set a tone on campus of responding to this challenge so that we can collectively work toward furthering the university.


Dr. Janssen reported that COSFL last met on Saturday, October 1.

Merl Hackbart, from the Consensus Forecasting Group, presented the Economic/Budget Update. He concluded that, for the 2002 funding year, a reduction of 7.4% is forecasted. Because education is between two-thirds and three-fourths of the state's budget and a balanced budget is statutory, the likelihood of no cuts for education appears slim.

Dr. Richard Freed, faculty representative on the Council on Postsecondary Education, offered to visit campuses to meet with faculty leadership and administrators.

The process of selection of Regents and Trustees to university governing boards and the ways in which COSFL might have a role in the process was discussed. Dr. Freed was asked to request a meeting for COSFL with Bill Beam who is the liaison between the Nominating Committee and the Governor. The purpose of the meeting is to learn about the process and offer assistance from COSFL.


Mr. Bertram reported that the extended campus governments are up and running with great results. The chairs of those bodies also serve as senators on the Student Senate.

The 100 yards of food program went very well. 10,000 families were fed; 5 1/2 tons of food were donated.

Mr. Bertram reported that Jodey Corben King was chosen as the student speaker for the December commencement.

Mr. Bertram announced the recipients for this year's Dell Award: Outstanding Service Award - Dave Henemier; Exceptional Classroom Performance Award - J.C. Thompson; Excellent Student Support Award - Dean Barnhart; and Most Outstanding of the Year - Mr. Michael Lewis. These professors were nominated by students in their classes.

Mr. Bertram passed out a final report prepared on the plus/minus grading system.


Ad Hoc Committee on Compensation & Benefits. The committee will present a motion later in this meeting to create a standing committee for Faculty Welfare.

The committee is planning open forums next semester for all faculty to have the opportunity to voice their opinions on the present and possible future merit pay policies and on the possibility of the future salary equity policies.

Committee on Rules. Senator Yoder reported that the Rules Committee met October 31 at 3:30 p.m. Discussion began on the possible creation of a new standing committee and the committee's comments were forwarded to the Ad Hoc Committee on Compensation and Benefits.

Senator Yoder indicated that the committee is reviewing the Faculty Senate rules and internal procedures to make sure all approved changes have been made.


Intercollegiate Athletics Motion. The following motion was approved for discussion at the November 5 meeting and postponed until today.

  1. To create an Ad Hoc Committee to be appointed by the Executive Committee to:
    1. Examine the role of intercollegiate athletics at Eastern Kentucky University;
    2. Determine the relationship between intercollegiate athletics and academics at EKU; and
  2. The committee should report its finding and a recommendation back to the Senate no later than February, 2002.

As requested, Senator Collins met with Janna Vice, chair of the Athletics Committee and Athletics Director Chip Smith for a briefing on the history of the Athletics Committee. The Athletic Committee's scope and charge does include most of the things discussed by the Senate. The only issue the committee hasn't dealt with in recent times is personnel matters. The committee includes four faculty members. Dr. Vice indicated that the committee would be willing to assist the Senate with a study of Athletics..

The motion to create a new ad hoc committee on Intercollegiate Athletics was defeated by the Senate.


New motion on Intercollegiate Athletics. Senator Rainey made the following motion, seconded by Senator Reed:

Whereas, the Faculty Senate has a primary concern to enhance the quality of academic programs and to further the overall mission of the University;
Whereas, the contribution of Athletics to the University is acknowledged and supported;
Whereas, the role and financing of Athletics in universities appear to be in a period of flux, as evidenced by comments by Gordon Davies, president of the Council of Postsecondary Education for Kentucky, who has expressed concern about state general fund revenues and student tuition being used to support intercollegiate athletics and further evidenced by the action of many Faculty Senates to review the role of athletics;
Whereas, Eastern's Athletic Department has experienced major restructuring both within itself and with its relationship with the larger University structure;
Whereas, the University Athletics Committee, which has broad representation and is mandated by the NCAA for the oversight of athletics have done studies in the past which consider the role of athletics at EKU and is willing to work with the Faculty Senate to do a study now;
Be it moved that the Faculty Senate request the University Athletics Committee to conduct a study of the role of athletics at Eastern Kentucky University. This study would include, but not be limited to:
  1. Exploring and defining the appropriate role of athletics at comprehensive regional universities.
  2. Comparing Athletics at EKU to this, including, but not limited to
    1. Review of trends of revenue/expenditures
    2. Exploration of value added and contribution of Athletics to the mission of the University
    3. Exploration of the impact of organizationally removing intercollegiate athletics from an academic unit on furthering Athletics' ability to contribute to the overall mission of the University
  3. Making recommendations, as appropriate, and report to the Faculty Senate by its April Meeting.
In conducting this study, the Committee is further requested to compare Athletics at EKU to other Kentucky regional, comprehensive universities, OVC schools, and its benchmarks.

Senator Schlomann indicated that this is a new motion and either discussion needs to be postponed until the next meeting or a motion made to suspend the rules. Senator Dunston moved to suspend the rules and approve the motion today, seconded by Senator Johnson. The motion to suspend the rules and proceed on the new motion was approved by the Senate.

Senator Siegel made a motion to amend #3 to change the report time from the April to May, seconded by Senator Spears. The motion was defeated.

Senator Kristofik made a motion to change the following statement from:

"Be it moved that the Faculty Senate request the University Athletics Committee to conduct a study of the role of athletics at Eastern Kentucky University. This study would include, but not be limited to:"
"Be it moved that the Faculty Senate request the University Athletics Committee to conduct a study of the role of athletics at Eastern Kentucky University. This study might include, but not be limited to:"

The motion was defeated.

The original motion was approved by the Senate.

Motion to Create a Faculty Welfare Standing Committee. Senator Johnson made a motion to approve the following proposal, seconded by Senator Miranda.

Over the past 4-6 months it has become evident to the Faculty Senate Ad Hoc Compensation and Benefits Committee that the issues of salary equity/compression, merit pay, and faculty benefits are issues that cannot be definitively settled in a short period of time, and that the issues will be fluid as changes in the economy of the Commonwealth and the budgets of our University fluctuate. It is our belief that the faculty should be represented throughout these processes and decisions. I therefore move that the Ad Hoc Compensation and Benefits committee be made a standing committee of this Faculty Senate as the Committee for Faculty Welfare as outlined by the following:
  1. The Committee for Faculty Welfare shall consist of five members elected by the Senate from its elected members. Committee membership shall be for the duration of the elected senator's current term. The Director of Human Resources shall serve as a non-voting member of the committee.
  2. The committee shall elect a chair annually from among its membership.
  3. The Committee for Faculty Welfare shall review and make recommendations to the Senate on matters including, but not limited to, merit/pay policies, faculty salary inequities, health insurance benefits, market salary issues/compression, as well as other university benefit policies.
  4. The purpose of the Committee for Faculty Welfare shall be to provide a channel of communication between the Faculty Senate and the Administration on matters relating to faculty compensation and benefits.
  5. The Committee shall be available as an advisory agency to the President of the University and/or the Provost of the University on those matters relating to compensation and benefits for the faculty at large. The Committee shall meet with the President and/or Provost at least once each semester to receive information about faculty compensation and benefits.
  6. The Chair of the Committee shall report to the Senate at least semiannually. After receiving its report, the Senate shall, at its discretion, provide suggestions, reactions, and comments to the Committee for subsequent Committee consideration.

Senator Thompson moved to amend the motion, seconded by Senator Callahan, to combine numbers 3 and 4 to read as follows:

  1. The purpose of the Committee for Faculty Welfare shall be to:
    1. Review and make recommendations to the Senate on matters including, but not limited to, merit/ pay policies, faculty salary inequities, health insurance benefits, market salary issues, compression, as well as other university benefit policies; and
    2. Provide a channel of communication between the Faculty Senate and the Administration on matters relating to faculty compensation and benefits.

The motion to amend was approved by the Senate. The Faculty Senate approved the amended motion to create a new standing Faculty Welfare Committee.

Graduate Council Report. Shirley O'Brien reported that the Council membership is recommended by the Faculty Senate Committee on Committees. The Council consists of two representatives from each college, two student representatives, and the Graduate Dean. Terms are on a staggered three year basis.

The Council has initiated four working subcommittees (Faculty Review, Student Support, Graduate School Promotion, and Program and Policy Review) which are comprised of Graduate Council members and Graduate Faculty from various Colleges.

The Graduate Faculty Review Committee has instituted a twice a year review for nomination for Full Graduate Faculty--September 30 and February 28th.

The Graduate Council has been asked to provide feedback about the plus/minus grading system and its impact on graduate programs. This will be considered at the December meeting.

An Ad Hoc Task Force has been formed to discuss the use of Graduate Assistantships at EKU. The Task Force will be asking for input from the EKU Community in the early spring.

The January Graduate Council meeting will consist of a mini-retreat to identify and validate standards for graduate education at EKU.

Report from the Provost:

Council on Academic Affairs

  • Senator Marsden made a motion to approve the proposal regarding course completion due to absence from classes because of Military Duty, seconded by Senator Johnson. The Senate approved the motion as presented.
  • Senator Marsden also introduced two items as information items only. One was EKU's policy on the admission of home schooled students and the other was the conceptual framework for professional education programs at EKU which has been adopted by the Teacher Education Committee. Senator Fisher mentioned that in Health Sciences there are quite a few professional education programs and therefore it might be more accurate to call it "the Conceptual Framework for Professional Programs in Education", rather than for "Professional Education Programs". Senator Marsden will take that suggestion back to the Teacher Education Committee.

Salary Inequities. Senator Marsden indicated that work continues on the dispersal of the $50,000 allotted this year for salary inequities; revised contracts should be mailed out to those affected before the end of the semester.

Cessation of Prerequisite Checking. Due to some implementation problems, prerequisites will not be checked in Banner at present. Prerequisite checking should be back in place for both the fall and summer sessions.

December Commencement. Senator Marsden reminded everyone that fall commencement will be on Saturday, December 15. College receptions for students, their families and friends, and faculty and staff will be held from 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. in Keen Johnson.

Teaching and Learning Center Report. Senator Marsden passed out an ending semester report for the Teaching and Learning Center.

President's Inauguration. Senator Marsden indicated that President Glasser's official inauguration will be on March 8 at 3:00 p.m. If anyone has suggestions for a theme for the occasion, please e-mail those suggestions to Dr. Marsden.


Internal Procedures books have been distributed. Anyone who may still need a copy should pick one up immediately following the meeting. This will probably be the last printing. The procedures will be available online in the near future.


Senator Marsden moved to adjourn at 5:05 p.m.

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