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Minutes for September 10, 2001

The Faculty Senate of Eastern Kentucky University met on Monday, September 10, 2001 in the South Room of the Keen Johnson Building. Senator Schlomann called the first meeting of the academic year to order at 3:30 p.m.

The following members of the Senate were absent:

L. Collins* P. Elrod M. Hodge
S. Long E. Rini R. Rink
D. Jackson* J. Stephens*  

*denotes prior notification of absence to the Faculty Senate Secretary

Visitors to the Senate were: Joanne Glasser, President Elect; Teresa Belluscio; Kacey Coleman; Ken Johnston; Elizabeth Wachtel; Nick Bertram, Student; and Erin Michalik, Student


The April 30, 2001 minutes were approved with the following correction. On page 3 under the Faculty Regent report, the eighth paragraph down should read as follows: "The University budget was approved for the coming year. The budget approved listed monies to address salary inequities, including $150,000 for classified staff, none for contract staff, and $50,000 for faculty, with additional monies requested through CPE pending." The minutes were approved with the noted correction.

The April 30, 2001 organizational minutes were approved as written.


Senator Schlomann announced that President Elect Joanne Glasser will meet informally with the Faculty Senate members and guests from 2:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. on October 1 in Walnut Hall before the scheduled 3:30 p.m. Faculty Senate meeting.

Senator Schlomann mentioned that she and President Hughes would like to invite the senators to the fall Faculty Senate dinner at the Mule Barn at Arlington on Friday, September 14 at 6:00 p.m. This year the members of the Board of Regents have also been included in the invitations.


Senator Hughes welcomed the Senators back. He also welcomed President Elect Glasser and indicated that the two of them are working closely together during the interim period.
Senator Hughes announced that Eastern has been approved for an on-line master's degree in Loss Prevention and Safety.

Senator Hughes reported that he will be making a recommendation to the Board of Regents at its October meeting to modify the order of capital priorities previously submitted. The modifications will be to move the new Business and Technology building to the number one priority and the Student Wellness Center to the number two priority.

Senator Hughes requested the Senate to forward two names of individuals to appoint to the new alcohol task force and to the new centennial committee as soon as possible.


The Executive Committee met for a called meeting on June 26 and met again on August 27 for a regularly scheduled meeting. At the June 26 meeting, The Executive Committee appointed the newly formed Ad Hoc Committee on Compensation and Benefits to develop a long range plan to correct salary inequities. The rest of the meeting focused primarily on a budget report presented by Ken Johnston which would later be presented to the Board of Regents. That report summarized the current status at that time and also projected estimates of the budget.

The second meeting was a regularly scheduled meeting on August 27. The September 10 Faculty Senate agenda was the primary discussion at this meeting.


Senator Thompson indicated that the Board is unanimous in expressing pleasure in its choice of Dr. Eugene Hughes as Interim President. They seek his advice both individually and collectively and they have spoken often of appreciating his wisdom and his encouragement and his sense of humor.

The Board was very pleased with the response of faculty and staff at the forums held with candidates for president. In spite of the fact that the forums were held during the first week of classes, many people did participate and fill out the evaluations.

REPORT FROM COSFL: Senator Falkenberg

The first COSFL meeting for the 2001-2002 year will be in Louisville on Saturday, September 22. All of the faculty representative bodies of the COSFL membership have now endorsed the COSFL statement on shared governance that the Senate endorsed last spring.

Senator Falkenberg indicated for the new Senate members that COSFL stands for the Coalition of Senate and Faculty Leadership.


Mr. Bertram thanked the Senate members for the opportunity to attend the meetings and he issued a standing invitation to the Senate chair to attend any of the Student Senate meetings.
Mr. Bertram introduced Erin Michalik as Chair of the Student Senate.

Organizational funding was a priority last year, and is a priority this year. The Student Senate has $60,000 that they will be sending out to other student organizations. Mr. Bertram indicated that the budgeting process starts in the next couple of days when he and the student organizations' presidents meet.

The Student Senate has passed an alcohol policy. Mr. Bertram indicated it is important for the University community to have a consistent alcohol policy. The new policy is one that sets very clear standards and expectations and most importantly has a very clear educational component. The policy will be directed to the new alcohol task force that Dr. Hughes is in the process of creating. Mr. Bertram expressed his belief that there should be a universal policy that treats students, staff, faculty, administrators, alumni and visitors fairly.

Mr. Bertram reported that the Student Senate is still discussing some concerns regarding the newly adopted plus/minus grading system.


University Research Committee Motion: Senator Schlomann stated that this was a motion that was brought to the floor at the April 30 meeting and was postponed until the September meeting for action. As a representative from the Committee was not able to be present today, the Senate members were in agreement to postpone until the October 1 meeting.



  • Faculty Rights and Responsibilities. Need to elect one member. Senator Callahan was nominated, nominations were closed by acclamation and the Senate members voted in favor of her nomination.
  • Committee on Committees. Need to elect one member. Senator Polmanteer was nominated, nominations were closed by acclamation and the Senate members voted in favor of her nomination.
  • Budget Committee. Need to elect one member. Senator Kristofik and Senator Rainey were nominated. By ballot vote, Senator Rainey was elected to serve on the Budget Committee.

Provost Report: Senator Marsden

  • Senator Marsden announced that there are two assessment workshops scheduled for 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. on September 12 and 13 in the East Room of the Keen Johnson building. Faculty can attend the morning of one and the afternoon of the other, in order to work it into their schedules.
  • Senator Marsden reminded the Senate members that he and Senator Schlomann will be sending out a joint memo shortly regarding the new mid-term grades policy.
  • Senator Marsden indicated that he, Senator Schlomann and President Hughes are currently working on a policy which will live up to the intent of a faculty senate motion approved last spring with regard to the market adjustment funds ($50,000) which were set aside in the budget for faculty salary adjustments. He indicated that it should be possible to come up with a policy that stays true to the motion passed and yet will still be consistent with the long term salary adjustment policy which should be instituted later this year.

Sick Leave Policy. Senator Marsden indicated that this was brought back to the Senate from the Board of Regents for input from the Senate. Ken Johnston was present to explain the proposed changes to the Senate members. The new policy basically would state in writing that the university has the option to request a second doctor’s opinion, at the University’s expense, for anyone requesting an extended period of sick time. At the Senate’s recommendation, the sick leave policy will be modified and brought back to the Senate again before action is considered.

Council on Academic Affairs Materials.

  1. Writing Proficiency and UWR Proposal. Senator Marsden moved approval of the proposal, seconded by Senator Harley. The motion was approved by the Faculty Senate.
    1. After a student takes the UWR three times and fails to meet the minimum pass score then he or she must take ENG 099 (this should not add more than one section per semester.
    2. Expand the Writing Center to accommodate those that would be recommended based on previous taking of the UWR and not meeting a minimum requirement pass score after the first taking (should not require more than one extra GA). Money to cover the expense would be provided by Trust Funds for Enrollment and Retention.
  2. Senator Marsden moved approval of a new B.S. major and minor in Earth Science (Teaching) and a new BS major and minor in Physics (Teaching), seconded by Senator Siegel. The motion was approved by the Faculty Senate.
  3. Senator Marsden moved approval of a new certificate program in Real Estate, seconded by Senator Harley. The motion was approved by the Faculty Senate.
  4. Senator Marsden moved approval to suspend the Specialist in Education Degree with a focus in Student Personnel Services in Higher Education, seconded by Senator Slater. The motion was approved by the Faculty Senate.

Foundation Professor Process Proposal. Senator Marsden introduced the proposal to modify the procedures for selecting Foundation Professors. Senator Harley indicated that the reason for the requested change is to make the process simpler in an effort to encourage more faculty to apply. Senator Harley moved approval of the motion, seconded by Senator Miranda. Senator Schlomann indicated that as this is a substantial motion, action on the motion will be moved to the October 1 meeting.

Senator Schlomann did indicate that under item 3, there should be a comma after the word department. A corrected version of the proposal will be available on the web prior to the next meeting.

Adding Disability Statement to Course Syllabi. Senator Marsden indicated that the disability statement should be listed on course syllabi. Teresa Belluscio, from the Office of Individuals with Disabilities, and Kacey Coleman, the University attorney, were present to answer questions concerning the disability statement; and Ms. Coleman indicated the importance of including the statement in the course syllabi as a means of protection for the instructor.


Senator Marsden moved to adjourn at approximately 5:10 p.m.

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