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Minutes for May 2, 2005

The Faculty Senate of Eastern Kentucky University met on Monday, May 2, 2005 in the South Room of the Keen Johnson Building. Senator Siegel called the ninth meeting of the academic year to order at 3:30 p.m.

The following members of the Senate were absent:

S. Black D. Carter* F. Deters*^
C. Everett*^ S. Fister* F. Jackson
B. Janeway*^ L. Kelley* M. Marchant
N. Coyer* M. McNew L. Patterson
M. Pierce S. Shasby*^ S. Wilson

*denotes prior notification of absence to the Faculty Senate Secretary
^ Michael Martin attended in place of F. Deters
^ Michelle Gerkin attended in place of C. Everett
^ Jaleh Rezaie attended in place of B. Janeway
^ Anne Blakeney attended in place of S. Shasby

Visitors to the Senate were: Anne Blakeney, Occupational Therapy; Jim Conneely, Student Affairs; Steven Fulkerson, ITDS; Mona Isaacs, ITDS; Kenna Middleton, Housing; Rob Milde, English; Kyle Moon, SGA; Deborah Newsom, Financial Affairs; Shane Redmond, Math; Ed Riley, ITDS; Guenter Schuster, Biology; Mike Sheliga, Technology; Aaron Thompson, Enrollment Management; Virginia Underwood, Chief of Staff; Elizabeth Wachtel, Academic Affairs; Elaine Waters, Baccalaureate Nursing; June Whitler; and Marc Whitt, Public Relations and Marketing


The April 4, 2005 minutes were approved as written.


Senator Glasser shared her top ten list of major accomplishments for the University for the past year:

  1. Enhancing our learning environment
    1. Completion of Corbin Center and the Fitness and Wellness Center
    2. Construction underway for Phase I of the new Business & Technology Center
    3. Approved new funding in the amount of $32.9 million for Phase III of the Business & Technology Center
    4. Approved new funding of $5 million dollars in planning money for a new science facility
    5. Approved new funding of $9 million for New Manchester Center
  2. Focusing resources to address critical needs
    1. 3.5% salary increases for faculty and staff and an increase in funding to address salary equity issues
    2. Enhancing faculty professional development funds
    3. Increased funding for need-based aid
    4. Adding monies to the contingency fund
    5. Increased funding for deferred maintenance
  3. Increased successful sponsored research and grant funding
    1. College of Justice & Safety received more than $ million in grants for US department of homeland security
    2. $2 million grants to College of Health Sciences to help meet mental health needs of rural eastern Kentucky
    3. A $25,000 gift from the US Rider Equestrian plan which was matched by the Commonwealth for large animal rescue
    4. Addition of a new Associate Vice President for Research and Dean of Graduate Education
  4. Encouraging a community of open discussion and civil debate
    1. Free speech forum
    2. Reopening of the Faculty Club, with monthly coffee chats to discuss areas of interest, concerns and to share information
    3. Student forum with Vice President of Financial Affairs, Provost and President Glasser to discuss areas of interest and concerns to students
    4. Implemented EKUToday to replace mass e-mails
    5. Opening convocation in fall and spring
    6. Conversation with president and presentation by Vice President Debbie Newsom following April 11 Board meeting to share the Budget Planning Process for Fiscal Year 2005-06 and other updates
  5. Enhancing our distinguished academic programming
    1. Accreditation of the Forensic Science Program and School Counseling and Mental Health Counseling Programs
    2. Expanding the Creative Writing program with author Silas House and poet Frank X. Walker
    3. Environmental Health Science program continues to take a national leadership role in attracting more minority students and faculty
    4. Added low-residency Master's Of Fine Arts Degree program in Creative Writing.
    5. Accreditation for the Industrial Technology and Computer Electronic Networking Programs.
  6. Celebrating the numerous successes and accomplishments of our faculty which includes but is not limited to:
    1. English Professor Dr. Young Smith received a National Endowment For The Arts 2005 Literature Fellowship and also a Kentucky Arts Council Individual Artist Fellowship
    2. Progress Adviser Liz Hansen received The Most Valuable Member Award from the Kentucky Press Association
    3. In Occupational Therapy, Dr. Anne Blakeney received the Lindy Boggs Award from the American Occupational Therapy Association.
  7. EKU's first ever comprehensive capital campaign passes $10 million in leadership gifts phase
  8. Celebrating our students' success
    1. 661 students awarded degrees at Summer Commencement 2004; 992 at Fall Commencement 2004; and 1565 to be awarded degrees on May 8, 2005
    2. Medical assisting students achieved 100% pass rate on national certification exam.
    3. Mock trial team came in fifth in prestigious tournament at UCLA
    4. Recognizing our Greek students who totaled 37,000+ hours of community service and raised and donated more than $100,000 for various philanthropies
  9. Continuing progress with the strategic planning process and SACS reaffirmation process
  10. Celebrating the success of our student athletes with NCAA appearances by women and men's basketball teams and women's volleyball team (Most importantly the highest APR ranking for student athletes of any college or university in Kentucky.)


On behalf of the Senate, Senator Siegel thanked President Glasser for keeping the Senate well informed.

The Executive Committee met for the last meeting of the year on April 18.

Senator Siegel recently participated in EKU's annual Honor's Day event and also in the CPE statewide meeting on General Education.

Senator Flanagan reported that the Arlington Board voted to support the proposed renovation plan with the stipulation that no more than $3 million would be borrowed through the Foundation in the issuance of bonds.

Senator A. Jones wished to make clear two points concerning the strategic planning process. First, it is a process, an on-going activity. Second, it is not just an administrative function--it concerns the entire campus community.

Senator Siegel announced that Senator Cooper has been appointed Acting Dean of Libraries.

Senators Robles, Randles and Ware have agreed to continue serving on the Ad Hoc New Senator Orientation Committee.

Senator Siegel thanked Lisa Crowe and the bookstore staff for working so conscientiously to make for a smooth start of the summer session.

Senators Siegel and Smith participated in the Midnight Breakfast. Senator Siegel encouraged faculty to consider participating in this activity in the fall semester.

This past year there were several University committee meeting conflicts with Senate meetings. Senator Glasser has indicated this will be avoided in the future, if possible.

Senator Siegel thanked the Executive Committee for their work throughout the past year and expressed her appreciation to the Parliamentarian and the secretary for their continued support.


Senator Schlomann reported that the Board met on April 11. The most controversial issue discussed was the tuition increase, which the Board approved at a higher percentage than the administration originally proposed. The motion approved had some guidelines that recommended that the additional monies would be used for: 1. salaries (either for new faculty or current faculty salary adjustments); 2. deferred maintenance; 3. the contingency fund; and 4. providing additional funds for need-based scholarships. The other major motion approved was the health insurance plan.

The final budget will be approved by the Board at the June meeting.


COSFL met in Lexington on April 23. Tuition increases were the major topic of conversation. A CPE representative was also in attendance at the meeting.

Senator Ware reported that Richard Freed was thanked for his years of service to COSFL. The following names were submitted to the Governor as nominees for the faculty COSFL representative position: Rick Feldhoff, University of Louisville; Merl Hackbart, University of Kentucky; and Mark Wattier, Murray State.


Senator Chapman reported on several issues the Provost Office has worked on during the past year. The salary equity process has been completed for the year and the monies distributed.

Several vacant positions have now been filled. Dr. Gerald Pogatshnik was hired as Vice President for Research and Dean of the Graduate School. Dr. Aaron Thompson has accepted the position of Associate Vice President for University Programs. The search for a Director of Institutional Research is almost complete and candidates will be brought to campus soon. An interim Assistant Vice President for Enrollment Management will be appointed for one year to allow for a national search. Any individuals interested in the interim position should contact Senator Chapman.

The SACS process and the strategic planning process are moving forward. This summer Senator Chapman will be looking at SACS compliance and cascading the strategic plan down into some actions. In addition, he will be reviewing the University committee structure.

Senator Chapman thanked Senator Siegel, the Executive Committee, the Senate and the President for their support during the past year.


The following three members were recently elected: Amy Jo Smith, Senate Vice President; Lindsay Baker, Student Activities Council Vice President; and Nick Sutherland, Residence Life Council Vice President.

SGA's overall goal for next year is to improve student communications and to create ways for students to get involved in student government. This past year the development began for EKU's PACE, a blackboard site for students which will notify them of legislation going before Frankfort dealing with higher education.

In addition, an SGA Newsletter called ColonelTop is being created and will be circulated to all students. Also in the planning states is a project called Target Vision, which will provide options to inform students about various campus activities through television.


Budget Committee. Senator Eakin thanked the committee for their hard work this past year.

The Budget Committee was charged with looking at the current rationale and structure for summer salaries at Eastern. Benchmark institutions, regional universities, Provosts and other key administrators were contacted for their input. A motion will be presented later in today's meeting.

Rules Committee. Senator Johnson reported that the committee revised the Senate Internal Procedures during the fall semester. Those will be posted online soon and the link will be e-mailed to all Senators. The committee plans to review the Internal Procedures again during the summer.

The committee proposed and the Senate approved a motion changing the Senate Rules governing the number of Senators representing each department of the University. This will need to be presented to the Faculty-at-Large and the Board of Regents for their approval.

The committee spent considerable time deliberating possible changes to the structure and reporting responsibilities of the Council on Academic Affairs. A draft for an undergraduate council and a graduate council revision was presented to the Executive Committee. Additional revisions were suggested and both drafts will be reviewed for feedback by the present Council on Academic Affairs and the existing Graduate Council respectively.

The Committee will be proposing at this meeting a policy concerning attendance and participation of senators on senate committees as well as senate meetings.

Senator Johnson thanked the committee members for their work throughout the year.

Rights & Responsibilities Committee. Senator Kristofik reported that the committee has met with three of the original University committee members that wrote the Promotion and Tenure Recommendations report and now feels the Rights & Responsibilities Committee has a better understanding of the report. Senator Kristofik asked the Senators to again review the Ad Hoc Committee lengthy report in order to prepare for further actions in the fall.

Elections Committee. Senator DeBolt reported that the Elections Committee was charged with making the May elections run more smoothly and efficiently. An online approach is not an option at this time. It was decided that nominations would be taken at the April meeting and pre-printed ballots would be brought to the May meeting.

The Committee also held an online election during the spring semester for the part-time Senate representative. The new part time representative for the next two years will be June Whitler.

Committee on Committees. Senator Vance reported that the Committee on Committees solicited self nominations from the faculty for the standing University committees. Two or more nominations were received for each committee and those names were forwarded to Senator Siegel.

Faculty Welfare Committee. Senator Collins thanked the committee for their work during the past year.

The committee was charged with five issues this year:

  1. The ongoing process of salary equity
  2. What to do when merit is restored. The Senate approved two motions from the Committee on what to do when merit becomes available.
  3. As a part of the University Benefits Committee, we worked to create a University health care plan. A lot of time and effort was put into working out a health care plan, but in the end the plan was not voted on by the members of the Benefits Committee. A plan was subsequently presented to the Board of Regents for the University.
  4. What role do academic coordinators play on campus. The committee surveyed benchmark institutions and solicited input from the deans. Next year the committee hopes to develop a policy to elect individuals to coordinator positions and to allow faculty input in coordinator evaluations.
  5. Stopping the tenure clock. The Benchmark institutions were surveyed and the committee also reviewed recommendations from the current Promotion and Tenure Committee and the Chairs Association. The committee will continue to review this issue next year.


Motion to Discontinue Lecture Positions. (Lectureship materials: report, Att. A; Att. B; Att. C; Att. D)

Senator J. Taylor moved to postpone the discussion until fall to allow the Provost Office an opportunity to come up with an alternative plan, seconded by Senator Hubbard. The Senate were in agreement and the motion passed.


Council on Academic Affairs. Senator Chapman

  1. Health Information Coding Certificate - Suspended

Senator Chapman moved approval, seconded by Senator J. Taylor. The Senate were in agreement and the motion carried.

Motion on Summer Teaching Salaries. Senator Eakin moved approval of the motion listed below on summer teaching salaries, seconded by Senator May. Senator Siegel ruled the motion as substantive and deferred a vote to the September meeting.

Summer School salaries should be adjusted to 10% of the salary for nine month, full time tenure track faculty for each 3 credit hour course. No salary cap should be applied. No more than 3 courses (9 credit hours) can be taught during the entire summer.

Motion on Attendance Policy. Senator Johnson moved approval of the Senate attendance policy motion, seconded by Senator May. Senator Siegel ruled the motion substantive and deferred the vote to the September meeting.

Report on Strategic Planning 2006-2010. Jaleh Rezaie gave a report on the Strategic Plan for 2006-2010, and asked the Senators to share the draft with their departments.

Report from Faculty Club Board of Governors. Senator Robles gave a brief report on the Faculty Club Board of Governors. The Board has met a couple of times to review the club. There will be a faculty club web site next fall and there may also be an online newsletter, an online forum for reserving the faculty club for different functions, and a suggestions box. If you have any ideas for the Faculty Club, please e-mail Senator Robles or one of the other committee members.

Report on ITDS. Mona Isaacs presented a report on ITDS' immediate plans for the future. A three-page summary on upcoming projects was distributed with the Senate attachments. There are a number of new services that will be offered beginning this summer. There will also be an increase in e-mail quota size for everyone. One correction on the handout is that each employee, faculty and staff, will have one gigabyte in personal web space rather than 150 megabytes. The migration to active directory should be completed sometime this summer.

Report on New Student Days. Kenna Middleton presented a report on New Student Days for Fall 2005. She distributed two handouts (green volunteer sheet and a yellow sheet listing available jobs) which are also available from the housing website. Volunteers are needed to help with new students on Thursday, August 18th from 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Report on Parking. Vice President James Conneely gave a brief report on parking. The Parking Transportation proposed master plan is now available on the website. The deadline for comments is May 31. Hard copies of the plan will be available for check out in the deans' offices for those who do not wish to print out the report.


The topic of discussion this week was "Strategies for Making Faculty Advising of Students More Efficient and Effective". Due to time constraints, the discussion was postponed to the September meeting.


Senator Chapman moved to adjourn at approximately 5:20 p.m.

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