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Minutes for November 1, 2004

The Faculty Senate of Eastern Kentucky University met on Monday, November 1, 2004 in the South Room of the Keen Johnson Building. Senator Siegel called the third meeting of the academic year to order at 3:30 p.m.

The following members of the Senate were absent:

P. Black* S. Black J. Carnahan-Jarvis*
L. Collins*^ C. Everett* R. James
N. McKenney* M. McNew L. Patterson
M. Pierce S. Shasby*^ M. Yoder

*denotes prior notification of absence to the Faculty Senate Secretary
^ S. Hunter attended for L. Collins
^ A. Blakeney attended for S. Shasby

Visitors to the Senate were: Jake Bell, Athletics; Jim Conneely, Student Affairs; Norb Elbert, Management/Marketing/Admin. Comm.; Tracy Haney, The Eastern Progress; Karen Janssen, COE-SED; Gary L. Kuhnhenn, Arts & Sciences; Diane Leggett, Family & Consumer Sciences; Lance Melching, SGA; Bart Meyer, Advancement; Deborah Newsom, Financial Affairs; Andy Schoolmaster, Arts & Sciences; Cheryl Stone, CEDET; Aaron Thompson, Enrollment Management; Virginia Underwood, Chief of Staff; Mark Wasicsko, Education; John Wade, Economics; Tom Watkins, Economics; and Marc Whitt, Public Relations and Marketing


Senator Siegel expressed her thanks and appreciation to Senator Glasser for the cookies for today's meeting.


The October 4, 2004 minutes were approved as written.


Senator Glasser thanked the General Education Committee for their hard work, dedication and commitment to the revision of EKU's general education program.

Senator Glasser introduced Dr. Jake Bell, new interim Athletic Director.

The first donor/recipient reception was held Friday evening in Keen Johnson. The reception provided an opportunity for donors with endowed scholarships to meet in person with the recipient of their private funding. Senator Glasser expressed her appreciation to Bart Meyer and his staff for making the arrangements for the reception.

Senator Glasser gave a brief update on the capital campaign. Total gifts and pledges to the capital campaign to date stands at $5,134,318. In addition there are two new verbal pledges totaling $700,000 which qualify for matching funds by the state under the "Bucks for Brains" program. One of these pledges for $500,000 is being earmarked for faculty professional development. The other pledge will be shared between two areas: $175,000 is earmarked for the honors program, and $25,000 will fund a new initiative in the library called "The Studio Program".

This morning the Provost, President Glasser, Debbie Newsom, James Street, and Virginia Underwood met with representatives from the Council on Postsecondary Education to discuss the criteria to be used in preparation for new base funding models for all Kentucky public universities. More information will be provided when specifics become available.

The parking consultant will be forwarding a report along with recommendations to Senator Glasser for her review in the near future.

Senator Glasser expressed her appreciation to Cheryl Stone and the committee members for their excellent work on updating the campus Intellectual properties policy.

Senator Glasser noted several recent faculty highlights:

  1. Jean Kalscheur has been named Occupational Therapist of the Year by the Kentucky Occupational Therapy Association.
  2. Several faculty in the Department of English and Theater have a number of recent publications.
    1. Keven McQueen's third book, "More Offbeat Kentuckians", was just released by the McClanahan Publishing Company.
    2. Tim Houghton's fourth book of poems was published.
    3. Cindy Moore recently co-authored a book called "Creating Successful Research Projects Through Collaboration."
    4. Marshall Myers has had three academic pieces published.

Homecoming 2004 was a big success, and the concert on Friday evening with the Temptations and Supremes Revue was well attended.

Senator Glasser reminded everyone that the University will be closed on Tuesday and encouraged everyone to exercise their right to vote.


Senator Siegel reported that the Executive Committee met on October 18 and will next meet on November 22. Committees and others who plan to bring motions to the Executive Committee should electronically submit information at least one week prior to the scheduled meeting.

Marc Whitt, Associate Vice President for Public Relations and Marketing, met with the Executive Committee to discuss several issues.

After receiving several faculty complaints on smokers congregating around building entrances, Senator Siegel contacted James Street of Facilities Services who indicated that the problem is being addressed.

Senator Siegel reported that a request for clarification was received from a faculty member regarding what constitutes an acceptable excused absence for students. This is currently under review.

Three motions were reviewed from the Rules Committee and placed on today's agenda.


The student university directories will be distributed within the next few weeks. If additional copies are needed, please contact the SGA office.


There are several areas of concern in preparation for the next SACS review. One, general education, will be addressed later in the meeting. Another is faculty credentials and making sure all of those are on file, and this is currently being addressed. Also a major area of concern is substantive changes. A number of substantive changes have been made in the last few years and those need to be fully documented for the upcoming SACS review.

Senator Chapman has developed a proposal which he presented to the Faculty Welfare Committee and to the Council of Chairs to address the salary equity issue over a three to four year period. The faculty database should be available to help with the computations in the near future.

Senator Chapman is currently working on the academic calendar. His goal is to set the calendar for a five-year period. This would make it easier for both faculty and students to plan their schedules accordingly.

Senator Chapman is currently reviewing available resources and looking for ways to use those resources more efficiently and effectively.

The advertisement for the Graduate Dean and Associate Vice President for Research has been re written to include more emphasis on research. The advertisement should be posted in the near future.


Budget Committee. Senator Eakin reported that after gathering information on how EKU summer salaries are calculated and the formula that is used, the committee members are now compiling a master spreadsheet for all of the benchmark institutions to see whether they use a similar formula. The committee also plans to do a comparison of the cost of living figures in the different areas, as well.

Rules Committee. Senator Johnson reported that the committee has met twice since the last Senate meeting. At the first meeting on October 13th the committee concluded the changes for the Senate internal procedures.

The committee also addressed two proposed changes in the Senate Rules. One changes the way the number of delegates for each election unit is decided and the other change brings the Senate meeting times and dates listed in the Senate rules in compliance with present practices.

At the October 27th meeting the Committee discussed the charges for the 04-05 academic year and those will be addressed in the following order: internal procedures, Senate rules, structure of the executive committee and the mission of the existing Senate committees, and review the possible creation of a new Senate academic committee.

The next meeting will be November 10th.

Rights & Responsibilities Committee. Senator Kristofik reported that the Rights and Responsibilities Committee has met six times since the beginning of the semester. Senator Kristofik was elected chair. The Committee is proceeding with the charge to look at the recommendations of the University Committee's Ad Hoc Committee on Promotion and Tenure.

Faculty Welfare Committee. Senator Hubbard reported that the committee met on October 21st. The Provost informed the committee of how he intends to proceed with the dispersion of the salary equity money for the 2004-2005 academic year. Senator Chapman intends to use a formula to figure out the total money necessary to bring all eligible faculty up to equity in a period of three to four years. This money would then be dispersed using the formula over the aforementioned timetable. After this process is completed then a new equity review would be implemented.


Intellectual Properties Policy Motion. Cheryl Stone was in attendance to give a brief history of the policy and to answer questions.

Senator Marchant moved, seconded by Senator Kelly, to amend area III on page five as follows:

to insert after Examples include:
Course instructional documents including, course syllabuses, assignments, exams, information sheets and computer presentations;

The motion to amend the proposal was approved by the Senate.

The amended Intellectual Properties Policy motion was approved by the Senate.

General Education Motions. Tom Watkins was in attendance to give a brief overview of the goals and objectives and the framework motions and to answer questions.

Motion 1 (Goals & Objectives). The general education goals and objectives motion was approved by the Senate.

Motion 2 (Framework). Senator Ciocca moved, seconded by Senator Eakin, to amend section "A" of the framework motion. The motion failed for lack of support.

Senator Coyer moved, second by Senator Smith, to amend the framework motion to allow professional programs to use general education courses to meet accrediting standards and certification requirements. The motion failed for lack of support.

Senator Carmean moved, seconded by Senator G. Wolf, to amend Block 5 Social & Behavioral Sciences, to change the wording from 'one history course' to 'one historical science course'. The majority of the Senate were in favor and the motion carried.

The framework motion in its amended state was approved by the majority of the Senate and the motion carried.

Continue Beyond Appointed Time. Senator Konkel, seconded by Senator Johnson, moved to continue the meeting beyond 5:30 p.m. The Senate were in agreement and the motion carried.


Academic Integrity. Senator May reported on the progress of the Ad Hoc Committee on Academic Honesty. Next week, the committee will be asking faculty and students to participate in a survey to help assess academic honesty on EKU's campus. Senator May encouraged everyone to participate in that survey. Additional information on the committee's work can be obtained by visiting the website at:

Council on Academic Affairs. Senator Chapman moved approval of the following six items, seconded by G. Smith. The motion carried.

  1. Marketing (BBA) - adding two options: (1) Music Marketing Option, and (2) Marketing Option
  2. Office Systems and Technology (AA) - changing the name of the degree to Associate of Applied Science
  3. Special Education/Teaching (BS) - suspending the Moderate-Severe Disabilities/Teaching Option
  4. Special Education Non-Teaching (BS) - suspending the Moderate-Severe Disabilities Option
  5. Special Education (MA) - suspending the Moderate-Severe Disabilities Option
  6. Nutrition Care Management (AS) - suspending the program

Rules Committee Motions. Senator Siegel ruled that the motions regarding delegate representation and to convene the Senate were substantive issues and would be deferred to the December meeting.

Senator Marchant moved to postpone discussion of the internal procedures until the December meeting, seconded by Senator J. Wolf. The motion to postpone was approved by the Senate.


The topic of discussion this week was Fall Break and whether or not to continue to list a fall break in the class schedule.


Senator Siegel announced that senators with a topic for the agenda under "For the Good of the Order" should e-mail that information to her.


Senator Chapman moved to adjourn at approximately 5:50 p.m.

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