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Minutes for September 13, 2004

The Faculty Senate of Eastern Kentucky University met on Monday, September 13, 2004 in the South Room of the Keen Johnson Building. Senator Siegel called the first meeting of the academic year to order at 3:30 p.m.

The following members of the Senate were absent:

J. Glasser* C. Hubbard* M. McNew
L. Patterson M. Pierce F. Sharp
D. Vance*^ G. Smith S. Wilson
G. Wolf M. Yoder  

*denotes prior notification of absence to the Faculty Senate Secretary
^ D. Bautista attended in place of D. Vance

Visitors to the Senate were: Paul Blanchard, Government Relations; Hal Blythe, English & Theater; Jim Conneely, Student Affairs; Tracy Haney, The Eastern Progress; Lance Melching, SGA; Bart Meyer, Advancement; Deborah Newsom, Financial Affairs; John Shafer, Athletics; Charlie Sweet, English & Theater; Aaron Thompson, Enrollment Management; Virginia Underwood, Chief of Staff; Elizabeth Wachtel, Academic Affairs; and Marc Whitt, Public Relations and Marketing


The May 3, 2004 regular and organizational minutes were approved as written.

REPORT FROM THE PRESIDENT: Virginia Underwood reported for Senator Glasser

Senator Glasser sent her regrets for having to miss the Senate meeting. She is in Washington meeting with alumni donors and elected officials for University business. As she continues work with the Institutional Advancement Office and EKU's Foundation on EKU's first ever comprehensive campaign she will be traveling increasingly during the fall semester to meet with alumni and potential donors. However, she will attend as many Senate meetings as possible.

Senator Glasser expressed her sincere appreciation to all faculty who helped make this year's student move-in day a success.

Senator Glasser recently authorized bringing a consulting group to campus to survey the university's transportation and parking needs and to come up with a long-term recommendation.

The following faculty highlights were shared:

  1. Joe Molinaro, Department of Art and Design, recently returned from Equador from his second Fulbright where he studied ceramics and primitive culture.
  2. Marianne Ramsey, Department of Art and Design, continues to work with the Teaching and Learning Center's workshop on Creating Significant Learning Experiences and the American Democracy Project.
  3. Karen Spears and adjunct Dal Macon in the Department of Art and Design have artwork featured in a show at the Ann Tower Gallery in Lexington
  4. Michelle Gerken, Department of Recreation and Park Administration, is serving as a Professional Education Fellow through the EKU College of Education.
  5. Jon McChesney, Department of Recreation & Park Administration, is in London, England through the 17th serving as a consultant with the Kentucky Department of Tourism
  6. Charlie Everett, Department of Recreation & Park Administration, is assisting Lexington's Parks and Recreation Department with its pursuit to purchase an additional 263 acres at Raven Run Nature Sanctuary in Fayette County.
  7. The faculty in the Management and Marketing Administrative Communications continues its exchange agreement with the University of Pecs and Hungary through which EKU faculty (Drs. Norb Elbert, William Davig, Mike Roberson and Allen Engle have participated and taught in Hungary). The Department also hosted Dr. Jozef Poor from Hungary.
  8. In the History department, Dr. Peter Alegi, Dr. David Coleman and Dr. Brad Wood recently had books published. The three authors will be featured at a reception on Wednesday, September 22 at 4:00 p.m. in the Grand Reading Room.

The Department of Geography will host an open house on Friday, September 24 from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. for its newly updated state-of-the art geographic information systems laboratory.

Senator Glasser will host a small reception for the Senate members on Monday, October 4 from 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. in Walnut Hall prior to the Senate meeting.

Eastern's first football game will be on Saturday, September 18 at 7:30 p.m. and Senator Glasser encouraged everyone to show their support.

All faculty and students are invited to Silas House's reading and book signing on Wednesday, September 15 at 7:00 p.m. in Brock Auditorium.


Senator Siegel reported that the Executive Committee met on August 30, 2004 and will next meet on September 20th. As a reminder, materials should be submitted to the committee two weeks prior to meetings.

On behalf of the Senate, Senate Siegel thanked Senator Chapman for purchasing a lectern for for the Senate.

As only 65 faculty and staff members signed up for the new Wellness Membership lottery, they automatically became members. Senator Siegel reminded everyone that The Burke Wellness Center in the Weaver Building continues to be an option for faculty, staff and students at no charge.

Senator Siegel announced several Committee charges: The Rights and Responsibilities Committee will develop recommendations from the Promotion and Tenure report. The Budget Committee will review summer school salaries. The Elections Committee will consider ways to streamline the May election process. The Rules Committee will complete work on the internal procedures and the Senate rules handbook in addition to considering the idea of a vice chair for the Senate. The Welfare Committee will review the roles of academic coordinators on campus.

Senator Siegel has formed an Ad Hoc Committee on New Senators Orientation. Senators Ware, Robles and Randles have agreed to serve on this committee. Other ad hoc committees will be formed as needed.


Senator Siegel reminded everyone that it is Senate protocol to present the secretary with an electronic or hard copy of any committee reports or motions that will be brought up from the floor.

Parliamentarian Miller reminded the senators of the five most important rules to follow:

  1. To be recognized to speak you must stand. If unable to stand the chair will take note of that and you can be recognized by a raised hand.
  2. A member may speak only twice to the same motion. If the motion is amended, that member who has spoken twice to the main motion may speak two more times to the amendment.
  3. A member must speak to the motion on the floor and not a previous motion or another issue. If an amendment is offered to a main motion you must speak to the amendment and not to the main motion.
  4. A main motion may be amended and that amendment may be amended, but no further. You cannot amend an amendment to an amendment. Instead, purpose a new motion.
  5. The proper way to carry over a motion to another meeting is to move to postpone to a definite time but not to table it. Tabling a motion should be used only to interrupt discussion to get to an important or emergency matter.

Senator Siegel expressed appreciation to Dr. Miller for continuing his service as Parliamentarian even after his retirement from Eastern.

James Conneely reported on why New Students Days is important--to get students connected, ease their transition to college life and to get them started off on the right foot. He further reported that this year over 80 faculty volunteered their time to participate in New Student Days. Anyone with questions on New Student Days should contact James Conneely, Claire Good or Cari Wallace.


The Board met on met June 24th to deal with the budget. Additionally, there were reports on a number of other items, including the capital campaign.

Senator Schlomann discussed the annual fund letter which was recently distributed to the campus community. She encouraged everyone to participate, no matter how small the contribution. Outside sources often ask what percentage of faculty and staff participate in the annual fund and it's important to show full support, if possible.

The next meeting is scheduled for Friday. New officers will be selected at that meeting, and then on Sunday and Monday the Board will be going to Bowling Green for the Governor's conference.

REPORT FROM COSFL: Senator Siegel reported for Senator Smith

The COSFL officers were asked to come to Frankfort to speak with Tom Layzell. In the near future, there will be a series of meetings held in various locations in the state where citizens and university representatives will participate in discussions on key issues concerning postsecondary education.


Senator Chapman reported that there are three areas of concern he will be concentrating on and reporting on throughout the year: 1) preparing for the upcoming SACS visit; 2) Getting a good fix on available resources and how best to utilize them; and 3) considering ways to improve on diversity at Eastern.

Senator Chapman announced that Institutional Research has been reviewing different ways to have students evaluate faculty and information should be available soon on their findings.

The Welfare Committee and Senator Chapman have met to discuss this year's salary equity funds. A database needs to be developed containing faculty ranks, when tenure was awarded, dates when last promoted and how that relates in term of current salaries before moving forward. If this can't be accomplished expeditiously, another method may have to be used.

Senator Chapman has reviewed a recent grade distribution report and it compares competitively with our benchmark institutions.

The search for an Associate Vice President for Research and Dean of the Graduate School is proceeding.


Mr. Melching reported that the Kentucky Board of Student Body Presidents meeting which was held at EKU was a success.

Mr. Melching announced that Thursday, September 16th from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. is the Big Red Roast at Martin Hall Plaza. There will be free food and games available.

Elections for freshmen senators and the Residence Life Council will be held on Tuesday. Fall Fest for student organizations will also be on Tuesday.

Eastern's Family Weekend is scheduled for Saturday, September 25. SGA is sponsoring two events for Family Weekend, the Eastern Idol will be on Friday, September 24 in SSB at 8:00 p.m. and on Saturday, a reception will be held in the Powell Building for the families.

The open house for the new Student Wellness will be on Thursday at 10:00 a.m.


Budget Committee. Senator Rainey announced that the Committee will meet immediately following the Senate to choose a chair.

Rules Committee. Senator Johnson reported that the Committee has met once this fall and he was elected chair. The Committee also established an agenda for the semester.

Rights and Responsibilities Committee. Senator Dunston distributed a copy of the Committee's report and stated that Senator Pierce became chair during the summer. The Committee continued work on the survey for shared governance and worked on procedures for the promotion and tenure issue. Senator Pierce recently resigned. The Committee will meet immediately following the Senate meeting today to choose a new chair.

During summer 2004, the current Senate chair and the previous chair requested that the shared governance survey be delayed until Spring 2005 and asked the Committee to focus on the Promotion and Tenure report for fall 2004. The Committee requests that Senators download the condensed Promotion and Tenure report available from the Senate website and discuss with their departments. The Faculty Senate will begin voting on the recommendations made with or without revisions during November. Senators must decide if these recommendations will be applicable only to tenure track faculty members hired in after 2005. The Committee will write the recommendations in appropriate language for insertion into the faculty handbook. The Senate's decisions and changes to the faculty handbook will be sent forward to the required publics for endorsements.

Committee on Committees. Senator J. Wolf reported that Senator Vance was elected as chair of the Committee.

Faculty Welfare Committee. Senator Johnson reported that the Committee met on August 16th.


Election to Rights and Responsibilities Committee.

Senator Ware was nominated. Senator Taylor moved, seconded by Senator Collins to cease nominations and appoint Senator Ware by acclamation. The motion was approved.

Shared Governance Task Force. Senator Flanagan moved, seconded by Senator Konkel to:

  1. Suspend the proposed survey on shared governance and
  2. To form a Shared Governance Task Force in cooperation wit the Provost to begin work in Spring 2005 to assess the state of shared governance at Eastern Kentucky University, and make recommendations for:
    1. Strengthening shared governance at this institution
    2. Increasing faculty understanding of their role in shared governance, and
    3. Developing strategies for encouraging faculty to assume greater responsibility for shared governance

The motion was approved by the Senate.

Council on Academic Affairs Report.

Senator Chapman presented the following items:

Senator Chapman moved approval of items 1 and 3-9, seconded by Senator Dunston. The Senate were in agreement and the motion was approved.

Senator Reed, seconded by Senator Kelley, moved to delay action on item #2 until the October meeting. The motion was approved.


Senator Chapman moved to adjourn at approximately 4:35 p.m.

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