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Minutes for April 4, 2005

The Faculty Senate of Eastern Kentucky University met on Monday, April 4, 2005 in the South Room of the Keen Johnson Building. Senator Siegel called the eighth meeting of the academic year to order at 3:30 p.m.

The following members of the Senate were absent:

S. Black L. Collins* S. Fister*
J. Glasser* D. Jackson F. Jackson
A. Jones M. McNew C. Neumann
L. Patterson M. Pierce S. Wilson

*denotes prior notification of absence to the Faculty Senate Secretary

Visitors to the Senate were: Sue Cain, Developmental Education; Jim Conneely, Student Affairs; Lisa Crowe, Bookstore; Megan Hansen, Eastern Progress; Tia Hill, Student Life; Susan Kroeg, English; Lance Melching, SGA; Deborah Newsom, Financial Affairs; Shane Redmond, Math; Hayden Shawler, Bookstore; Scott Summer, Academic Advising; Aaron Thompson, Enrollment Management; Virginia Underwood, Chief of Staff; Elizabeth Wachtel, Academic Affairs; Mark Wasicsko, Education; John Wade, Economics; Cari Wallace, First Year Programs; and Marc Whitt, Public Relations and Marketing


Senator Siegel thanked Senator Marchant for filling in as Parliamentarian for today's meeting.

Senator Siegel expressed her appreciation to Senator Glasser for the refreshments for today's meeting.


The March 14, 2005 minutes were approved as written.

REPORT FROM THE PRESIDENT: Virginia Underwood reported for Senator Glasser

President Glasser sent her apologies for not being able to attend the meeting.

The recently approved state budget included restoration of funds, some new funding for higher education, and approval of some very important capital projects for EKU‹phase II of the Business and Technology Center and funding for the Manchester Center. Additionally $5 million in planning funds was approved for a new science facility.

With the finalization of the state budget, recommendations for EKU's 2005-06 budget have been submitted to the Board of Regent's Finance Committee and will be reviewed by the full Board at the April 11 meeting. Some of the recommendations include the following:

  1. A $242 per semester increase in tuition for in-state full-time undergraduate tuition
  2. An additional $1 million in funding for institutional need-based aid
  3. A 3.5% cost of living salary increase for faculty and staff;
  4. An additional $500 per tenure-track faculty member to supplement existing academic budgets for faculty development needs
  5. An additional $350,000 for faculty salary equity adjustments
  6. An increase of $750,000 to the University's contingency funds

All proposed recommendations are contingent on Board approval.

There will be an approximate 11% increase in the total cost of the University's self-insured health plan for 2005-06. The low and high PPO options under Anthem will still be available, with an additional economy plan introduced as a third level of coverage to provide a more affordable family option. The University will share with employees in the increased cost of health insurance, and will also absorb the administrative costs of the flexible spending accounts for those employees who choose to participate in this program. The annual benefits fair scheduled for April 12-15 will provide additional information for employees.

The capital campaign is continuing and the development office continues to expand the donor base through the Phonathon. Since July 1 of last year, EKU students have contacted 11,558 people and have received 4,469 pledges totaling over $208,000 for the alumni fund for scholarships.

Recent faculty highlights include the following:

  1. Dr. Tim Houghton, Department of English and Theatre, had his fourth book published entitled "Drop Light: Poems".
  2. Dr. Mark Biermann, Department of Physics, co-authored two recently published papers in Applied Physics Letters
  3. Dr. Guenter Schuster, Department of Biological Sciences, co-authored the recently published book, "The Crayfishes of Kentucky".
  4. Dr. Ron Jones, Department of Biological Sciences, was the author of the recently published book "Plant Life of Kentucky: An Illustrated Guide".

The EKU Reads Committee has chosen Frank McCourt's Pulitzer prizewinning "Angela's Ashes" as the 2005 First Year book. Incoming students will read the book and discuss it in small groups during New Students Days in August. The author will visit campus on September 13 and immediately following his review will be a community discussion on the book. Faculty, staff and students are invited to participate as facilitators in the community.

Please note the following upcoming events:

  1. The fifteenth annual Honor's Program senior thesis presentation is scheduled for April 7-10
  2. The President's conversation with the campus will be on April 12 at 8:00 a.m. in Brock Auditorium
  3. The second annual College of Education Honor's day will be on Tuesday, April 12 from 4:00 ­ 6:00 p.m. at the Student Services Building
  4. The fourth undergraduate presentation showcase will be on April 17th
  5. Alumni Weekend is scheduled for the last weekend in April and will include many special events including honoring the class of 1955 at the Pioneer Recognition Ceremony.
  6. Two Spring Commencement ceremonies will be held on May 8. Ricky Skaggs will be the guest speaker at the morning ceremony and Mark Grayson will speak in the afternoon.


Senator Eakin, Chair of the Budget Committee, presented the preliminary report on summer teaching salaries.

The Welfare Committee proposed two motions on merit, which will be presented later today.

Greg Engstrom, Chair of the Faculty Club Governors Board, will be speaking to the Senate in May to discuss how to revitalize the Faculty Club.

Lisa Crowe reported that 85% of summer textbook adoptions have been submitted and 52% of fall textbook adoptions have already been received.

Tia Hill, on behalf of Student Life and the Student Activities Council, encouraged faculty and administrators to participate in the upcoming Midnight Breakfast on April 28. Anyone interested in participating should e-mail

The next Provost and Faculty Senate Roundtable discussion will be on April 12 from 2:00 ­ 3:30 p.m. in the Faculty Club. The topic of discussion has been changed from "Collegial Governance" to the "Budget". The "Collegial Governance" topic will be addressed at a roundtable discussion in the fall semester.

The last coffee chat of the academic year will be on April 21 from 8:00 ­ 900 a.m. in the Faculty Club; and the last Meet and Greet will be on May 2 prior to the last Senate meeting of the year.

Senator Siegel thanked the Senators for their excellent work on Senate Committees this year. She urged new senators to consider serving on a Senate committee next year.


Senator Schlomann announced that the next Board meeting is scheduled for April 11. Senator Schlomann attended the recent Finance Committee meeting and reported that the overall atmosphere was different than in the past few years. While the Committee continues to express concern for affordability and increased need-based scholarships, there was also strong concern for overall quality and the need for increased, competitive faculty salaries.

One important thing for faculty to note is that the administrative cost for flexible spending accounts will be assumed by the University, if approved by the Board.

Another motion the Board will be considering is a policy to move to a smoke-free indoor policy over the next two years.


The next meeting is scheduled for the 23rd of this month.


This year's salary equity adjustment process is now complete and funds should be distributed to the 190 individuals affected by April 29. The Welfare Committee is currently reviewing the salary equity formula used this year to see if adjustments need to be made. By doing so now, when new monies become available, the adjustments for 2005-06 can be made by July 1, 2005.

The candidates for the position of Associate Vice President for Research and Dean of the Graduate School will be visiting campus this week. Bios of the candidates are available online at Please try to meet each of the candidates during their scheduled visits and provide feedback.

Senator Chapman reported on the effectiveness of the lectureship positions that were created in 2003. A full written report will be submitted electronically in the near future. Based on his findings, Senator Chapman moved, seconded by Senator Smith, to eliminate the lectureship title and move those individuals in lectureship positions to either visiting or tenure track positions. Senator Siegel ruled the motion substantive and deferred the vote to the May Senate meeting.


The student election debate is scheduled for tonight in the Combs Building Grise Room at 7:30 p.m. The student election for Richmond's campus will be on April 12. Please encourage students to vote.

The Student Government Association is sponsoring a forum for students to ask questions of University administrators on Wednesday, April 6 at 5:00 p.m. in the Ferrell Room in the Combs Building.

O.A.R. concert tickets are on sale. Tickets are $25 through Ticket master.

Senator Siegel expressed her appreciation to Lance for his leadership as SGA President throughout the past year.


Budget Committee. Senator Eakin reported that the preliminary report on summer teaching salaries was submitted to the Executive Committee for their review and feedback.

Rules Committee. Senator Johnson reported that the Rules Committee continues to work on revamping the Council on Academic Affairs. The committee hopes to present a motion to the Executive Committee later this month. The committee also continues to work on updating the Faculty Senate Rules.

Rights & Responsibilities Committee. Senator Kristofik reported that the committee is still accepting feedback for the proposed recommendations distributed at the March meeting. The committee is currently working on rewriting the recommendations to comply with formal handbook language. When completed the proposal will be shared with the University attorney, and then brought to the Senate at a later date.

Committee on Committees. Senator Vance reported that the committee received 68 self-nominations for the nine committees with vacancies. A list should be available to the Senate Chair within the next week.

Faculty Welfare Committee. Senator Hubbard reported that the committee has addressed the salary equity request received from Senator Chapman. The committee also continues to gather information on the tenure clock issue and the role of coordinators on campus

Two motions on merit will be considered later in today's meeting.


Council on Academic Affairs. Senator Chapman

  1. Specialist in Education Ed. Ad And Supervision (pulled by Dr. Chapman at Jan. 2005 FS meeting) - Reactivate suspended program
  2. Specialist in Education: Educational Administration And Supervision. Revise the GRE requirements
  3. Marketing (BBA): Professional Golf Management Option. Adding golf option
  4. General Studies (BA) New Program

Senator Chapman moved approval of items 1 & 2, seconded by Senator Deters. The Senate were in agreement to approve items 1 and 2 so the motion carried.

Senator Chapman moved approval of item three, seconded by Senator Ault. The Senate were in agreement, and the motion carried.

Senator Chapman moved to approve item four, the new General Studies degree, seconded by Senator May. The majority of the Senate were in favor, and the motion carried.

Orientation & New Student Days. Cari Wallace was present to discuss Orientation and New Student Days and to encourage faculty participation in these events. Also, there are five GSO Orientation courses available. Anyone interested in teaching a GSO Orientation course or seeking information on Orientation or New Student Days, should contact Cari Wallace at

Dr. Susan Kroeg, Chair of the Reads Project, distributed a 'EKU Reads Book Discussion Leader Application' form to Senators. Anyone interested in participating as a discussion leader should fill out the form and return to her. Questions should also be directed to her by e-mail at or call 622-2282. The book discussion will be on September 13, 2005.

Motions on Merit. Senator Hubbard moved approval of motion one (listed below), seconded by Senator Johnson. The majority of the Senate were in agreement and the motion carried.

At such time when merit money is available, previous non-merit years should be considered, and each department shall create a committee to deal with awarding credit for past non-Merit years.

Senator Hubbard moved approval of motion two (listed below), seconded by Senator Johnson. The Senate were in agreement and the motion carried.

(Motion 1) will be applied in the event that non-merit years occur in the future.

Suspension of Rules. Senator Robles moved to suspend the rules to continue the meeting beyond 5:30 p.m., seconded by Senator Johnson. The Senate were in agreement and the motion carried.

Senate Chair Nominees. Senator Siegel was nominated to serve as chair for 2005-06.

Senate Committee Nominations. (Please note: additions or deletions can be made to all committees prior to the vote at the May meeting.)

Budget Committee. (2 vacancies) Senator Ciocca and Senator C. Taylor were nominated

Rules Committee. (2 vacancies) Senators, Gossage, Randles, Rainey and McKenney were nominated.

Elections Committee. (1 vacancy) Senator May was nominated.

Faculty Welfare Committee. (1 vacancy) Senator Wright was nominated.

COSFL. (1 rep and 2 alternates) Senators Ware, P. Black and Robles were nominated.


The topic of discussion this week was "Strategies for Making Faculty Advising of Students More Efficient and Effective".

Due to time constraints, the discussion was postponed to the May meeting.


Senator Chapman moved to adjourn at approximately 5:45 p.m.

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