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Minutes for March 3, 2003

The Faculty Senate of Eastern Kentucky University met on Monday, March 3, 2003 in the South Room of the Keen Johnson Building. Senator Johnson called the seventh meeting of the academic year to order at 3:30 p.m.

The following members of the Senate were absent:

M. Baxter L. Collins* C. Cooper
M. Cropper* J. Dantic A.G. Dunston*
S. Fister* J. Harley C. Hubbard*
B. Janeway D. Jones C. Melton
L. Patterson* J. Payne* K. Polmanteer*

*denotes prior notification of absence to the Faculty Senate Secretary

Visitors to the Senate were: Walter Borowski, Department of Earth Sciences; Jim Clark, Vice President, Government Relations; Jim Conneely, Vice President Student Affairs; Pat Costello, Department of Mathematics and Statistics; Renee Everett, Chair, Department of Communication; Mary J. Hall, Student Government Association; Ken Johnston, Vice President, Financial Affairs; Cassandra Kirby, The Eastern Progress; Sandra Moore, Diversity Office; Bonnie Plummer, Department of English & Theatre; Aaron Thompson, Vice President, Enrollment Management; Elizabeth Wachtel, Vice President, Academic Affairs; and Doug Whitlock, Vice President, Administrative Affairs


The February 3, 2003 minutes were approved as written (with revised President's Report).


Budget Update: Senator Glasser reported that the House and Senate have made a tentative recommendation of a 2.6% budget cut for the remainder of this academic year. No decision has been made for the 2003-2004 budget at this time. Senator Glasser will inform the campus of the new budget after she receives the final recommendation. Once the final recommendation is received, she plans to meet with the Budget Council to discuss how EKU will handle the cut.

Senator Glasser asked the Budget Council to review an earlier recommendation that was made and taken to the Board of Regents concerning tuition increases. The Budget Council recommended two additional changes to the already approved 9.5% tuition increase: (1) that undergraduate students begin paying additional charges for any hours over 16 (17-21), and (2) that graduate students pay for all course work taken (above 9). The Budget Council was asked to reconsider this based upon her concern about the process and lack of information and representation in making this decision. She asked for a new report by April 2 from the Budget Council.

Strategic Planning Committee: Senator Glasser reported that the Strategic Planning Committee held a Retreat over the weekend and worked on a mission statement, core values, and vision statement. She feels the Committee will have a three-year plan by July 1.

Position Searches:

  • Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs - Senator Glasser reported that Dr. Jaleh Rezaie and Dr. Gary Cordner have narrowed the candidate pool to 5 candidates and they expect to begin bringing the candidates to campus in three weeks. Each candidate will meet with all constituents and stakeholders and she asked everyone to make an effort to attend at least one of the meetings. Information about the candidates will be sent out soon.
  • Dean, College of Justice & Safety - Senator Glasser reported that candidate 4 of 5 is on campus at this time. Senator Hart informed the Senate that the 5th candidate is expected to be on campus March 12-13. It is expected that the search will be completed by the end of March and that a new permanent Dean will be in place by July 1.
  • Vice President for Advancement - Senator Glasser was informed that the Committee has made their first cut from the pool of applicants and the second cut is expected to be made sometime later in the month. Applications are still welcome.

OVC Tournament - Senator Glasser informed the Senate that EKU will host the first round of the Women’s OVC Basketball Tournament on Tuesday, March 4, at 7 p.m. The EKU Lady Colonels will be playing Tennessee Tech. The Men’s Basketball Team will be playing at Austin Peay on March 4 as well for the first round of the Men’s OVC Basketball Tournament. Winners of the first round will play in Nashville this weekend for the semi-finals and finals.

Other - Senator Fisher asked for clarification about May Commencement. Senator Glasser informed the Senate that there will be two commencement ceremonies, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. Senator Wasicsko said that more information will be sent by the end of the week.


Senator Johnson reported that the Executive Committee met on February 24, 2003 and heard from the standing committee liaisons (which will be discussed later in the meeting).

Other items discussed:

  • Senators Hubbard and Milde were appointed to a University Ad Hoc Committee to Study University Committees as representatives from the Executive Committee.
  • The Executive Committee will meet with each of the five Provost/Vice President of Academic Affairs candidates
  • Concerns of the use of Social Security Numbers was given to the Rights and Responsibilities Committee


Senator Schlomann reported that the Board of Regents met on February 8, 2003.

Items of discussion were:

  • updates on construction items,
  • updates on strategic planning and private support,

Items for action were:

  • personnel issues, such as part-time employees for this year and sabbaticals for next year,
  • 46 faculty chose the RTP option,
  • a tuition schedule increase (split vote with concerns raised),
  • tuition refund policy (detailed information in The Progress),
  • a health insurance proposal (detailed information in The Progress),
  • sex offenders policy.

All were approved.


Senator Siegel reported that COSFL met on February 8, 2003 at the University of Kentucky. The committee heard comments about the state budget from Mr. Merl Hackbart, member of the Governor’s Revenue Forecasting Group. Mr. Hackbart pointed out that they are attempting to approve a 2002-2004 budget. Each university representative reported on budget concerns and plans on their campuses. COSFL has expressed its concern about potential postsecondary education budget cuts to the CPE.

Senator Siegel also reported that COSFL’s cosponsored half-day mini-conference with the state AAUP has been rescheduled for the fall. If you have suggestions for different topics that you think would be appropriate for this conference, please let her know.

COSFL is participating in an assessment development project which is going to be an addition to the state report card on postsecondary education. Kentucky has been selected as the lead state in the development of this effort.

Issues for future COSFL meetings were discussed. COSFL is planning to meet with the new CPE President, Tom Layzell, in April to discuss the issues and postsecondary education funding. If the Senate as a body or Senate members individually would like to have something addressed, please contact Senator Siegel.

Senator Siegel mentioned that COSFL is now online at Comments or suggestions about the site can be directed to Senator Siegel. The link for the COSFL web page can be found on the EKU Faculty Senate web page.

PROVOST’S REPORT: Senator Wasicsko

Senator Wasicsko reported that there will be two commencement ceremonies for the Spring. As it stands now, the Colleges of Arts & Sciences and Business & Technology will be held during the morning and the Colleges of Education, Health Sciences, and Justice & Safety will be held in the afternoon.

President Glasser asked the Budget Council to review the tuition change recommendation and to also get feedback from various groups. Senator Wasicsko stated that the Budget Council looked at various scenarios when their decision was originally made to increase tuition for hours over 16, but will now meet with the following groups in order to get feedback: Graduate Council; Provost Council; Chairs Association; Student Government; and open forums for other faculty, staff, and students on March 25, 4 - 6 pm and March 26 11 am - 1 PM, in the Student Services Building Auditorium. The Budget Council will look closely at the students who will be affected and the feedback from the groups.


Ms. Mary J. Hall reported the following:

  • the President’s Ball was a huge success,
  • several SGA members attended the student state-wide budget cut rally in Frankfort,
  • the community services event for America’s Promise, with the Dr. Seuss’ birthday celebration theme, was held today with approximately 180 students attending from Model Elementary and many volunteers from campus,
  • March 4 - safety walk on campus (let the SGA know of any safety concerns),
  • March 8 - Spotlight Day for Extended Campuses (they will also be visiting with extended campus sites to meet with transfer students within the next two weeks),
  • SGA Elections - application deadline for SGA officer positions are due March 25,
  • April 8 - Spring Fling and the Presidential and Vice Presidential debate,
  • April 15 - Elections will be held 8 am - 6 PM (with on-line voting as well), and
  • the SGA will be giving away t-shirts to students at the opening game of the Women’s OVC tournament.


Budget Committee: Senator Wade reported that over 50 faculty and staff attended a Budget Forum on February 11 to discuss the new tuition plan for undergraduate and graduate students, budget processes, etc.

Senator Wade reported that the Budget Committee drafted a motion to redirect advising fee funds to faculty equity enhancement

Senator Wade also stated that the Athletic Committee report is still under discussion. Ideas and comments are welcome.

Rules Committee: Senator M. Yoder reported that the committee is looking at discrepancies in the faculty handbook. They are also looking at the idea of whether we should have a Senate Vice Chair and the revision of the internal procedures document. Any ideas or input are welcome.

Rights and Responsibilities Committee: Senator Callahan, Chair, reported that the committee is taking into consideration the need of a University Ombudsman. A proposal will be sent in next couple of weeks to be brought forward at the April 7 Faculty Senate Meeting. If you have any questions or comments, contact Senator Callahan or Senator Koppes.

Elections Committee: Senator Everett explained the memo regarding the upcoming Faculty Senate Elections. There are approximately 30 terms that will expire. If a new Faculty Senate Representative is needed for your department, please hold your department election and give the results to the Committee on Elections prior to the April 7 Faculty Senate Meeting.

Part-time Faculty will need to elect a new representative to the Faculty Senate. Senator Everett asked that the names and a brief biographical sketch of the nominees be sent to the Committee on Elections prior to the April 7 Faculty Senate Meeting.

Senator Johnson reminded Senate Members to replace any seats that have become vacant during the course of this semester. There will also be some openings on some committees. If you are a Chair for a Senate Committee and your committee is not full, contact Senator Johnson and/or Ms. Pauletta King.

Committee on Committees: Senator Wolf reported that a memo regarding self nominations for standing committees was sent to Ms. Pauletta King to make available on the Web. The return date is expected to be soon after spring break.

Faculty Welfare Committee: Senator Rahimzadeh reported that the Committee has been charged to formulate campus-wide procedures for salary equity adjustments. They will meet with the Provost next week and it is hoped they can bring forward a recommendation by the end of the semester.


Plus/Minus Grading: Senator Fisher reported that telephone surveys for EKU’s benchmarks and other Kentucky institutions have been assigned to committee members. Full time faculty and student surveys should be sent out this week. An e-mail was sent to Patsy Renfro about doing a mass e-mail to faculty as a reminder to complete the surveys and return. Senator Fisher has asked Ron Yoder to place a reminder on the University Web page. Senator Fisher expects to bring an interim report to the Faculty Senate on May 5.

Lecturers/Part-Time Lecturers: Dr. Maureen Everett, Chair, explained the memo that was sent to the Faculty Senate regarding the Proposal for Non-tenure, Renewable Lecturer Positions at EKU. She emphasized that this position is not intended to replace or detract from tenure track positions. The proposal has been taken to and approved by the Chairs Association and the Provost Council.

A lengthy discussion followed which raised some comments, concerns and questions, such as:

  • will 9-month lecturers have the ability to teach in summer - should not be a problem,
  • fear of converting faculty lines to lecturer,
  • how meaningful would the limitations be of non-tenured renewable faculty,
  • concerns of the lecturer position being a third tier of faculty — part-time versus lecturer ,
  • possibly change "should’s" to "must",
  • three different categories that may need clarification such as: clinical instructors, notable persons, and faculty who occupy lower status and teach more,
  • limit number of lectureship positions,
  • position will replace or detract from tenure track positions,
  • secure restrictions on use (for example: total number of lower division courses that such an individual could teach),
  • visiting positions can only be hired for three years whereas lecturer positions for a longer period,
  • the ability to hire qualified faculty who may work toward a tenure track position, and
  • more equitable to instructors teaching lower level classes,

Senator Hart stated that the University Ad Hoc Committee on Promotion & Tenure has also been looking at a similar position on campus. Senator Hart made a motion that the two committees get together and bring something back to the Senate. It was seconded by Senator Fisher. Motion was approved.


EKU Medical Leave Policy:  Senator Wasicsko made a motion to adopt the EKU Medical Leave Policy. It was seconded by Senator Siegel. Motion passed. The motion was ruled a substantive issue by Senator Johnson and a vote will be held on the April 7 meeting.

Council on Academic Affairs Report: Senator Wasicsko moved to adopt all recommendations coming from the CAA and it was seconded by Senator Callahan. Motion passed.


Senator Wade made the following motion, which was seconded by Senator Miranda:

"The $5 payment to faculty advisors for full-time students and the $2.50 payment for part-time students be eliminated and the funds budgeted for this purpose be reallocated for the purpose of seeking faculty salary equity; that this allocation be in addition to funds for this purpose which the university can identify from other sources; and that the Provost, in consultation with the Faculty Senate’s Faculty Welfare Committee be given the power to determine which area of faculty equity needs will receive these funds.

Senator Johnson ruled this to be a substantive issue. It will be presented and voted upon at the April 7 meeting.

The Faculty Senate Members asked that the above motion, along with the justification (below) be sent as an email to Senate Members.

Justification: The advising payments are such small amounts that many faculty do not consider them a meaningful reward or incentive to serve as advisors; at the same time the feeling has been that to take them away would be seen as a negative policy toward advisors. However the Committee believes, based on conversations with faculty and staff, that most advisors would be willing to forego this payment if they saw the money diverted to serve other more pressing faculty needs, and that the elimination of these payments would not seriously affect the quality of advising. The total amount of money involved is about $55,000-$60,000, not enough to make an impact alone, but enough to help address faculty equity problems."


The meeting was adjourned at 5:15 p.m.

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