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Minutes for October 7, 2002

The Faculty Senate of Eastern Kentucky University met on Monday, October 7, 2002 in the South Room of the Keen Johnson Building. Senator Johnson called the second meeting of the academic year to order at 3:30 p.m.

The following members of the Senate were absent:

J. Allison* M. Baxter D. Carter*
L. Collins* J. Dantic S. Fister
B. Gadd* L. Gillaspie D. Jones
L. Patterson M. Pierce E. Rini

*denotes prior notification of absence to the Faculty Senate Secretary

Visitors to the Senate were: Lucas Hammons, Student Government Association; Ken Johnston, Finance; Jack Lengyel, Athletics; Derita Ratcliffe, Athletics; Jennifer Rogers, The Eastern Progress; Bob Rogow, Business and Technology; Aaron Thompson, Academic Affairs; Janna Vice, Business and Technology; Elizabeth Wachtel, Academic Affairs; and Doug Whitlock, Administrative Affairs


Senator Johnson announced that Sigma Nu wished to express their appreciation to all EKU faculty. As a token of their appreciation, they donated two cakes as refreshments for the senators and guests at today's meeting.


The September 9, 2002 minutes were approved  with the following corrections.

On page 3 under COSFL report change the following sentence from:
"Currently COSFL is in search of a new head of the Council on Postsecondary Education" to: "Currently COSFL is participating in the search for a new head of the Council on Postsecondary Education.

On page 5 under Budget Committee Election, change "Senator Rini was elected to serve as a one year replacement for Senator Rink on the Budget Committee." to "Senator Rainey was elected to serve as a one-year replacement for Senator Rink on the Budget Committee.


President Glasser announced that when the finalists for the head of CPE are known, she will share that information with the Senate.

The Council on Postsecondary Education held a two-day conference last week in Lexington for all university Presidents and Board members to discuss higher education and the current financial environment. President Glasser stated that all universities throughout Kentucky, and throughout the country, are experiencing financial crunches due to the national recession, but also to how state-wide economies are responding to the recession. Because of the Governor's continued support, higher education has been held relatively harmless from all the cuts that have taken place on all state agencies with the exception of one cut. While official notification has not been received, all the presidents have been told to prepare for a budget cut or reallocation of resources. Preparations have begun for the proposed budget cut, which is predicted to be between 3-5 percent. Everything depends on the state's financial condition after the first of the year as to whether or not an additional cut is to be made.

President Glasser asked for the Faculty Senate's support during these difficult financial times. Eastern's financial situation is even more complex because of the lack of deferred maintenance on campus and the electrical problems that have been experienced in the past six months. President Glasser expressed hopes that Eastern can draw upon its strength as a strong, united community to weather this financial storm.

Emphasis on faculty and staff and student services continues to be high priority for President Glasser. To the extent possible, the President wants to protect employees' jobs and hopes to maintain health insurance coverage. In addition, the President has created a budget council that will be meeting next week to start on budget deliberations. Input from faculty is welcomed. The President reiterated her offer to visit all departments to speak with faculty regarding their concerns and issues. At this point she has visited five departments and has discussed EKU's financial condition openly and candidly with faculty.

A list of university committees is now available online. If there are any questions or comments about the new university committee structure, please let either Dr. Wasicsko or the President know.

President Glasser will be giving her recommendations for the alcohol policy to the Board of Regents at the November Board meeting. She commended the Alcohol Task Force Committee for their excellent work on their report. The task force recommended that the current alcohol policy be expanded to include Stratton and Perkins and the new Business and Technology Building when it comes online in the future. The President is considering expanding the recommendations to include the Keen Johnson Building for events and receptions, the Giles Gallery for art exhibits and theater receptions, and the Moberly Building for receptions. However, her recommendation will include absolutely no provisions for alcohol in any of the residence halls or in any of the classroom buildings.

The parking committee has been asked to forward their recommendation to the President before the end of the academic semester for at least one, and possibly two, new lots to deal with the parking shortage, in particular for commuter students.

The rural Law Enforcement Building dedication is going to take place this Saturday in Hazard. President Glasser, Congressman Hal Rogers and Mayor Goreman will dedicate the building.

President Glasser announced that the United Way Campaign will begin on campus on October 23. She indicated that EKU's participation in the last couple of years has fallen short in comparison with both public and private schools in Kentucky. She encouraged everyone to participate.


Senator Johnson reported that the Executive Committee met on September 23.

At the request of the Athletics Committee, The Athletic Committee's report was deferred to the next Executive Committee meeting.

The Executive Committee discussed the request to postpone the sick leave policy indefinitely.

The Faculty Senate budget cut was discussed and the committee were in agreement to change the refreshments to cover the budget reduction. Aramark will continue to be used for coffee and punch; however, cookies will be purchased off campus for the Senate. Senator Johnson requested input from the Senators as to whether or not to continue with refreshments. Comments should be e-mailed to him.

Senator Dunston was in attendance to present a proposal for a motion concerning replacing faculty positions.


Senator Schlomann reported that most of the Board members attended the Governors Conference on postsecondary education trusteeships. The Board did manage to meet informally during this time and discuss current finances at Eastern.

Senator Schlomann announced that the next Board of Regents meeting will be on November 8.


Senator Siegel reported that COSFL met on September 14 in the W.T. Young Library at the University of Kentucky. At that meeting the following officers were elected: Rick Felkhoff, University of Louisville - President; Carol Bredemeyer, Northern Kentucky University - Vice - President; Carolyn Siegel, Eastern Kentucky University - Treasurer; and Bill Pierce, University of Louisville - Secretary.

A wide-ranging discussion was initiated concerning COSFL's relationship with CPE and its staff. Richard Freed, CPE faculty representative, reported that COSFL will be included in meetings with presidential search finalists around the third week of October.

COSFL's participation in the workshop session on Shared Governance at the Governor's Conference for Trustees and Regents on September 22-23 was explained.

Senator Siegel shared with the Senate information received from the September 22 CPE meeting stating that:

  1. As of Fall 2002, there is a 4.9 percent increase (8,838 more students) in enrollment in Kentucky's public colleges and universities than in Fall 2001.
  2. Since 1998, enrollment in Kentucky's public colleges and universities has increased 19.9 percent (over 31,500 students). Almost 190,000 are enrolled.
  3. Since 1998, the Kentucky Community and Technical College System has increased enrollment by 45.8 percent (20,800 students).
  4. Enrollment in the Kentucky Virtual University has grown from 230 students and nine programs in Fall 1999 to 9,732 students and 32 programs in Fall 2002.

COSFL will meet in mid-October in Frankfort with CPE staff and again in November after revenue forecasts have been made public.


Mr. Hammons reported that SGA office renovations are now complete.

The senators were issued an invitation to attend the student reception on Tuesday from 5:00 to 6:00 p.m.

Mary Hall, SGA Vice President, will lead a campus safety walk on Tuesday, October 8 to address concerns dealing with safety.


Budget Committee. Senator Wade reported that the committee met twice since the last senate meeting and discussed several budget issues. Vice President Johnston spoke with the committee and addressed some concerns raised, especially pertaining to the Athletics area. The University Athletics Committee report, when available, should answer most of the questions raised.

Senator Wade mentioned that the committee reviewed the University's 5% budget cut and found that most of the reduction was handled by the President off the top, with only 1.36% taken from the various units on campus. The portion of the Athletics budget cut was over $33,000.


Plus/Minus Grading Committee. Senator Fisher reported that the Plus/Minus Grading Committee has met four times this year. The Ad Hoc Committee will develop a plan to meet the original motion passed by the Senate in May and hopes to present the plan at the November 4 Faculty Senate meeting. The members of the committee are: Dr. Martin Diebold, Lance Melching (undergraduate student), Matt Schumacher (graduate student), Dr. Daniel Thorne, Dr. Meredith Wells, and Dr. James Wells.

Compensation and Benefits Committee. Senator Rahimzadeh reported that the committee met on September 12 and again on September 26. The committee will bring forward a motion or motions on merit pay and salary inequities at the November or December Senate meeting.


Sick Leave Policy. Senator Banks moved to postpone the sick leave policy indefinitely, seconded by Senator Miranda. The motion to postpone indefinitely was approved by the Senate.

Motions Regarding an LSU Faculty Member's Termination. Senator Reed proposed three motions.

Motion 1:
Senator Reed moved that the Senate formally express concern about Attorney General John D. Ashcroft's description of Professor Steven Hatfill as a "person of interest" and the potential threat that similar departures from constitutional procedures may pose for the academic integrity and mission of our nation's universities.
The motion was seconded by Senator Siegel for discussion.

Motion 2:
Senator Reed moved to Create a committee charged with clarifying post-9-11 academic challenges and how the University can best maintain the academic integrity, freedom, and responsibilities of faculty and administrators.
In lieu of creating a new committee, in the interests of shared governance expand the title and responsibilities of the Faculty Rights and Responsibilities Committee to include Faculty-Administration Rights and Responsibilities and give them the charge stated immediately above.
The motion was Seconded for discussion by Senator Dunston.

Motion 3:
Senator Reed moved to ask COSFL to address post-9-11 academic challenges, freedom, and responsibilities, including the firing of Professor Steven Hatfill.
The motion was seconded by Senator Siegel for discussion.

Senator Johnson indicated that as these are substantive motions, discussion and voting will be postponed until the next Faculty Senate meeting. Senator Reed invited the senators to e-mail their comments regarding the motions to him.


Council on Academic Affairs Report: Senator Wasicsko

Senator Wasicsko moved approval of the following five items, seconded by Senator Fisher. The Senate approved the motion.

  1. Graduate Record Exam Changes (Information Item Only)
  2. Insurance (BBA) - Program Reactivation
  3. Medical Transcription Certificate - Suspend
  4. Leisure Studies Department Name Change
  5. Insurance & Risk Management (BS) - Suspend

Proposed Resolution for Faculty Replacement Positions. Senator Dunston presented a resolution to the Senate for consideration, seconded for discussion by Senator Long:

Be it therefore resolved:
That the number of Administrators (includes executive and administrative officers and professional non faculty) at this institution has increased and continues to increase (516 in 1999, 572 in 2000, and 599 in 2001);

That the Administrative searches underway be terminated and that Interim Administrative personnel "make do" until a better economic future is proposed;

That as monies become available, said funds be allocated first for teaching faculty replacement positions at Eastern Kentucky University and then for hiring additional teaching faculty (680 in 1999, 643 in 2000, 643 in 2001).

Senator Johnson ruled that as this is a substantive issue, discussion will be deferred to the next Faculty Senate meeting.

Report from Interdisciplinary Team Teaching Task Force. Senator Johnson announced that the committee requested to postpone their report until the November Senate meeting.


Senator Wasicsko moved to adjourn at approximately 4:50 p.m.

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