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Minutes for September 9, 2002

The Faculty Senate of Eastern Kentucky University met on Monday, September 9, 2002 in the South Room of the Keen Johnson Building. Senator Johnson called the first meeting of the academic year to order at 3:30 p.m.

The following members of the Senate were absent:

A. Banks* M. Baxter L. Collins
C. Cooper J. Flanagan D. Jones
M. Lifland B. Matthews* M. Miranda
L. Patterson M. Slater* K. Werking

*denotes prior notification of absence to the Faculty Senate Secretary

Visitors to the Senate were: Onda Bennett, Occupational Therapy; Rita Davis, Student Affairs; Steve Fardo, Technology; Richard Freed, English Department; David Gale, Health Sciences; Ken Johnston, Finance; Michael McDermott; Doris Pierce, Occupational Therapy; Matt Schumacher, Student Government Association; Aaron Thompson, Academic Affairs; Elizabeth Wachtel, Academic Affairs; and Doug Whitlock, Administrative Affairs


The May 6, 2002 regular and organizational minutes were approved as written.


President Glasser reminded the senators that the Faculty Senate dinner which she will co-host with Senator Johnson will be on Thursday, September 26 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at Arlington Mulebarn.

President Glasser announced that Senator Johnson, as chair of the Faculty Senate, has been asked to attend the President's Cabinet meetings every other week.

President Glasser announced that EKU now has an official emergency guide available and copies may be obtained through Vice President Whitlock's office. The guide covers emergency situations such as fire prevention procedures, tornado, medical emergency, hazardous materials spills, bomb threats, earthquakes, floods, etc.

President Glasser issued an invitation to students and faculty to join together to commemorate and honor September 11 on Wednesday at 6:00 p.m. in the Ravine. During the program various police and fire personnel will give their perspective of the event and how it has changed their lives. Immediately afterwards, the Department of Government will put on a forum in the Combs Building, Grise Room. Panelists will be discussing security issues, international relations issues, and the events that occurred on September 11. Everyone is invited to attend and participate in that discussion.

The Parking Committee, which was appointed this past summer, is busily working on viable recommendations to deal with the shortage of parking on campus, particularly commuter parking. The committee's recommendations will be forwarded to the President later in the semester.

A dedication ceremony for the Criminal Justice Building will be held at 10:30 a.m. on September 19. Also, a dedication ceremony will be held for the World Law Enforcement Technology Building in Hazard on October 12. The new Student Services Building's dedication will be held on October 31 with Governor Paul Patton in attendance.

President Glasser announced that construction will begin on two new projects this fall. The first will be the Corbin center, and the second will be the new student fitness building.

Homecoming will be on October 19 and the President encouraged faculty and students to join with our alumni in celebrating EKU.

President Glasser has been working hard to re-establish contacts with alumni not only throughout the entire commonwealth but throughout the country--both as individuals and as chapters. The President is also diligently seeking additional private support to enhance academic programs and student scholarships as state funding for the next biennium will be stagnant.

President Glasser has offered to schedule a time to visit with all of the departments on campus to discuss faculty issues and concerns that affect their area. President Glasser plans to meet with the departments every academic semester.

In direct response to the state revenue shortfalls, the President has asked the President's Cabinet to prepare a 5% reduction on instate appropriations for this year.

Judy Spain is chairing the search committee for a permanent Vice President for Student Affairs. The position has been nationally advertised and a number of applications have been received. Finalists will be brought to campus and the campus community will have an opportunity to meet them before an appointment is made.

Dean Hart of Arts and Sciences has agreed to chair the search committee for the Dean of Justice and Safety. The position has been nationally advertised and the campus community will be notified when candidates are brought to campus for interviews.

Earlier in the week, the President sent a campus-wide e-mail announcing the postponement of the search for a permanent Athletic Director. Jack Lengyel , Interim Athletic Director, has graciously agreed to stay until a permanent replacement is found. Mr. Lengyel has an abundance of administrative and athletics experience and will provide the necessary leadership in that area until his successor is appointed.

Later this fall, the President will form a search committee to find a permanent Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, as well as a permanent Vice President for Institutional Advancement. Both of these positions will be national searches.


Senator Johnson reported that the Executive Committee met on August 26. President Glasser attended the meeting and addressed some issues that will be presented to the Faculty Senate at a later date.

The Provost expressed concerns about how to implement parts of the plus/minus motion that was passed by the Faculty Senate in April 2002. He will be addressing that in his report today.

John Flanagan was chosen to serve on the University Residency Appeals Committee.

To promote better communication between standing and ad hoc committees, each member of the Executive Committee agreed to be responsible for checking with their chosen committee for progress updates prior to each Executive Committee meeting.

Minor changes in the Ad Hoc Committee on Compensations and Benefits Committee were also announced, and the agenda for this meeting was discussed.

Senator Johnson reminded all Senators that RSVP's for the Senate dinner should be in no later than Wednesday to Dreidre Adams in the President's office.


Senator Schlomann reported that the Board met for a retreat in Northern Kentucky in early June. One of the items discussed was the vision for Eastern. Senator Schlomann encouraged faculty to contact her with their thoughts on what Eastern's vision should be so she can convey those ideas to the Board.

A special meeting was called on June 17 to establish the budget. Updates were also received on the campus master plan and on the student wellness plan. Anyone interested in seeing the campus master plan should contact Senator Schlomann.

The first regular Board meeting was in August. A 10% increase in residence hall fees was approved for next year. Even with the fee increase, EKU residence fees are still lower than those elsewhere. The increase in fees will be used for building maintenance.

One of the goals the Board has is to increase the fund balance. However, upon the President's recommendation, the Board approved to move $500,000 from the fund balance into the facilities area in order to address some very major facilities problems. Further business discussed included several routine items such as the Council on Academic Affairs proposals, matching gifts acceptances, personnel changes, and an update on the Lancaster Road Crosswalk, along with construction facilities issues.

There have been several informal activities of the Board such as dinners to welcome two new board members and more recently a number of Board members went to Oregon state to accompany the football team and to contact alumni in the surrounding area.


For the new senators, Senator Siegel defined COSFL as the Coalition of Senate Faculty Leadership for Higher Education. She further reported that the constitution of COSFL was adopted by EKU's Faculty Senate in September of 1989 and it is now available online from the Faculty Senate web site. COSFL is a statewide forum and advocacy body of representatives from state public institutions. Most recently COSFL has been instrumental in bringing forth a statement on shared governance, which the Senate has adopted. Currently COSFL is participating in the search for a new head of the Council on Postsecondary Education. There are four named voting members from each institution--the chair of Faculty Senate, The Faculty Regent member of the Board of Regents and two elected members from the Faculty Senate, along with two selected alternates.

Dr. Richard Freed, current Faculty representative on the Council on Postsecondary Education, was present to inform faculty that there are two members of the Council that have constituencies--the student member and the faculty member. All other members of CPE are gubernatorial. COSFL submits three names for the faculty position and one individual is chosen for a four-year term.

The Council on Higher Education was revised in 1997 to become the Council on Postsecondary Education. At that time, it was given a lot more power, and a lot more budgetary control. There is currently a search for a new president of CPE. The new president should be appointed by the November Council meeting.

Each year the Council has a meeting of Board trustees and regents so that the entire Board of Regents at each institution, including the appointed faculty member, can meet and become acquainted. For the first time, this year new Board members will have a training session on the second day of the two-day meeting.


Senator Wasicsko reported that for the Fall 2002 semester and until further notice official Banner grade records (e.g. grade rosters, transcripts, and grade reports) will be entered and posted as whole letter grades (A, B, C, D, F with no pluses or minuses) and the equivalent whole numbers (4, 3, 2, 1, 0). No changes will be made for grades in any previous semester. The pluses and minuses, together with numerical equivalents, for the Fall 2001, Spring 2002 and Summer 2002 will remain as presently posted.


Mr. Schumacher announced that the student government offices are under renovation in the Powell building and are expected to be completed within the next couple of weeks.

The shared governance reorganization of the student government was approved late last academic year. The Residence Life Council and the Student Activities Council as well as Student Senate are now all part of Student Government. Lucas Hammons, SGA President, will now be working with three Vice Presidents and eight directors.

Student Senate Cabinet position applications are due today. Freshman elections will be on September 24.

The Student Government Association's budget will be presented to the Student Senate this week. In addition, discussions will continue about various officer appointments.


Budget Committee. Senator Wade reported that the committee met, and he was selected as chair of the committee. The committee will be meeting on the second Tuesday of each month. If you have budget issues that the committee should address, please forward those to Senator Wade or one of the other committee members.

Rules Committee. Senator Yoder reported that the Rules Committee met following the Senate meeting in May, and Senator Yoder was again elected as chair. Over the summer, there was discussion via e-mail concerning changes in the rules. Those were presented to the faculty at large in August following the President's convocation. The current rules are now available on the Faculty Senate web site. The new rules will not be included until passed by the Board of Regents. The Internal Procedures are still in the revision process and those will be posted on the web when updates are completed.

Rights and Responsibilities Committee. Senator Gillespie reported that the committee met, and she was elected as chair. Any issues that faculty may have should be forwarded to Senator Gillespie or to one of the other committee members.

Elections Committee. Senator Everett reported that the committee met, and he was again chosen as chair.

Committee on Committees. The committee experimented this past spring with having self- nominations for committees done electronically. The committee met on May 14 and went through the responses received and then sent forward recommendations for University committees. The committee members also compiled an ad hoc committee list. Senator Wolfe was re-elected chair of the committee.


Sick Leave Policy. Senator Johnson reminded the Senate that there was a motion brought forth from the Senate last May regarding a revised sick leave policy. Senator Wasicsko made a motion, seconded by Senator Konkel to postpone the sick leave policy until the October meeting. The Senate were in favor and the motion passed.



  • Budget Committee. Senator Rainey was elected to serve as a one-year replacement for Senator Rink on the Budget Committee.

Council on Academic Affairs Report: Senator Wasicsko

  • Senator Wasicsko moved approval of the following items, seconded by Senator Smith. The Senate approved the motion.
  1. B.S. Agriculture (Area Major) - rename option
  2. BS in Career & Technical Education - adding two options
  3. BS in Career & Technical Education - adding teaching endorsement for instructional computer technology
  4. Criminal Justice (M.S.) - dropping options
  5. Health Information Management (BS) - suspend Four Year Program Option
  6. Health Services Administration (BS) - adding Ancillary Health Management Option
  7. Occupational Therapy (BS) - rename to Occupational Science (BS)
  8. Physical Science/Teaching (BS) - suspend
  9. BS in Technology Education (Area Major) - suspend
  10. BS in Technology Education (First Major) - suspend

Discussion of an LSU Faculty Member's Termination. Senator Reed made a motion to include on the October agenda a discussion of the recent termination of Steven Hatfill at LSU, seconded by Senator McKenney. Senator Johnson postponed further discussion until the October meeting.

Election for COSFL Representative. Senator Siegel announced that COSFL calls for four voting members for each institution, and at this time EKU only has three voting members. Senator Siegel moved to accept the alternate with the largest number of votes from the May meeting to become an official COSFL representative, seconded by Senator Schlomann. Senator Smith, with the largest number of votes, would become the new COSFL representative, if approved. The Senate were in agreement and the motion was approved.

Senator Wade moved, seconded by Senator Polmanteer, to elect Charlotte Rich to serve as the second alternate for COSFL. The Senate approved the motion.


Senator Wasicsko moved to adjourn at approximately 4:50 p.m.

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