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Minutes for November 4, 2002

The Faculty Senate of Eastern Kentucky University met on Monday, November 4, 2002 in the South Room of the Keen Johnson Building. Senator Johnson called the third meeting of the academic year to order at 3:30 p.m.

The following members of the Senate were absent:

A. Banks* C. Callahan* J. Dantic
L. Gillaspie A. Gossage* C. Melton*
M. Miranda K. Polmanteer* W. Reynolds*

*denotes prior notification of absence to the Faculty Senate Secretary

Visitors to the Senate were: Rita Davis, Student Affairs; Lucas Hammons, Student Government Association; Ken Johnston, Finance; Erin Michalik, Student; Jennifer Rogers, The Eastern Progress; Aaron Thompson, Academic Affairs; Elizabeth Wachtel, Academic Affairs; and Doug Whitlock, Administrative Affairs


The October 7, 2002 minutes were approved with the following correction:

On page 6 under new business the following statement should be changed from: "Senator Dunston moved that the Senate recommend the following resolution, seconded by Senator Long"
to: "Senator Dunston presented for the Senate's consideration a resolution regarding faculty replacement positions, seconded for discussion by Senator Long."


President Glasser reported that the newly appointed Budget Council has met and is considering numerous options to deal with not only the current, but future financial situations.

President Glasser expressed her thanks to Laura Koppes for agreeing to chair the newly appointed Strategic Planning Committee. The committee has met and plans to present a proposal to the President by spring.

President Glasser announced that the screening committee for the CPE President search recently met for two days at the Cincinnati airport and interviewed 10-12 semi-finalists. Five candidates have been selected for further review. On November 18 the screening committee will meet to narrow the candidates down to 2-3 finalists. Those finalists will meet with the full council during the first week in December. While nothing has officially been said, it is felt that the University Presidents will be given an opportunity to voice their opinions. The new CPE President should be appointed by the first of the year.

Two weeks ago, President Glasser was one of three University Presidents requested by the Prichard Committee to give a status report on EKU's progress and success since House Bill I was enacted. The purpose of the meeting was for all of the Presidents to come together and show their support on maintaining and improving higher education reform in Kentucky with fewer dollars. The Governor was also in attendance.

President Glasser reiterated her invitation from earlier in the semester to visit all departments to discuss pertinent issues openly with faculty. Any departments wishing to schedule an appointment should contact her office.

The first faculty and staff retirees group dinner was held last week with about 140 retired faculty and staff in attendance. Retired faculty and staff are a wonderful untapped resource and additional meetings with them will be scheduled in the future.

President Glasser has been doing extensive traveling for fund raising purposes and to meet with and reconnect with EKU alumni. Recently she was in New York and Washington to attend several successful alumni events.

This Friday is the next Board of Regents meeting which will be held at Arlington. This will be a full Board meeting where a number of important issues will be discussed and recommended to the Board for their approval.

President Glasser recently celebrated her one year anniversary as EKU's tenth President. She reminded everyone that despite the tough financial times at hand there are a lot of opportunities available for EKU if everyone works together as a campus community.


Senator Johnson reported that the committee met on October 21 with Dr. Janna Vice and Ken Johnston in attendance to present the Athletics Committee report. The report is listed as an information item on today's agenda and will be discussed fully at the December Senate meeting. All senators were previously e-mailed a copy of the report in PDF format. Questions concerning the report should be e-mailed to Dr. Vice at and copied to Senator Johnson. The deadline for questions is Monday, November 11. Questions received will be compiled and a committee representative will be present at December's meeting to answer all questions.

The Ad Hoc Compensation and Benefits Committee presented a motion which will be discussed later in the meeting.

The Rules Committee sent a motion forward on housekeeping issues which will be presented later.

Senator Johnson reminded the senators that anyone unable to serve during the spring semester should contact the Chair of the Elections Committee (Senator Everett) as soon as possible.


Senator Siegel reported that COSFL met with the CPE Interim President and senior staff members on October 16 in Frankfort. The CPE staff reported that the Governor still hopes to continue to hold education harmless, but if that happens it means a reduction in the rest of state government spending and programs. In order for the budget to be balanced, the year's revenue projection of 5.8 percent must be met. It is highly unlikely that the forecast will be met which will result in at least one and possibly two more budget cuts.

Health care and insurance were also discussed. Medicaid is a big problem facing the state worker's health plan. An alternative plan being discussed by legislators is requiring comprehensive universities, cities, and counties to join the state health care system. This will be discussed at the next general assembly.

A report card on Kentucky's Postsecondary Reform was circulated which indicated educational reform is working, but slowly in comparison with other states. In addition, concern was expressed about the number of bright students leaving the state. However, about 75 percent of Kentucky's college graduates are still in the state five years after graduation.

COSFL members were urged to read the report on Postsecondary Education Reform in Kentucky commissioned by the Prichard Committee for Academic Excellence. Many useful materials are available on the National Center for Public Policy and Higher Education web site at: Senator Siegel suggested that this web site should be linked on the Faculty Senate home page as a reference tool.

COSFL's next meeting will be November 23 at 10:00 a.m. in the W.T. Young Library at the University of Kentucky.

In a follow-up, Richard Freed, the faculty representative to CPE, reported that airport interviews were conducted with CPE President candidates. A follow-up meeting will be held in Frankfort on November 18 to discuss the candidates. There is a possibility that COSFL will be invited to Frankfort to meet with candidates around November 18 to 20.


Senator Wasicsko reported that the membership committee list has been updated and is now available on the web.

At the request of several faculty, President Glasser has sent written charges for the Budget Council and the Strategic Planning Committee forward and a link will be provided on the committee list for each of those later this week. In addition, the President has asked to see charges for all university committees.

Senator Wasicsko reported that sabbatical leaves are considered a leave from work through the KTRS system As such effective this year at most institutions an individual is taken off of the retirement system if on sabbatical leave and that year does not accrue toward retirement. The problem has been temporarily fixed by changing the term "sabbatical leave" to a "reassignment from teaching".

Senator Wasicsko announced that recent rumors regarding a possible buy out of senior faculty members is completely untrue. However, other options in terms of the RTTP are being discussed and information should be available soon.


Mr. Hammons reported that SGA recently passed three important legislations.

  1. An ARAMARK grant for $2,000 which will allow the Student Government Association to help student organizations provide refreshments at their meetings.
  2. Approval of the reallocation of monies to those organizations that have applied for it.
  3. The approval of an advisor evaluation for the student organizations.

Amber Jones, Director of the Community Service of SGA, was present to remind the senators about the Kentucky Harvest Program which began last Friday and will end next Friday. In addition to the student organizations competing against each other, departments and Model Laboratory school are encouraged to participate. Model will have competitions within the elementary, middle school and high school levels. Each first prize gets a pizza party, each second prize will get doughnuts and juice. Any departments interested in participating should contact An awards ceremony will be held on the 16th at the football field. The top two faculty departments will receive doughnuts, juice and coffee. In addition, a plaque, which will be passed down each year, will be presented to the top contributing department.


Budget Committee. Senator Wade reported that the committee discussed several items at the October meeting. Topics included the conversion from FRS to Banner, the posting of grant overhead to departments, the resolution offered by Senator Dunston at the October Senate meeting, campus perceptions of the budget, and the future work of the committee.

Two motions were offered and approved. First, was a motion for the committee to review one major budget area every two months in a systematic way and report back to the Faculty Senate. The first area selected for study was Enrollment Management.

The next motion concerned the resolution offered by Senator Dunston at the last Senate meeting. The committee suggested a substitute resolution that which will be officially presented later in today's meeting.

The committee also requested Senator Wade, as chair, to explore the possibility of holding an open forum for faculty with Vice President Johnston and the Provost in the near future. If possible, this may be scheduled for early January or February.

Rules Committee. Senator Yoder reported that the committee met on October 14. A motion for updating the rules will be presented later today.

The next meeting of the Rules Committee will be on November 11.


Lecturers/Part Time Lecturers. Senator Collins reported that the committee recently met and is in the process of gathering data from Benchmark institutions.

Compensation and Benefits Committee. Senator Rahimzadeh reported that the committee met on October 16 and discussed a couple of motions which will be presented later in today's meeting.

Plus/Minus Grading Committee. Senator Fisher stated that the Senators received a copy of the committee's plan. Questions or comments regarding the proposed plan may be directed to Senator Fisher.


Senator Reed's Motions.

Motion 1: That the Faculty Senate formally express concern about attorney General John D. Ashcroft's description of Professor Steven Hatfill as a "person of interest" and the potential threat that similar departures from constitutional procedures may pose for the academic integrity and mission of our nation's universities.

The Senate were opposed to approving motion 1 and the motion failed for lack of support.

Motion 2A: That the Faculty Senate create a committee charged with clarifying post 9-11 academic challenges and how the University can best maintain the academic integrity, freedom, and responsibilities of faculty and administrators. Or,

The Senate were opposed to approving motion 2A and the motion failed for lack of support.

Motion 2B: In lieu of creating a new committee, in the interests of shared governance expand the title and responsibilities of the Faculty Rights and Responsibilities Committee to include Faculty-Administration Rights and Responsibilities and give them the charge stated immediately above.

Senator Schlomann moved to amend motion 2B to the following, seconded by Senator Fisher.

That the Faculty Rights and Responsibilities Committee be charged with clarifying post 9-11 academic challenges and how the University can best maintain the academic integrity, freedom, and responsibilities of faculty.

Senator Reed withdraw his motion in support of Senator Schlomann's replacement motion. The replacement motion for 2B was approved by the Senate.

Motion 3: That the Faculty Senate ask COSFL to address post 9-11 academic challenges, freedom, and responsibilities, including the firing of Professor Steven Hatfill.

Senator Siegel moved, seconded by Senator Dunston to delete "including the firing of Professor Steven Hatfill" from the proposed motion. The Senate were in agreement to delete the proposed statement from the motion. Senator Reed withdrew his motion in support of the replacement motion by Senator Siegel.

"That the Faculty Senate ask COSFL to address post 9-11 academic challenges, freedom, and responsibilities."

The replacement motion for Motion 3 was approved by the Senate.

Senator Dunston's Resolution for Faculty Replacement Positions.

Be it therefore resolved:
That the number of Administrators (includes executive and administrative officers and professional non-faculty) at this institution has increased and continues to increase (516 in '99, 572 in '00, 599 in '01);
That the Administrative searches underway be terminated and that Interim Administrative personnel "make do" until a better economic future is proposed;
That as monies become available, said funds be allocated first for teaching faculty replacement positions at Eastern Kentucky University and then for hiring additional teaching faculty (680 in '99, 643 in '00, 643 in '01).

Senator Wade, on behalf of the Budget Committee moved to accept an alternative resolution, seconded by Senator Smith stated as follows:

"Be it resolved that:
The Faculty Senate encourages the President to examine all cost, administrative faculty and otherwise, in complying with state mandated budget cuts and make the best choices in light of the long term mission of the University."

The Senate were opposed to the substitute resolution and the motion failed. The Senate were also opposed to supporting the original resolution which failed for lack of support.


Council on Academic Affairs Report: Senator Wasicsko

Senator Wasicsko reported that there is discussion on creating a course by special arrangement and this will be presented at a later date. Senator Wasicsko further reported that a procedural process is currently being developed on protocol for dual degree agreements.

Compensation and Benefits Committee Motion(s). Senator Rahimzadeh moved to approve the following recommendations:

Whereas salaries must remain competitive if the University is to attract and retain outstanding faculty, thereby maintaining a position of strength relative to its benchmarks; and
Whereas meaningful annual salary increases for those who perform satisfactorily are the best way to avoid long-term salary inequities and real dollar losses in earnings,
The Ad Hoc Committee on Compensation and Benefits recommends the following motions to the Faculty Senate:
  1. The University's standard faculty salary award should reflect the Cost of Living Allowance based on the National Consumer Price Index. Any remaining funds allocated for salary increases should then be used toward merit pay.
  2. The University should provide a pool of money each year to address salary equity issues. The procedures according to which equity adjustments are made shall be recommended to the Faculty Senate by an ad hoc committee comprised of the Faculty Welfare Committee and administrative representatives selected by the President.

Motion 1 was seconded by Senator Milde and Motion 2 was seconded by Senator A. Jones.

Senator Johnson ruled that the two motions were substantive and deferred discussion to the December meeting.

Rules Committee Motion. Senator Yoder moved to approve the following recommendation to the Faculty Senate Standing Rules, seconded by Senator Flanagan for inclusion in the Faculty Handbook:

  1. At the organizational meeting in May, the Chair of the Senate shall inform the members of the Senate of:
    1. The web location of an electronic copy of a compendium of Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised, which governs the conduct of the meetings of the Faculty Senate.
    2. The web location of an electronic copy of a copy of the Organization of the Faculty and the Special Rules of Order and Standing Rules of the Faculty Senate.
    3. The web location of an electronic copy of a list of the current standing committees and ad hoc committees.
    4. The location of Faculty Senate files, indexes, and minutes.

The Senate were in favor of the proposed recommendation and the motion carried.

University Athletics Committee Report. Senator Johnson reminded the senators that the Athletics Committee Report will be discussed at the December meeting. Any questions should be e-mailed prior to November 11 to Dr. Janna Vice and copied to him. Questions will be answered at December's meeting.

Suspend the Rules. A motion was made and seconded to suspend the Senate rules to meet beyond 5:30 p.m. The motion was approved by the Senate.

University Research Committee Report. Senator Konkel moved to approve the University Research Committee Report, seconded by Senator Collins.

Senator Johnson ruled that as this is a substantive motion, discussion will be postponed until the December Senate meeting. Questions should be e-mailed to Joyce Gosnell and copied to Senator Konkel. Answers to any questions received will be provided at December's Senate meeting.

Interdisciplinary and Team Teaching Task Force Report. Senator A. Jones moved approval of the following recommendation, seconded by Senator Dunston:

Whereas: There is amply evidence that interdisciplinary and team taught classes are professional rewarding for faculty who participate in them and academically stimulating and rewarding for students who take such classes; and
Whereas: The Office of the Provost indicated support for increasing interdisciplinary and team teaching at EKU by appointing the Interdisciplinary and Team Teaching Task Force in the Spring of 2002 to develop "appropriate, functional guidelines for supporting and rewarding interdisciplinary and team teaching at Eastern Kentucky University"; and
Whereas: The Interdisciplinary and Team Teaching Task Force (the full report of which is attached for reference) has identified the University's practice of assigning student credit hour production to the department or unit identified in the course prefix rather than having credit hours follow faculty as the single greatest disincentive to interdisciplinary or team teaching; and
Whereas: the Associate Vice President of Planning and Assessment is currently developing a reporting format for tracking credit hour production by both (a) course designation; and (b) by faculty member; and
Whereas: the Interdisciplinary and Team Teaching Task Force determined that faculty workload assignments must reflect the fact that the effort required to teach a fully-integrated team taught course can be equal to an independently taught course on the part of all faculty involved; and
Whereas: the Associate Vice President of Planning and Assessment has confirmed that there is no limitation to the Banner system for a single course generating a full in-load faculty workload assignment for more than one faculty;
Be it therefore moved that a new section be added to Part V: Instruction/Academic Policies and Procedures of the Faculty Handbook immediately after the section on Foundation Professorships (pg. 93) as follows:
"Team Teaching" is defined as a collaborative activity in which content is integrated and all participating faculty are involved in the planning, delivery and evaluation of the course. It is specifically distinguished from "multidisciplinary teaching" in which faculty may divide course content into separate units that are planned and delivered independently.
In the case of team-taught courses, the responsibility for determining student credit hour division and faculty workload assignments rests with the department(s) of the participating faculty. Student credit hours shall be divided equally among participating faculty unless all participating faculty mutually agree upon an alternate arrangement for credit hour distribution. Such agreements shall be spelled out in a memo for approval by the appropriate dean(s) signed by all faculty who teach the course and their chairs. Higher minimum enrollments may be necessary to sustain certain team-taught courses. Any adjustment in minimum enrollments to justify a team teaching model should be roughly proportional to normal faculty load expectations for viable courses.

Senator Johnson ruled that as this is a substantive motion, discussion will be postponed until the December Senate meeting.


Senator Wasicsko moved to adjourn at approximately 5:35 p.m.

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